The Fake Wounded of the Jakarta Terror Attack Hoax

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The Fake Wounded of the Jakarta Terror Attack Hoax

It is said that on January 14, 2016, a group of so-called Islamic radicals attacked Jakarta in a wild terror attack, killing people randomly. This is a lie. There were no Muslim killers of any kind operating that day. The only murderers of the day were the Mossad and their collaborators, including a multitude of such collaborators in the Indonesia secret services.

This was an Islamophobic attack, like the others, make no mistake about it. Moreover, it was all orchestrated by Zionist Jews and their ilk. Who can demonstrate otherwise?

The ISIS Website making the claim of responsibility is nothing other than a false front headed out of the arch-corrupt Zionist strip:


The Israeli Zionists through their ISIS entity have claimed responsibility. Let us take them at their word, that regardless of what happened, fake or real – false blood, fake corpses, or real blood and corpses, it is the Zionists who are responsible, no others.

Thus, through Zionist criminal fabrications it is said:

“A group of soldiers of the caliphate in Indonesia targeted a gathering from the crusader alliance that fights the Islamic State in Jakarta through planting several explosive devices that went off as four of the soldiers attacked with light weapons and explosive belts,” the group said in a statement.

It’s just like 911 and the others. The Zionists just can’t get it straight: no matter how hard they try. The men involved in the detonation didn’t carry explosive belts of any kind and at best had a few smoke grenades and other pyrotechnic devices, perhaps some powerful flash bombs, in mere backpacks. There were no suicide elements of any kind. Nor were they proven to have planted any explosive devices. Nor are they seen attacking anyone with live ammo through small weapons.

Nor are there any images of actual wounded people, as advertised, some 23 of them, many with rather severe injuries. Per a poster on Reddit quoting official Indonesian sources:

Up until now there are 23 wounded and are in 5 hospitals :

  1. RSPAD Gatot Subroto
    • Budi Rahmat(35), ID, wounded in right foot
    • Aiptu Dodi Maryadi (48), ID, Traffic Police, gunshot wound in right chest
    • Aiptu Budiyono (49), ID, Provost, gunshot wounds in chest and abdomen
    • Anggun Kartikasari (24), ID, wound in right foot
    • Chaerul Islami bin Muhdar Arifin (21), ID, wounds in the back and legs.
    • Yohanes Antonius Maria (52), Dutch, Wounded in right arm, broken right hand and wound in the head
    • Agus Kurnia (35), ID, have problem with hearing
    • Permana (21), ID, fracture in left arm.
    • Mr Marex (44), Algeria Citizen, Shot in chest and left thigh.
  2. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM)
    • Aiptu Deni Mahieu (49), ID, Traffic Police, wounded in legs, right arm, head and face.
    • Mira Puspita (21), ID, burns on the arms.
    • Venusia Diah Mavianti (44), ID, wound in head back
    • Endah (32), ID, wounded in head
  3. Metropolitan Medical Center (RS MMC)
    • Adi Saputro (28), ID, wounded on right side of head, and burned on right arm.
    • John Hansen (33), ID, Trauma and hearing problem
    • Meissy Sabardiah (36), ID, wounded on right foot.
  4. Tarakan Hospital (RS Tarakan):
    • Brigadir Suminto (40), ID, Traffic Police. Shot in left shoulder through left chest.
  5. Abdi Waluyo Hospital (RS Abdi Waluyo)
    • Aiptu Suhadi, ID, Shot in the back
    • Raiskarna (37), ID, got shot and wounded in the left head.
    • Frank Feulner (44), German, wounded in head and neck, 1st degree burn in face and right arm.
    • Manfred Stoif (48), Austria, Wounded on forehead, right wrist and lower left elbow. 1st degree burn on hand and chest and there are an object in his left arm.
    • Aldi (17), ID, hearing problems
    • Alfris (30), ID, wounded in forehead and lower arms

Now, keep in mind the names that are provided. There are only four Westerners who are listed, which will become important later.

What is seen, though, is an arch-Zionist mole lying on the ground, faking an injury: while doing so right before the HD-quality cameras.

Who is this man? The list of injuries was reviewed. He doesn’t fit any of them. His (fake) injury is mainly in regard to the right middle thigh. If it is a gunshot wound, what is he doing in the middle of the street? Why isn’t he benig mobilized to medical care?


