TMR Editor’s Note:
There is perhaps no greater Internet-wide PSYOP than the CIA-directed Flat Earth Conspiracy (FEC). This covert black operation has London’s notorious Tavistock Institute written all over it.
The Millennium Report has posted extensively on this extremely effective PSYOP since its inception. We have felt compelled to address it one last time because of a number of prominently configured truth-tellers who either subscribe to the FEC utter nonsense or who provide a safe haven to discuss their absurd and distracting ‘theories’.
How is it that some major alternative news websites even host the ridiculous ramblings of Flat Earthers … … … unless they, themselves, have been set up to do so? If ever there was a universal hot-button issue on the World Wide Web that ought to send up big bright RED flags, any website or blog that takes this mental diarrhea seriously is it. Unless they are totally exposing the FEC for the wacky (yet contrived) insanity that it truly is, why even go there.
No one is saying that the current scientific paradigm that involves both astrophysics and astronomy is not full of holes. Nor is there any reason to stop questioning every aspect of those various disciplines of modern science which have been shown to fall short … some woefully short of the mark. However, the FEC was designed from the get-go to take any rational discussion into a completely irrational direction.
Really, who doesn’t know by now that NASA will lie and misrepresent whenever it behooves them to maintain their New World DisOrder? Are the sane and rational among us going to throw the baby out with the bath water because of perennial NASA prevarication?
For those who are uninitiated in this area of inquiry, the following links will bring you up to speed.
FLAT EARTH ‘THEORY’ Demonstrates The Alarming Gullibility Of People Everywhere
Flat Earthers SYSTEMatically Used To Disrupt And Undermine Truth Movements Everywhere
The Flat Earthers Are Being Sent Into Every Real Truth Movement To Disrupt And Destroy Them
Flat Earth Theory Fabricated By TPTB To Distract, Divert and Misdirect
With these articles understood the one posted below will be much more easily comprehended.
The Millennium Report
August 29, 2016
N.B If ever there was a MUST VIEW video concerning the fabricated Flat Earth phenomenon, the following presentation on leading Flat Earth promoter Eric Dubay is it. Truly, only seeing is believing!
VIDEO: Flat Earth Psyop Eric Dubay
Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy
The Flat Earth fad is a “conspiracy theory” designed todistract, divide and discredit those who understand modern society has been enslaved by the Judeo Masonic (Satanic) conspiracy. It creates cognitive dissonance, and make us question all our assumptions, especially those which are True. – by Sean Caiside (
Comment: Just replace the term ‘Judeo Masonic’ with psychopathic; Henry Makow’s site quite often contains information that could be easily understood as less than objective. Be that as it is, some good points are made below.
“This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind.”
According to some, the earth is in fact a flat disc and not a globe. This meme took off after Obama equated climate change deniers to members of the “Flat Earth Society.” Within 12 months, YouTube was flooded with a mass of videos.
The assumptions of this Meme are:
1. The Earth is a Flat Disc.
2. Our globe-shaped world orbiting the sun is a myth.
3. The sun and moon are spherical, but much smaller than mainstream science states, and they rotate around a plane of the Earth, because they appear to do so.
4. Arctic Circle in the centre and Antarctica is a continent forming an ice rim of 150-foot-tall wall of ice, NASA and the military guard this wall to stop you climbing over it and falling off the end of the Earth.
5. Gravity is an illusion. When driving, it is not gravity that pins you to the road, but the rapid upward motion of a disc-shaped planet.
6. Space exploration and the moon landings are all faked.
7. The Sun is not 93 million miles away but is much smaller and only 4,000 miles above the Earth.
8. Horizon is always at eye level. (See also- Ten Absurd Claims of Flat Earth Conspiracy Theorists)
They fail to address:
1. What lies underneath the Earth and how the disc sits or what holds it up. [The earth sits on the back of giant tortoise- Makow]
2. Cannot explain orbiting satellites or GPS. They rationalize that Satellites are a hoax and GPS only exists due to a network of radio transmitters.
3. How does the Sun circle the Earth for night and day. They say Sun travels via zero space and instantaneously appears on the other side of the disc. When facts and science contradict, they make up nonsensical explanations. First, gravity does not exist and then it does exist to bend the sun’s rays. This is when they are explaining why you can’t view the other end of the Earth. To debunk a globe model; they have yet to produce is a photo of edge of the flat earth.
Conspiracy theorist Eric Dubay launched the International Flat Earth Research Society (IFERS) claiming all others were “controlled opposition”. Dubay stands out for a documentary claiming Adolf was a peaceful, honourable individual unfairly tarnished by the Zionist media. Flat Earthism is like a new religion with its dogmas and many schisms. Three websites vying for flat earth supremacy differ from the trivial (who had the idea first) to the argumentative (Are the Jews to blame for suppressing flat-Earth truths?). Everybody is trying the define it; there is no unified theory. Flat earther, Daniel Shenton states, “There is no unified flat Earth model but the most commonly accepted one is that it’s more or less a disc, with a ring of something to hold in the water. The height and substance of that, no one is absolutely sure, but most people think it’s mountains with snow and ice.”
