The head of the CHURCH OF ROME “christian” cult which burned intelligent men sent from God to help wash away the Dark Ages ignorance humanity was laboring under at the stake
for speaking the truth of the world not being flat, and which pedophile Priest have injected little boys up their anuses with their penises for damn near two thousand years,
Archbishop says he ‘wasn’t sure if it was a crime for priests to rape children’
These links could ago on and on.
My point being the head of the cult telling humans to commit assisted suicide with Rothschild’s Human Herd witches brew voodoo killer jabs for a not scientifically proved to exist virus,
is the same cult which claims it’s “right to exist and rule over humanity because they claim they are the only true mouthpiece for Jesus on this rock, and through him the only true mouthpiece for the Creator God, has pissed in the face of Jesus for damn near two thousand years by either not trying to stop, or being unable to stop raping little boys up the annus, who burned wise men at the stake for telling the truth.
I have always figured if these charlatans were really talking to God as they claim,. God would have told them not to burn wise men at the stake and to stop raping little boys way over a thousand years ago.
Therefore, a cult which has been wrong about damn near everything in history, is now telling you to get Killer Jabbed because “Jesus ” wants you to, and that the vaccines which cause autism, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, cancer, and so much more, “are one of the greatest achievements in modern science”.
But this is not a Protestant bashing Catholic piece.
Protestants are just splinter cults of the Rome cult.
Pedophilia is as rampant in Protestant churches as in the original Church of Rome.
And many of the Protestant “ministers” and churches also told their folks to get killer jabbed because “Jesus” wanted them to.
Robert Jeffress pastor of First Baptist Church of Dallas Texas called the vaccines a “present from God.”
He lambasted any “christian” who refused to roll up their sleeve and take the death dart.
‘Both Robert Jeffress and Pope Francis want you to get vaccinated’
Both Robert Jeffress and Pope Francis want you to get vaccinated
Not sparing the Islamics.
When I was in Arab countries, many of the men would openly say women were for having babies, men were for fun.
And even if their religious writings forbid such, pedophilia is rampant in Islamic societies.
In Saudi Arabia women from poor countries work for rich Saudi families.
Many times these women are raped by their employers, and sometimes these women will kill the men trying to defend themselves.
The Saudi government will execute these women for defending themselves from being raped.
But as this looks barbaric to the rest of the world, the Kingdom will offer “Blood Money” to the family of the man who was killed because he was trying to rape these poor women.
If the family will take the money then they will not execute these women for defending themselves from rape.
The Church of Rome, their offshoot Protestant cults, the islamics are all splinter cults of the Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s
End of Times death Cult which teaches it is not a sin to rape little boys until they are older than nine years old and not a sin to rape little girls until they are three years and one day old and teach it is not a sin to murder anyone who does not belong to their cult as if they are not a cult member they are not human but only a soul-less animal.
If Jesus were to enter a “christian” church today and start teaching what he taught in Judea, if the “good christians” did not kill him themselves on the spot, they would have him arrested as a domestic terrorist and have the state murder him, just as the Babylonian cult members helped the Romans murder him in Judea.
The Ole Dog!
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