Níðing – One lower than those around him. An outlaw, an enemy to mankind. A despicable being.
Nithings were judged by their deeds. Their deeds included: murder, theft, nightly arson, as well as any deeds that harmed the kinship’s legally protected rights. Also any crimes offending the deities, such as breaking a special peace treaty, trespass, defilement of graves, sorcery, effeminacy and same-sex intercourse between men. And finally, all deeds indicating moral degeneration, such as oath-breaking, perversion, and acts of nasty cowardliness.
Punishment was severe. The outlaw was not only expelled from the kinship, he was also regarded henceforth as an enemy to mankind. His assets were seized, and if he had a family, his wife and children were legally considered widowed and orphaned. Nobody was allowed to protect, house, or feed the outlaw. He must seek shelter alone in the woods, just like a wolf, or be killed.
There is nothing more damaging to our folk than those within our fold who hold Semitic ideologies and push these ideologies upon us under the guise of being traditional. Those who believe in this ideology are our enemy and they have been. and will continue to be, the destruction of our race. Today we apparently have many who are under the spell of the enemy, who are lapping up this poison like it is ice cream. They are not only attacking our women but also our men and this is something we can not stand for. Today I wish to call a few of them out.
I will start with a person who goes by the name of Heartiste. This person’s supposed real name is James C. Weidmann. He runs a website that on the surface appears to be “pro male” and supposedly teaches men how to be an “Alpha” while at the same time makes our women out to be nothing more than sex toys and baby machines. Anyone who objects to his line of thought is called a Feminist if female or a beta if male.
I think what most may not realize is how he secretly degrades our men. One such post I saw was a “market value test for men” where they answer questions then they add up their scores to see how they rank, and if they score too low then they don’t have “game” and therefore they are useless betas or worse, omegas and shouldn’t even be alive. He even gives them a point for having been arrested and subtracts points if they have an IQ that is too high. What?
When you dig a little deeper you find there are posts about how to get a girl to send nude pictures of herself. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he has taken one study about rape fantasies of women that surveyed only 355 female college students in Texas and pushes it as some sort of definitive proof that educated women secretly want to be raped. In fact he has over 6 blog posts (possibly more, I stopped counting) in the last year regarding this “fact” of his. What he fails to mention is there have been other studies that show that there is a huge difference between fantasy and reality regarding rape and the domineering male. Such as this one below:
He must not have read his entire report because at the end it says quite plain that rape fantasy is not the same as literally being raped.
Here is the study he bases his opinions on. And another study he uses here.
There are a few things that we need to understand about these studies. First is that there were only 355 students interviewed and that those students were not all white females, there was a pretty even mix of whites and non-whites. And second, 355 students obviously is not representative of the overall population, like he and his sheeple would like to believe. Why is he doing this? I have no clue but he is giving the green light to guys out there to go ahead and take what they want from the girls, without remorse. It makes me wonder also if this isn’t somehow feeding the black on white crime spree we have been witnessing… I’ll have to look into that some other time.
He even goes so far as to say that these women, who have been date raped, have been known to continue to date their rapist, totally ignoring the fact that these woman are suffering from what is known as trauma bonding. However it matters not, his sheep fall right into line as can be witnessed by the numerous comments on his articles, such as this one:
Or this one:
What makes a man an “Alpha” is not how many women he can sleep with. Alpha males do not disrespect, degrade and use their female counterparts for sexual exploits. Where is the honor for the folk in that? And just exactly how does this promote traditional family values and/or edify our men and women? It does not. Instead of teaching honor, this guy is promoting moral degeneration. Disagree with him and you are a Feminist or a Beta male. Heartiste/Weidmann is a Nithing.
The alpha male knows how to treat a lady. He respects women, often because he’s had some great one’s in his life. He’s chivalrous. He helps his lady at every chance. He helps her reach her dreams, all-the-while moving closer to attaining his own.
I also can’t ignore what is on the other side of the coin. Here we have what I call the Extreme Feminists. Women who hate men. These women run around topless, screaming, getting arrested, and for what? What does showing your tits prove? These women saw an opportunity to parade around like uncontrolled brats and have corrupted (I believe intentionally) something valuable to our folk, which is the beginning of the restoration of our old and truly traditional attitudes, and twisted it into something vile and disgusting. These obviously Jewish led women have no moral fiber and are not only an embarrassment to our folk, but are being used as a tool against all good women.