This is a “PsyOp” which requires large funding from intelligence agencies and governments and corporations. It has become a tool of reverse psychology e.g. if you are broad minded enough to know 911 was a false flag; and now just accept Flat Earth theories. When you engage with this Psyop, a paid shill replies from their “Flat Earth Manual” like some cyborg, there is a mass of paid bloggers on CIA pay roll to push this.
The meme is the ideal project for mind-control that could be devised by Tavistock institute & CIA. It is amazing how many clever, well-meaning and spiritually oriented individuals have been suckered in by this transparent pseudo-scientific sham.The psy op is designed to create cognitive dissonance. You’ve been lied to your whole life to believe in the Globe model. What is the underlying agenda? Lumping Christians and Truthers in a divide and rule strategy; some will fall for this trick while others won’t be easily deceived by this nonsense. This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind. Flat Earthers exchange one set of lies for another. My advice is to eschew cognitive dissonance and reside in truth.
For more of this article go here.
Source Article from
Views: 106
Your assertion that the flat Earth theory is a CIA psyop…is complete bullshit!
Long before the CIA even existed, many people knew that the Earth was flat and stationary…because that’s what their senses and observations told them!
Most of what you claim that flat Earthers believe…are nothing but blatant lies!
We do not believe the the Earth is rising up as some form of “gravity”, as “gravity” does not exist and the Earth is stationary.
Anyone who believes that America put a man on the moon…is a complete idiot and needs to do some serious research!
Trust your senses, and don’t believe a fucking thing from NASA!
The author clearly hasn’t researched FE at all. NO ONE who talks about FE says it’s a disc rising constantly to create gravity. That’s some BS from the FES, which is the psyop, not FE itself. Many of the other “points” are straw men and have been discussed at length by real flat Earthers. Do some actual research before mirroring an absurd article such as this.
This article speaks from ignorance, and is fake news.
This whole site seems like controlled opposition.
See a legitimate flat Earth site here:
The rest are fake news.
1. Flat Earth does not mean DISC IN SPACE as insane globe cultists promote to keep you docile.
2. Oceans do not bend in real life.
Very simple.
It should also be mentioned that Hitler was a pro-zionist jew,the nazi party were pro-zionist, and the terrorist state of israel is too.
Rothschild garbage.
Controlled ops.
Earth is demonstrably level in real life, The jew known as Hitler was working for the Rothschild criminal banking syndicate, and you are all clowns.
Honk honk!
Sad but true.
The site is dead.
Fake news.
Ifers is a live and well.
Would you be so kind and provide working IFERS link?
If you click the above link ( you may land on this one –; or on this one –, both DEAD/FAKE.
Thank you.
Use Freespoke & Yandex search engines.. or another less censored one.
The WEBSITE is now:
the earth is flat as fuck. There was no substance in this farticle. as good as eric’s work is, including his masterful exposure of the crimes of the jews, ewaranon is even better. go to bitchute to search for ewarnon where there are many postings of The Lost History of Flat Earth. The author is a bit idiosyncratic, but the information is mind boggling at times.
The horizon always rises to meet the eye – possibly the definitive proof of a flat earth.
This article is garbage.
The Khazars are behind the ball Earth lie, the lie of religion, and so on.
Western history is a larp.
Oceans do not bend in real life.
Wise up!
as we can see flatheads are rising up to get the world insane and mad again. Why did Brecht wrote THE LIFE OF GALILEI ? Is the Shrimad Bagavatam 2. Canto Bullshit ? Are flatheads the dumbest idiots in the whole galaxy ? i feel a big YES. The flatheads can greet Tavistock as theitr braincontrollers and idiot guides. Say hello to Mum. Namaste.
Flat earth is not a CIA Psyop. It’s an ultimate truth visible to our eyes. Your website to fool people as you publish other truth which isn’t of concern to people. The mother of all lies is the globe earth revolving around the sun in an infinite space. So shut up and make sure you go back to your mother’s womb to take another birth with Spirit of God within you and stop lying.
& you`re a lying Jew who knows we live under a Dome Firmament.
Yes Rodney Jones 100% correct. NASA is the actual psyop along with the CIAetc. These agencies keep the science fiction illusions alive along with multiple resets (hiding history) . Take a balloon up with a real camera and not a fish eye lens and it becomes extremely obvious. But most are too niabe and prideful to actually do real research. The videos are already out there, it’s just a matter of being ignorant at this point or too stupuf to unfersrsnd what a simple fish eye lens on a camera does. NASA is a child’s fantasy and people can’t let go of it because it would be years of meaningless education (pride). A p900/1000 camera easily proves the is NO CURVE based on the masonic fake pokemon fantasy math.
The same sun, sitting between the clouds, the commercial planes fly over?
Look out a plane window as the sun is setting
This article speaks from ignorance, and is fake news.
This whole site seems like controlled opposition.
See a legitimate flat Earth site here:
The rest are fake news.
1. Flat Earth does not mean DISC IN SPACE as insane globe cultists promote to keep you docile.
2. Oceans do not bend in real life.
Very simple.
It should also be mentioned that Hitler was a pro-zionist jew,the nazi party were pro-zionist, and the terrorist state of israel is too.
Rothschild garbage.
Controlled ops.
Earth is demonstrably level in real life, The jew known as Hitler was working for the Rothschild criminal banking syndicate, and you are all clowns.
Honk honk!
Sad but true.