The Gift

What fascinates me is the amount of ignorance that our people have accepted as a standard – something that is just normal and how things are supposed to be. This ignorance is evident in many aspects of our Life and within our Societies. This aspect has always existed and is growing within the Jewish induced ideologies and revolutions – their main goal always has been and will be the same – the entire destruction of a current norm or way of life. From an extrapolated perspective, the very destruction of Nature itself.

Let us remind ourselves that pretty much everything within this realm can be packed down to basic discs of information. Different decoded values of genetics and DNA. With such a different amount of information, different material forms come into being – some of them are the Organic life forms with which we also identify. Within this realm of Humanoid life forms, there are different races which, each on its own, represent a different composite of information – what we see as racial difference between an Aboriginal and European – can be also explained as one consisting of a larger pack of data than the other, therefore also having more data to work with and conclusively being able to decode more of Life and bring about more invention, reason, thought, creation, and so on. We could say that the White European is a “better tool” when it comes to working around Life on this planet. It is a USB stick with more valuable data on it.

The Jews therefore wish to destroy our Genetic code, our Data, our pack of Information – our Tool – because they know that we are capable of entirely deconstructing the Lies which their own Data represents. But, they bamboozle us through various ideologies and are constantly attempting to either destroy or deconstruct our data – and where impossible, they wish to mix it with other data. Now, what happens if you have a larger file, with much more data, and try to copy-paste a smaller file with the same name into the same folder? It will offer you three options – to move and replace the existing file (erasing the original data), to not move the file (keeping the original data) and to move, but keep both files.

Obviously the only valid option is to not move the file – in the first one you lose yourself entirely, while in the other one you are now stuck with a different “opinion”, to say the least. Add to this democracy and you got yourself a problem under which we currently suffer within all White Nations.


This “data” example of our existence is a very shocking one. Only through racial purity is our data entirely kept and transferred – and developed. The moment race-mixing occurs – we lose our data – sometimes even entirely. This leads to the conclusion that at a certain point of existence, our File – called the White Race – came into being. And as it developed itself, encoded and transferred among its racial brethren – it grew and spread. What we see occur in the 21st century is an attempt to entirely destroy this File. And it is being done through countless and various ways.

The Jew, as the Virus behind the corruption and destruction of our File, is attempting to penetrate our Firewalls (Immunity Systems) on a daily basis. Little by little, he is decoding our protective systems and immediately encoding his own data mining processes and loop holes for other smaller types of viruses, so called bacteria – trojan horses and worms, for example. Once a Computer system is entirely corrupted by Viruses of various levels, it can’t operate. You are denied access to it.

Now, what is the equivalent of such a thing in our Organic form? The denial of Freedom – speech, laws, movement, money, politics, media – everything. These Organic Viruses are like those annoying pop-ups which happen on your PC – they are the equivalent of all the propaganda you have to suffer through in real life. Once you get a hold of this concept of Life, you will realize that the Jews and their Allies are attempting to entirely erase the File called the White Race. You could look at this planet as a Hard disk drive having a partition for each of the humanoid Races that exist upon it. What the Jews are attempting to do is format our partition and afterwards delete it.

They have been doing this through the ages – at first, changing our very own data cores and understanding of existence – it all began with their very first infestation upon our Race – the corrupted data file called the Bible. It created a hole within our defensive system that persists to this very day. This viral infection has fought its way through every aspect of our File (Organism) and has become the overseer of all our actions and thoughts. As long as it exists, it will keep our Immune system unaware to danger of a certain degree – and will keep the danger of incoming Trojan Horses – always a possibility.


It was important for the Virus to destroy all such data nodes and cores of the White Raceconfuse it of its own basic roles and functions. Replace it with viral ones and erase the original ones. Mix it with new ones wherever necessary and then silence the original ones. Where impossible to trick, war has been waged upon our entire File and much of the oldest and finest information that kept the integrity of our Race together – was sent into the Recycle Bin – never to return. Now, the final maneuver of the Virus is to simply override all our Data by Race-mixing. It is like a game of othello or reversi.

