The Rise of the Anarcho-Hippie

Hello from Boston, Massachusetts,

I spent the last week in what I call the free-er state (for more on the Free State Project, click here), New Hampshire at PorcFest. I say free-er because while thousands of people have moved there and have tried to live completely free the evidence of the criminal state is still all around.

As case in point, in the days preceding PorcFest it was announced that there will be no alcohol sales allowed on the grounds due to local laws. At a freedom festival. The irony of it all gave me shivers. But, to the credit of the attendees almost everyone brought a cooler with them. But, evidence of the state was still all around. As we pulled out from a restaurant in Lancaster a police SUV sat across the street. Friend, and TDV Correspondent, Pete Kofod, came to a complete stop at the stop sign as we all peered at the criminals… and they peered right back, trying to gauge if perhaps we had more than two glasses of wine and could put us in a prison camp.

That aside, I’m very happy I went. I can’t even mention all the amazing people who were there… but I’ll try. Stefan Molyneux, Adam Kokesh, Bob Murphy, Bill Bupert, Luke Rudkowski, Mike Shanklin, Stephanie Murphy, Brett Veinotte, Boston T. Party, Seth King, Gary Gibson, Megan Duffield and Pasha Roberts of the Silver Circle movie, dozens more and almost countless TDV and Anarchast subscribers, readers and listeners! Many of the above mentioned I interviewed on Anarchast (subscribe to Anarchast’s YouTube channel, Facebook page or mailing list here) and will be releasing in the coming days. And, of course, all the people who organized the event including Carla Gericke and many more. There were so many sound, principled and non-aggressive people there that I was surprised the Guvmint didn’t false flag us all. But then I realized that wouldn’t work… because many people would be happy if we all were gone. Not scared… which is always the point of false flag events.

But the event, full of mostly drunk, high anarchists, many of whom were armed with all manners of weapons went off without any violence or theft. Imagine that.

Rise of the Anarcho-Hippie

But, more than meeting and seeing so many great people, here’s why it is good to attend events like these and see things with your own eyes. Somewhat like Charles Darwin, I discovered an entirely new species in New Hampshire… the anarcho-hippie!

Every night at PorcFest there is a bonfire and a certain subclass of anarchists seemed to gravitate to it like moths with their bongo drums, marijuana and hackey sacks… it’s the anarcho-hippie! I didn’t even know they existed much less having seen them in the wild but as I walked around the campground and saw many lying on the grass, peering up at the sky in deep thought with the crumbs of pot brownies bespeckling the corners of their mouthes I realized what was going on. The anarchist/freedom movement is now attracting many from the left!

Hippies have long been a mainstay of the left culture but their philosophy made no sense. They mostly believe in doing any drugs they want, listening to music, dancing, rarely do anything very productive and are known for being quite empathetic and have an interest in the well being of others. However, hippies of the past had a massive gaping hole in their logic when they would say that people should be taken care of… by stealing, extorting and violently aggressing on the property of other people! Some seem, now, to have realized this and have seen the light and now are soundly principled and don’t want to do much productive, do drugs, listen to music, dance and realize the best way to help others is by stopping aggressing against people… and have even realized that the government and the central banks are the cause of poverty, not the cure.

To that, I say, welcome aboard anarcho-hippies! Smoke, drink and dance all you want… if that’s what makes you happy. As long as you don’t aggress on others it’s all good with me! I’ve gained a new perspective on drum circles thanks to you! And did enough weed to last me for a year!

Dr. Feelgood

Speaking of anarcho-hippies, myself and a well known editor of a popular libertarian financial website found ourselves in the sights of a fairly attractive, and very stoned, anarcho-hippie around the campfire around 3am on Friday evening.

She told us… well, my friend actually, that something about his aura had attracted her over to talk with us. She went on to talk about crystals, peace, love and energy, man. She then went on to say that she is an agorist. For those who don’t know what that means, it is a person who attempts to live and transact completely in the free market… which governments call the “black market” so it sounds scary so you don’t do it. But it just means not caring what the criminals in government say, not paying taxes and not caring about licenses or permissions to work. She then stated that she is “Dr. Feelgood”… she sells “drugs”.

However, here is where it gets strange! She then tells us she can sell us anything we want. Being 3am and drunk, that sounded like a fantastic offer so we asked her what she had. She started naming incredibly complicated sounding chemical compounds and things like “diphenhydramine”, “dextromethorphan” and other things that I can’t even remember, the names were so long.

