Soon afterwards, William Greider approached Stockman and asked if he could write about his experiences in the budget office. Stockman agreed. When the article appeared in The Atlantic, it created a firestorm of controversy. Stockman, who had spoken too freely of his reservations about the Administration’s policies, was, in his words, “taken to the woodshed” by the president.
“None of us really understands what’s going on with all these numbers.”
—David Stockman
I. How the World Works
GENERALLY, he had no time for idle sentimentality, but David A. Stockman indulged himself for a moment as he and I approached the farmhouse in western Michigan where Stockrnan was reared. With feeling, he described a youthful world of hard work, variety, and manageable challenges. “It’s something that’s disappearing now, the working family farm,” Stockman observed. “We had a little of everything—an acre of strawberries, an acre of peaches, a field of corn, fifteen cows. We did everything.”
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