As tanks roll in, airstrikes destroy their targets, and innocent Ukrainians die, most “nationalists” in the West are cheering on Russia. They argue that NATO/ OTAN is corrupt and Ukraine is controlled by a jew, so obviously Russia is in the right to carve up as much of Ukraine as they see fit in their imperial ambitions. They always seem to ignore the fact that Russia is controlled by Chabad Lubavitch, “Holocaust” denial is illegal there and the Red Army is hailed as heroic for stopping the persecution of jews, and anyone Putin doesn’t like is labeled “Nazis”, with the most recent example being the Ukrainians who don’t want to be invaded.
“Nazi” Ukraine is currently being run by a jewish comedian named Zelensky, who is essentially their version of Jerry Seinfeld. And of course the jew-controlled government of Ukraine just responds by calling Putin a Nazi.
Just so it’s clear as day, both sides in this conflict are controlled by jews, and both sides are labeling each other Nazis.
Zelensky refused to activate any of the Ukrainian defenses because he claimed the invasion would not actually take place. Now Russia has been able to sweep in uncontested and the weak leaders of the West just respond with some sanctions and telling us we are going to have to deal with ludicrously high gas prices.
It’s almost as if this whole situation has been set up from the get go, with all the Zionist Occupational Governments playing their parts to ensure that Russia easily gains control of Ukraine. What could be behind all of this?
Well, Chabad is headquartered in Russia and would like for the new Soviet empire to include the entirety of old Khazaria.
Is it starting to make sense why the semitic Soviets demand eastern Ukraine, and contend that Ukraine is not a real country?
In the 20th century jews were able to use their shabbos goyim to lay claim to the “Holy Land” and make Israel into a world power. Now they are seeking to unify their old kingdom of Khazaria.
AJC tells us about how it’s anti-semitic to talk about Khazarian ambitions.
In the 6th century CE, the Khazars—an obscure warlike tribe in Turkistan [present day Kazakhstan]—fought for land that was ultimately overtaken by Southern Russia and Ukraine. Despite the decline in population and territorial defeat, the Khazars continued to be mentioned throughout history— especially as one of the first groups to adopt Judaism.
By the 8th or 9th century, antisemitic conspiracy theories began forming around the Khazars’ reported conversion to Judaism. This spurred antisemitic beliefs that they were building a secret empire which sought widespread control through financial gains.
Some people talk about how Khazarians are not the “real jews”, but truly I do not give a damn. These jews are enemies of humanity regardless of their racial background. The people of the six-pointed star are all working together for world domination.
It appears that the jewish comedian was installed in Ukraine so that he could open up the gates to his jewish comrades and allow for them to recapture Khazaria without resistance.
The jewish conspirators have been able to install so many thought leaders and talking heads in the dissident movements of the West that we have hordes of “nationalists” begging for daddy Putin to come and invade their own countries next.
They want us to think that we have to pick a side in whatever conflict they start, but every side they offer us is jewish.
We must always oppose these jewish wars and refuse to pick a side. It is with this “bagelian dialectic” that they are able to get us to side with our enemies, making us believe that we have to choose one of two sides of the same shekel.
I do not support Zelensky. I do not support Putin. I do not support Biden, nor Trump. I am against ZOG. I am for the good people of whatever countries are being terrorized by these talmudic tyrants.
Who will end up being the victims of the wars these leaders start? The “goyim” who just wish to live in peace in their own land. This is what they want to see destroyed.
This is who Andrew Anglin is talking about raping as the new Soviets roll Westward.
We must stop our enemies before they cause even more death and destruction, and potentially usher in a new world war, which would be the nail in the coffin of the White race. We can only do this by unifying the White people, and actually all good people of the world, against our common enemy.
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