The advance of the internet is as unstoppable as any technological revolution of the last century

Michael Hanlon

11:20 EST, 31 July 2012


11:20 EST, 31 July 2012

I am – just – old enough to remember when British hotels and guest houses proudly proclaimed that guests could avail themselves of COLOUR television (for effect, the word ‘colour’ was often spelled out in, er, multi-coloured letters).

I can also (again just) remember when the same establishments boasted ‘hot and cold running water’ which even as a naïve eight-year-old in the early 1970s seemed surprising. ‘What, you mean there are hotels where you have to go out into the yard and pump water up from a well? Let’s never say in one of those places …’

I am definitely NOT old enough to remember the days when ‘electric light’ was seen as a feature worth shouting from the rooftops, but in fact you do not have to go back very far for this to be so. I have a few of the old Ward Lock ‘Red Guides’ to various bits of the country dating from the early 20th Century and back then, within living memory for a few, the presence of electric lighting in the smarter London establishments was worthy of note.

A world away: The advent of the internet seems almost as remote as that of colour TV

How long before we look back on the days before universal fast Internet access was a given with a similar sense of temporal disconnect?

This week a House of Lords Communications Committee has accused the Government (the Department of Culture, Media and Sport, whose remit covers the Internet) of being too slow in rolling fast fixed and mobile broadband services out across Britain, especially to some of the more remote areas (although remote corners of the Highlands are far from being the only places where you will have a problem).

The DCMS subsidises the roll-out of fast broadband (and ‘fast’ in this context means many different things to many different people) by giving money to councils who then pay telecoms contractors to plumb in the fibre-optic cabling in the estimated one-third of the UK in which it would otherwise be uneconomic to do so.

Expansion: A House of Lords committee has criticised the Government for focussing on the speed, rather than the geographical reach, of broadband

The main criticism is that the DCMS has focussed on speed rather than reach. The Lords say concentrate on the basic plumbing and let the speed issue take care of itself.

For its part the Government says it is on course to provide super-fast broadband to 90% of the country by 2015.

Furthermore, it says, Britain has streaked from behind and now has one of the most impressive broadband networks – both fixed-line and mobile – in the world. We pay less for Internet access than people in similar countries, get a more reliable service and, often, a faster one to boot. And by the end of the decade we will be up there with the Koreas and Japans and Finlands of this world right of the top of the Internet tree.

So who is right? It may not matter. This is a rather arcane argument, and one which will be quickly forgotten in the mists of time, just as we have now forgotten the Great 3G Auction which took place in 2000 and which netted the Treasury a scarcely believable £22bn (one of Gordon Brown’s biggest, and rather unsung, coups).

Firstly, there is the speed of the Internet revolution. There seems to be a pattern with emergent game-changing technologies of which the Net is merely the latest in a series going back two centuries. The first cars were built in the late 1880s. They remained a plaything of the rich, unreliable and slow, for about 20 years until Henry Ford (and others) effectively ‘went broadband’ with the manufacturing process and the car finally became noticeably cheaper and better than the technology it was designed to replace, the horse.

Speed: ADSL links overtook dial-up modems in the middle of the last decade

We saw similar timescales with electricity, which also took about 30 years to become widespread, TV (although without WW2 the rollout of mass broadcasting in Britain at least would have undoubtedly been brought forward ten years) and telephony. The Internet was created in the early 1970s but only became of global importance in the 1990s, with the invention of the Web and associated infrastructure improvements.

The first true domestic broadband services in this country were available in the very late 1990s and it wasn’t until the middle of the last decade that ADSL links overtook the old, dreaded dial-up modems as the default way Britons go on-line. Now a second revolution that of mobile internet access, is taking over.

Several things are clear. For too long the Government, by which I mean the Major and early Blair administrations, were clearly not taking the Internet as seriously as it should have. Even by 1995 it was clear which way the Internet was going. There was no Google but it was around then that the commercial possibilities of a wired-up world were becoming obvious for all to see. But this was an era when most ministers and their shadows wouldn’t have known a website if it slapped them around the face with a wet fish, and people went on the telly to talk about the ‘Information Superhighway’ without having any idea of what that meant.

The privatisation of the British telecommunications industry did not help either. Because BT, which owns the network, has to pretend it is a series of different companies so as to offer other firms a fair shout at making use of its exchanges and lines to sell Internet access, the rollout of fast broadband may have proceeded at a slower pace than would have happened had there been an efficient private or state monopoly with strategic control.

The market is usually efficient, but not always. However, with any new technology, if there is sufficient demand (as there was for colour TV, electric lights and cheap cars) the details will sort themselves out soon enough. We forget now the great AC vs DC arguments of the late 19th Century, debates over gasoline vs electric, which side of the road was best to drive on and the creation of a universal standard from everything from electric plugs to phone sockets. Sooner or later these technologies simply disappear.

Half a century ago there were debates over 625, 405 or even 819-line TV broadcast systems, PAL vs NTSC. No one buys a telly and thinks about this now (although there has been a recent spate of geekery, LCD vs plasma, 3D, high-definition and so on). My guess is that in 20 years the very word ‘broadband’ will seem as anachronistic as the phrase ‘new penny’ or ‘colour television’. Whether the Lords are right or not, the pace of change will cause these arguments to be lost in time.

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