Leftists and Marxists are now highly concerned about the growing interest in Asatru, Heathenry and Odinism. Neo-Pagan authors have hinted that the only reason Asatru is experiencing any kind of growth is due to the show ‘Vikings‘. Leftists aren’t so convinced – they think that a ‘subversive’ long term plan is at play here [tent hands]. Neo-Pagans need this explanation to stick given the failure of Wicca as the ‘new European religion’. The fact that ‘craft elders’ have been leaving their own ‘traditions’ for the ‘old ways’ has not escaped Wicca’s notice [Ref].
For all intents and purposes, where Wicca has utterly failed, Asatru is growing. Unlike what many would like to think, it’s not due to ‘Vikings‘.
Rather, it’s growth is due to the hard work of many individuals who have been Hel bent on saving the Northern European soul.
What concerns the Left the most is that ‘heathen beliefs are being crafted by nationalist right wing groups’ – why this can’t be allowed to happen and how best for them to steal the spiritual movement’s ‘momentum’.
Yes, this is now a thing for the Left – subvert Heathenry.
In a recent article from Gods and Radicals (pro-Southerners will not miss where they ‘culturally appropriated’ the name of their website from), Shane Burley opines on how hard it has been to infiltrate heathenry with leftist non-sense. If trading out his people for genocidal communist Bolshevik causes wasn’t enough, he wants to destroy the one thing that appears to be giving those of Northern Europeans hope in the current state of multi-cultural darkness – their native spirituality. Burley wasn’t around when The Ring of Troth failed in it’s mission to do the same thing. Ironically, the author also foolishly uses symbolism that is actually against everything he stands for …
Make no mistake, Leftists are working very hard in their own towns like Portland, Ithaca and elsewhere to create a form of Heathenry that is no longer Heathen, White or Northern European. Ironically, many of the new ‘builders’ are either Jewish youths or Neo-Swedes (like Burley). They know they are going to fail and fail badly, but they are still going to try and poison the well as much as possible. They will stop at nothing to destroy their own people, their ways and spirituality because that is what the mind virus does to them.
The point is, once you are Leftist, Progressive or Universalist, you are no longer Heathen, Asatru or Odinic (or ‘tru’) – you are the other – the enemy of Northern Europe. This is something Burley fails to acknowledge. If anything, he retreads the same tired path of quoting Good-Clarke and Gardell to show how bad being pro-white is, how it leads to ‘Hitler’ and how nationalist tendencies should not be blended with Northern Spirituality.
As normal, his solution is to create a better form of Rainbow-Tru in order to drown out the ‘haters’.
Unfortunately for the Left, Asatru isn’t Christianity. There is no built-in/written-in Jewish guilt complexes to manipulate. There is no way to influence another Charlemagne to kill off his own people or fire up Cromwell from the grave to kill off more Anglos.
The older leftist Jews aren’t as stupid; they know this about Heathenry. They gave up trying to co-opt Heathenry back in the 90’s. Due to Wicca’s freemasonic roots, they were however able to firmly guide, lead and control neo-paganism, druidism and non-traditional witchcraft. This is why many of us are no longer ‘pagan’. Only new leftists like Burley are even thinking of attempting to go down this road when trying to co-opt Heathenry for the Trotskyites. Good, let them try. May the Gods and Goddess of our Folk deal with them accordingly. May they be cursed, suffer confusion and fail.
To put it bluntly, Heathenry was NEVER meant to be a leftist, universalist religion. The path should feel oddly uncomfortable for ‘radicals and progressives’. How can one worship the Gods of the very people you are trying so desperately to destroy?
Also, at Heathenry’s core, its very adherents already know the game that Burley is playing. Years ago, methods and practices were already developed to handle this very issue. This isn’t our first rodeo, plus we have come to expect such attacks and infiltration from the ‘left’. For the left to blindly eye Asatru as just another platform to dominate and control is equally foolhardy. If anything, the era has now dawned where authentic Heathenry has learned to hide itself from the very face of the Left!
The All Father has every intent to preserve his people. He’s not the most crafty ‘wise one’ without good reason.
Odin is playing the long game here, and leftists like Burley better wise up, take note and realize it.
Heathenry is here to stay – without the Left or it’s Rainbows.
Source Article from http://www.renegadetribune.com/new-attack-heathenry/
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