Let us go a little bit deeper here with this information. White males have the highest sperm count and volume – another point that would make it easier to understand that more Data is being transferred. It is difficult to find information on it, but there is no doubt in my mind that the sperm of different races transfers different amount of DNA – all you will find is some average number of Megabytes. Even though the general knowledge behind the creation of a child is based on the random exchange of data between the female and male data – resulting in various kinds of X and Y strings, which finally lead to either a boy or a girl as well – we have to understand one important aspect here, which is usually totally ignored or never mentioned.

When you mix, for example a donkey and a horse, you get a mule. There are cases in which the mule can breed afterwards again – but it will only ever produce a mule. The same scenario exists within dogs – once mixed – they won’t ever create the former pure breed, ever again. What happens in such a process? There is a very simple explanation for this – and this is exactly why the Jews are also attempting to Race-mix us out of existence.

Also, it was important to first understand that we transfer different amounts of Information, as we represent different Data, which – on the biological, organic level – expresses itself in forms of different Races with different Characteristics and capabilities. This must be clearwe are not all one Race. We might have somewhere deep down, at the most basic level, the same foundation – but we have developed our own Data (Code) beyond others. Let us now look at this most simple graphic :


Remember the mule example from a moment ago? This is exactly what happens on the humanoid level. The race-mixed person will never again be able to create a pure White person as the form of the Mother will change as well. What once was a 100% European form, would afterwards become, for example, a 75% European form, which on its own is simply a new complete form. To make it more clear, if the 100% European form is called “A”, then the 75% European form is now “B”, which is 75% of A. You can attempt to “overload” these 75% to make them more “white”, but they will never truly resemble the original anymore – they will never reach 100% again . The original Data is lost. The mule will never give birth to a Horse.

Another shocking point is that already within 2 generations – you receive only 25% of DNA from your ancestors – which would be your grandparents. If the purity of the race is not preserved, a White form – and the White race with it – were to entirely cease to exist within less than 100 years. And this is what the Jew wishes to accomplish. To further help yourself, imagine this story through the combination of a Motherboard and hardware that you attempt to install into it.

This also explains why the Jews measure a Jew through their mother – she carries the form of a Jew, whereas the male carries the additional information regarding that Jew. Another important point is that the Jews and their Shabbos Goy are spreading propaganda that the White Race in general is a “recessive” genetic form – meaning that non-White DNA is supposedly “dominant” in the process of mixing and will “take over” features. In other words, race-mixing between a Negro and a White results in basically a Negro. Now, with what we have learned we can easily conclude that it isn’t the Black DNA that is “dominant”, but that it is unable to decode and adapt to the White DNA.

Negros and Semites overran and took control over Egypt. Does that mean that Negroes and Semites were Dominant? Superior? No. Egypt under their rule ceased to exist within several generations, as they had no idea what to do with the Nation they infested. In that very same fashion – the mixed race body which they inhabit when mixing with a White person – will cease to exist within several generations as their genetic code has no idea what to do with it.

In the case of the Black race there is also a metaphysical important aspect to add here. The color Black represents absorption :

Take in or soak up (energy, or a liquid or other substance) by chemical or physical action, typically gradually. Take in and assimilate (information, ideas, or experience). Use or take up (time or resources). The process or action by which one thing absorbs or is absorbed by another. To drink greedily.

And this is exactly what happens. They attempt to absorb the White person entirely during the race-mixing process, but can’t do so as we have already explained. It should also make you understand why formerly white areas become stone age Africa once we are gone – they Absorb everything until it is consumed – and once everything is Black African, they got nothing to absorb from each other and therefore return to the Stone Age.

But – since they have no idea how our Society came into being in the first place – they do not know what to do with it once we are gone. In other words – they will absorb current plug-and-play knowledge – they’ll know how to use a mobile phone, but never be able to build one ever again once its battery is dead. This is simply the metaphysical reality we have to face. As long as they do not personally, as a race, develop – they will represent this Black color in a metaphysical aspect in its purest form; and will also return to it. This is why the Jews are massively engaging them to further our destruction. A simple example of Light being engulfed by Darkness – and Skin color dropping through race-mixing :


Let us remind ourselves of what the Jew Rabbi Rabinovich said on January 12th, 1952 :

The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave.

