The Jewish CBDC Regime
By Brother Nathanael Kapner
January 20 2024
“END THE FED!” cried Ron Paul.
Yet no one—not even his son—picked up the ball.
The FED—The Federal Reserve Bank—is about to roll out the digital dollar, “CBDC,” “Central Bank Digital Currency.”
Like a check, cash, or credit card, the FED will assign “Digital Wallets” with your own password with a set of numbers chipped into your Real ID Card.
Your Wallet will be stored on a Central Data Base for both digital deposits and purchases.
“Payments are made faster, safer, and easier!” yelps Janet Yellen at Treasury.
Not so fast.
Centralization is Jewry’s ploy for total domination over the goy.
Throwing a curve, David Solomon of Goldman Sachs spins it with verve:
“It’s all about inclusion! Around the globe people who can’t access a bank can make transactions right at their fingertips.”
Notice the names:
Janet Yellen, David Solomon.
They’re Jews.
Who controls the Fed?
Past Chairmen make up the stew:
Warburg, Burns, Meyer, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen, gives you the clue: JEWS through and through.
“The Federal Reserve is an independent agency,” says former Chaiman Alan Greenspan.
“And that means no agency of government can overrule actions we take.”
It’s private. It’s not Federal. Jews control it.
It’s a consortium of Jewish banks, Citi, Wells Fargo, Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, and others.
All led by the big boys, Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan Chase
Both banks, no surprise, are led by Jewish CEOs, David Solomon of Goldman, Jamie Dimon of Chase.
(Dimon’s ancestry is traced to a Jewish banking family in Thessaloniki, Greece.)
What does this mean for the Digital Dollar, the CBDC?
It gives Jews—malicious, sneaky, murderous, Christ-hating, lying Jews—full control over all the monies going into–and coming out of your Digital Wallet.”
CANCELLING YOU OUT is now “faster, safer, easier,” Janet Yellen, or any Jew in charge of your money, would say.
Ever heard of “Social Credit?”
Some kike will decide if you comply.
“End The Fed!” cried Ron Paul.
We may all be crying soon.
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Brother Nathanael @ January 20, 2024
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