She even had some “home made LSD” that she made from some chemicals in her bathroom, she told us. I passed on that… my friend partook with her. He missed his publishing date on Saturday leading me to believe his trip lasted longer than expected!

But, I was confused. “What kind of hippie are you?” I said! “Don’t you at least have some weed?” She responded that she did… but it was “synthetic cannabis“. In other words it was herbs sprayed with chemicals which supposedly mimic the effects of marijuana. She said she offers all those things because they are legal because she is scared if she sells one of the hundreds of illegal healthy plants and flowers that she’ll be kidnapped and put in a cage… not to mentioned, every single year, guaranteed, you will be mugged for half the income you make.

So, there you have it. Now you know why bath salts exist and why people have begun to start eating people’s faces. Another big win for the War on People… err, Drugs. And, what is the solution to this travesty? Let’s get the government to ban bath salts! That should fix everything.


After discovering other species and having a lot of fun in New Hampshire I went to Boston. I’d never actually been to NH nor Boston so the trip was also enjoyable from the perspective of seeing new things.

Nearly every hotel was full… and most ran from $250-$550/night! All the bars and restaurants were full. I commented to Pete Kofod that it looks like there is a lot of money in this city. He responded, “It’s one of the oldest cities in America… so that means they have had even more time to build up wealth than other areas.”

I enjoyed what I saw of Boston. It’s a neat city. I love the accent. And the layout is really nice around the bay/wharf area. I think if I was forced to live in the USSA, god forbid, it’d be high on my list along with Miami (the latin vibe and wonderful nightlife) and Vegas (24 hour city with great poker action). But, it is far too dangerous to live in the US at this point in time. You could be kidnapped and beaten almost anywhere… especially for someone who can’t bite his tongue when surrounded by criminals (cops).

So, I headed to the airport and had some fabulous clam chowder, as you would expect and then prepared for the TSA.

They had the x-ray naked scanner radiation bath machine and so I said, “I’m not going through that thing.” The woman look perturbed and said, “Oh, ok, so you want da patdown” in a strong Bostonian accent. I said to her, “No, I don’t.”

Her vapid, blank scare might as well have said “Does Not Compute” across her forehead. She stood stunned for a moment. “Okay, so you want the x-ray machine?” she asked. I responded in the negative. She stammered a bit again. “So, you want the patdown?” she asked. I quickly responded, “no” yet again. Her eyes started to cross. I am almost certain this conversation could have gone on for days if I didn’t intervene. I know because I have this convo every time I go through. I said to her, “You see, I don’t want either.”

She still looked incredibly confused… so I had to spell it out for her, “But, if you are forcing me to pick one, I guess I’ll take the date rape”.

Finally some semblance of normality returned to her face. Ah, yes, force! That’s something she knows about. She happily sent me through for my patdown and soon after I got very close with a nice man with soft hands named Steve.

Luckily for me I was in Boston and not at JFK in New York today though where one of the TSA zombies didn’t notice that the metal detector wasn’t working for a number of hours. You know, the thing that blinks green or red whenever someone goes through? Ya, it didn’t do anything for hours but he didn’t seem to notice. Just the thought of all the box cutters that could have gotten through during those hours whipped everyone into a frenzy and they decided it is just best if they evacuate the entire terminal causing massive delays and problems.

It irritated some slaves but I calmly read through the news article waiting for the super slaves and their mantra. It was only half way through the New York Post article when useful idiot, Jason Bailey, stated, “It’s a big inconvenience, but it’s better safe than sorry.”

“Better safe than sorry.” I cringe everytime I hear that. I’d rather be sorry than safe at this point! I don’t know how much I want to live in Jason Bailey’s kind of world anyway.

As I write this I just noticed a news article stating that a bill is in Congress right now which will put TSA in charge of screening all mass transit. Get ready for your morning grope on the subway. Better safe than sorry, right!

The way it is going, South Park’s hilarious take on the TSA with, “Mind If I Touch Your Balls, Sir?” will be coming soon to a toilet near you!

But don’t worry, the sociopaths in government are working hard to make air travel much easier according to, “‘Checkpoint of the future’ takes shape at Texas airport” They plan to introduce iris scanners and fingerprinting for domestic travel to “speed things up”. The nazis would be jealous. They are speeding things up… but I don’t think many people are really going to like where we are going.

If I lived in the US I wouldn’t be walking, I’d be running to at least get a second passport at this point.

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