The Awakening of the Average American


June 7, 2012

Ralph, a member of the Harvard Business School Class of 1962 looks back over 50 years in an email to a fellow classmate, on the eve of their class reunion.

“Frankly, I believe the government has
become the enemy of the people and it is developing total control that
Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin would have envied.”

Dear Dan,

It certainly has been a long time since our graduate school brainwashing.

Boy, were we naive!! I still remember Jim mesmerizing the class when we received the study explaining the Federal Reserve.

As a nephew of Willis Robertson, head of the Senate Banking Committee, he knew what he was talking about when he predicted the FED would destroy the USA and turn it into a fascist country.

Who would believe what the criminal government of the corporation known as the United States has done. False flag terrorism; start wars using incidents that were totally fabricated; control and activate death squads and assassinations around the world; promote the drug trade as they have done in Afghanistan after the Taliban almost eradicated it; pass laws that are totally against the Bill of Rights; blow up the Oklahoma City Federal Building and the World Trade Center to further their agenda; and completely infiltrate censor and control the mainstream media.

Meanwhile, the giant corporations and the large banks write the laws and run the alphabet soup agencies CIA, FBI FDA, FCC, NSA, NASA, FTC, EPA, etc to further corporate control. Frankly, I believe the government has become the enemy of the people and it is developing total control that Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin would have envied.

While we had Sinatra in the 60’s and independent record labels, now the giant corporations control the music as psywar against the minds of the young people all over the world.

At least leaders like Vladimir Putin are promoting the morality of the Christian Orthodox Church, confiscating the assets that were stolen by Harvard’s Jeffrey Sachs and his Mafia, stopping the homo and lesbian agenda under the guise of “gay rights” that will ultimately legitimize pedophilia; opposing the potential wars that are being promoted by the Western Central Banks, and paying women to have children to stop the population control aims of the Western “democracies”.

Russia now has a respected currency that no longer requires three 747’s a week filled with hundred dollar bills, as New York Magazine reported in 1996, to maintain the country and buy up all their valuable natural resources with rolls of toilet paper.

I was just as brainwashed as the rest of the class during the early sixties. It took 20 years to start my real education by having the time to put things together.

I am concerned for the future of my children in a country that promotes lies, disinformation, and mind control techniques.

When Eisenhower warned of the military – industrial complex, people forget he warned of a greater danger in the same speech; “we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.”

Whole industries are now based on complete scientific lies. Drug and Health laws are based on man presumed to be the equivalent of an animal using the phrase “man and other animals” as the basis of these laws.

A survey of 35,000 Amish people who do not vaccinate produced 3 cases of autism with 2 of the victims having been vaccinated, while a similar vaccinated group had 200 autism victims. Case closed!!! 

In the early nineties, I spent almost an hour arguing with Max Essex, head of the Harvard AIDS Institute, how HIV was a fraud. When he could not answer the bulk of my questions, he started calling me a “Conspiracy Theorist” rather than address the issue.

When he himself started to waver on HIV later, the “scientific – technological elite” came down on him with both barrels and like a good boy, he reverted back to his earlier stance. 

History is distorted, covered up or eliminated: technologies are kept hidden and used for misdirection or acts of terror: legal governments are subverted using NGO’s as weapons to create dissent and take control of that country’s assets as in Iraq and Libya recently and currently in Syria.

John Perkin’s excellent book “Confessions of an Economic Hitman” details many of  these practices. And the banks and Wall Street Investment Houses that we respected have turned out to be worse than Mafia Families.

I’ll finish my rant and hope you and your family are well.

I currently distribute an incredible pain and healing machine using Russian technology called scenar energy that assumes the body is an electrical creation where the cells communicate at certain frequencies and can be healed with certain type of electro-magnetic energy.

It appears to get rid of diabetes, arthritis and many other conditions but the criminal FDA will not allow any claims and Medicare and the insurance companies will not reimburse for any of its uses. Giant Pharma and its tentacles control the information, while they poison the general population with their products and practices.

Well, I hope you have a good trip in September. I am really interested how it turns out for you.


Henry Makow is the author of A Long Way to go for a Date. He received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto. He welcomes your feedback and ideas at

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