Here is the list of entries I wrote in the second part of 2019. The entries themselves are posted beneath the list. To see the entries I wrote in the first part of the year, go to The 2019 Archive 1…
- Coverage of the Attempted Removals of Trump, Netanyahu, and other scripted “good guys”
- Coverage of Turkey’s Erdogan and the Globalist Endgame in Syria
- Coverage of Brexit, the UK Election, the French Election, BoJo, Farage, Macron, the EU, etc.
- Coverage of China, North Korea, Japan, etc.
- Coverage of War-Starting False-Flag Plans
- Ongoing Coverage of Globalist Operations, including the Aramco attack, the prognosis for Trump and Netanyahu, the Temple Mount alert, the 7-year Tribulation and March 2020, and the 25th Amendment Coup
- Chabad/Mossad’s War-Starting False-Flag
- The Nuclear Threat to the UN General Assembly
- The Endgame for Erdogan and ISIS
- Globalist Agenda Watch 2019: September Overwatch, including Putin’s world rule may start as soon as next month & The Israeli Election, Chabad-Lubavitch and the Gaza Invasion
- The Globalists’ Current NWO Deception Strategy
Saar and Pence: Judases to the moshiachs
(8 October 2019) – It looks like they’re going to have Likud’s Gideon Saar do to Netanyahu what the Republicans’ Mike Pence is to do to Trump. The only one who can stop Netanyahu’s fall now is Avichai Mandelblit. More to come…
~ MORE – 9 October 2019 ~
A few days ago, I ran across the following piece on the SkyWatch TV prophecy propaganda site…
According to the linked article in the piece, the rabbi suggests that Netanyahu may be replaced as head of Likud and Prime Minister of Israel by Gideon Saar. Since the original article was published back on September 19, I was wondering why Skywatch TV posted it on October 6. Yesterday on October 8, I found out…
…from AP. Here is an excerpt…
With a simple tweet, Gideon Saar did what no Israeli politician from the ruling conservative party has done in more than a decade — openly challenge its chief, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The brazen move against the long-serving Israeli leader has solidly positioned the 52-year-old Saar as the Likud party’s leading candidate to replace Netanyahu, who is fighting for his survival amid a pending corruption indictment and post-election political paralysis…
A former lawyer and journalist, he was first brought into politics 20 years ago by Netanyahu, who made him his Cabinet secretary during his first term in office.
Saar then established himself as a staunch nationalist who opposed Israel’s 2005 withdrawal from the Gaza Strip and resisted the prospect of a Palestinian state. He quickly rose in the Likud ranks, twice finishing first in internal elections for its parliamentary list and enjoying successful stints as education minister and interior minister after Netanyahu returned to power in 2009.
But as with others in Likud who saw their popularity rise, he too began to be perceived by Netanyahu as a threat. Their falling out was capped by Saar’s active role in getting Netanyahu’s nemesis Reuven Rivlin elected president, over the prime minister’s objections…
Despite his hard-line positions, Saar enjoys good relations across the political spectrum and is perceived as a potentially more comfortable partner for a unity government with the rival Blue and White party, which emerged as the largest party in last month’s election…
Under Israeli law, if neither Netanyahu nor Gantz can form a coalition, a majority of lawmakers could theoretically choose an alternative as prime minister. Saar is widely seen as the politician most capable of winning such support.
So if Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit doesn’t clear Netanyahu of criminal charges before his time for forming a government runs out, Israeli President Reuven Rivlin (whom Saar helped into his current office) could open the path for the Knesset to put forth a candidate. And it looks like that candidate will be Gideon Saar, who is — according to the script — inclined to invade Gaza in accordance with Chabad/Mossad’s wishes.
According to the globalists’ script for Netanyahu’s Moshiach ben Yosef character, he will most likely be killed during the Gog-Magog War, which is currently ongoing. But as I’ve said in the past, his “death” could be scripted as either a physical death or political death. And such a political death awaits Netanyahu this month unless either Rivlin or Mandelblit throws him a lifeline by October 23rd.
In both Netanyahu and Trump’s cases, the moshiachs face Judas-like betrayals from members of their own parties: Saar and Pence. And both Saar and Pence will say that they’re replacing their leaders to save their parties from a political fall and their countries from partisan division and paralysis.
(20 October 2019) – I ran across a credible scenario for a President Pelosi today: it would have “Deep Stater” Pence resign the vice presidency “in protest of Trump’s actions” (either past or future) and Pelosi withhold House approval of Trump’s selected replacement (likely Rand Paul). Trump’s fall during impeachment would thus lead to the presidency falling into Pelosi’s hands.
But there is a double edge to this sword: a scripted Trump triumph over the plot would lead to Vice President Rand Paul. This would put Paul into position to take over the presidency when Trump steps down after the Big Crisis. Paul would then offer the vice presidency to Democrat Tulsi Gabbard as a gesture to promote “national unity and healing.”
False Flag Watch: Israel
(29 October 2019) – An Israeli war-starting false-flag attack or invasion of Gaza may be imminent
Read these stories and connect the dots…
…from The Times of Israel (top, bottom)
The top article contains this interesting bit of foreshadowing, with my comments added in [brackets]…
“Iran is seeking to develop now precision-guided munitions, missiles that can hit any target in the Middle East with a circumference of five to ten meters,” Netanyahu said according to an English-language statement from his office. “They are developing this in Iran.”
“They want to place them in Iraq and in Syria, and to convert Lebanon’s arsenal of 130,000 [imprecise] rockets to precision-guided munitions,” he added. “They seek also to develop that, and have already begun to put that in Yemen, with the goal of reaching Israel from there too.”
It was not clear what strategic advantage Iran would gain from targeting Israel from Yemen, which is nearly twice as far from the Jewish state as its own soil. [The Israelis will say, “The Iranians fired the missiles from Yemen so their Houthi proxies could claim responsibility like they did in the Aramco attack.” But the NWO narrative will say that the actual reason the missiles were fired from Yemen is the easy access the Israel-Saudi-US “Deep States” have to that country, which enabled them to sneak-in the false-flag weaponry without difficulty.]
Later on Monday, Channel 12 said the IDF has adjusted its air defenses to better defend against a direct cruise missile or drone strike from Iran. [This offers the excuse for why the attack will penetrate Israeli defenses: they oriented the defenses in Iran’s direction but were attacked from Yemen’s direction.]
