The Secret Media War of 2012



“See this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is president.” – A hot microphone picked up a reporter attacking Ron Paul recently before a Pentagon briefing began. ~ Ron Holland

We are currently in the middle of the long war of the Internet Reformation, although the press will never mention this. Effectively, there has been an ongoing war between the non-controlled alternative media
and the establishment media since the inception of in

Since then many quality alternative media websites have been added
to the competition while the elite media’s credibility, reach and
ability to manipulate debate and public opinion has been declining. The
Internet Reformation is slowly winning and to date, this has been shown
most clearly with the 2012 Ron Paul presidential campaign.

The GOP neocon puppet-masters are terrified, especially when Republican crowds at televised debates cheer Ron Paul’s non-interventionist foreign policy remarks because this threatens their control over US foreign policy in what was formerly their secure home turf. Try as they might the media has not been able to destroy the Ron Paul Campaign.

Is the Great Establishment Media Purge Beginning?

“They can’t be afraid of me…I’m not going to be President of the United States. They are afraid of the ideas we express because they’re afraid of the people.” – Pat Buchanan

Back in the old Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin
created the “Great Purge” of political repression and persecution
during 1936 to 1938. Stalin was paranoid and very fearful of individuals
he considered enemies of the people and counter-revolutionary because
these dissenters threatened his dictatorial control and authority over
the nation.

It appears the mainstream media
elites in the US may also worry about their future ability to control
public opinion and elections in America.

In the last week we have seen
MSNBC, on the left, purge Pat Buchanan from the network and Fox News, on
the right, eliminate Judge Andrew Napolitano‘s “Freedom Watch” after both expressed opinions and views that threaten the political institutions, control and goals of the power elite.

The first question asked must be: Why now rather than later as, after
all, both men have expressed their anti-establishment views for years
without repercussions?

I believe the answer is the growing power
of alternative media and the successful educational effort of the Ron
Paul Campaign, both of which use the Internet to get their freedom
message out.

The establishment media primarily exists to defend the
establishment; the growing readership of alternative news and opinion
sites are making their job increasingly difficult.

When you add in the
growing numbers of Paul Campaign supporters who appear to now be
effectively immune to the power elite propaganda, the media elites have a real problem.

Today’s Media Establishment is an Anachronism and Relic of the Past

Throughout the heyday of print media and
radio and recently, even cable news, the job of the press has been to
manipulate and control public opinion as well as voting blocks.

elites bought and controlled most media outlets and developed and
promoted a controlled political opposition, on both the left and the
right, that allowed them to set the parameters for discussion and

America has effectively been a one-party state for 100 years
with power elites controlling the major political parties using American-style democracy both as their cover and to convey legitimacy of their behind-the-scenes rule.

The real battle today is not the ongoing
GOP presidential primary; rather, it is the media elites opposing the
Ron Paul Campaign and alternative, Internet-based media where growing
numbers of Americans are getting news and information to form their

This year’s the run-of-the-mill campaigns
by all of the GOP presidential candidates other than Ron Paul and their
rhetoric are nothing new; it has been the same old story and false
paradigm on display every four years for almost 100 years.

legitimate government and rule by the people was overthrown in 1913 by banking interests who created the Federal Reserve and Federal Income Tax.

Ron Paul has Brilliantly Turned the Tables on the Political Establishment

Paul’s campaign is using the closed
two-party control structure and their media gatekeepers, previously
utilized to control public opinion and elections, against them.

example, the state presidential primary and caucus system, televised
debates and related campaign news coverage was formerly a GOP
establishment monopoly.

Today, thanks to the Internet it has become the
Trojan horse used by Paul’s campaign and liberty supporters to get
inside the closed walls of the GOP to educate millions of Americans
about freedom and free-market ideas.

The establishment news media has been
powerless to stop this infiltration. The real battle in 2012 isn’t the
visible political campaign but rather the hidden impotence of the media
elites to protect establishment control.

This is why the media so hates
and fears Ron Paul. His campaign is the new road map for how pro-liberty
candidates and forces, together with the alternative media, can and
will eventually defeat the power elites’ main protectors and
gatekeepers, which is the media establishment.

The February 22nd GOP presidential debate
could well have been the last in this campaign cycle. In fact, it could
be the last GOP presidential debate in your lifetime if future freedom
candidates follow the Ron Paul model of turning a major campaign into an
educational effort against the GOP establishment.

The existing closed political system will
not survive another GOP presidential nomination campaign in which the
truths and views of a major candidate like Ron Paul are repeated in
numerous debates night after night to a voting public armed with Google
search and the alternative media.

Traditional campaigns and managed
elections with predetermined outcomes are over as the media
establishment can no longer control the debate, limit information flow
and defend the political establishment.

This 2012 GOP presidential nomination
campaign ritual (that actually began in early 2011) is coming to a

Historically, presidential campaigns and the pre-approved
chosen-ones battle in the arena of democracy, with the candidate finally
chosen by the false holy sacrament of democracy through a controlled
electoral process, is designed to convey a measure of legitimacy to
those who rule over us and nothing more.

