The Right Stuff
June 2, 2016
The Death Panel discuss the supposedly inter-species Zoo tragedy from last week, What becomes of Captain America now that the jews no longer need him, and the Dalai Lama is Literally Hitler.
Death Panelists: SeventhSon, Mike Enoch, Ghoul, John Eden
- 0:00 Intro/Company Picnic/D’nations
- 10:30 Lighten Up, Kyle
- 17:00 Gorillas vs. Dolphins
- 46:00 Dalai Lama Shoahs refugees
- 1:10:50 An Inconvenient Anniversary
- 1:29:00 Le Chateau Autiste
- 1:36:30 Captain Jewmerica Reborn!
- 2:34:22 The Merchant Minute
- 2:42:20 Greg Hood’s New Book
- 2:48:00 24Hr Hate Speech Removal!
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