So be on the lookout for the “cruise missiles out of Yemen” false-flag which I’ve written about in the Compendium. The attack may include both Israeli and American targets in order to draw Trump into attacking Iran, and the Combined Air Operations Center may be among the American targets. By disabling that facility, the globalists can open the door for Erdogan to make an aggressive move in Syria (if they have him on the Dajjal track).
Given that the Aramco attack was attributed to Iranian cruise missiles and drones, this is the reason Gaza may be invaded…
…from The Times of Israel
The Israelis may claim that the drone was of an advanced Iranian type that has not been previously seen in Gaza, and that “the presence of such drones presents a critical new threat from Gaza that must be dealt with immediately — before they can be launched at Israeli cities.”
~ MORE – 30 October 2019 ~
So look again at the timing of the three linked articles…
- The one about increasing embassy security in anticipation of Iranian cruise missile and drone strikes came out on October 29 at 3:09 PM (Israel time).
- The one about the drone being shot down came out about two hours later (October 29 at 5:35 PM).
- And the one about the embassies closing came out about ten hours after that (October 30 at 3:53 AM).
As you can see, the quite conveniently timed drone flight over Gaza seems to be the incident that took them from “ramping-up embassy security” to closing the embassies under a cover story. And closing embassies worldwide is what a country does when they’re about to do something that might cause worldwide blowback against their people.
Getting back to the false-flag targets, a successful attack on the Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base in Qatar would markedly degrade the effectiveness of US and Coalition air power throughout the Middle East. And this moment of vulnerability would give Erdogan an opportunity to expand his operations in Syria without fear of being ground into hamburger by US airpower. A well-organized Turkish air force may be able to fend off a disorganized US Air Force response, and given that Erdogan would almost certainly seize Incirlik Air Base, its American personnel, and its nukes as hostages, an American military response may not even be attempted.
Just look at what is already happening in northern Syria…
…from Zero Hedge (top, bottom)
The Turks already seem to be chomping at the bit to go to full-scale war in Syria, and now they have a fresh American insult to feed their rage…
…from Zero Hedge
In the event things go pear-shaped in Northern Syria, Trump would almost certainly follow through with his threat to destroy the Turkish economy with sanctions, and the EU would likely join in. This would in turn trigger Erdogan to release the hounds (send 3 million migrants on a march to Europe).
All this being said, the impending Halloween false-flag is a gateway to a place we don’t want to go.
Let’s take a moment now to trace this false-flag plot back to its origin: a meeting of the Israeli security cabinet on October 6…
…from israel today. Here is an excerpt…
The Israeli security cabinet met for the first time in two months on Sunday for an emergency meeting on the increasing Iranian threat to the Jewish state.
The meeting took place after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a speech for the newly inaugurated Knesset, warned that Israel is facing a “huge security challenge” that is increasing every week.
The caretaker PM added that his words should be taken seriously and that he did not just want to scare the public and the media out of political considerations.
Netanyahu then made it clear he was talking about the Iranian threat to Israel and recalled the recent threats against Israel by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
“Anyone who knows the situation knows that Iran is getting stronger and is attacking around the world, saying clearly, ‘Israel will disappear’,” the Prime Minister said…
Avigdor Liberman, a former defense minister and leader of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, even spoke of a “national emergency” and urged Netanyahu’s Likud party and Benny Gantz, the leader of the Blue and White Party, to form a national unity government now.
Israel is currently facing “security threats from south, north and further away,” Liberman said on Saturday, adding that this is not the time for political games while he urged other party leaders to set aside their egos.
The Yisrael Beiteinu leader also seemed to allude to a repeat of the Yom Kippur war scenario when various Arab armies carried out an almost fatal surprise attack on Israel.
Concerns in Israel about an Iranian attack have only increased after the IRGC carried out a carefully planned attack on vital oil installations in Saudi Arabia last September.
That attack was carried out with a swarm of attack-drones (UAVs) and cruise missiles which Iran developed with the help of North Korea.
There is much to write about what’s in this passage, and I’ll get to it in the morning. For now, though, there is one critical thing to note: the article brings North Korea into the mix. And if they’re saying that North Korea helped Iran to develop the UAVs and cruise missiles, they might also say that North Korea transferred some of their nuclear warheads to Iran. This means a nuke might pop off somewhere as part of this false-flag. It could also mean that they’ll stage an attack blamed on North Korea in conjunction with the attacks blamed on Iran. So this is where the internet-rumored 11/3 attack on Seattle could potentially come from.
~ MORE – 31 October 2019 ~
Before I proceed with the points covered in the Israel Today article, I should inform new readers that the globalists control both sides in the current geopolitical drama. And within the Israeli part of that drama, the scripted “bad guys” are the “radical religious Zionists” and the Chabad-Lubavitch “End Times” cult.
According to the script, these bad guys are working to trigger an End Times invasion of Israel so they can bring a fake Jewish messiah onto the scene, but one of the “real” Jewish messiahs, Benjamin Netanyahu (who is one of the scripted “good guys”), is trying to stop them. The story is that Netanyahu spent his life infiltrating the ranks of the bad guys and playing along with them so he could rise to the top and then sabotage their efforts.
Netanyahu’s sabotage effort began late last year when he stopped one of the bad guys, Avigdor Lieberman, from carrying out a war-starting invasion of Gaza. And in response, Lieberman and the bad guys triggered the current political chaos in Israel. According to the story, the bad guys have been attempting to pressure Netanyahu into starting the war ever since (“launch the invasion or we’ll replace you as PM”), and given the fact that their efforts so far haven’t succeeded, they’re now attempting to launch a massive false-flag in order to force Netanyahu’s hand.
Now that everyone is up to speed on the globalist scripting, let’s look at the first part of the Israel Today article…
The Israeli security cabinet met for the first time in two months on Sunday for an emergency meeting on the increasing Iranian threat to the Jewish state.
The meeting took place after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a speech for the newly inaugurated Knesset, warned that Israel is facing a “huge security challenge” that is increasing every week.
The caretaker PM added that his words should be taken seriously and that he did not just want to scare the public and the media out of political considerations.
Netanyahu then made it clear he was talking about the Iranian threat to Israel and recalled the recent threats against Israel by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC).
“Anyone who knows the situation knows that Iran is getting stronger and is attacking around the world, saying clearly, ‘Israel will disappear’,” the Prime Minister said.
