People are constantly searching for natural and alternative ways to help effectively treat health conditions and disorders they may be experiencing. Perhaps nothing they’ve already tried has worked or they don’t want to have to rely on modern, expensive health options. Those usually involve harsh and costly pharmaceuticals, which often have even worse side effects than the actual issue itself. Many people end up turning to homeopathic remedies in an effort to naturally balance and help heal their bodies, as well as their minds.
One of the most popular and effective treatment methods comes from the ancient Chinese alternative medicine field of acupressure. The simple act of applying focused pressure to various points on our bodies does wonders to dissolve away aches, pains, tension, and built up stresses that are bogging us down. Acupressure works by stimulating the thousands of nerves in the body, thereby increasing blood flow. Human feet alone have over 15,000 nerves and they all connect to form a network that reaches different areas of the body, like the main organs and glands. Many have found that by using simple acupressure massage techniques at home they could dramatically relieve pain and discomfort caused by common ailments. People have successfully treated their migraines, headaches, back pain, digestion and sleep issues, and more by massaging different body points associated with the area in which the problem stems from.
One such point is found on the hands and it’s primarily used to help relieve pain and discomfort stemming from headaches and migraines. The point is located right above the webbing between the thumb and index fingers on each hand. To activate it, press firmly down on the point while massaging and rotating in a circular or back and forth motion for at least 30 seconds and up to a couple of minutes at a time. Make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, sit back and close your eyes, and breathe evenly in and out. This may be done anywhere at anytime of the day and it can be repeated however many times you’d like. The accompanying video shows you exactly where and how this self-massage should be done and it also demonstrates a number of other pressure points that can be used for headache relief.
There are many additional acupressure treatments that are incredibly simple, convenient, easy to do, and don’t cost you a penny if done in the comfort of your home. If you’re hesitant or doubtful about whether or not acupressure could help you, try thinking about it like this; you have nothing to lose and potentially lots to gain by giving yourself a hand massage. At the very least you’ll feel more at ease, relaxed, and comfortable.
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