The Batman Shooter, Sociopaths, and MKUltra

What to make of the Batman shooter who killed 12 people this week in Aurora, Colorado?

If we were to listen to sociopaths like Michael Bloomberg or mass murderers like Felipe Calderon then the problem is that guns exist and the solution is to have the government violently take them away from all people… except of course the true criminals like the government, police and regular criminals who would never turn in their guns.

Bloomberg even went so far as to state, “I don’t understand why police officers across this country don’t stand up collectively and say, ‘We’re going to go on strike. We’re not going to protect you unless you, the public, through your legislature, do what’s required to keep us safe. fired back stating, “In 2008, ten times more civilians regular people were killed by cops than cops were killed by perps. In 2011, 72 cops were shot and killed in the entire U.S.; in L.A. County alone, cops shot and killed 54 suspects the same year—22 percent of those people were unarmed.” and pointed out that farmers, ranchers, commercial fishermen, loggers, garbage collectors, truck drivers, construction workers, pilots, steel workers, roofers, and others are far more likely to face death on the jobs than police or firefighters.

But, it never ceases to amaze how quickly all the politicos come out and use an event like this to push gun bans when there are so many other more important questions about the event.

Like the following.

Question One: Why Does the Media Not Talk About Drugs?

If the shooter had any traces of marijuana or cocaine or the latest bogeyman, bath salts, in his blood the media would lose their mind reporting on it and how they were probably the culprit for his actions. James Holmes was, in fact, reported to be on drugs… something much more dangerous than marijuana and cocaine… he was reported to be taking Vicodin.

Amongst Vicodin’s long list of side effects is “altered mental states” and “unusual thoughts or behavior”. So, where is the media outcry to ban Vicodin? Vicodin was even the chemical reported to have killed Heath Ledger. Dangerous government supported chemicals like Vicodin accounted for 15,000 deaths in the US in 2008, far more than cocaine and heroine combined… yet, not a peep from the media on the need to have violent men storm doctor’s offices and kill or kidnap doctors.

Question Two: Why is No One Looking at Us Society and Government As Playing a Role?

Instead of calling for a gun ban, why is no one talking about how US society likely drives people to do things like what James Holmes did? Why are so many people, women especially, on anti-depressant drugs in the US (one in four women, one in ten people)?

The answer seems to clear to us… living in the US today is living in an almost complete state of enslavement. You are robbed of half your income every year and have tens of thousands of laws that you must adhere to or you risk being beaten or kidnapped just for things like driving 10 miles per hour over the posted slave speed limit.

Barack Obomber seems to think that government plays a crucial role in almost all of the activities of entrepreneurs… so why is he not braying about the governments involvement in this shooting?

Stefan Molyneux posted what that would look like on his Facebook page yesterday:

“Look, if you’re a mass murderer, you didn’t get there on your own. You didn’t get there on your own. I’m always struck by people who think, ‘Well, it must be because I was just so evil.’ There are a lot of evil people out there. ‘It must be because I sucked harder at life than everybody else.’ Let me tell you something — there are a whole bunch of people who suck at life out there.

If you were a failure, somebody along the line helped bring you down. There was a bad teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system we have that oppressed you and took away your rights and your dignity. Somebody stole from your parents. If you’ve got a mental disorder — you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen. People don’t just turn violent on their own. Government created hate and envy among the people so that all the politicians could use you as livestock.”

Did you know that even if someone had fired back at Holmes in the theater that evening they would have broken the law? That’s how many laws there are in the US. Heck, it’s even illegal to try to kill yourself. That’s because the government considers you to be its property and by trying to end your life of slavery you are damaging their property.

Question Three: Was This a False Flag Attack?

The US Government has been marching towards banning guns for years now and they continue to move forward on that. In fact, the UN just happens to be trying to push through a “arms trade treaty” which could see gun control ceded in the US.

Former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton warns that the agreement “is trying to act as though this is really just a treaty about international arms trade between nation states, but there is no doubt that the real agenda here is domestic firearms control.”

This shooting could not have come at a better time to push Americans to support it.

So, was the shooter acting on his own? Or was he a part of a government mind control operation?

How does an unemployed medical student afford $20,000 in weapons gear? How does an unemployed medical student afford all the complex weapons gear, bomb-making gear, “flammable” booby trap devices, ammunition, multiple magazines, bullet-proof vest, groin protection, ballistic helmet and SWAT uniform?

Certainly, if his actions in court were any indication (see video here), he appears to show all the signs of having his mind been fried… which are all textbook things that the CIA has been doing for decades. Google MK Ultra to see what the CIA has been doing in the field of mind control since the 1950s. It was so obvious that now a judge has ordered that the trial no longer be televised.

To See the Purpose Look at What the Media Focuses On

So, in a situation where government backed pharmaceuticals could have played a key role, where government and society also surely played a role and where there are overt signs of this being a false flag operation the only thing the media and the politicians seem to focus on are the need to ban guns because of this.

Yet, the problem in this case was that there weren’t enough guns. The concept of having a government phone number (911) that you call and they show up anywhere from 10 mins to never later to somehow protect you from events such as these is ludicrous. The answer is in self defence. If just one person in that theater also had a gun this event would have been over in seconds, much like this burglary at an internet cafe where a 71 year old man easily fended off two gun toting punks (see video here).

But if people protected themselves then they might quickly wonder why they need government at all… and then they might start to question why half their money is stolen every year. That is why the government is pushing this event to take away people’s ability to defend themselves.

We suggest you listen to rapper, Ice T on this topic (see his comments here) and remember that the reason for wanting arms isn’t for hunting… it’s the last form of defense against tyranny.

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