It is because of them and their Jewish masters that women such as myself and many like-minded females are called feminists. This is exactly how the Jew wants it. Think about it, who controls our media and who shapes our opinions? When you hear the word Feminism, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Does it make you cringe? It makes me cringe. I bring these females up because the word feminist, thanks to Jewish lead media, is now a demeaning term that is used against good women who are truly trying to restore our European traditions. Men like Heartiste use these women as an excuse to hate all women. Good, wholesome women are now being grouped in with these women because we disagree with being subjugated and treated as property. In any rate, these extreme females (male haters) are also Nithings and are useless in our society.
Apparently there are many of these Nithings running around. We can find them within the the throngs of the Alternative Right too. They are using the bait of bringing people together for the common good of the white race. The main problem is they will let literally anyone in. They have people represent them, such as a guy known online as Ramzpaul, who laughs at miscegenation of white males with Asian women, saying it is fat bitchy women who cause it. Jack Donovan, another well known personality, is openly homosexual and believes in the total control of women by males (no surprise there). Lana Lokteff on camera said she believes women should not vote and white people are stupid.
Red Ice Radio gives airtime to people like Curt Doolittle, not just once but twice. This “man” celebrates race-mixing and is also a member of the AltRight.
And when I questioned him on his ideology where women, because they vote according to their biological imperative, MUST be forced into submission even if it means beating them, never replied with a valid answer. In fact to this very day (June 28th) he has not given me any statistical data to back up his claims. Why? Because there isn’t any statistical data to be had. It is only his opinion.
Again we also see the lack of knowledge coming from him when he wonders why we don’t we return to beating our women. Although I must say I am not surprised. He is referring to the 3rd world, the Middle East, where they actually condone as a society this type of behavior.
I have written other articles about the subjugation of women and how it was not a part of our Ancient ways, so I will not repeat myself here.
Here is another one who spouts off at the mouth with absolutely no statistical data to prove his point. These guys are all nothing more than “repeaters” – they hear something, do absolutely zero research and parrot it off as some sort of fact. Sigh.
These assumptions are easily disproved with the facts. Here is one that is less than 2 years old, and surprisingly it shows the white vote. According to a Newsweek Wall Street Journal poll from December 2014:
The poll also shows a puzzling gender gap, with men more likely to support immigration than women. Among men, 52% say it helps more than it hurts, with 39% saying it hurts more. Women were evenly divided, with 45% on each side.
And the article goes on to show:
That immigration gender gap is even more pronounced among whites. About half (58%) of white men say immigration helps more than it hurts, while 42% say it hurts more than it helps – that’s a net positive of 7 percentage points. Just 39% of white women say immigration helps more than it hurts, while 52% say it hurts more than it helps – a net negative of 13 points. Add it together and that’s a 20-percentage-point difference in how white men and women see the issue. “ (emphasis mine) Read the poll results here.
Here is another good source that shows by RACE that white women and black women do not vote the same (Blacks vote like Jews). All white voters regardless of age —18-29, 30-44, 45-64, and 65 and older — voted a majority for Romney. All other racial ethnic groups, regardless of age, voted unanimously for Obama.
So women vote like Jews? It does not look that way to me. Unless the Jews somehow flipped and are anti-immigration and didn’t vote for Obama. Doubtful. Show these guys proof, and they still don’t agree – you are a Jew, a feminist or you are cucked.
In fact, the more I dig, the more it comes into light that one of the main themes running throughout the AltRight is the complete and utter control of women under the guise that it is somehow traditional to our folk to force women to be mothers and homemakers, at the youngest age possible, some say puberty, and by all means keep them uneducated and out of politics. Why? Well, they say it is because women have ruined nations. When asked for sources or other proof of their claims, I always get nothing. Do these attitudes sound familiar? They should, as it is exactly how the Middle Eastern live.
I am so incredibly disgusted with these people. Why are they even allowed a voice? I have over twenty six followers who also follow this impostor. When I called him out I was (true to form) immediately labeled a goddess-worshiping feminist. Funny that.
When we read historical accounts, such as Tacitus’ Germania (117 AD), we get a glimpse of what life was like before the Roman/Christian/Semitic ideologies were forced upon our people. There are many such accounts which show that before this Empire began, men and women had shared responsibilities, respected each other as partners, and had great love for each other. This is a completely different relationship between men and women than what we have had for almost the last 1700 years. This true history is what we must learn about and continue to fight to restore. Note the first paragraph, men did not despise their women’s counsels…
The Patriarchy we have been living under is not traditional to our people. We have literally hundreds of sources to which we can turn to prove this fact. What they want you to believe is not true. Our history was not completely destroyed via the book burning rituals that happened so frequently in our post Christian days. It is preserved in the Greek and Roman historical accounts of the barbarians (which means outsiders) and within our folk tales and lore, within the sagas and plays that have been preserved and that give us shining examples. Our history is also within our blood memory.
