The Energetic Sources of Depression, Addiction, PTSD and Other Life-Draining Dynamics in the Invisible Light Spectrum

11th October 2015

By Lia Love

Guest Writer for Wake Up World

“Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.” ~ Nikola Tesla

If we do not pull the weeds out by the root, they will grow back. That same analogy applies to emotional disturbances. If we don’t get to the root cause(s) of crappy feelings, they lead to other crappy feelings, perception of feelings, crappy emotions, and crappy lives.

There is a great difference between neutralizing symptoms and neutralizing sources. Emotional reactions and the outer life created from them are the symptoms (weeds) of a feeling source (root). Emotional symptoms consistently reappear until the source of the feelings generating the emotions has been identified and neutralized. Until that occurs, the vicious cycle of emotional bondage continues.

When we deactivate the detrimental feelings, the detrimental emotions no longer come into play. And then the entire sequence above does not even exist. Why try and manage crappy feelings and emotions if we don’t have to?

There are schools of thought that say we have to get our emotions in check, that they are our responsibility and we have total control over them. To a degree that does apply, yet there are some of us whose feelings are so powerful that they and the emotions they create are almost beyond control. This is evident in the labels that are applied to individuals under extreme duress from their feelings – depression, anxiety, addiction, unmanageable anger, chronic fatigue, fear, PTSD, etc.

And there is a reason why feelings can be so overpowering and overwhelming – not all of them belong to you! Just as some of your negative thoughts are not yours, life-draining feelings and emotions can belong to other energies and entities that are attached to you.

The 99% World

Having lived an emotionally disturbed existence the first half of my life, I experienced therapies that lopped off my symptoms, but did not take care of the root sources of my disfunction — the feelings and their generators. Although there was temporary relief, the emotional disfunction would eventually resurface.

Through a dramatic turn of events, the healing tools that ultimately addressed the root sources of my pain appeared effortlessly. Those miraculous tools are centered around the activity in the unseen, nonphysical world — the world of the 99% light spectrum.

The Energetic Sources of Depression, PTSD, Addiction and Other Life-Draining Dynamics in the Invisible Light Spectrum

Humans can only see 1% of the visible light spectrum, which means we can only see 1% of what is going on around us with our human eyes. So that in turn means we are unable to see the vast 99% of the real world around us! Take a moment to absorb that. The majority of our existence is unseen. In the 99% unseen world, we are unable to see life forms that live and interact with us, and there is copious activity in that 99% whether it be in the province of our subconscious, or other living Beings in non-physical form.

Having worked with these healing tools on others and myself for almost 10 years now, consistencies began appearing and I thought it might be helpful to share those findings with you.

 4 Heavy Hitters In The “99% World”

Below are the major hitters and a case study for each one. Usually all 4 of these instigators will be present in almost every case. The first one – our fragmentation – is our stuff, and the other three are not. It is a crying shame that these influences are not recognized and included in overall treatment plans of mainstream medicine.

#1 & #2 — Our Fragmentation and the Fragmentation of Others

As we go about the business of living, we experience painful, traumatic and unloving episodes such as: physical and emotional abuse at any age; vehicular accidents; extreme financial deprivation; divorce; rape; surgery; loss of a child, pregnancy, animal companion or loved one; war time situations; home invasions; muggings; natural disasters etc.

Sometimes an episode compels a part of our soul – our essence – to hide and/or vibrationally segregate from the information and pain of the traumatic episode. The episode itself could be so painful that the only way to survive and move forward is to separate from it, and these separations are called fragments, and the process overall, soul fragmentation.

These fragments can also be characterized as ‘energy packets’ or ‘containers’. Each negative experience has its own energy pattern that is encapsulated and localized somewhere in the totality that is you.

The Energetic Sources of Depression, PTSD, Addiction and Other Life-Draining Dynamics in the Invisible Light Spectrum

Along with our own fragmentation, there can be the fragmentation of others with us, especially when someone has hurt us. The one doing the hurting also fragments, and their fragments travel into our field bringing their feelings and thoughts as well. So we can potentially have a fragment ‘combo platter’ that will originate detrimental feelings, thus resulting in disharmony — until resolved.

Case Study: A male client on the verge of suicide was referred on to me as an emergency. He was a hot mess and could barely sit still or even talk because of extreme anxiety and panic. He had been unable to sleep, was hearing voices and having thoughts – incessantly – thoughts that were not his own. In session we were able to identify fragmentation, and compounded fragmentation of 5 family members. These were the main culprits causing his distress, as he was apparently the energetic dumping ground for the ‘family drama’.

