By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
After the ill fated election of 2000, the Michigan Militia, at one time perhaps the largest collection of police informants every to come under one banner, voted to disband. The reason they gave is that since George W. Bush had been appointed president, they felt no reason to oppose the American government, they had “the perfect president.”
One year later, that “perfect president” had killed thousands of Americans in a false flag attack, pushed through martial law legislation, created a massive all encompassing police state bureaucracy, “Homeland Security,” headed by an Israeli agent, authorized “data collection” on every American citizen and began two wars, both of which the United States not only lost but came in “a distant third.”
Before leaving office, America would suffer a carefully orchestrated financial crash that would impoverish 30% of America’s middle class, destroy the asset base, investments, retirement funds and real estate, of all but the wealthiest 10%.
This is the heritage of the American “right,” nothing conservative about them, not since the Hoover administration. This is organized crime, written of by Jeff Gates, the unconstitutional Federal Reserve counterfeiting ring, the all powerful Israel lobby and a collection of mob families, starting with the Bronfman’s in Canada and spreading around the world, with nearly every government, Russia and Putin included, under their control.
You see, it is all very simple. There is no “patriotic” right, only police informants and Israeli assets, who share common failings, hatred of American freedom, subservience to power and corruption of the soul.
We see them today, crawling out from under their rocks. They came to life when America elected a democrat and African American, one who pushed for oversight of failed banks and insurance companies, who pushed the Zionist out of the military, who pushed through an effective medical insurance program that now served millions of American families…who ended torture and kidnapping as a national sport. He did this and more.
But let’s take a moment and talk about Citizens United. In 2005, a Supreme Court with 5 members controlled by organized crime, passed, you guessed it, by the same 5/4 margin that put the Bushster in office, a law legalizing the dismantling of the American constitution. When the court created a new category of life form, a “living corporation” with rights of “free speech,” as only they could define it, all “equal rights” provisions died along with habeas corpus. America stopped being a “republic” and will never be again. What you will see also is that those who claim to oppose government actually oppose a return to a constitutional government.
The right always wants the same thing: The safety of the police state and the soothing consistency of propaganda.
Both habeas corpus and “equal rights” are the cornerstone of magna carta and, without them, there are no enforceable constitutional right, no democracy, no republican form of government and no “Bill of Rights.”
You see, in 2005, corporations gained the unique right to literally buy any politician in America, any sheriff, any judge, any mayor and, of course, Sheldon Adelson’s congress.
From this time onward, any pretense for government serving the interests of the American people became less than credible and party lines in the US became sharply outlined. As the “right” became corporate controlled, tools of Wall Street and the Israeli mafia or as Dr. Preston James calls them, the RKM (Rothchild Khazarian Mafia), the paid pundits for organized crime increasingly pushed the idea of “anti-voting.” Their message, which resounds continually is “both parties are the same, don’t vote.” In truth, our overlords win even when we fail to make choices between those chosen for us and the differences between democratic and republican candidates has never been so great, not since FDR.
Any GOP candidate works for Israel. Conversely, even “dem Jews,” not all but the majority, have stood up to Netanyahu’s demands. Even Putin won’t stand up to Netanyahu but Obama has, despite the howls from the “patriotic right.”
Organizations like “Oath Keepers” are classic fronts for Israel, even more than InfoWars or CNN. If you really valued an oath, every day would not be spent warning Americans about secret prisons under Walmart Stores. I find alien invasion stories far more interesting and believable, after all, people have seen flying saucers but no one has ever seen a tunnel under a Walmart store.
What is notable is these groups only came into being when we got a liberal African American president, elected by a landslide majority twice. Never has an American president been attacked so often and so stupidly. If only he were from Kenya and Muslim. We could use the change. Let’s look at things real patriots might think about and then ask ourselves why those who claim to be whatever just don’t get it.
- Let’s face it, Al Gore is the last legally elected president. The Supreme Court is constitutionally disallowed from interfering in a state voting process because, unless that power is specifically listed in the constitution as being “federal,” it is reserved by the states. Why were there NO constitutional experts ever consulted about the election?
- When the first plane, real, remote controlled or hologram, it just doesn’t matter, hit “something” on 9/11, we knew NORAD had gone rogue.
