The business verdict on Mr Cameron¿s veto

Daily Mail Comment

Last updated at 12:20 AM on 23rd December 2011

Aided by the pro-euro BBC, a sulking Nick Clegg – the Madame Fifi of British politics – has spent the past fortnight claiming the Prime Minister’s EU veto will have disastrous consequences for UK businesses left ‘isolated’ from Brussels.

As this paper revealed, the Deputy Prime Minister even plotted with the lobbyist Roland Rudd – a close friend of ex-EU commissioner Peter Mandelson – to produce an open letter in which 20 businessmen apocalyptically warned three million jobs were being put at risk.

Yet now the truth emerges.

Sulking: Nick Clegg has spent a fortnight saying that David Cameron's EU veto will have disastrous consequences for British business

Sulking: Nick Clegg has spent a fortnight saying that David Cameron’s EU veto will have disastrous consequences for British business

A survey of 1,000 members of the Institute of Directors, which represents this country’s leading wealth creators, found 77 per cent of them agree with David Cameron’s veto.

Rejecting Mr Clegg’s scaremongering, six out of ten add that they would like to see the UK in a looser relationship with the EU. But the true significance of the IoD’s position is that, as a body, it used to be pro-EU.

Which brings us back to the BBC. Yesterday, Radio 4’s Today programme gleefully predicted the latest economic figures would show growth to be ‘even worse than we thought’.

In fact, GDP grew by 0.6 per cent in the third quarter of this year,  0.1 better than previously stated.

Would it be too much to expect that  in 2012 the BBC will start to cover the crucial subjects of Europe and the economy with at least a smidgen  of impartiality?

Another EU menace

Britain is wearily accustomed to the deeply harmful meddling of the European Court of Human Rights, which wants to grant prisoners the vote and routinely blocks the deportation of terrorists.

But, increasingly, the UK’s right to govern its own affairs is also coming under attack from the separate European Court of Justice – which was established by Brussels to enforce EU diktats.

Earlier this year, it delivered a bewildering ‘gender equality’ ruling that women cannot be charged less for their car insurance even though they are far less likely to have a serious crash, and which means that everyone – apart from boy racers – will have to pay more.

Then, in the space of a few hours on Wednesday, the Euro court landed two further bombshells.

First, it decided that any airline which uses an EU airport must pay green taxes even when it is based entirely outside the jurisdiction of Brussels – sharply inflating the cost of a return flight from Britain to places such as the U.S. or Australia.

Then came the astonishing ruling that we can no longer send asylum seekers who first entered the EU in Greece back to that country, to have their claim considered where it should have been lodged in the first place.

Ludicrously, the court says Greece – where huge numbers of Britons readily spend their summer holidays – may not treat them properly because of its economic problems.

Sadly, such lunacy is all too typical of the entire EU.

Crippling of the NHS

A bill of £525 to move three beds… £13,704 to install three lights… £242 to change a padlock on a gate…

These are just some of the crippling maintenance charges which the NHS is being forced to pay under unbreakable Private Finance Initiative deals signed by Labour, which have landed the nation with £60billion of future liabilities.

The next time an opportunistic Labour spokesman appears on the BBC complaining about spending cuts, let’s hope the presenter reminds them who wasted all the money in the first place.

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