The fact is we had neither a Patriarchy nor a Matriarchy, but we did have a Meritocracy. One of the main aspects of our folk was the value we placed on being the best, also known as Merit. As Tacitus noted of the Germans:
The master is not distinguished from the slave by being brought up with greater delicacy. Both live amid the same flocks and lie on the same ground till the freeborn are distinguished by age and recognized by merit.
In today’s Jewish run Christian world merit has been thrown out the window. Those who continue to support such systems that are counter to a merit-based system are our enemies.
Ron McVan wrote an article on Meritocracy, which you can read here.
The real reason we are in such a pickle is not because our women are out of control. It is because of the Semitic influence that took away the social status of the female and turned her gifts into sins. It also took away merit. In so doing Cultural Marxists of old destroyed our kindred’s legally protected rights. This is exactly what Christianity (the destruction of our true culture) continues to do today. Christianity is Cultural Marxism turned into religion.
The first Cultural Marxists, those who wished to destroy our Aryan culture, entered into our world and finished off our remaining barbarian cultures during Roman times. In fact, I do believe that at the end Rome was actually run by the Jews. Rome, and by extension, Christianity was not the beginning of our traditional ways, it was the end of them. Does the last Roman ruler look European to you?
When someone parrots off that homosexuals should be accepted or when they teach our men and women that one sex is superior to the other, it is plain they are not our allies. They are our centuries-long enemies. Men and women who hate and abuse each other are also our enemies. Those of us who know the truth and fight for a true restoration of our traditional values and complete removal of the Jewish influence (our only hope for survival as a race) are not feminists nor cucked betas. These men and women are in reality the true heroes and heroines of our race.
I wish we could just grab all of these Nithings by the seat of the pants and push them out into the wilderness to live among the wolves, hopefully to never be heard from again. Since we can no longer do this (legally) it is our duty to resist and expose them for what/who they actually are.
Men and women are not enemies in our tradition as they are in the Semitic cults. We are beloved companions. We seek the best mates of our kind because we are a people who believe in friendly competition and striving for excellence in all things. A noble and great man should seek to win a virtuous woman who is beautiful in body, mind, spirit and character, while women should seek to be worthy of such regard, and to select the best possible man as a husband. It goes without saying that Odinist men do not tolerate disrespect of worthy women of their own kind, especially by skraelings. We consider children a great gift from our Gods and where at all possible, seek to fully enjoy the blessings of a large family, as the Gods wish this happiness for us. As a tribe, we are all an extended family and bear great love for one another. We hold consideration of nationality and governments a distant second to the bond of blood.
The Níðings Among Us
Nithings were judged by their deeds. Their deeds included: murder, theft, nightly arson, as well as any deeds that harmed the kinship’s legally protected rights. Also any crimes offending the deities, such as breaking a special peace treaty, trespass, defilement of graves, sorcery, effeminacy and same-sex intercourse between men. And finally, all deeds indicating moral degeneration, such as oath-breaking, perversion, and acts of nasty cowardliness.
Punishment was severe. The outlaw was not only expelled from the kinship, he was also regarded henceforth as an enemy to mankind. His assets were seized, and if he had a family, his wife and children were legally considered widowed and orphaned. Nobody was allowed to protect, house, or feed the outlaw. He must seek shelter alone in the woods, just like a wolf, or be killed.
There is nothing more damaging to our folk than those within our fold who hold Semitic ideologies and push these ideologies upon us under the guise of being traditional. Those who believe in this ideology are our enemy and they have been. and will continue to be, the destruction of our race. Today we apparently have many who are under the spell of the enemy, who are lapping up this poison like it is ice cream. They are not only attacking our women but also our men and this is something we can not stand for. Today I wish to call a few of them out.
I will start with a person who goes by the name of Heartiste. This person’s supposed real name is James C. Weidmann. He runs a website that on the surface appears to be “pro male” and supposedly teaches men how to be an “Alpha” while at the same time makes our women out to be nothing more than sex toys and baby machines. Anyone who objects to his line of thought is called a Feminist if female or a beta if male.