This we hope to do with the issue of Anti-Semitism, which worked so well in uniting the Americans against Germany. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

Forbid the Whites to mate with Whites. The White Women must cohabit with members of the dark races, the White Men with black women. Thus the White Race will disappear, for the mixing of the dark with the White means the end of the White Man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark peoples.

They fully understand what we have just analyzed. They also understand another important subject which we are going to embark into now – the aspect of Hermetics and how they apply to our Organic life form. We discussed such elements throughout my articles so far – but, this time we’ll do it from a slightly different perspective, just and only to offer a more detailed explanation. The Jewish God is androgynous – he is both male and female – because they apply him from Hermetic knowledge, where it is supposed that if there Exists a definite single Source of everything – that it must have both aspects within itself. It must be both male and female and androgynous at the same time. This also means, when you read the Bible – that “Human” was primarily created in God’s image – androgynous.

The Jewish religion is simply a cover for the Jewish race, created to blind the rest of the people who believe in the Bible. You have got to realize this – they are even pretending to believe in their own Religion – just and only to make you think that it holds any Truth. Meanwhile, they have a complete different approach to their Mythology. You know how devious and cunning they are – there should be no problem behind you understanding this fact. They pretend to be religious. If they were to show up tomorrow and announce that they realized their own religion is fake and shit – would you still remain a Christian? Would Islam still exist? Think, you fools.

Nevertheless, the Human Organic Life form has these male and female aspects within him as well. But, he himself isn’t androgynous, or as they attempt to brainwash us – transgender. We, as an Organic life form are split between Men and Women. Only in the Unity between these two, does the idea of “God” manifest, resulting in a Creation – the Child. If, however, we are talking about our individual brains and their functions – then yes – we have both a Masculine and Feminine aspect – ultimately, overruled by our Gender.

It isn’t as complicated as it sounds. You can observe pretty much all the laws of Nature and their relationship between feminine and masculine elements and find them within yourself – but – at the end of the story your Natural, Organic expression is what you Are and therefore, even though you can relate to mental processes of both elements, at the Organic level you can’t deny – nor escape – your Natural gender. This is, however, where the Jew is attempting to destroy us entirely – by making people believe that their Organic Body itself is transgender, even though they see it isn’t with their very own two eyes.


This is basically the foundation of many things within our Reality. This is also why the Sun is represented with a Cross – it is basically a “Positive”, Masculine polarity which makes Female aspects gravitate towards it. By the very same analogy does our Solar System function – the Planets, Moons – are going around the Sun, because the Sun is making them gravitate towards it. In certain mythologies the “Sun” was shown as Androgynous – due to Neutrons having both aspects.

This is why the Sun is “the Father”, while the Earth – as a planet – is “the Mother”. In some cases, however, the Father is the Heavens, while the Son is the Sun. We can also see that in such a relationship there exists a boundary – a Nation. So, Jews wish to destroy this very basic foundation of Life – no Borders whatsoever. And they do it by disrupting the Female aspect and making them bond with other such elements entirely, resulting in the deconstructing of each Individual element.

“Love”, which would exist by creating a relationship between different female aspects of different such Atoms, would mean that each Atom doesn’t cease to exist. True Love doesn’t destroy – if you Love your Son or Daughter, you aren’t going to Consume him. Neither will you consume your Wife or Husband. But, the Jews use Love to consume everything – and, in addition to that – are attempting to explain to both the Male and Female aspects that they both can be whatever the fuck they want to be. But, hold on to that picture for now and let us analyze it further.

As said – this is one of the foundations of existence – but, it doesn’t mean that it is applicable only in one single sense. Assume a hot, beautiful White woman enters a room – she would immediately represent the “+” polarity and make dozens of men gravitate towards here as the “-” polarity. Vice versa, the same is true. This is impossible in the cases of Transgender brainwashed Zombies; however they attempt to break their Organic Nature through various medical surgeries – see, on one level they admit that they cannot hide their Nature – but, they ignore it, because they are indoctrinated idiots.


