The Cartoon Planes of the 911 WTC Plane Strike Hoax
It was Morgan Reynolds, former Reagan administration staffer, who first coined the description regarding the hoax 911 planes, “cartoons.” Moreover, cartoons are make-believe, so this is a most appropriate description. Let all the world see these images. Does this look like anything other than make-believe? How does this in any degree resemble a real plane?
The entire issue is fake, from the background to the sky and, of course, the arch-fake CGI hoax plane. The entity was produced on a computer, then imported against the staged WTC building background. There are no wings visible, and the engines are mere computer graphic generations. The tail section is also deformed.
Here is additional proof of cartoon-style graphics. Notice how the fireball has been mimicked, graphically. See what the Zionist criminal mind attempts to do:
These murderous ones have created the graphics as if this is a human skull. This was probably to solicit conspiracy theories; it is not the actual image of the detonation as can be seen in still and live camera footage.
Here is another view of the skull-like entity, which may include the acclaimed ‘nose out,’ where the nose of the airplane is seen, graphically, jutting out from the other side.
Contrast that to a legitimate image showing the detonation of the South Tower, with great explosive fire from the setting of the demolition charges. Notice the trajectory of of the matter, being blasted from the inside-out. This is real, not fake. To disguise such real images the entire plane-related imagery was faked, including a superimposed, phony background and even fake skies.
In this regard there were numerous other fakes added. This included bizarre entities that appear as if birds. Even so, rather than a bird in the sky it is a CGI phony, make no mistake about it:
Can anyone imagine a bird being that big from such a distance? Here is a slightly improved CGI image of the plane. Notice the fact that one of the graphically installed engines is missing. Notice also the obvious graphic elements of white along the sides of the plane image.
Once again, notice the white lines. Clearly, that is a design element placed their by human manipulation of a graphics program. There is no possibility that this is a real plane. Anyone can realize it.
Here, the (fake) left wing is visible but barely so, though, now, both CGI engines can be seen.
Then, suddenly, like the engine the wing disappears.
Perhaps the biggest, most inane cartoon, though, is the following, which is an attempt to mimic the impact of a plane against the WTC facade:
As the plane magically melts into the building, those whitish-colored puffs were added through Adobe PhotoShop or some similar graphic-enhancement program. All people know that it is impossible for an aluminum-frame plane to magically slice into a steel-frame building, like butter through a knife.
It was on this basis that great blame was placed against a people. As a result, the Zionist criminal mind waged a vast war against the regular people, brutally slaughtering them.
Yes, in fact, it was mere cartoon-syle CGI that initiated murderous attacks, vast bombing campaigns against the people of Afghanistan and Iraq as well as campaigns, ultimately, against the people of Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, and more.
How many have been murdered as a result of Zionist intrigue. There are so many corpses that they are beyond count. People who are responsible for the slaughter include the various signatories on PNAC, including Paul Wolfowitz, Dov Zakheim, Douglas Feith, Elliot Abrams, Dick Cheney, Paul Bremer, Norman Podheretz, and other arch-Zionist criminal elements. These criminal elements also include David Rockefeller, the king-pin of this treachery, along with Jerome Hauer, Michael Chertoff, and terminally rabid Zionist agent and former IDF terrorist mole, Frank Lowy.
Other archetypes of wickedness included the purported videographers themselves who were never videographers but, rather, mere crisis actor frauds, at best CGI moles. These include pro-Israeli Jews Michael Hezarkhani and Evan Fairbanks:
Both spread nothing but terminal lies on behalf of this Zionist plot.
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