He’s obviously faking it. There is no injury of any kind. There are no bullet holes or shrapnel injuries. This is a fake, make no mistake about it, fully staged.


Who is this seen in the following imagery? Could it be the Dutchman Mr. Yohanes Antonius Maria? 

It would seem that this is the case. Yet, if he was really shot, why is no one attending to him? Is he really actually attempting to plug a bullet wound in his head? There is no evidence for any such wound:  Wounded in right arm, broken right hand and wound in the head…

This is not all. Regardless, do not people find it unusual that this is all occurring near the US Embassy and the UN building and that it just so happens that agents of the UN are involved.

fakewounded sarinah

It is also said:

Yohanes, a staff member at the UN Office for REDD++ Coordination in Indonesia (ORCID), suffered shrapnel wounds all over his body, including from nails.

He was at Starbucks coffee shop when the suicide bombings and shootouts between terrorists and police took place…

Representatives from the Netherlands Embassy visited the hospital to check on his condition on Thursday but gave no statement to the media.

Now, this is new, that is the detonation of a bomb filled with nails. Where is the evidence in the visual imagery for any such bomb-blast?

So, let us take them at their word: Where is that broken right hand, and where is the purported wound in the right arm? They do not exist. No one can demonstrate otherwise. If he was injured, then, the injuries were fully misrepresented. 

What about this woman? How is she injured? Who cut the clothes off her leg? Where are the EMTs?


Why would the man point to her foot unless this was a fake: merely for staging purposes? No wounds are seen anywhere. She is a paid crisis actor, like the others.


Other US-Israeli collaborators claimed an actual suicide bombing within the Starbucks. This is impossible. It would result in vast damage, far more severe than shown. Furthermore, there would be body parts, particularly of the self-detonating bomber. No such body parts are seen anywhere.

What about this man? He defies the police accounts and says he wrestled with the suicide bomber? Why would any such person in the midst of detonating himself grab him? It makes no sense, like the rest of the story lines.

Aldi Tardiansyah freed himself from the grasp of a suicide bomber.

Aldi Tardiansyah freed himself from the grasp of a suicide bomber. Photo: Ikhwan Yanuar

Then, if a bomber really detonated himself inside the entity, why is there no damage inside?

Crime scene ... Indonesian police officers walks past debris at the scene of a bomb blast at a Starbucks Coffee store in Jakarta. Picture: AAP

Two men claim to have been injured by such a bomber, one of which even claims to have been sitting next to (him, it) when the bomb was detonated:


The injuries are incredible considering the claim. They should have been far worse. If it happened right next to him and his colleague, why are there no blast wounds visible? Moreover, who finds it believable in the least? They are both agents of the UN:

Injured man Johan Kieft

Mr Kieft (right) suffered a shattered skull, a severe chest wound, and injuries to his lungs in the blast.

This is the background of a suicide blast? Where is all the blast damage that must occur as a result of such high explosives?


There are no penetrating wounds of any kind on this man, not a single laceration, no shrapnel wounds, no contusions: no open wounds of any kind. Too, how could he have a shattered skull without any evidence for such an injury? Moreover, where is the chest wound, as advertised? It appears that someone put on a make-shift tourniquet. How silly.

German communications expert Frank Feulner claims he lacerated the tendons in his right hand:

After Attacks in Jakarta, Nine Victims Still Bring Treated

Frank Feulner, a German national, is still being treated at the Abdi Waluyo Hospital after the attacks near Sarinah building, Jakarta, January 19, 2016. TEMPO/Imam Sukamto

He said when he tried to get up he slipped on glass and blood and cut the tendons in his right hand.

Why is he propping up the book with that right hand if he really severed his tendons?


He said that the right side of his face was burnt, that his hair was burnt off. Where is the evidence for this? It looks like dots of moulage on his right forearm, not blood. Why would anyone leave blood there? It’s obviously placed there for effect. Meanwhile, there is no blood or serous fluid oozing from the supposed wound sites.

He and the others claim there was a suicide bomber who blew himself up right next to them or within their visual field. Yet, what does the spokesman for the national police say: that there were no such suicide bombers, which is proven, too, by all the imagery available:


This means that the people claiming a suicide bomber are lying. It also means that their claims of injuries is a fraud. The story-lines are highly diverse, to the point of being confusing, as is expected by a set-up and a hoax. Moreover, with the arch-Zionist’s UN involvement, this proves that this is vile Zionist hoax, yet another Islamophobic fraud.


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