What we understood from this example is that both the Man and Woman can experience this example of the Atom. But, we also know that when they assume this rolethey act a little bit different, don’t they? When the Man controls the negative, female aspect (chaos and creativity) – he rarely knows how to approach the Woman. Women on the other hand are quite the opposite, they touch you, imitate you – etc. – because, they feel at “home” assuming this aspect.

What happens when we take this example and attempt to analyze it through a Home, or a Nation? If the Man stays at Home, while the Woman goes around – she will act entirely Chaotic and will be easily influenced by the Environment – which could eventually lead to open borders. If the Woman stays at Home, while the Man goes around – he will put the Chaos under Control through Will and prevent outer influence from crossing the Borders. We see, therefore, that it is very important which Organic form assumes which element in certain situations.

Take another example – imagine the Baby was the “+” of the Atom, while the Mother was protecting it as the “-” ; have you ever seen a Mother protecting her child viciously? Well, that’s what you’ll get when the Female entirely assumes the Female aspect. However, in the case of a Nation – a more stable border is required – a static and secure formation – which is only possible if the Man takes over that aspect in such a case.

We could go on forever attempting to analyze such things – and we have done several times before already – but, it is important to understand that Willpower is the main Source of Power which controls the relationship between Female and Male aspects. This Willpower is Naturally stronger in Men and therefore the Men have since ever assumed the position of protector whenever it is necessary to put Chaos under Control. I say necessary, because in the European lifestyle we do not enslave Women – we protect them. The Jew, however, has disrupted this entire relationship, this Unity – and therefore is on a good way to destroying our entire Race.


The Jews, worshiping their Androgynous God, hate the Humanoid Female – because due to her, according to them – the first Humanoid was split into Genders and therefore weakened. This is why they even have prayers where they thank God that they were born as Men. The other Abrahamic faiths are not that different – Islam might even be worse in that regard. Since the Female aspect is associated with Creativity – and the Jews hate it – we can understand why they wish to annihilate the most Creative Race on this planet – the White Race. Within that Race the Female is truly free. Take another example for this – when you attempt to be Creative – you need room for doing so; you need free time, free space and a mind free from thoughtful burden. Once that Creativity sinks in, you need a border within which you can operate – you must limit yourself and express this Creativity into something – if you let your Creativity wonder around too much, it will never turn into something real – it will always remain, just and only, an Idea.

Be as it may, as said – there are many ways to look at all these realms of existence. Take the sperm for example – it carries both X and Y, where the Y is smaller. Even though we associate the Sperm as a Male thing, the Y which creates a boy is smaller and carries less data. The Sperm itself is more Female than Male. It is also Chaotic, which again resembles the Female aspect. When you get a random idea – is it the Female or Male aspect of your Self? Female. But, if you have a weak Male aspect to put this idea under Control and Will – it won’t grow into anything.

Then again, the Will (male) sends out his Force in terms of Creative energies (Female) – this is why the Father is Male, the Holy Spirit Female, whereas the Child can turn out anything – male or female. I know, it’s all over the place – but the more we understand this, the more we will recognize how and why the Jew is destroying us. Why exactly he is turning our Women into Men and our Men into Women. Why he is promoting Transgenderism. It clicks the more you realize that they are using Hermetic knowledge, but ignoring Natural Laws and Organic forms which we posses. Just because the brain could be regarded as a Trans element, consisting of 2 hemispheres and having access to both the Male and Female aspect – doesn’t mean that our Body and all that comes with itis a Trans element as well.

So, we see there are many factors and reasons why the Jew is attempting to destroy the White Race, especially the White female who is carrying the White racial Form. And we know how much they hate us – and we know how much they want to eliminate us. One of the things we can hope for right now is that they themselves all turn into faggots and simply wipe themselves out with it. Which leads us to the final point of our discussion here.


Why won’t we learn from history?

Why don’t we see what the Jew has done from day one – how he enslaved our Minds and our Women with the inception of Christianity upon our Lands? How he slowly killed the Lady and is now attempting to kill the Woman? How with the death of the Woman, the Mother is disappearing – which will mean that the Child will never exist? That without the Woman there won’t be a Unity with a Man – therefore no Family – that without the Family there can’t exist a Home – without a Home a Settlement – without Settlements a Nation. Without the Nation, a Race or Ethnicity.