If you look at this section from a conventional perspective, you might think that Netanyahu is leading the charge for war against Iran, but you have to remember that he is speaking to the public audience — a public audience that is being fed daily fear propaganda about Iran from the Mossad and the Israeli press. You must also remember that Netanyahu spent his lifetime parroting the “Iran is evil” talking points of the bad guys (as he supposedly infiltrated their organization and rose within its ranks). So if he were to suddenly start talking like a dove, he’d lose his conservative base and the public would think that he has lost his mind. To maintain his position, then, he has to talk tough publicly while simultaneously restraining the bad guys behind the scenes. To put it simply, Netanyahu is talking the war talk, but walking the peace walk.
Netanyahu’s “peace walk” is evidenced by a section from the first linked Times of Israel article…
Speaking at joint press conference with US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin in Jerusalem, Netanyahu called on Washington to impose additional sanctions to halt what he called Iran’s “plunge for everything” in the region.
Note that he called for sanctions, not airstrikes. So while he is talking tough on Iran, he is attempting to take the same peaceful path (sanctions instead of military strikes) being taken by his fellow Jewish messiah, Donald Trump, who is another one of the scripted “good guys” (along with Vladimir Putin).
According to the script, all the “real Jewish messiahs / good guys” are being fought by their respective countries’ “Deep States”…
- Trump is supposedly being opposed by the
“Nazi-Zionist-Neolib-Neocon-Communist-MSM-CIA Deep State,”
who are pressuring him to go to war against North Korea, Iran, and Russia. - Netanyahu is supposedly being opposed by the
“Religious Zionist-Chabad-Mossad-MSM Deep State,”
who are pressuring him to go to war with Lebanon, Syria, and Iran. - Putin is supposedly being opposed by the
“Atlantic Integrationist-organized crime-oligarch Deep State,”
who are plotting to take him down for “betraying the New World Order.”
As things currently stand, it looks like Halloween will be the beginning of the bad guys’ final assault on the messiahs/good guys, and March will bring the climax.
I’ll continue with the second and third parts of the Israel Today article soon.
~ MORE – 1 November 2019 ~
There are reports of new rocket attacks against Israel out of Gaza, and they may be part of the prelude for the larger false-flag to come. It is important to know that if the big attack goes forward, Gantz and Lieberman will attempt to use the resulting “national emergency” to draw in elements of Netanyahu’s political block (with Bennett and Shaked leading the defections) to form a unity government that shuts out Netanyahu. They will lay the blame for the drone / cruise missile attack on Netanyahu, saying that he “emboldened the Palestinians and Iranians with his weak responses to their repeated aggressions.” This is the same argument they’ll use against Trump (in relation to Russia, Turkey, Iran and North Korea) if they attempt a 25th Amendment removal of him.
~ MORE – 3 November 2019 ~
It looks like the Israeli false-flag was planned for Halloween night before it was called off earlier that very day…
The Israeli Embassy in Ukraine will resume its work on November 1 after a strike announced earlier in protest against the actions of the Israeli Ministry of Finance and the resulting funding problems.
“Our fight has not ended, it has only been temporarily suspended by court order. Tomorrow, on Friday, November 1, we will resume the work of the embassy on an ongoing basis,” the embassy reported on Twitter on Oct. 31.
The Israeli Consulate in Toronto (Canada) reported on Twitter that Israeli diplomatic agencies around the world were resuming their work. “Our Consulate, as well as other Israeli missions around the world, are back to work. Negotiations between MFA employees and the Israeli Ministry of Finance will continue,” it says. – from the Kyiv Post
Note that the “financial dispute” that was the supposed cause of the worldwide embassy closings “has not ended,” which means the false-flag planners have a ready excuse to close the embassies again before the next target date. Don’t be surprised if that happens as we approach the 10th-11th or 22nd. They might also time the false-flag to coincide with a key moment in the Trump impeachment.
On another note, they may have delayed the fireworks part of the program, but they went ahead with the propaganda part…
…from The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…
Political rivals of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu blamed his transition government on Saturday after Palestinian terrorists fired rockets at Israel the night before…
“The firing of over 10 rockets toward Sderot and the communities of the Gaza periphery, when families are sitting around the Shabbat table, is a direct result of the surrender policy of the government to terror groups in Gaza,” Yisrael Beytenu party chief Avigdor Liberman wrote on Facebook.
Liberman, who resigned as defense minister last year in protest of a ceasefire to end fighting with Hamas, said the rocket fire was a result of Israel’s response to rioting along the Gaza border during weekly protests…
The Yisrael Beytenu chief also said Netanyahu’s response to violence emanating from Gaza was having security consequences elsewhere.
“The erosion of the power of Israeli deterrence in the south is encouraging our enemies in the north and Iran,” he said.
After the false-flag, they’ll repeat this refrain and attempt to form a unity government that pushes Netanyahu aside. The presidential cabinet in the US may also move on Trump at the same time and using the same arguments.
The Narrative Surrounding the Killing of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
(4 November 2019) – Here is the photo from the White House Situation Room on the day of the Baghdadi raid…
…Look carefully at the generals’ faces. They don’t look happy to be there, do they? Is that because “they were upset at being ordered to kill an important Deep State asset” or because “they were disturbed at being ordered to take part in a fraud”?
There has been much dispute in alt-media circles over the supposed killing of ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi by a US Special Forces raid in Idlib. Even “hero” Russia has been questioning whether or not the raid actually occurred. So let me start by saying this…
Whether or not the raid was faked has no bearing on how it will be used in the globalist narrative. Indeed, a great number of the events we’ve been watching on the national and world stages have been faked — they’ve been “Wag the Dog”-style theatrical productions staged for public consumption. They have nonetheless been treated as “real” by the globalist narratives and have been used to herd the public out of the Bretton Woods Interim World Order and into the New World Order. So the issue at hand is not the realness or fakeness of the event itself, but what narrative the globalists will spin from it. And since the straightforward narrative that “Trump killed Baghdadi” is positive for Trump, it stands to reason that the alternative narrative is negative for Trump: “Trump faked the killing of Baghdadi.”
So what would the “Trump faked the killing of Baghdadi” narrative look like, and how would it be used?
Imagine what would happen if ISIS were to launch a dramatic terrorist attack in the United States and Baghdadi publicly appeared either during the attack or afterwards. Also imagine that the terrorists who carried out the attack get identified as ISIS members who escaped from Kurdish jails after Trump withdrew American forces. What would happen to Donald Trump? It would be the perfect “Deep State” coup de grace on his presidency, would it not? He’d be torn from office by either a cabinet coup or an impeachment conviction.
And speaking of an impeachment conviction, what might happen to the Vice President who “helped Trump sell the fraud”?…
…from Face the Nation
That Vice President would go down too, wouldn’t he? Then there’d be President Nancy Pelosi.