I think what most may not realize is how he secretly degrades our men. One such post I saw was a “market value test for men” where they answer questions then they add up their scores to see how they rank, and if they score too low then they don’t have “game” and therefore they are useless betas or worse, omegas and shouldn’t even be alive. He even gives them a point for having been arrested and subtracts points if they have an IQ that is too high. What?
When you dig a little deeper you find there are posts about how to get a girl to send nude pictures of herself. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he has taken one study about rape fantasies of women that surveyed only 355 female college students in Texas and pushes it as some sort of definitive proof that educated women secretly want to be raped. In fact he has over 6 blog posts (possibly more, I stopped counting) in the last year regarding this “fact” of his. What he fails to mention is there have been other studies that show that there is a huge difference between fantasy and reality regarding rape and the domineering male. Such as this one below:
He must not have read his entire report because at the end it says quite plain that rape fantasy is not the same as literally being raped.
Here is the study he bases his opinions on. And another study he uses here.
There are a few things that we need to understand about these studies. First is that there were only 355 students interviewed and that those students were not all white females, there was a pretty even mix of whites and non-whites. And second, 355 students obviously is not representative of the overall population, like he and his sheeple would like to believe. Why is he doing this? I have no clue but he is giving the green light to guys out there to go ahead and take what they want from the girls, without remorse. It makes me wonder also if this isn’t somehow feeding the black on white crime spree we have been witnessing… I’ll have to look into that some other time.
He even goes so far as to say that these women, who have been date raped, have been known to continue to date their rapist, totally ignoring the fact that these woman are suffering from what is known as trauma bonding. However it matters not, his sheep fall right into line as can be witnessed by the numerous comments on his articles, such as this one:
Or this one:
What makes a man an “Alpha” is not how many women he can sleep with. Alpha males do not disrespect, degrade and use their female counterparts for sexual exploits. Where is the honor for the folk in that? And just exactly how does this promote traditional family values and/or edify our men and women? It does not. Instead of teaching honor, this guy is promoting moral degeneration. Disagree with him and you are a Feminist or a Beta male. Heartiste/Weidmann is a Nithing.
An excellent edifying website for men I came across is this one: 25 Characteristics of an Alpha Male
Quoting from his list:
I also can’t ignore what is on the other side of the coin. Here we have what I call the Extreme Feminists. Women who hate men. These women run around topless, screaming, getting arrested, and for what? What does showing your tits prove? These women saw an opportunity to parade around like uncontrolled brats and have corrupted (I believe intentionally) something valuable to our folk, which is the beginning of the restoration of our old and truly traditional attitudes, and twisted it into something vile and disgusting. These obviously Jewish led women have no moral fiber and are not only an embarrassment to our folk, but are being used as a tool against all good women.
It is because of them and their Jewish masters that women such as myself and many like-minded females are called feminists. This is exactly how the Jew wants it. Think about it, who controls our media and who shapes our opinions? When you hear the word Feminism, what is the first thing that comes into your mind? Does it make you cringe? It makes me cringe. I bring these females up because the word feminist, thanks to Jewish lead media, is now a demeaning term that is used against good women who are truly trying to restore our European traditions. Men like Heartiste use these women as an excuse to hate all women. Good, wholesome women are now being grouped in with these women because we disagree with being subjugated and treated as property. In any rate, these extreme females (male haters) are also Nithings and are useless in our society.
Apparently there are many of these Nithings running around. We can find them within the the throngs of the Alternative Right too. They are using the bait of bringing people together for the common good of the white race. The main problem is they will let literally anyone in. They have people represent them, such as a guy known online as Ramzpaul, who laughs at miscegenation of white males with Asian women, saying it is fat bitchy women who cause it. Jack Donovan, another well known personality, is openly homosexual and believes in the total control of women by males (no surprise there). Lana Lokteff on camera said she believes women should not vote and white people are stupid.
Red Ice Radio gives airtime to people like Curt Doolittle, not just once but twice. This “man” celebrates race-mixing and is also a member of the AltRight.
And when I questioned him on his ideology where women, because they vote according to their biological imperative, MUST be forced into submission even if it means beating them, never replied with a valid answer. In fact to this very day (June 28th) he has not given me any statistical data to back up his claims. Why? Because there isn’t any statistical data to be had. It is only his opinion.
Again we also see the lack of knowledge coming from him when he wonders why we don’t we return to beating our women. Although I must say I am not surprised. He is referring to the 3rd world, the Middle East, where they actually condone as a society this type of behavior.