The source of All, God, may be an Androgynous being that functions without borders and limits – and is above Space and Time and all Natural Laws – but we are not. We are Subject to these Laws and we cannot deny them as long as we exist within these Organic bodies – as long as we are bound to Genetics and this Universe – the only Sane, Intelligent, Reasonable and Wise thing to do is to Understand and Know ourselves and our relationship with this source and Nature. Everything else leads to Destruction and Darkness.

Be as it may – with all these things which we understand – how is it that we cannot apply them to our present time? Why is it that we can go into the Past, look up History and connect dots among Jews and their Shabbos Goy? Why is it that we can look back and say – see! almost every single guy behind the German revolution was a Jew! Almost all Communists in Russia were Jews! All Bolsheviks were Jews! This and that President or Important person were surrounded by Jews – therefore controlled and influenced. Why is it that we can do that for the Past – but not for the Present? What makes it so difficult?

Why is it that we can now look at how Trump is surrounded by dozens of Jews – literally everyone making his campaign is a Jew – that his family is basically filled with Jews now and that he even has Jewish grandchildren – and that no one gives a fuck about such informationwhy is that?

Imagine going now into the future, at least 50 years from now and telling someone about the Jews. He’d look at Trump, his most recent history, and say – why the fuck did no one connect the dots here and realize what game was being played? The same for Putin. The same for Merkel. The same for almost every single fucking Politician right now! And here we are, sitting in the dark, ignoring all the facts and just wishing for something miraculous to happen – for god damn Jesus to return and just machine gun all Jews or something. I’ll tell you why :

Because we are out of touch with reality.

We are out of touch with this realm of Existence. We are out of touch with our Soul, Ancestors and Spirit. We are out of touch with our Self. We lost our Willpower. We lost all of our Knowledge and Wisdom. We lost the Love for our Race, the Love between its Male and Female. Everything got replaced by Semitic ideologies and Belief systems. We have been sitting on false Hope for almost 2000 years – believing, instead of Knowing – waiting, instead of Doing – trusting in a Prophecy, instead of making our own Reality.

Remember, the source – the All – is above this Realm. The God will never influence this Realm – he got nothing to influence it with. He is beyond time and space – he doesn’t give a fuck about it. The only thing you can do is get in touch with his Will through your own Will and gain Knowledge of certain kinds.

We are afraid of Dying, afraid of Living – because we have been put under the Jesus spell of Heaven and Hell – of not being able to go to Heaven if we do what might be wrong. There is no such thing, my friends. Death is simply the beginning of a new Life. It can’t go any other way. And if you wish to ascend into higher realms of existence, then you must grow your Willpower – you must do what is Right here – you must show this Realm that you have no Fear. We must break out of all Jewish indoctrinations – Choices, Suggestions, etc. – and realize that within us lies the Potential of a Willpower so strong that it will shake the whole Planet.

This is the Warrior Spirit of the European. And it is about damn time it awakens.

No lies anymore. No playing games. No playing by Jewish rules. No falling down on knees due to Guilt. Stand up – both Male and Female – and protect what was given to you by the Creator – protect that Divinity, protect your Natural Expression and protect Nature with it – because no one else is going to give a fuck about it either.

It isn’t easy to be a White person. It is always easier to fall back into the Stone Age. It is easier to live without Discipline, Honor, Courage and Love. This is why weak willed people among us look for life styles and solutions among the third world – they think that Africans are doing something better than we are. They think that licking the butt of a cow as in India is spirituality. They think that ripping out Hearts was a fine understanding of Life in South America. They look for solutions at other Races – instead of realizing their own Self. Its potential. Its Excellency. Its Pride and Heritage. Its Creativity. Its Achievements. Its Blood. It isn’t Easy to be White – to develop its highest potential. But, it is a gift that has been passed on through Generations – and that Gift is now in your Hands.

Show us that you are Worthy of carrying such a Gift.


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