- We are currently in the process of reauthorizing the Patriot Acts, the most oppressive legislation imaginable. When the first of these acts was passed, unread, no one asked why they had been prepared two years in advance or what they said. The right, “Oathers” or not, said nothing then and are silent now.
- Like we didn’t all know the attack on Afghanistan, the US partnered with the drug barons of the Northern Alliance, wasn’t going to be a total screw up.
- Silent on Iraq as well, clearly 5000 dead, 30,000 crippled and a very real over 100,000 suicides.
- Silent when Bush cut VA funding during the middle of the war.
- Silent on Veteran homelessness
- Silent on VA healthcare scandals
- Silent on VA disability compensation scandals, which let to tens of thousands of suicides
- Silent on the Rumsfeld trillions missing
- Silent on Gaza, over and over
- Silent on the attack on Lebanon, 2006, and the carpet bombing of Beirut
- Silent on torture and rendition
- Always silent on saber rattling against Iran though American intel consistently has reported Iran has NO nuclear program
- Silent on police abuse of Veterans and African Americans until “activated”
- When “too late to matter” concerns about police brutality crop up, quickly switched to “pro police” and “anti-black” rhetoric, when “activated” of course
- Always silent on the open war against “Citizens United,” the biggest single rights and freedom crusade in American history, one the phony right is on the wrong side of, at the behest of their “handlers”
- Silent on GOP moves to block the closing of Gitmo
- Tough on gay marriage but silent on James Gluckert
- Silent on Paul Bremmer’s lost $12 billion in cash
- Silent when Halliburton sold sewer water for our troops to drink at $30 a gallon in Iraq
- Katrina
- Silent when the real FEMA turned out to not even exist, run by a Bush crony who judged horse shows…
- Silent when Bush “anthraxed” his enemies
- Silent on Walter Reed hospital abuses
- Silent on Valerie Plame
- Silent on the Military Commissions Act
- Silent on the “Cheney Energy Task Force” where all but Cheney ended up in prison
- The “oather” love affair with Gonzales, mindless enforcer for “the decider”
- Silent on the Swift Boat liars, T Boone Pickens paid fabrications against Kerry
Can we sum it up by saying two elections were stolen, morons and maniacs took over the country, destroyed our economy, our courts, our lives, polluted our rivers and lakes, destroyed our coastline, made us reviled around the world and crushed our children’s dreams and now no one remembers this?
Let’s take a second to look at a couple of minor issues from this week. The Moscow Times is a VT favorite. We have been watching this publication for some time. You see, it publishes articles much like those of Paul Craig Roberts or other “Jones” stooges at InfoWars or CounterPunch, pieces meant to sound very “activist” but always returning to the same tired themes, doing the bidding of Israel and Wall Street. The genius is in melding seeming hate of Israel and Wall Street, albeit a “controlled opposition lite,” into a narrative that, when digested, is far more “poison” than “tonic.”
Here is something on vintage “Roberts:”
This week, Paul Craig Roberts wrote a piece damning Obama (let’s call him what so many others do, “The Negro President”) for publishing false job figures. The Department of Labor or, more appropriately, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, claimed 223,000 new jobs in April, 2015. Most of us are aware that after George H.W. Bush signed the NAFTA agreement (it was NOT Clinton as someone claims), high paying jobs became a bit hard to find in the US.
According to Roberts, 182,000 of the jobs created, 80% to be specific, were in “domestic services,” meaning butlers, chamber maids, nannies and scullery maids. My eyes rolled back into my head. Then again, Paul had gone to join Alex Jones as his foil to, well, to me as it were. And, for those who are unaware, some years ago it was clearly established that Alex Jones has a very strong connection to the Bronfman family in Canada, the most extreme Zionist radical group in the world.
This is what the Moscow Times does, appearing to be a mainstream Russian newspaper, it has sought out all anti-Putin bloggers across Russia, promoting their material while mixing in news, weather and sports. From New Eastern Outlook, Moscow:
The Moscow Times, presented in America as a major Russian newspaper with official standing and broad acceptance, is “everything but.” In actuality, it has the circulation of a small town shopping guide. It is owned by Sanoma Corporation, a shadowy media company run by Arthur Hoffman, a former employee of Booz Allen Hamilton, a CIA intelligence contracting firm.
Whether looking at Breitbart, InfoWars, CounterPunch or their thousands of right wing analogs, the story is generally the same, phony sponsors, imaginary think tanks and hidden benefactors, all leading to the usual suspects.