~ MORE – 6 November 2019 ~
So what would the Trump-negative alternative narrative look like, you ask? Well this is what the mainstream media / “Deep State” might say…
“Desperate for a win in the face of impeachment, Trump seized upon an intelligence report that a specific compound in Idlib was being surveilled in the suspicion that Baghdadi might be there. Acting on a self-serving impulse, he unilaterally concluded that the ISIS leader was at the location and ordered the military to strike. And in the aftermath of the operation, he ordered the military to declare that one of the dead jihadis was Baghdadi. They grudgingly followed their orders.”
And the NWO “good guys” would say this in rebuttal…
“Knowing Trump’s predisposition to claim personal credit for any positive development, the Deep State set a trap for him: they led him to believe that Baghdadi was at a specific terrorist compound in Idlib so he’d order an attack. They then showed him the operation in real time and afterwards told him that Baghdadi was killed.
As expected, he took the bait and made a big production of claiming credit for the termination. They then brought Baghdadi back onto the scene at a critical moment in the impeachment to portray Trump as a liar, and the Deep State military and intelligence agents who tricked him into the trap falsely confirmed that Trump personally ordered the fakery.”
Of course, the whole “Trump faked the killing of Baghdadi” narrative would sound a bit farfetched, but all the “Deep State” attacks on Trump have been farfetched (and deliberately so, since it makes it all the easier to prove that the narrative is a lie later on).
As for the straightforward narrative, “Trump killed Baghdadi,” this is how the NWO “good guys” would describe what happened with the raid…
“As part of Trump and Putin’s ongoing cooperative effort in Syria, Trump and the White Hats took out the Black Hats’ man Baghdadi with the Idlib raid. By carrying out the operation with American forces, Trump enabled Putin to avoid antagonizing Erdogan.”
With these narratives in mind, let’s now look ahead at what’s coming down the pike…
An imminent “ISIS revenge attack” on American soil has likely been scripted. If the attack is scripted to be foiled, we may see mass arrests of the plotters, including “Deep State” figures in Washington DC. Such arrests may flow from the “valuable intelligence” supposedly obtained from the Baghdadi raid and could happen as soon as 11/11. But if the attack is scripted to succeed, we may see a reappearance of Baghdadi. At the very least, we’ll hear the mainstream media claim that the jihadis who did the attack were ISIS escapees from Syria who were brought to the Americas by Venezuela’s “Aeroterror” and smuggled into the US by their drug-running partners, the Sinaloa Cartel.
The “ISIS revenge attack” may be scripted as part of a coordinated global attack by Iran, Venezuela, North Korea and perhaps Turkey, with the US, Israel, Japan and perhaps the EU being targeted. Trump and Netanyahu’s “weakness” towards the attacking countries would be blamed for “inviting this greater aggression,” and the attack may include a nuclear explosion. A nuke attack would add great urgency to the efforts to remove Trump and Netanyahu, and would serve nicely to stoke fear during the global nuclear confrontation to come. The coming, scripted global nuclear confrontation will be all the more terrifying to the public if a nuke has already gone off. It would make the threat look very real, and it would send the herd running headlong into the “savior” NWO.
If I were to bet on when and where a nuke would pop off, it would be this Sunday in Tokyo during Emperor Naruhito’s enthronement parade. They’d probably pop it off at a distance from the parade route, but within the warhead’s sure-kill radius. That way, the cameras could catch the detonation flash and the people’s look of horror before they’re swept away by the shockwave.
(6 November 2019) – As it turns out, President Trump will be out in the open in New York City on 11/11…
…from the New York Post. Here is an excerpt…
President Trump will be the first president to kick off New York City’s Veterans Day Parade, the White House announced Wednesday.
Trump will address the 100th Annual Opening Ceremony of the parade on Monday and then will lay a wreath at the Eternal Light Memorial at Madison Square Park.
So he will be at a known location at a known time, which makes him targetable (by the false-flag patsy). And get a load of where he’ll be…
…from Google
Given that the “Deep State” supposedly wants to blow up Trump and the globalists want to blow up the current UN headquarters, one “North Korean” nuke could take out both. A good location for the attack would be the E 34th Street Ferry Terminal; they could sneak the nuke there using a ferry to mask their underwater approach, then float it to the surface for the detonation. And from that detonation point, the UN building (0.7 km away) would be demolished by the 20 p.s.i. air blast and Trump (1.5 km away) would be killed by the 10 p.s.i. air blast (unless he is in “the belly of The Beast” when the pressure wave hits).
Here is a map of a 100 kiloton blast at the ferry terminal (the yellow diamond shows Trump’s location and the black diamond shows the UN)…
…from Nukemap (click on the image to enlarge it)
So forget what I said this morning: 11/11 in New York is now my bet on when and where a nuke might pop off. That being said, will they even attempt it now that it’s exposed? If they do attempt it, will they pop the nuke or stop the attack and mass arrest the “Deep State”?
On an interesting side note, an 11/2 save of my page on the Internet Archive (which was made after I covered the Naruhito assassination) disappeared a few days ago, which left me wondering if they were trying to suppress the information. When I went back yesterday to make a new save, the Archive allowed it, and I checked back this morning; not only did the new save still show up, but the 11/2 save was restored. Is that because they changed their assassination plans from Naruhito to Trump (whose trip to New York was announced only today)? If you think about it, both plots relate to World War One — “the war to end all wars” — with the Naruhito assassination relating to its start and the Trump assassination at the Eternal Light Flagstaff relating to its end.
~ MORE – 7 November 2019 ~
Here is an interesting bit of Trump-related news that showed up on Drudge today…
…from Huffpost
The suggestion from a supposed “senior White House official” that Pence might be ready to stab his boss in the back can be exploited in multiple ways depending on what the globalists choose to do on 11/11…
Option 1 – If Trump is scripted to be successfully assassinated on Monday, it will cause his followers to look upon Pence with great suspicion. They’ll wonder if he had anything to do with the assassination just like people wondered about Johnson after Kennedy was killed. Such suspicion would serve the globalists’ objectives quite nicely when the time comes to reveal Pence as one of the “antichrists.”
Option 2 – If Trump is scripted to survive a foiled assassination attempt on Monday, he will also be scripted to hold the same sort of suspicion about Pence. It may be the event that leads him to boot Pence and choose Rand Paul as his replacement. Pelosi will withhold House confirmation of Paul, of course, and this will put the presidency within arm’s reach for her.
