We are in the battle of our lives… we are in danger of losing. The enemy is men in Brooks Brothers suits. The 2000 election was the first battle and they won. The Supreme
Court of the United States installed a president in the White House… we let them do it. Al Gore let them do it. ~ Ann Werner
At the time, Gore decided
that election had cost the country enough, particularly in the aftermath
of the vicious attacks on the presidency during the Clinton years by
those on the right who were frothing at the mouth to get started on
their agenda, neatly outlined in the Project For A New American Century.
Mr. Gore took a cue from Richard Nixon who, in an incredibly close
election that Nixon might actually have won, decided not to contest the
Kennedy win. It was the act of a man who put country above politics and
above himself. I never thought I’d have a good word to say about Nixon
but there it is. And by the way, when it all shook out. Al Gore won
Florida by 60 votes.
Then came the Citizens United decision, giving corporations the
status of personhood, thus allowing unfettered and untraceable amounts
of money to flow into and direct American politics.
Our Supreme Court
once again demonstrated that it was no longer the impartial arm of
government it was designed to be but rather the very thing Republicans
accused Democrats of trying to form—an activist court.
Now that court is deciding the fate of the Affordable Care Act.
The decision won’t be handed down until June and I pray to God the Court
will surprise me but I don’t think that will happen.
How can it when
Justice Clarence Thomas is sitting on the bench?
Why has this man not
recused himself?
Why hasn’t it been demanded that he withdraw from this
His wife formed a Tea Party Movement for the express reason of
defeating “Obamacare”, has taken money from organizations dedicated to
that cause and we expect her husband to make a fair and impartial
But it isn’t just him, it’s all of the right-wing men sitting
on the Court and it’s a flight of fantasy to think they will hand Obama a
win in an election year. They are serving their masters and the masters
aren’t the American people.
There has been a systematic effort to suppress voting rights and it’s
working. In Florida, new laws have made voter registration fraught with
problems. So much so that the League of Women Voters and Rock the Vote
will not be doing voter registration in that state.
The new rules
require that all new registrations must be delivered to the registrar
within 48 hours or fines of up to $50 per newly registered voter can be
imposed. Since the enactment of the law more than 81,000 fewer people
have registered to vote in the state than in the same time period
leading up to the 2008 election.
Florida is far from the only state that
has passed or is considering laws to limit voting rights. It is no
surprise that those targeted are the poor, the elderly, young people and
minorities, for those are typically Democratic voters.
That brings me back to those men in Brooks Brothers suits: the Koch Brothers and
the Uber-Rich they’ve assembled to take down the president and
ultimately destroy the American middle class.
They are the puppet
masters who use the likes of Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich
and the buffoons posing as newscasters on Fox. They have been
manipulating “facts” and now, due to all the disinformation and outright
terror they have caused, they are in charge.
The Koch funded American
Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
votes on and produces boilerplate legislation that is then picked up by
Republicans in state legislatures and introduced as bills. Some of
these have been the recent ultrasound bills, voter ID laws and
anti-union legislation.
These traitors to the American Dream have spread their tentacles
throughout our government. They have caused the American people to turn
against each other.
They have caused people to question whether our
president is an American citizen. They have even made people on the left
angry that our president didn’t come equipped with a magic wand to fix
the nearly insurmountable problems dumped in his lap and that anger
translated to apathy on the left in the 2010 elections.
That, in turn,
tipped the balance of power in Congress.
They’ve got Congress, they’ve got the Supreme Court —the only branch
of government they don’t have is the presidency and they are intent on
getting that crowning jewel, and they just might do it.
Are you going to let them?
Ann Werner – March 31, 2012 – AddictingInfo
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