The Coming Hell Storm In Amerika




“It is not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog”

This axiom is soon going to be put to the test in the United States. In any upcoming civil conflict, the American people will be outnumbered by foreign troops and Artificially Intelligent Robots and other high tech devices designed to destroy any rebellion. The Russians could be coming down our chimneys this year. With the Russians and the Chinese gaining a foothold in the Middle East, the isolation of our allies by Putin’s superior strategies, and  the soon-t0-be-collapsing economy. The Ammon Bundy situation, if handled poorly by the feds, could result in violence so widespread that it makes Ferguson look like a walk in the proverbial part. Fifteen percent of the farmers will be leaving the business this year and this will leave America with a significant food shortage in a country where a quarter of the people are routinely hungry. Navy Seals are training for martial law and they have been told to view the public as their enemy. The Baltic Dry Index is going down faster than a submarine with screen doors. America will soon become Amerika.

Everything you have known or have owned will soon change and/or be ripped from your grasp. The world is being turned upside down as we comfortably watch from our sofas. Meanwhile, the NFL playoffs are on this Sunday. Gerald Celente likes to say that when people lose everything, they lose it. We are about to witness the true meaning of these words.

This Administration Has Been Preparing for Civil Unrest for Years

You are the terrorist and DHS has been practicing.

You are the terrorist and DHS has been practicing.

Who are the massive amounts of DHS acquired bullets for?

Who are the massive amounts of DHS acquired bullets for?

Do you remember when DHS accumulated 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition as well as 27oo armored personnel carriers? Do you remember all the pictures, videos and related documents which showed Russians training at places like Fort Carson, or were training inside of DHS vehicles, or in the Smoky Mountains outside of Gatlinburg, TN? Do you remember the articles I have written about how Obama has compromised the defenses of Alaska,

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) are part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

This picture and depicts Russian soldiers at Ft. Carson. The Russians and other foreign troops (e.g. Germans, Canadians, Danes) were part of Jade Helm. They are here to carry out the mission should American troops stand down.

thus, making them vulnerable to being overrun by a Russian invasion. Do you remember how I detailed, in several articles how the Russians had a significant military presence at the North Pole and Obama has done nothing to negate any of this. I am certain that many of you recall how I predicted that Germany will one day leave NATO and turn to Germany. We are witnessing this in real time with each trade agreement Germany signs with Russia. What does it all mean? It means that America is about to get clobbered, first at home with serious civil unrest which will likely grow into revolutionary status. And later, China and Russia have been given all that they need by this administration to destroy America in a single day. If you wonder why America is not mentioned in the final days in Revelations, you may be witnessing the reasons why.


Is Civil Disobedience, Or Revolution, America’s Only Viable Option?

I certainly pray that widespread violence will not become the order of the day. While some of the 280+ command level officers fired by Obama are privately informing many of us in the media about the current state of affairs, they are not on the record.  Other than self-preservation, the major reason why these former military commanders are not on the record is because some of them are reportedly involved in planning a guerrilla war against the occupation forces commanded by this administration under the auspices of DHS. One of  my sources state that the coming civil war will be a guerrilla war and it will be prolonged. Another former General has told me  that the American people do not have the stomach for guerrilla war and that majority of our people will lay down like sheep and be slaughtered. The latter point will be addressed in a future article. This article deals with an analysis of the means of forcible resistance, available to the American people, from which to resist the tyrannical takeover of the United States government by the banksters and their minions.

What do you think? As you read the beginning of the article with a mention of all the grievances in the first few paragraphs, I can see how many think that major internal conflict is going to be visited upon this country, which will be followed by World War III with Russia and China.


The next article will address what kind of conflict will take place and what your likely role would be in this potential scenario. In the meantime, about all any of us can do is to pray for calm leadership and that peace will be maintained.


Don't wait for the collapse of the dollar because it will be too late. Tell Steve that Dave Hodges sent you.

Don’t wait for the collapse of the dollar because it will be too late. Tell Steve that Dave Hodges sent you.

Dave Hodges

Dave Hodges

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