Option 3 – If nothing special happens on Monday, Trump will be scripted to ruminate over the possibility that Pence is ready to take away his presidency. And this may lead him to attempt Pence’s replacement just like Option 2.
If either Option 2 or 3 is selected, the NWO narrative will say that the book was “a tool of Deep State psychological warfare against Trump — it was used to stoke his paranoia and trigger his firing of Pence so Democrats could pull off the double replacement coup.”
As for the assassination plot on Monday, there is a possibility that they might try something less ambitious than a nuclear explosion. In that case, my bet would be on a drone swarm attack utilizing “advanced, countermeasure-resistant Iranian drones” (“countermeasure-resistant drones” = drones that can hit their target even if their guidance and GPS signals are jammed and their circuitry is microwaved — they may also be able to execute radical maneuvers as they approach their target in order to avoid physical interception). Using drones would dovetail nicely with the “Iran hit Saudi Arabia with drones and is planning to do the same to Israel” narrative. It would also offer compelling symbolism, evoking images of dark angels casting themselves against the “Eternal Light” in their attempt to destroy it and bring us into “Eternal Darkness.”
(11 November 2019) – The assassination warning for Trump will remain posted for as long as he is in New York (through tomorrow). On Tuesday the 12th, he has a number of meetings around the city and the most likely strike point would be at the InterContinental Barclay hotel, which is less than a kilometer from the UN building. Tomorrow, I’ll do some new updates on what’s going on in Israel (Netanyahu appointed a Chabadnik as the new defense minister and Rivlin hinted at Netanyahu’s assassination), in Washington (they are preparing to trigger a government shutdown this month or next), in London (they may be positioning Farage’s future Brexit Party MPs to be the swing bloc that can take down BoJo after his coming Brexit betrayal), and in Paris (where a government outrage on the Yellow Vest anniversary of November 17 could lead to Macron’s fall and a December French election).
(19 November 2019) – We are now just two days away from the globalists’ first opportunity to orchestrate a partial shutdown of the US government, and the trigger they’ve established for setting it in motion is the Democrats’ blocking of border wall funding. Should the Democrats be directed to include a funding blockage in this week’s continuing resolution (the measure that would temporarily extend government funding through December 20), we might see the government shut down as we hit 12:00:01 on the morning of the 22nd. And if we see that, we would likely see the Chinese military crackdown in Hong Kong on the same day. It would all be part of an 11/22 mischief package.
That being said, the Democrats will more likely hold back on the border wall funding battle until before Christmas. Their scripted strategy is to complete the articles of impeachment and get Trump to veto continued government funding right before Christmas so the people will talk about the impeachment charges and “Trump’s shutdown” of the US government over their Christmas dinners. If the markets start to buckle by that time due to China’s move on Hong Kong, it will add to “the Christmas of Ill Ease.”
In the event of a globalist punt before Christmas, watch for them to pass a December continuing resolution that will expire in the midst of the Senate impeachment trial. A shutdown and a financial crisis during the trial would make it politically expedient for Republican senators to abandon Trump and install Pence in his stead. They would say, “Pence’s steady hand is what we need to salvage what we can in the 2020 election.”
[P.S. – I was in a hurry this morning to get this section posted, so I didn’t do a pre-post check of the news. As it turns out, Congress reached a deal last night to pass a continuing resolution without a border funding block. So everything is set up for Christmas.]
What’s Brewing in Israel
(12 November 2019) – ON THE SAME DAY Chabad agent Naftali Bennett officially begins his duties as Israel’s new defense minister, the IDF assassinate a senior Islamic Jihad commander and trigger a counterattack of 150 rockets from Gaza. What a coincidence! Be on the lookout for an imminent invasion of Gaza. More details in a few hours…
~ later ~
Netanyahu may have nipped this thing in the bud. According to the scripting, Netanyahu is trying to prevent his ouster as Prime Minister (by appeasing Chabad through his elevation of Bennett to defense minister) while also restraining the “bad guys” from starting a huge war (by keeping Bennett on a very short leash with a muzzle). So if we don’t see an invasion of Gaza by tomorrow, the “bad guys” will attempt to assassinate Netanyahu (in the coming days) so Saar can take over Likud and OK the war. Again, details later…
~ MORE – 14 November 2019~
Back in the 23 September update (which is further down this page), I was covering the possibility that Avigdor Lieberman would be Israeli President Rivlin’s shock choice to form a government, and I wrote this…
If Rivlin instead appoints Lieberman, Lieberman would be strongly motivated to get off the sidelines and form a government. And he’d have three ways to do it…
- By getting a “bidding war” going between the two blocs to see which would offer acceptable concessions, then merging with that bloc.
- By using the fear both blocs will feel about being shut out of the new government to force both to make concessions and join in a unity government.
- By recruiting 53 or more Knesset members to join his bloc. He might start by offering Chabad’s Naftali Bennett or Ayelet Shaked the defense minister post to peel him/her away from Netanyahu’s bloc, then the floodgates would open on both sides.
If Rivlin and Chabad fear the heat this move would generate, their safe play is to tap Gantz and have him offer the defense minister post to a Chabadnik to break the deadlock.
(1:55 PM/9:55 PM Texas/Israel Time) – Netanyahu and Gantz have just entered a meeting with Rivlin. If they continue butting heads through Wednesday, it will open the door for Lieberman to get the nod. Remember: Rivlin and Lieberman’s scripted motivation is to secure the Gaza invasion for Chabad, so the eventual outcome will advance that aim.
With this in mind, let’s look at the news that came out last Friday…
…from Haaretz. Here is an excerpt…
The imminent appointment of Naftali Bennett to what is traditionally the second-most influential position in Israel, defense minister, is almost meaningless in the here and now. In theory, this official wields enormous power. In practice, most of the power on security matters resides with the prime minister, especially when it comes to Benjamin Netanyahu, now premier for nearly 11 consecutive years and also defense minister for this past year.
Bennett, assuming his appointment goes ahead, will not be able to implement any of his ambitious plans to revolutionize the military. (His plans aren’t just to strike harder in Gaza. Bennett has spent years thinking deeply about the Israel Defense Forces’ structure and has unorthodox views on the defense budget.) He will be a temporary minister in a caretaker government that’s unlikely to last more than a few more months, at most.
