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Know what that graph represents? If you follow climate issues, chances are you’re already aware of one of the major cornerstones of global warming science. If you don’t, Michael Mann and Peter Sinclair can get you up to speed.
Sinclair is best known in the climate community for his “Climate Denial Crock of the Week” YouTube videos, which he churns out to combat the misinformation so rampant on the web, in our politics, and in the media. But he’s recently taken up a new post as a regular contributor at the Yale Climate Forum, where he will be doing broader climate videos in a series called “This is Not Cool”.
The first installment focuses on an interview with Michael Mann, the famed co-creator of the so-called ‘Hockey Stick’ graph that has become both an important symbolic representation of climate data over the last 1000 years, and a favorite target of global warming skeptics. If you’re not familiar with the story of how Mann was reluctantly drawn into the public spotlight when he was singled out for a bevy of attacks from the climate-denying right—and subsequently vindicated when numerous independent reviews by the world’s top scientific institutions confirmed his conclusions—then this 10-minute video is a must-see.
Mann has also released a book that tells his side of the story, The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars, which is on shelves now.
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