It is pure entertainment,
just like the old Roman circuses, coliseum diversions and free bread
during the latter days of the Roman Empire to calm the public while
their empire fell and their wealth and liberties were destroyed.

Contrary to the lies from rightwing
radio, leftwing experts and most political party hacks and leaders, most
elections are fraudulent and a waste of time for voters.

I suggest
readers research campaign promises from Wilson and Roosevelt on keeping
us out of war to modern-day presidents like Bush II, Obama, etc.
and you’ll see their campaign promises are literally never kept.

after each election, the press almost never mentions this fact of
modern-day political life. It is an inside establishment joke and the
job of the establishment press is to protect, defend and advance the
interests of the establishment.

Voting and Campaigns Have Been an Exercise in Futility Since 1913

What has passed as majority rule is
nothing more than a deception forced on manipulated voters, fraud filled
voting, caucuses and primaries and run by insider party elites.

deception has worked historically because the media establishment has
always controlled, commented on and manufactured public opinion so the power elite candidates backed financially by big banks, Wall Street and a few extremely wealthy families could maintain the false illusion of government by the people.

Yes, the front men and political parties
will change places from time to time so we the people can direct our
support or disgust in following elections but policies change little and
the real power elite and special interests who determine foreign and
domestic polices and bail out their banking friends continue as before.

This is just an every-four-years ritual
and deception designed to convince the citizens that they somehow govern
themselves and their nation.

The truth about representative democracy
is that this form of government at a national level, when compared to
decentralized confederation government and/or direct democracy, is the
easiest way for elites to fool voters. It allows politicians to act and
legislate always in their best interests rather than for the good of the
nation or the people.

The 2012 Election Really is Different

This election will not be different because the defeat of Barack Obama
or the election of a Romney, Santorum or Gingrich will change the
direction of the nation. The banks will still get bailed out, the
federal budget will not be balanced and our national debt will continue
to grow, the neocons will still determine foreign policy and the Federal Reserve will continue to create money out of nothing for a few special interests and industries.

I believe the 2012 presidential election
will be the final death rattle for the American political, financial and
media establishment and their ability to control the voting public
through the news and opinions used to create public opinion. This is
what really makes the 2012 election different.

The growth in alternative media
readership, as well as independent political and economic thought from
the Ron Paul Campaign educational effort, have almost reached the
tipping point, thus making the public control function of the media
establishment a lost cause.

Adding together the alternative media
readership numbers and Paul’s GOP vote percentages, primarily from
younger voters, spells disaster for the establishment.

They may hold back the freedom forces for
one more national election but in four more years of Obama or GOP
establishment leadership I forecast the floodgates of political and
economic change will burst open and the liberty revolution will advance on Washington, Wall Street and the central bank cartel.

The outcome of the 2012 election is
difficult to forecast but it is clear that eventually the media
establishment will lose the war! Notwithstanding the results of the 2012
election and how many free-market commentators are repressed, banned,
blacklisted or fired, the media elites will lose because of the

Even if those who rule over us use a false-flag operation like in the past to create a war or national emergency
to control the Internet, curtail opposition viewpoints and end our
liberties and access to alternative views and news – this will only work
for a very short time.

The internet has become a necessity for
business and commerce and today’s global market means real history and
the truth about financial manipulation, central banking cartels,
free-market solutions and political controls will get through their
restraints and continue to challenge the establishment propaganda outlets.

They cannot kill the Internet without destroying the American economy
in a very competitive world. The US is the most important economic host
to these power elite parasites as they benefit from both confiscating
our wealth and enslaving our children as cannon fodder for their wars.

The truth about our history, political
system and our own enslavement has been best shown by Judge Andrew
Napolitano. Every American should demand answers to the questions he put
forward in his recent editorial, What If Democracy Is Bunk?

The search for answers to his 33
questions about American style democracy may well set the stage for the
restoration of legitimate government and a free society in the United States. He has given us the questions to ask and all we need to do is to research, discover and publicize the answers.

Yes, the establishment will
counter-attack and use any means to remain in power and control but
their days are numbered. Like Goebbels and the Berlin propaganda in
early 1945, they can still issue proclamations, enact decrees and
frighten the citizens but soon a large enough percentage of the
electorate will know the truth.

The emperor has no clothes and the
rulers as well as the power elites hiding behind the scenes are

In 2013, the United States will have been
occupied, ruled and looted by an elite that claimed to know what was
best for them, the nation and the American people.

They weren’t evil
like the Nazis or violent like the Stalin and the communists but
in the end they destroyed our liberties and have looted most of our
property and wealth. Personally I think one hundred years is long
enough. What do you think?

When a plurality of Americans can
understand Judge Napolitano’s 33 questions and the answers, then the
game is up and the truth just might yet set us free.


Ron Holland – February 29, 2012 – posted at PakAlertPress


Source TheDailyBell



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