July 27, 2012
The “Debt Crisis” is a charade aimed at robbing and enslaving us. The Illuminati control and exploit humanity through manufactured wars and depressions.
by Anthony Migchels
People are calling this whole Credit Crunch Charade “an insolvency crisis.“
The latest example is by Michael Snyder:
“Well, the truth is that this is not a liquidity crisis. If it was,
the central banks could flood the system with money and solve the
No, what Europe is facing is an insolvency crisis. There is way, way
too much debt in the system and it is inevitable that an “adjustment”
is going to happen.”
What nonsense!
In the first place, all the major banks own
each other. They also control or outright own the Central Banks. Even
BIS is a private corporation.It’s just one massive cartel and monopoly.
So we ask: if my right hand owes to my left and he can’t pay up, do I
go to my neighbor to bail out my right hand? Or do I, as the owner of
both, just cross off this debt?
Huh? Get it? Instead, the bankers are using the “debt” as a pretext to squeeze the populace.
Secondly: the problem is not debt, it’s Interest.
These banks create all the credit through fractional reserve
Most of the money out there was created the moment a loan was
taken out.
This is an almost zero-cost operation. (If you don’t build
massive palaces all and pay your people massive wages (bribes) let alone fork over to your vampire
‘traders’ and ‘investment bankers’.)
If we call an interest moratorium, the “depression” would be over tomorrow.
The debt is real but the interest is not. The debt must be repaid, but not the interest.
The middleman rapes us with interest, that’s the
300k. So if I pay 500 dollar per month, without interest payments I’d
pay only 200 (for the principal) the 300 (for the interest) that I no
longer need to pay I can use for real consumption, saving the economy
from depression.
You can check for yourself:
The fact is: after thirty years, you have payed 500k for a 200k mortgage, 300k interest.
Nothing to conclude. This is a massive charade aimed at causing
depression while raping us for untold trillions. The only
thing that makes it hard to see is the sheer scale of the thing.
The bigger the lie, the easier to sell.
The sooner we wake up to the blatantly obvious, the sooner we can put all these bozos in their place.
Anthony Migchels is an Interest-Free Currency activist and founder of the Gelre, the first Regional Currency in the Netherlands. You can read all of his articles on his blog Real Currencies
Understand that the Banking System is One
The Few Banks that Own All
The Problem is not Debt, it’s Interest
The Wolfson Prize, I win!
Debt Repudiation or an Interest Strike?
Comments for “The Manufactured “Debt” Crisis”
James said (July 27, 2012):
Al Thompson said (July 27, 2012):
I agree with Anthony. The real problem with the economies of the world is interest/usury. Cut out the usury and the economic problems go away. I don’t foresee any banking system that is going to withdraw interest from the system unless the people get so fed up that they start dealing with their own currencies.
Many people have tried this but they eventually get overthrown by the bankers. Banking is a a great evil because of interest. It steals the future of the person who takes out a loan and it drives up the cost of goods and services. It devalues the money that is earned and life under this kind of banking system is an extreme form of slavery. Bankers make money the old fashioned way: they steal it. Usury or interest is stealing. Banking as we know it violates God’s commandment against stealing. The banking system as we know it is extremely destructive and starts needless wars.
They keep the chaos going in order to keep their control over people. It is an extremely disgusting system. No one, no matter how good they are in business, cannot fix any economic system without getting rid of interest. In my opinion, I believe that the reason why the middle east has been set on fire is because some of these countries did not have central banks. Plus, some of these Muslim countries forbid the use of interest.
Would a real “Jew” charge interest when he knows that is forbidden by the scriptures, or what is passed off as scripture? Would a real Christian be a loan officer if they knew they could go to hell by participating in a system of usury? Natural law is the same for everyone and that natural law is consistent with the commandments which are true. Interest goes against natural law and reason and it is extremely destructive to the whole world economy.
Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at
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