His only chance of leaving his mark on Israeli military doctrine is if he gets to stay on as defense minister in whatever government is formed next, whenever. But Netanyahu won’t and can’t promise Bennett anything more than this temporary ineffectual post…
Netanyahu just gave Bennett, his biggest rival on the right, the Defense Ministry. He just gave him his own second-biggest portfolio. He has just made Bennett his deputy for security matters, in effect. Now Bennett will be in every forum dealing with the most sensitive matters, and with a status he never had before. This is the Bennett whose party failed to pass the electoral threshold in the April election and who after the September election is the leader of the Knesset’s tiniest party. Why give him this massive job, even temporarily?…
…Bennett leveraged his meager political assets brilliantly and in recent weeks made Netanyahu believe that he was considering defecting, along with Shaked and Kahana, from the Bibi bloc to Gantz’s.
As you can see in the red-bolded sections, Netanyahu’s appointment of Bennett to the defense minister post was supposedly aimed at heading off the very scenario I previously mentioned. And looking at the blue-bolded section, one is left wondering the following: Under what circumstance could Bennett’s “temporary and ineffectual post” become permanent and effectual?
The answer to that question (“in the circumstance of the physical or political death of Netanyahu”) can be found in a Jerusalem Post article that came out three days after the Bennett news broke…
By hinting at the possibility of political assassination during a ceremony commemorating the assassination of a previous Israeli Prime Minister, the bloodline Chabadnik Rivlin was giving Netanyahu and the public a big, juicy hint. New World Order historians will say that Rivlin’s remarks “were intended as a threat to Netanyahu to let Chabad’s war go forward, which Netanyahu in response blocked two days later on the day Bennett took office” and “were also intended to prime the public mind for the assassination attempt to come — an assassination that would put a Chabad puppet Prime Minister in office to green-light the war.”
~ MORE 2 ~
It should also be noted that President Rivlin has suggested that Gantz and Netanyahu form a unity government that would have Netanyahu serve as PM for the first year unless and until he is indicted for his supposed crimes — in which case he would hand Gantz the PM post until “justice” runs its course. This deal has bogged down over constitutional and other details. As for where they’re going with it, I suspect their destination is one of the following…
A – Have Rivlin throw the government-forming mandate to the Knesset, in which case Saar or Bennett could bypass Netanyahu and lead individual Likud MPs into a coalition with individual MPs from Gantz’s party. This unity coalition would exclude ultra-Orthodox, messianic, and Arab parties and thus gain the support of Lieberman, and it would open the door for the war to go forward under the new PM.
B – Have Rivlin throw the government-forming mandate to Lieberman under some deal that allows him to be the temporary PM of a unity government until Mandelblit decides whether or not to indict Netanyahu. Under such a deal, Lieberman would agree to not change the cabinet (thus leaving an unrestrained Bennett in his new defense minister post) and to hand the PM position to either Gantz or Netanyahu after the indictment decision is made. This scenario would open a time window for the war to go forward while Lieberman is PM.
C – Have Mandelblit announce an early decision to NOT indict Netanyahu before Gantz’s mandate expires next Wednesday. This would allow Netanyahu to survive and remain the PM for at least another year, thus stalling the war.
As I’ve previously mentioned, the globalists have already established Mandelblit as someone who has decided against Chabad when the case supposedly merited it, and a recent decision in another case in the Israeli courts has weakened the argument for Netanyahu’s indictment.
~ MORE 3 – 20 November 2019 ~
Over the past few days, a new scenario has been added to the Israeli election outcome: one in which Netanyahu wins Lieberman’s / Chabad’s support to form a government.
According to the globalist scripting, Netanyahu (the “hero”) has continued to successfully block the attempt by Chabad (the “villains”) to plunge Israel into an End Times War, but he is now offering Lieberman concessions and new government postings for his people. Chabad may accept Netanyahu’s offer thinking that it will strengthen their hold over the Israeli government and put them in the perfect position to launch their war after Netanyahu is driven from office by the corruption indictments / trial (or an assassination). The establishment of this new government would thereby set the stage for Netanyahu’s triumph or fall depending on Mandelblit’s decision.
As of right now, Lieberman is saying that he prefers a third election to making a deal with either Gantz or Netanyahu. Ostensibly, this is to keep pressure on Netanyahu and Gantz to form a unity government before Gantz’s government-forming mandate expires today. But don’t be surprised if he changes his tune after Rivlin hands the mandate to the Knesset tomorrow.
Should this scenario materialize, news will break that Lieberman has reached a deal with the ultra-orthodox elements of Likud that allows for their mutual coexistence. Then Netanyahu will get his Likud bloc and Lieberman’s bloc to sign on to a coalition government.
Since Mandelblit is expected to announce his decision on whether or not to indict Netanyahu early next week, the globalists may script an Israeli provocation or false-flag in the next few days (perhaps on 11/22) to provide an impetus to form the new government immediately (before the announcement). Given that the US moved an aircraft carrier close to Iran yesterday, a “carrier down” false-flag is something to watch for.
As for the prospect of a third Israeli election, it will occur only if the globalists press the delay button. It would likely be scheduled for February in order to coincide with the end of Trump’s impeachment trial. At the latest, it would happen in April.
~ MORE 4 ~
The more I think about the latest developments vis-a-vis Netanyahu, the more it looks like a scripted war trap the Chabad “villains” set for Netanyahu and Trump. Here is the outline of it…
Seemingly abandoning their demands for an immediate Gaza invasion, Chabad dangles the possibility of letting Netanyahu remain Prime Minister if he appoints a Chabadnik to the defense minister’s post (which he did) and grants them other posts in the new government. Meanwhile, the US/Israeli “Deep States” position a US aircraft carrier off Iran in preparation for a false-flag.
After Gantz’s mandate expires, the “Deep States” attack the aircraft carrier and blame Iran. This places enormous pressure on Netanyahu and Trump to attack Iran (to start Chabad’s war). It also provides an urgent excuse for Netanyahu and Lieberman to cut their deal and form a stable government “in order to better face the crisis,” which Netanyahu will do.
This will leave Netanyahu and Trump in quite a scripted dilemma…
Do they give in to the pressure and attack Iran, thereby giving Chabad the war they’ve been seeking?
Or do they resist the calls to attack Iran and face removal from office (by their own political parties)?
Should Netanyahu and Trump resist the call to war, the US/Israeli “Deep States” could blame “the Iranian attack” on their “weak responses to repeated aggressions.” And among the alt-media crowd, they could blame “the false-flag attack” on Netanyahu and Trump, claiming “they arranged it in order to preserve Netanyahu’s position as Prime Minister.” “Bibi did it in order to hold on to power and stay out of jail, and his friend Trump helped him,” they could say.