Another Zio front is “Defense One,” the blog the US army follows like the word of god. All the best spin is there, all very American, all very authoritative, until you check “credentials” and find most of their writers come from the Jerusalem Post.
It doesn’t have to be that complicated, not really. If you are a real human being and you are in love with what is now called “the trailer park right,” that teabag/birther/anti-vacc crowd that wants more government as long as there is a touch of Hebrew stew in the mix, there is nothing that can be done, nor should there be. You are dead already and nobody cares.
On the other hand, if you are awake, you may well suspect that depopulating and destroying the earth must serve some end, just not one you care to support. You may well ask why others fall into the trap so easily but, just perhaps, Darwin had it right.
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Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor
on May 22, 2015,
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Filed under Politics.
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Obama may have pushed for financial oversight, but it was all show, for nothing substanstive has come of it. Who is the “Zionist” (singular) who got pushed out of the military? Obama let Netanyahu give him a black eye in front of the American Congress, without an invitation. He’s presided over the coup in Ukraine. The jury is out on whether Obamacare, written by the insurance companies and completely ignoring the single payer option, will do us much good, and if he did end torture, (Gitmo is still open) he sure as hell let the torturers get away with it.
To call Paul Craig Roberts a Jones stooge who does the bidding of Wall St. and Israel makes me think you’re probably jealous of his being a more cogent writer than you are who actually presents some concrete solutions for our economic problems. By the way, what’s your plan? For anything? I’ve yet to hear it.
I’m rarely this nasty to someone I don’t know personally, but your comments to me from previous posts have been unnecessarily insulting, Mr. Duff.
“Putin’s think tanks just nationalized all banks in Donetsk”
Do you have a source for this statement? It is Boris Alekseevich Litvinov, Donetsk economic policy maker, and his intellectual associates that “…want to build a parliamentarian republic, based on the state’s ownership of land and its resources, of air and water spaces, a state’s strong control of economic process, and a socially oriented state.” (Litvinov, Tarpley interview). I doubt if Putin has anything to do with this. Watch and see if Russia nationalizes their Rothschild central bank anytime soon. My guess is no.
Webster Tarpley, reporting from the DNR. Met with Boris Alekseevich Litvinov personally and reported it on
You cannot just nationalize a Rothschild Bank in one day, the process needs to ensure safety mechanisms against an all out fiscal attack by all the worlds central banks working together. That is why Putin is moving slowly with BRICS, he can’t take on the world alone. He needs to build a stronger state and economic sector plus make friends before he can make any moves against a Rothschild Bank, but inside United Russia Yegeny Federov is advocating exactly that, and that is part of Putin’s party, he needs to ensure many factors including oligarchs before making such a move, people that try that sort of thing end up facing a lot of trouble, he is taking his time wisely.
It is all so sad but true.
Once again very provocative. Always a good read. Thank you.
A nation that has elected George W.Bush for his 2nd mandate ( not the 1st one, it can happen once to anyone ) simply cannot expect and i would add doesn’t deserve a better President or a better future. If by any chance there was a 3rd mandate under US constitution i believe today we would be talking about a nuclear winter in the middle east so far and possibly grenades over Moscow and London.
Everything Democratic Party is good, anybody that opposes them is a Zionist right Gordon? You criticize Putin, yet you wrote an article about him threatening to expose 9/11 evidence if Obama didn’t release the classified files on Israels nuke program and US support, but now, all of a sudden he is a Zionist agent? Make no mistake the right the USA is utter trash, I can agree, but to spin this as Obama is our savior and Hillary is better than Bush when Robert Kagan essentially endorsed her and said his foreign policy is one and the same as hers. Bush and Hillary are the same thing, the fake right-left dem-rep in the US is well known, after all the bad that Obama has done, sitting on the Presidency as people in the government created ISIS and his allies went along, he let it happen, he almost bombed Syria if it wasn’t for Putin yet you claim he is strangling Syria. Why Gordon? Why do you support the Dems when we know both parties are evil and useless?
Whether you read Chronicles or National Review or the American Conservative they all still push the official garbage version of 9-11 and ignore the evidence implicating the rogue Rothschild Khazarian mafia that actually committed the most heinous false-flag attack in our history..
