The American Golem

It is obvious to anyone willing to trust their eyes instead of nonsensical jewish lies that the once-prosperous North American White homeland has been subverted to serve the interests of jews, and is antithetical to a future for healthy White communities and families. The nation-wrecking jews have erected the Weimerican failed-state on the crumbling ruins of a society that in the not-so-distant past existed for the advancement and posterity of the White race. Instead of a land in which White people could struggle to improve and uplift themselves as a race, we now live in a hideous kosher parody “nation” where miscegenation, homosexual perversion, and other unspeakable forms of degeneracy are promoted as the highest goods. A Sanhedrin has co-opted the civilization built by Whites, and is using the prosperity generated by that civilization to disenfranchise, displace, and utterly destroy the White race. As the Weimerican ZOG enervates a once-great White nation, it directs the oppressive governmental apparatus to function as a Panopticon in service of White destruction and jewish aggrandizement.

The odious race-traitors and their jewish masters who infest the Weimerican Congress are shamelessly advancing jewish power over a White population that is mostly cowed or demoralized through a relentless campaign of insidious propaganda. The aim of this Hebraic propaganda is to befuddle the White population by portraying the jews as eternal victims; when in fact they are the most powerful, politically-connected, privileged, wealthy, and unaccountable so-called “victims” in all of history. With the false premise of jewish victimhood ingrained in every impressionable mind from a young age by the jewish-controlled educational institutions and mass media, the ZOG is busily expanding the aggressively out-of-control police state for the purpose of threatening, intimidating, and harassing any Whites who speak out against the crimes the jews are committing against our communities, our people, and our race. As a part of this attack against White interests, two corrupt US Congress creatures who are beholden to jewish interests are advocating for the appointment of a US State Department Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. There isn’t a clearer example of how America slavishly serves the interests of the jews over Whites than the existence of a government apparatus that is responsible for tracking and combating anti-semitism around the world. Apparently, we’re supposed to believe that “g*d’s chosen people” are beyond criticism on pain of answering to a State Department secret police force, despite countless examples over the millennia of the jew’s rabid anti-White hatred, frauds, subversion, promotion and celebration of degeneracy and immorality, animal torture, genital mutilation, and ritual child murder.

Conversations about Jewish communities around the world focused on key questions: Is there a future for these communities in their home countries, or will they be forced into a modern Exodus?”

The jews are a rootless people, without a homeland. The supposed country of Israel is a sham; in reality it is Palestine, a non-jewish homeland suffering a criminal occupation by “g*d’s chosen people” backed by their American golem. The closest jews can come to a “natural” environment is to burrow like parasites into otherwise healthy non-jewish societies, in order to drain off the wealth, vitality, and future of their goyim hosts. There is no future for the disgusting jewish communities that exploit their hosts. We will awaken to the existential problem of having hostile, predatory, and alien jewish colonies working to undermine what were once safe White homelands. Justice, long in abeyance but nonetheless righteous, will be visited upon the soulless, inhuman jewish creatures.

As two members of Congress dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism, we are deeply concerned by the increase in anti-Semitism around the globe in the last year.”

Two traitors conspire with the jews: the nation-wreckers, the enemy within. These two venal and utterly corrupted kosher shills, in a Congress that was ostensibly established to represent the interests of Whites in a White homeland, are working hard to prevent any criticism of the jews as they pursue White genocide.

Here are just a few of the stories that have been brought to our attention: the suspected arson of a kosher grocery store in Creteil, France, which had just been defaced with Nazi swastikas; a letter on the website for the Jewish community of Poland outlining their concerns about a “growing wave of intolerance, xenophobia, and anti-Semitism” in the country, leaving many in the country feeling unsafe; a 40 percent increase in the number of anti-Semitic incidents of vandalism in 2017 in the Netherlands; and attempts in many countries to outlaw circumcision and various kosher and halal butchering practices.”

Note the use of the passive voice, conveniently obfuscating precisely (((who))) brought these kosher-approved fabrications and false news fables to the attention of these two jewish agents play-acting at US Congressmen. The litany of supposedly anti-semitic acts suspiciously resembles the weekly, low-effort hoaxes perpetrated by the jews themselves in an ongoing effort to preserve their undeserved status as the most put-upon victims in the world. Before we allow ourselves to be convinced that the “not-sees” are marching through the streets, stopping occasionally to tape incorrectly drawn swastikas on the doors of Satan’s synagogues, or making the ever-terrifying and intimidating snow swastikas, we need to first ask, “Hey rabbi! Watcha doin’???” And banning “circumcision” and “kosher butchering practices” means banning jewish ritual genital mutilation and animal torture. It might even save a few goyim babies from being sacrificed to Moloch by the jews.

[The US State Department’s Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism] is tasked with tracking and leading US efforts against anti-Semitism around the globe. Just as important, the Special Envoy has served as a critical high-level liaison in the US administration for international Jewish communities.”

It is a new Cheka for the USSA, serving the same jewish masters as they did in the (((Soviet Union))). They will hunt down even the mildest dissent against a total capitulation to the kosher plans to flood White homelands with sewage-colored primitives who are wholly incompatible with life in a civilized nation. If you don’t want a future where your distinctive and immeasurably valuable White characteristics have been subsumed in a genetic mud-pit, if you don’t want miscegenated children who resemble the lower orders of apes, then the (((Special Envoy))) will track you and designate you as an unperson.

Anti-Semitic attitudes, rhetoric and incidents have risen on the far left, far right, and even the mainstream of the ideological spectrum in many countries.”

Let’s hope this is an accelerating trend! As sanity slowly returns, the “bagelian dialectic” collapses and we can confront our common racial enemy as a people united to solve the jewish problem!

The jews and the race-traitors who serve their interests are terrified for their future – a future in which Whites awaken to the ridiculousness of the debased, judaized societies in which we find ourselves. It is a future that is more likely to come to pass as more Whites realize the mortal dangers of accepting jewish degeneracy, and instead embrace the healthy pride in their culture, their history, their ancestors, and their race. The (((Ponzi))) scheme economy will not insulate the jews from a long-overdue retribution forever, and the jews realize this. They are frantically working to increase the invasion of our homelands with violent evolutionary dead-ends, and desperately trying to use oppressive government thugs such as the “Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism” as a bulwark against the comeuppance that will, not a day too soon, find them. We must recognize that the jews will stop at nothing to eradicate the White race – the only race capable of resisting and reversing their disgusting talmudic plans to regress humanity into mentally deficient, malformed mongrels to serve as kosher slaves. The jews have expertly exploited our racial weaknesses for their own advantage, and to create multicultural nightmare states in what were formerly safe White homelands. We must help our racial brethren open their eyes to the onslaught against us. We must hasten a more widespread resistance to the kosher connivances. We must stop White genocide.

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