Recently posted here is the following article:
Since this alarming statement by Auckland University vaccines expert Dr Helen Petousis-Harris, a person from the Covid 19 vaccine Reactions and news New Zealand Facebook page has emailed the esteemed Doctor to challenge her statement. See below:
One of our members wrote this letter (below) to Helen Petousis Harris. Helen is a New Zealand Vaccinologist. She is highly trained and respected in the Vaccine world. Helen is a media commentator for the roll out of the Pfizer vaccines in New Zealand. This week in the media, she attested that “there have been no deaths around the world from the Pfizer mRNA vaccine”. Our group member objected to this statement. Below is her letter….AND the response from Dr Petousis Harris, for your information:
“Dear Ms Petousis-Harris, I am writing to you re the covid 19 vaccine and your statement about reactions caused to this vaccine etc. where you also stated ‘there has not been one death’.
I would like to draw your attention to the VAERS website – Here you will find reports of adverse effects from the covid 19 vaccine. Note these are only the cases reported by DOCTORS and not the actual total. You will see that no there has not been one death there have been over 600 deaths. There have also been over 12,000 injuries from the covid 19 vax.
My question then is – Why are you outright lying to the general public of New Zealand? You along with the rest of the government. Are you all trying to pretend you do not know of VAERS or that it does not exist? You are treating the citizens of NZ like a bunch idiots, but some of us are not idiots. Please stop the lying and tell people the truth about the reported deaths from this vaccine.
Regards ….
Below is the response, in entirety, from Dr Harris…
“”Dear …You will have read the disclosure on the VAERS landing page and clicked the ‘I have read and understand the disclaimer’ button before extracting that data?
Helen”” .
That is all.
So, is death 25 minutes post vaccine still ‘no correlation’? I personally am still stuck for words. Given especially that the FDA’s list of possible side effects lists ‘death’ as one of them. EWR
Covid-19 Vaccine Documented Deaths and Injuries Compilation
One-Third of Deaths Reported to CDC After COVID Vaccines Occurred Within 48 Hours of Vaccination
CDC: 929 Dead 15,923 Injured Reported Following Experimental mRNA COVID Injections
WHO Approves AstraZeneca Vaccine for Emergency Use, But Some Nations Say ‘No Thanks’
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