His family was highly dysfunctional, and expressing their energetic presence through the 99% of his Being. And along with family fragmentation that was not his own, he also had his own precious wounded fragments that required tender loving care. When his own and his family’s fragmentation were resolved, he was no longer suicidal.

#3 — Earthbound Entities (Discarnates)

Earthbounds (EB) or Discarnates were once human beings who went through their physical death process, and were unwilling or unable to go to their next appropriate location. Sometimes they are confused and do not realize their bodies have died and that they are not in them anymore. They wander around in the 99% world close to living humans, and then attach to someone for their various own reasons.

Earthbound family members or friends usually attach to loved ones, or see a child or an adult in distress and attach to them in attempting to help. Even though an EB may have good intentions, there is nothing good about any attachment at any time. Always remember — one body, one consciousness.

An example of an EB gone wild, and not well intentioned, is one who was ‘wronged’ while alive, and then after death goes to the person who ‘wronged’ them, attaches to them, then brings misery into their life. Sometimes such souls just drift and/or connect with other lost souls.

An EB attachment will bring with them the energy associated with the physical, emotional and mental issues that were present in their lives at the time of their death. Oftentimes when someone dies with an active disease or various emotional disfunctions, they will bring those energies to their host. This does not necessarily mean that the same disease or disfunction will manifest in the host, but the energy of the EB could exacerbate or uncover anything of that nature lying dormant within the host.

If the host already has a similar or matching problem as that of the EB, there is definitely amplification, especially in addiction. An addicted EB may look for a living human with the same condition so that the addiction experience may continue for themThey will also attach to those without addictions, and then try to force their host into their preferred usage or addictive actions.

Further, when soldiers die in combat, sometimes they are traumatized and unable to understand that their bodies have died. They immediately attach to a living fellow soldier and the fellow soldier absorbs the trauma and shock of the EB’s death. So not only does the returning soldier have her/his own PTSD and fragmentation to tend with, s/he may also be hosting another war-traumatized Being and their perilous payloads of disfunction.

The Energetic Sources of Depression, PTSD, Addiction and Other Life-Draining Dynamics in the Invisible Light Spectrum 1

Case study: Two clients, both female, were feeling depressed. One of them was on the verge of seeking medical attention. The other had already sought medical help but was still not feeling well. When we got into our work session, we discovered Client #1 was hosting her deceased father and Client #2 her deceased mother. Both parents attached because they wanted to look after their children. The father EB carried very sad energy and was more amenable to leaving because he attached out of loving concern. The mother EB was more challenging to deal with because she was still trying to dictate her daughter’s life, and this influence was causing frustration and anger in her daughter.

After mother and father were lovingly escorted to their next destination, both clients immediately landed in a happy place.

#4 — Unloving Nonphysical Beings

 The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist.” ~ The Usual Suspects

Possession is the control of our body and feelings through the mind, central nervous system and subconscious by outside forces, using myriad methods and mechanisms. Long recognized by ancient cultures around the world, the word “possession” simply refers to those methods used by non-physical entities to block us from total alignment and integration with Who We Really Are — Our Authentic Self. (For more on this, please see my recent article, Spirit Releasement: Possession and Exorcism Re-Defined and De-Scarified.)

The demonic label encompasses many classes of beings too long to list here, but does include off-planet creatures. If we can just be cool about all of this and accept that this is all part of the ‘polarity consciousness game’, we can become a lot less freaked out over the labels, and their very existence. At this point we can then really move on down the road of healing.

In almost every case I have worked with, demons are found, and usually more than one. There is never just one flea on a dog, right? When we can allow that we have had many lives in various shapes and forms, and accept that the matrix structures are deep and wide, we can then better understand the magnitude of the goopy-goop around us.

Case Study: A female client drank a lot everyday. She was not a full-blown alcoholic but was in fear that she was headed that way. She also reported other mysterious urges that resulted in less control over of her life. In session, we discovered that her fragments from childhood trauma were in great pain. Several EBs were present who died with addictions intact, and were themselves attached to several demonic beings that also played a part in my client’s desire to drink. The little demon buggers were quite adamant about maintaining their position, but were transported out of there in spite of their resistance. The client’s desire to drink was greatly diminished. She was able to control her drinking without all those influences forcing their will on her, and overall she felt much more control over her life.

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