~ MORE 5 – 21 November 2019 ~
Well, well, well… obviously a script adjustment was made…
…from Reuters
By announcing the indictments today — on the same day that President Rivlin has thrown the government-forming mandate to the Knesset — the globalists have set up a situation in which a sudden false-flag-caused security crisis in Israel could motivate Netanyahu’s own party to bypass him in order to form a stable government. Now we watch for the fireworks (out of Yemen or off the Iranian coast). Tomorrow is the 22nd.
Turkey invades northern Syria and the Cyprus EEZ at the same time
(9 October 2019) – Well lookie lookie here…
…from ekathimerini
Taking a break from the fates of Netanyahu and Trump for a moment, let’s go back to the Turkish elements of what I wrote on December 30 of last year. It was in my What to watch for between now and the end of March entry, but the globalists pressed the delay button until now. Some current remarks have been added [in brackets]…
Speaking of “at any time between now and then,” here are some other events to watch for between now and April 1…
the withdrawal/non-withdrawal of US troops from Syria – If Trump falls during the first three months of the year, the American withdrawal under Trump will turn into a non-withdrawal under Pence.
the launch of the Turkish war against the Kurds – This will occur by the end of March unless the “peacemaker” Putin prevents it with his “masterful diplomacy” (as part of the Peace Path). Should the attack go forward, conflict between the Turkish military and the French and UK militaries is inevitable, which will lead to big trouble for the EU.
an armed Turkish incursion into EU-member Cyprus’ offshore Exclusive Economic Zone – This is a fallback mechanism to start a military confrontation between Turkey and the EU & US. [THIS IS OCCURRING RIGHT NOW.]
a violent Islamist intifada in Europe – If counter-provoked in Syria or in the Cyprus EEZ, Erdogan will call out the Islamist goons he’s stationed all over Europe (with the help of the Western royals and governments). [This is coming between now and March 2020.]
a 3-million migrant invasion of Europe out of Turkey – Erdogan has already threatened to release the 3-4 million refugees in Turkey into Europe, so he’s just waiting for the script to provide the justification to do so (in Syria, off Cyprus, or with a Turkish financial collapse). [This too is coming between now and March 2020, with both Trump and Congress threatening to destroy the Turkish economy.]
The Globalists’ Endgame in Syria
(13 October 2019) – As I began to prepare for dinner tonight, the globalists’ Peace Path endgame for Syria came into focus. Under the Peace Path script, Erdogan is Putin’s partner (either willingly or at the point of the Turkish military’s gun at his head), as is Trump of course. And Trump’s withdrawal of American forces will make it untenable for any Western-allied militaries to remain in Syria. Without the protective American umbrella over them, they’ll withdraw. Trump’s withdrawal has also forced the Kurds to switch their allegiance to Assad and Team Putin. So…
Once American and Western-allied forces leave Syria, the only anti-Assad forces that will remain are the two pockets of terrorists: the Al Qaeda forces in Idlib and the ISIS forces in the Kurdish area. And these terrorist pockets will find themselves totally surrounded by enemies and completely without support. They’ll either surrender or be annihilated. Putin will then broker an agreement with all sides to make northern Syria a demilitarized zone jointly patrolled by Syrian, Turkish, Russian and perhaps even Kurdish forces. Peace will rule the land, and the controlled alt-media will attribute it to Putin’s patience and strategic genius.
Tomorrow morning, I’ll cover this in more detail. I’ll also cover the War Path scripting just in case.
~ MORE ~
The outcome in Syria will be determined by the final decision the globalists make on which exact role to give Erdogan. So will Erdogan be…
1) The still-active Muslim Dajjal (false messiah) who has been playing East and West against each other as he pursued his own goals? If they opt for this scripting, he’ll betray both Trump and Putin and we’ll be on the War Path.
2) The defeated Dajjal who is under the thumb of the Turkish military and Putin? If they opt for this, we’ll be on the Peace Path.
3) The victorious Imam Mahdi who infiltrated and then defeated the Gulenist Deep State in order to join forces with Putin? If they opt for this, we’ll be on the Peace Path.
Should the globalists choose option 3, watch for Turkish forces to capture or kill ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi during the current invasion. This will later be pointed to as the moment the Mahdi (Erdogan) defeated the Dajjal (al-Baghdadi). They haven’t announced this yet, so I just wanted to get ahead of them in case they go this route.
~ MORE 2 – 14 October 2019 ~
For the past several years, Syria has been the main stage on which the characters of the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment show have played out their roles. And on the Islamic side of the prophecy fulfillment program, there are two main characters: the evil Al-Masih ad-Dajjal (the Muslim false messiah) and the Mahdi (the Muslim messiah). These characters are not featured in the Koran, only in the hadith (teachings that are ascribed to Muhammad by other men), so they are not legitimate aspects of Islam; they’re the false teachings of men who had their own agendas.
In the 2016 attempt at the prophecy fulfillment climax, it looked like the globalists had tapped Erdogan to play the Dajjal. Turkey invaded Syria in late August of 2016 in the area near Dabiq, where ISIS had planned its apocalyptic battle. The script was to have Erdogan’s forces enter Dabiq in September and defeat the decoy Dajjal, ISIS’ Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, so he could pretend to be the real Mahdi, but the globalists retreated from their plans and Dabiq’s later fall became a footnote.
Even today, Erdogan remains the most likely candidate to play the Dajjal, but the globalists have also opened up the possibility that he could play the Mahdi, with the ISIS leader taking over the role of the Dajjal. To help you see this clearly, I’ve laid out the two scripting options in this table…
If Erdogan remains cast as the still-active Dajjal, he will attack the Mahdi (Qasem Soleimani) and Isa/Jesus (Vladimir Putin) and be defeated. This is what would bring a full-on Turkish War.
And if Erdogan gets slightly recast as the already-defeated Dajjal, he will help Isa/Jesus (Putin) defeat the “Satanic” West and then be cast aside by the Turkish military when he’s no longer needed. I’m sure they’ll leave a twenty on his dresser; it’s common courtesy.
But if Erdogan gets recast as the Mahdi, he will help Isa/Jesus (Putin) defeat the “Satanic” West, and he’ll also defeat the Dajjal (Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi). In this case, all the talk of impending war between Turkey and Syria/Russia/Iran will be attributed to “strategic deception” that Putin, Erdogan, Khamenei and Trump used to achieve their shocking victory. After all, if Erdogan wasn’t playing the “bad cop” to the Kurds, they wouldn’t have run to the “good cop” (Putin) for protection.