I have written other articles about the subjugation of women and how it was not a part of our Ancient ways, so I will not repeat myself here.
Here is another one who spouts off at the mouth with absolutely no statistical data to prove his point. These guys are all nothing more than “repeaters” – they hear something, do absolutely zero research and parrot it off as some sort of fact. Sigh.
These assumptions are easily disproved with the facts. Here is one that is less than 2 years old, and surprisingly it shows the white vote. According to a Newsweek Wall Street Journal poll from December 2014:
And the article goes on to show:
Here is another good source that shows by RACE that white women and black women do not vote the same (Blacks vote like Jews). All white voters regardless of age —18-29, 30-44, 45-64, and 65 and older — voted a majority for Romney. All other racial ethnic groups, regardless of age, voted unanimously for Obama.
So women vote like Jews? It does not look that way to me. Unless the Jews somehow flipped and are anti-immigration and didn’t vote for Obama. Doubtful. Show these guys proof, and they still don’t agree – you are a Jew, a feminist or you are cucked.
In fact, the more I dig, the more it comes into light that one of the main themes running throughout the AltRight is the complete and utter control of women under the guise that it is somehow traditional to our folk to force women to be mothers and homemakers, at the youngest age possible, some say puberty, and by all means keep them uneducated and out of politics. Why? Well, they say it is because women have ruined nations. When asked for sources or other proof of their claims, I always get nothing. Do these attitudes sound familiar? They should, as it is exactly how the Middle Eastern live.
I am so incredibly disgusted with these people. Why are they even allowed a voice? I have over twenty six followers who also follow this impostor. When I called him out I was (true to form) immediately labeled a goddess-worshiping feminist. Funny that.
When we read historical accounts, such as Tacitus’ Germania (117 AD), we get a glimpse of what life was like before the Roman/Christian/Semitic ideologies were forced upon our people. There are many such accounts which show that before this Empire began, men and women had shared responsibilities, respected each other as partners, and had great love for each other. This is a completely different relationship between men and women than what we have had for almost the last 1700 years. This true history is what we must learn about and continue to fight to restore. Note the first paragraph, men did not despise their women’s counsels…
The Patriarchy we have been living under is not traditional to our people. We have literally hundreds of sources to which we can turn to prove this fact. What they want you to believe is not true. Our history was not completely destroyed via the book burning rituals that happened so frequently in our post Christian days. It is preserved in the Greek and Roman historical accounts of the barbarians (which means outsiders) and within our folk tales and lore, within the sagas and plays that have been preserved and that give us shining examples. Our history is also within our blood memory.
The fact is we had neither a Patriarchy nor a Matriarchy, but we did have a Meritocracy. One of the main aspects of our folk was the value we placed on being the best, also known as Merit. As Tacitus noted of the Germans:
In today’s Jewish run Christian world merit has been thrown out the window. Those who continue to support such systems that are counter to a merit-based system are our enemies.
Ron McVan wrote an article on Meritocracy, which you can read here.
The real reason we are in such a pickle is not because our women are out of control. It is because of the Semitic influence that took away the social status of the female and turned her gifts into sins. It also took away merit. In so doing Cultural Marxists of old destroyed our kindred’s legally protected rights. This is exactly what Christianity (the destruction of our true culture) continues to do today. Christianity is Cultural Marxism turned into religion.
The first Cultural Marxists, those who wished to destroy our Aryan culture, entered into our world and finished off our remaining barbarian cultures during Roman times. In fact, I do believe that at the end Rome was actually run by the Jews. Rome, and by extension, Christianity was not the beginning of our traditional ways, it was the end of them. Does the last Roman ruler look European to you?
When someone parrots off that homosexuals should be accepted or when they teach our men and women that one sex is superior to the other, it is plain they are not our allies. They are our centuries-long enemies. Men and women who hate and abuse each other are also our enemies. Those of us who know the truth and fight for a true restoration of our traditional values and complete removal of the Jewish influence (our only hope for survival as a race) are not feminists nor cucked betas. These men and women are in reality the true heroes and heroines of our race.
I wish we could just grab all of these Nithings by the seat of the pants and push them out into the wilderness to live among the wolves, hopefully to never be heard from again. Since we can no longer do this (legally) it is our duty to resist and expose them for what/who they actually are.
I leave you with #11 of the Odinist Creed:
Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/nidings-among-us/
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