The jews and the Aztexican Invasion

It is plainly obvious that the jews are behind the devastating, unchecked invasion of White homelands by hostile genetic aliens from the worst corners of the world. There is the odious Barbara Lerner Spector. There is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), with the slogan “Welcome the Stranger. Protect the Refugee,” which unsurprisingly only applies in White nations. When Israel puts Blacks into concentration camps, and then deports them to Africa, the jewish proponents of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are silently hoping the gullible goyim don’t notice their blatant hypocrisy. The Hebraic domination of our mass media and educational institutions ensures that formerly prosperous White homelands are saturated with unrelenting propaganda that confuses, enervates, and ultimately stymies the healthy response to violent foreigners from incompatible racial groups entering a land that once existed for the safety and advancement of the White race. The jews have a religious imperative to miscegenate the distinctive human races into a single, deracinated brown mass of maladapted simpletons, suitable to be the goyim slaves promised to the jews in their toxic talmud. The jews have long realized that we of the White race are the only ones who can stop their disgusting plans that advance the insane rabbinical dictates from their perverted desert death-cult. For this reason, the jews have waged a 3,000 year war against the White race. Over the last few generations, the jewish war of White genocide has become completely one-sided, as the insanity of equalitarianism, hedonism, and empty materialism have supplanted, because of kosher connivance, our traditions, cultures, and basic respect for the accomplishments of our ancestors and veneration of our gods.

The inhuman predatory instincts of the jews have made them aware, at a societal level, of our unwillingness to resist their depredations. They have long laid the groundwork for the perilous circumstances in which we now find ourselves as a race; circumstances of mass ignorance, misplaced and undeserved guilt, and a bizarrely vehement adherence to superstitions that fly in the face of easily observable reality (like the equality of the races, or racial “diversity” being a mighty strength). Sensing a window of opportunity to irredeemably inundate White homelands with bipedal biological weapons, the jews have accelerated the arrival of mud world savages to destroy the conditions of safety necessary for the White race to have a posterity. In California, a once-prosperous White homeland has been replaced with a human compost heap, where a Mestizo invasion is being orchestrated, aided, and abetted by jews for the sole purpose of eradicating any vestigial remains of the White race.

A Jewish woman is among several people reportedly running a safe house in California for a Mexican woman who is illegally in the United States.”

The nation-wrecker, the enemy within, the jew. The subversive nature of the jews has not changed over the long millennia during which they have been among our greatest misfortunes. Our tolerance of them and their predictable perniciousness in service of White genocide is perhaps the even greater misfortune. It was the jew Karl Mordechai Marx who wrote that history repeats itself first as tragedy, second as farce. We are incredibly foolish to permit the duplicitous jews to live among us in White nations, given what we should have learned from history. Edward Gibbon tried to warn us over 200 years ago about the horrific consequences of jewish subversion, and of tolerating the growth of a semitic tumor in the body of an otherwise healthy nation:

[T]he Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the domination of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives…[their] dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of humankind…In Cyrene they massacred 220,000 Greeks; in Cyprus, 240,000; in Egypt, a very great multitude.  Many of these victims were sawed asunder, according to the precedent to which David had given the sanction of his example. The victorious Jews devoured the flesh, licked up the blood, and twisted the entrails like a girdle round their bodies.” – Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Chapter XVI.

The jews know that the Aztexicans are the antithesis of a healthy and prosperous White nation, and will go to any lengths to ensure that the Mestizos keep pouring in to outbreed the native Whites.

The Jewish woman initiated the illegal apartment after hearing in her synagogue of a Mexican family’s plight, according to a CNN report Thursday. A Baptist minister and a Catholic Latino family are helping in the effort to hide the woman, who does not have staying permits, and her two teenage daughters living with her. The woman was not named to prevent authorities from going after her, the report said.”

The r-strategy reproductive habits of the Aztexicans are a perfect fit for the hellish, all-against-all dystopia that the jews are creating in California; the completely foreseeable outcome of the unrelenting “diversity” madness that puts mutually hostile and incompatible competing races in unnatural proximity. Always at the forefront of surrendering White homelands to the most outlandish and worthless dregs of humanity, and kowtowing to jewish relativism, the Cucktians are busy helping the kosher con-men keep their army of brown monsters in White homelands. It appears that being among “g*d’s chosen” means that you can be an accomplice to crimes and face no consequences whatsoever.

The Jewish woman signed the lease for the apartment, which is located in a suburban middle-class neighborhood.”

The yenta found the Whitest area she could, the area where deploying the sewage-colored simians who do the dirty work of White genocide would do the most possible damage to the fabric of a once-White society.

The Jewish woman who signed the lease for the safe house wears a gold Star of David pendant and earrings inscribed in Hebrew. One reads “I am nothing but ashes.” The other says “The whole world was made for me.”

This jewish creature openly brags about her two-facedness, trumpeting the nihilism and megalomania of her debased, Moloch-worshipping inhuman species. This poisonous mushroom, like all her tribe, sprung forth from the ashes of White civilization, as the jews have succeeded in distorting and perverting much of our history, our culture, our homelands, and our very existence. And of course one of “g*d’s chosen people” thinks that the whole world was made for her. After all, she’s actively working to miscegenate away the White race so that she can have the 2,800 deracinated, idiotic, brown-skinned slaves promised to her by the toxic talmud.

I grew up in the time where the Holocaust was not so far behind me,” the woman said. “There was always that awareness as a Jew that it’s possible to be kicked out of a country where people thought they were home. And many of those people didn’t make it.”

In a healthy White person, a jew bleating about the holohoax should engender about the same response as finding a dog turd in your lawn: how did this disgusting thing get here, and how can I remove it without touching it? By some sort of insane rabbinical logic, the jewish mania about the holohoax (which, strictly speaking, didn’t happen), is somehow a reason why Whites need to surrender their homelands to primitive, violent savages whose highest civilizational achievement is the rule of the jungle.

If a White homeland is going to prosper, or even survive, it cannot tolerate an infestation of jews. Where Whites have evolved unique and admirable traits such as the capacity for altruism, empathy, selflessness, and creativity; the highly refined traits of the jews instead include paranoia, jealousy, overbearingness, and above all deception. The jews are experts at hiding their overtly anti-White agenda behind lies that sound compassionate, and are purposefully made to exploit the sense of justice that the White race alone possesses. The rat-faced men, through their control of our educational institutions, have indoctrinated generations of White children into believing that the endless hordes of identical looking “diversity” are “minorities,” and Whites are a “majority” even though we are now less than ten percent of the worldwide population. The jews will not rest until every last White person is either dead or miscegenated out of existence, subsumed into the undifferentiated, brown-skinned masses of anthropological curiosities that the jews nefariously claim are just overcooked Whites. The jews have created a cult of deception in our homelands, and we are now in the unenviable position of waiting to see how much patently ridiculous semitic falsehood a nation can purportedly believe before it collapses. We must awaken our people to the dangers they are in if they continue to accept jewish lies at face value. We must make our people aware that the jews are our implacable racial enemies, and that there is no compassion in allowing our nations to be overrun by primitive branches of humanity at the behest of jews. We must reclaim our homelands, and make them free from the insidious degeneracy of the jews. We must resist the jewish-orchestrated White genocide.

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