The Few Banks that Own All


July 25, 2012


147 corporations, mostly banks, control 40% of the world’s wealth.

by Anthony Migchels

In the Fall
of 2011, a study by Swiss scientists
revealed that a small number of banks controlled a decisive stake in the
globe’s economy.

The idea that this
banking cartel controls the economy is now a scientifically quantified matter of

The study,
called ‘the Network of Global Corporate Control’ was done by Stefania
Vitali, James B. Glattfelder, and Stefano Battiston, in Zurich,
Switzerland. The method was datamining the Orbis Marketing Database 2007, with data on more than 30 million economic actors (companies and investors) worldwide, including asset positions.

The study was published in the New Scientist, a highly respected outlet of mainstream science.

The results were interesting, although basically predictable.

Massive centralization
It transpires that there are about 43,000 companies that are Transnational according to the OECD definition.

There is a top 1,318 of them that seem to be at the center of it all. This core group has three important characteristics.

1. Between them, they generated 20% of the world’s income.

2. They own each other.

The Orbis database clearly showed that most shares of these corporations
were owned by other members of the group of 1,318. This means that the
biggest, most profitable and influential corporations in the world all
own each other and are basically one massive cartel, or even monopoly.
They are competing only nominally. Competition is sin.

3. The core owns all the other biggest 43,000 Transnational corporations.

These companies generate another 60% of the entire world’s
income. So not only is the top of the business world on major cartel, it
controls or outright owns all of its lesser brethren, confirming the
idea of one incredible monopoly owning the entire world.

Besides these three issues with the core of 1,318, there are two more shocking observations:

4. 80% of the total control was in the hands of an even smaller group of 737 corporations.

5. And last but not least: at the very top, only 147 corporations directly control 40% of the total wealth.


See below the article for a list of the top 50 of this list.

As you can see from that list, they are all banks or other financial institutions.

So no, it’s not a hyperbole to say the Banking System is One.
We’re not overstating the case when we say it’s just one massive
cartel. That the banks own everything, including all the major
industries. Oil, Weapons, Pharmaceuticals, Food, Telecom and IT, etc.
It’s all one massive monopoly. Controlled from the top down.

The Money Power is real and these Swiss gentlemen have done us a favor by crunching the numbers.

Questions remain. How do the CAFR’s of US Governmental pension funds
and the like fit in this picture? How are the companies controlled if
they all own each other?

However, the last few years we have seen conspiracy theory getting
validated more and more everyday. People are still surprised, but that
is only because they don’t understand human nature. People conspire to do just
about everything. It would have been really surprising had there not
been a conspiracy to rule the world.

Understand the Banking System is One

Liebor, the Biggest Scam in History?

For this article I am indebted to David Wilcock.


Migchels is an Interest-Free Currency activist and founder of the
Gelre, the first Regional Currency in the Netherlands. You can read all
of his articles on his blog Real Currencies

Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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