The irresistible case for England and Scotland remaining united

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 11:40 PM on 11th January 2012

For a third day, the Prime Minister and his Westminster colleagues yesterday bickered with Alex Salmond over the legal technicalities of the SNP’s plan for a referendum on Scottish independence.

Predictably, the cunning Mr Salmond relished exploiting the row to the full by claiming that the people of Scotland were being patronised and bullied by ‘London knows best’ arguments.

As this newspaper has long stated, the Union with Scotland is surely the most successful and mutually enriching partnership between nations in history, and it is quite right that David Cameron should wish to defend it passionately.

 Prime Minister David Cameron

Alex Salmond MSP First Minister of Scotland

Bickering: Prime Minister David Cameron, left, has been arguing with Alex Salmond, right, about the legal technicalities of a Scottish referendum

But, rather than antagonising some Scots by seeking to dictate the precise terms of the referendum, the PM and the pro-Union leadership of Labour and the Liberal Democrats should instead focus on the hard questions which Mr Salmond is doubtless desperate to avoid.

Will Scotland have to join the disaster that is the euro if it wants to become a member of the EU in its own right?

Who would bail out the Scottish banks – saved from ruin only by the intervention of Westminster politicians – in the event of another crash?

Will Scotland – which, assuming that it took responsibility for its share of total UK debt, would start life £140billion in the red – be immediately faced with a Greek-style borrowing crisis?

Crucially, how will it cope without the estimated £10billion-a-year subsidy it receives from the English taxpayer – money Mr Salmond uses to fund free care for the elderly and waive tuition fees?

Indeed, experts say that even if all North Sea oil and gas revenues had been allocated to Scotland, the country would still have run a deficit for the past 18 years.

Add these deeply serious warnings to the positive case for maintaining a union which has served the English and Scottish people well for 300 years and Mr Cameron has an irresistible argument.

It is now up to him – and perhaps the less provocative advocates he selects – to persuade voters north of the Border.

The Mail fervently hopes that, when confronted with what they stand to lose, the Scots will deliver a resounding No to Mr Salmond.

Defend British justice

Compensation payouts to terrorists and paedophiles… blocking the deportation of foreign criminals… ordering Britain to give the vote to prisoners…

This country has become wearily accustomed to the disgraceful, logic-defying judgments of the unaccountable European Court of Human Rights.

Disgraceful, logic-defying judgements: The European Court of Human Rights rules against Britain in three of every four cases costing the taxpayer a fortune

Disgraceful, logic-defying judgements: The European Court of Human Rights rules against Britain in three of every four cases costing the taxpayer a fortune

Now we learn that the Euro judges, many with no judicial experience in their homeland, rule against the UK in a staggering three out of every four cases.

Each decision costs the taxpayer a fortune in compensation and legal fees and often over-rides laws passed by our democratically elected Parliament.

In a report published today, ten backbench Tory MPs call upon the Prime Minister, who has made repeated unfulfilled promises to fix this mess, to ‘end rule by judges and reinstate Parliamentary democracy’.

Mr Cameron must listen and, finally, act. He can start by telling the Euro judges that – however much they stamp their feet – he will not be implementing their sickening judgment on giving the vote to rapists, killers and muggers.

Warped priorities

At Westminster, the spendthrift International Development department – flushed with an ever-increasing budget – squanders £2million on consultants.

Meanwhile, in the real world, NHS hospital patients – when they are fed at all – are being given meals which cost as little as 90p each. Truly, the political class could not be any more detached from the priorities of the rest of us.


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Until all the REAL facts and figures are out there the arguments are pointless. Let’s see where Salmond is getting his hard figures from. Personally I see him as a snake oil salesman, cannot stand him.

What ridiculous twaddle from the DM! Will the new England Wales and Northern Ireland have to adopt the Euro? Were banks regulated by the UK regulators and largely trading in London in any real sense Scottish? If Scotland really is being bailed out by the English taxpayer how is the union beneficial to England?
The reality is that Scotland has proved it can run it’s affairs more prudently than the Con-Dem chumps have run England and that is why social policy is better there. If the irrelevant Tories, their Lib Dem stooges and the discredited warmongering Labour party think their negative rhetoric is convincing anyone they are sadly deluded.

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