American conservatives, good joke, more like all ex-Bolshevik Neo-Con Trotskyists teamed up with robber barons and drug kingpins, the democrats have the exact same agenda, but differ in approach in how to achieve it, Bush prefers direct involvement of the US military while the dems do the whole colour revolution/arming insurgents. Personally I prefer the Bush style because it is so moronic it actually galvanizes Americans and the World against the powers that be, while the dems get much more done, much more bodies, and far less squeling. Even the tops Neo-Cons like Robert Kagan are pushing Hillary, they say their all out frontal attack on the world after 9/11 failed miserably, the Brezhinski school get things done, which is unfortunate because it is causing war, suffering, and poverty.
“…but no one has ever seen a tunnel under a Walmart store.”
I have been involved with the construction of several Wal-Mart stores, and the only “tunnels” are electrical and communications duct banks that barely would have room inside for two rats to pass each other.
Evidently, NAFTA required implementing legislation, and the Clinton administration obliged, making NAFTA fully bi-partisan. Ross Perot objected, and debated Al Gore in a post-Inaugural televised debate, which Clinton declared Gore had won. At the signing ceremony on the implementing legislation Bush thanked Clinton profusely, declaring NAFTA would have failed without Clinton. So, we have it from the horse’s mouth. Clinton’s and Bush’s personal and political friendship appears to date from Clinton’s pushing NAFTA over the goal line.
Bush’s go back to the Clinton’s on Iran-Contra, with Barry Seal, Dan Lasater, and Don Tyson and Mena, which Gordon said never existed, he claims it was all Hollywood, FL flying circus, my rebutal is; it was both.
Darwin had what right? In The Descent of Man Darwin explicitly claims that, in the continuum between apes and man, blacks occupy a place between gorillas and Australian Aboriginals. He says, “[a]t some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilised races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races,” meaning, it goes without saying, blacks like Obama. Or, were you just expressing a nihilist take on things?
The right died when “Bed Time for Bonzo” was appointed and sold the Trickle Down. They swallowed it whole and asked for more. Trickle being the key word, can be used to describe the money flow to the people, and the intelligence of the middle or lower class folks who still ignorantly support it.
They are easily spotted by their “support the troops” bumper stickers which really means, “Kill Everything I want Cheaper Gas”. I sure do hope a few VT readers can get some microphone time at the cemeteries this weekend.
BTW, Did Bob Kraft ever get back that Patriots Super Bowl Ring he let Putin try on a few years back? Just wondering since he wanted his pen back. I guess it was a good fit.
Meanwhile, so much to sift through. The protocols spoke of overwhelming the mind of the goyim masses with so much info, dis-info, so many angles, sources, liars, varying points of view, as to get them to thrown up their hands in confusion and defeat.
Exactly . The Protocols are right on the money for the umpteenth time ; and VT all too frequently appears as controlled opposition or an agency of satanic chaos ; or maybe all the nonconclusiveness is due to the fog of war and a political battlefield not yet won over to the truth . This is getting to look like an endless bullfight where the matadors forget to put the bull down ( ie. kill it ) and victory is never declared .
If the ” Pawns In The Game ” main theme is basicly correct as it appears to be , then federal level voting is irrelevant or a mere distraction . The author William Carr put his faith in the voting process ( as of 1958 ) for defeating the satanic ILLuminati conspiracy . Since then US federal level electoral process has become so corrupted that it is farcical . Consequently , even tho the book is a gem it offers no real way to defeat the conspiracy since the author Carr also rejects the only other possibilities — a revolution or civil war . A revolution does not have to be bloody except that it would be difficult to entirely avoid bloodshed when engaging an enemy such as the ILLuminati . A civil war would definitely be bloody and more amenable to the satanic ILLuminati . The complacent sheeple masses may just decide to remain apathetic and let their descendents fight the satanics sometime in the distant future . That would not be very considerate of the well-being of their offspring . It would be like a herd of sheep inviting a wolfpack in for dinner whenever it became hungry .
I think your take on Putin is correct. He is probably just one of the boys. I got suckered by him last week. ran a video of him chewing out an Oligarch. I bought into it. Thought it was great. Since then I have looked at it again and again and its just too stagey.
His making the Oligarch nervously hand him back his pen is pure Hollywood. I guess that is why he hires an American PR firm to define him to the world.
Putin is strangling Syria…