The Fracking Business Funded by Koch Industries Money



Ever notice the endless procession of television ads praising the value
of fracking, or the amazing number of D.C.-based “institutes” and
“foundations” promoting the controversial drilling method, despite growing scientific evidence that this sort of natural gas extraction is poisoning the water table and leaking carcinogenic chemicals into the environment? ~ Lee Fang

Many of the pro-fracking think tanks, like the Heartland Institute and the American Legislative Exchange Council, are funded
by the petrochemical conglomerate Koch Industries. To get a better idea
of why Koch-funded organizations are so desperate to force fracking on
local communities, Republic Report has compiled the ways in which Koch
Industries has monetized the fracking business:

– 1. Koch Pipeline is partnering with NuStar Energy
to develop a dormant pipeline from Pettus, TX to refineries in Corpus
Christi. The pipeline will transport natural gas from fracking sites in
southern Texas. Koch Pipeline is a Koch Industries subsidiary.

– 2. Flint Hills Resources recently purchased a
small craft pier and wharf in Ingleside, TX to store shipments of
natural gas from fracking operations in the Eagle Ford shale formation.
Flint Hills Resources is a Koch Industries subsidiary.

– 3. Koch Supply Trading, a Koch Industries
company that deals with commodity trading and financial products, is
“already trading Eagle Ford crude” to help supply Koch companies and
other customers, according to a Koch Industries newsletter.

– 4. Koch Chemical Technology Group is designing a
processing facility near Yoakum, TX to help process natural gas fracked
in southern Texas. Koch Chemical is a subsidiary of Koch Industries.

– 5. John Zink, a Koch Industries company, is providing flares for a natural gas processing plant in Helena to service the fracking industry.

– 6. Georgia Pacific produces
resins used for chemicals used to prop open micro-fractures, an
important process for fracking to occur. Koch Industries acquired

– 7. Koch Fertilizer, a Koch Industries company, has tapped into increased natural gas production from fracking to develop fertilizer.

As I’ve reported,
Koch Industries is owned by David and Charles Koch, two men each worth
over $22 billion dollars who have plunged untold millions into an array
of front groups that help lobby the government for policies that benefit
Koch businesses.


Lee Fang – March 2, 2012 – RepublicReport



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