The Human Brain: Not a Tangle, But a Grid

THURSDAY, March 29 (HealthDay News) — Far from being a haphazard
tangle of circuitry, the human brain is organized in a logical, simple 3D
grid structure, scientists report.

Connections in the brain appear to crisscross at right angles, with no
diagonals, much like well-organized city streets.

This elegant simplicity was discovered by researchers who used a
special type of MRI scanner to examine the brains of humans and four
different types of monkeys. The new Connectom diffusion MRI technology
provides 10 times greater detail than conventional scanners, the team

The study was funded by the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health
(NIMH) and published in the March 30 issue of Science.

“Far from being just a tangle of wires, the brain’s connections turn
out to be more like ribbon cables — folding 2D sheets of parallel
neuronal fibers that cross paths at right angles, like the warp and weft
of a fabric,” study author Dr. Van Wedeen, of Massachusetts General
Hospital, A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Harvard
Medical School, explained in an NIMH news release.

The new, high-resolution look at the brain’s wiring is a milestone in
learning more about its anatomy, added institute director Dr. Thomas
Insel, and “this new technology may reveal individual differences in brain
connections that could aid diagnosis and treatment of brain

Primates appear to share this basic neurological structure, Wedeen
added. “This grid structure is continuous and consistent at all scales and
across humans and other primate species,” he said.

The brain may be so flexible that it constantly rewires itself as the
need arises, Wedeen added. The authors believe that, during development,
the brain organizes itself along perpendicular pathways that run
horizontally, vertically and transversely. This type of organization would
guide growing nerve fibers to find suitable connections, and also change
as evolution demanded it.

“Before, we had just driving directions. Now, we have a map showing how
all the highways and byways are interconnected,” he explained. “Brain
wiring is not like the wiring in your basement, where it just needs to
connect the right endpoints. Rather, the grid is the language of the brain
and wiring and re-wiring work by modifying it.”

More information

The American Association of Neurological Surgeons has more about brain anatomy.

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