So now that we’ve done this refresher on the background information, we’ll look more closely at the three options for Erdogan I mentioned last night, and we’ll see how each choice would affect the script.
~ MORE 3 ~
The globalists’ first option for Erdogan is to cast him as the still-active Muslim Dajjal who has been playing East and West against each other as he pursued his own goals. Under this scripting, Erdogan’s 2016 pivot towards Russia will be explained as a shrewd adjustment he made after Russia intervened in the Syrian War with its air power in late 2015. “Realizing that Russia now posed a major threat to his plans for expansion into Syria and towards Israel,” the NWO historians would say, “Erdogan set about making trade and arms deals with Russia so they’d be hesitant to confront and expel the Turkish presence in northern Syria.”
Now that Trump is finally withdrawing American troops from Syria, which have been the main impediment to Erdogan’s expansion plans, “Erdogan the (still-active) Dajjal” has a free hand to betray his commitments to both Trump and Putin, knowing that Trump will respond with only economic sanctions and Putin has far too few forces in Syria to stop the full weight of the Turkish military (and Turkey can inhibit reinforcement and resupply of Russian forces in Syria by closing Turkish airspace and the Turkish Straits).
To read more about Erdogan’s casting as the Dajjal, scroll down this page to The NWO Schedule of Implementation 2019, and read the section on the globalists’ religious goals. And to see what shape the Turkish War would take, read the Turkish War Warning sections in The 2019 Archive.
~ MORE 4 ~
The globalists’ second option for Erdogan is to cast him as the already-defeated Muslim Dajjal who was outmaneuvered by Putin and now serves as a sock puppet for the Eurasian Integrationist Turkish military. Under this scripting, Putin’s late-2015 airpower intervention in Syria was just Phase 1 of his plan to defeat the “Satanic” West in Syria. Phase 2 was a joint operation with the Iranians to reach out to Eastern-friendly officers in the Turkish military and help them take control of both the armed forces and Erdogan. This reversed Turkey’s geopolitical orientation in 2016 and stripped vital support from the anti-Assad effort.
Here is something I wrote about this second Erdogan option back on 21 March (from The 2019 Archive)…
…what first alerted me to it was a Zero Hedge article titled CIA Is Conspiring With ISIS, Turning Syrian Refugee Camps Into ISIS Hotbeds, which contained a passage that caught my eye…
>>> An interesting observation is that the media of the country [Turkey], which in the previous years of war, used to conspire with ISIS allowing its foreign recruits to enter Syria and buying smuggled oil from the terrorists, has now become one of the most active exposers of the alleged US ties with ISIS elements. <<<
This change in Turkey’s portrayal of ISIS happened after Erdogan did his big U-turn towards Russia, and I’ve previously noted that the change in policy meant that Erdogan will be scripted as either being cornered and defeated by Putin and Soleimani or being switched to a different character in the End Times drama. So seeing the passage in the Zero Hedge article got me looking around for more narrative support propaganda. This is what I found…
…from Ahval. Here is an excerpt…>>> Turkish politics demonstrates the immense influence of Eurasianist deep-state elements which control the Turkish military while temporarily tolerating and supporting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan…
These deep-state elements are using the power of Erdogan to convince Islamist-conservative grassroots groups in Turkish politics of the necessity of the current political course…
…Erdogan and his inner circle had to “abandon the successful negotiation process with Kurdish separatists for a political solution to the problem and give up their pro-Western foreign policy orientation, including its democratisation side effects,”…
This lead to a criminalising of all former allies of Erdogan, including liberals, Kurds and Gulenists.
“The anti-Western faction in the Turkish military maximized its power and dismissed large numbers of military personnel of all ranks – almost 50 percent of all generals and admirals of Turkish forces and about 18,000 high, middle and low-ranking officers – after the 2016 coup attempt. Currently, the reactivated deep-state military personnel are in key positions in the Turkish armed forces,”…
Erdogan and his inner circle do not reflect the real power constellation in Turkey.
In looking for answers to questions such as “can Erdogan alone control the powerful Turkish military? Why did Erdogan terminate the “Solution Process” with the Kurds? It was his greatest project and the biggest risk of his entire political career. Why did he change course in Syria and in Turkey’s general foreign policy orientation? Why did he decide to develop a strategic partnership with Russia? Why did he purge so many soldiers in the Turkish military and bureaucracy?’’ one is forced to consider Erdogan’s new deep-state partners… <<<
So as you can see, the Ahval article suggests that Erdogan was politically outmaneuvered and is essentially a captive president to the now pro-Russian Turkish military. In other words, the article hints at how the “Dajjal” (Erdogan) was defeated by the “Moshiach” (Putin) and “Mahdi” (Soleimani). The NWO narrative of how it all went down will probably sound something like this…
“As the defeat of Damascus grew close, the Mahdi reached out to the Moshiach to intervene with the power of the air. The Moshiach did this. And while he was stopping and reversing the Satanist victory in Syria, he was also reaching out to friendly elements in the Turkish military in order to topple the Dajjal’s kingdom from within.
On June 27, 2016, the Dajjal was defeated by a secret military coup, choosing to surrender and cooperate rather than be toppled. The Turkish military then simulated a public coup 20 days later, after which the Dajjal followed the orders he was given to arrest the Satanic West-leaning elements of the Turkish government and military, thus helping facilitate the victory of the Moshiach and Mahdi.”
This, then, is the globalist story of how the “Dajjal” was peacefully defeated. But there is another variation of the story that would narrate Erdogan as the “Mahdi.” I’ll write about it later.
~ MORE 5 ~
The globalists’ third option for Erdogan is to cast him as the Mahdi, who infiltrated and then defeated the Gulenist Deep State in order to join forces with Putin. Under this scripting, Erdogan was not the target of a Eurasian Integrationist uprising; he was the instigator of it. And like all the other globalist messiahs (Trump, Netanyahu, Putin, Xi, Modi), he went along with the plans of his evil “Deep State” until he was able to amass enough power to turn against them and defeat them.
Here is what I wrote about this option back on 3 April (from The 2019 Archive)…
Back on 21 March, I wrote about Erdogan being set up to play the defeated “Dajjal” in the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment stage play. But I also wrote…
“…there is another variation of the story that would narrate Erdogan as the ‘Mahdi’; I’ll write about it later.”
Now that it’s later, I thought I’d cover the subject quickly so it doesn’t come as a surprise if they attempt it.
In order to explain-away Trump and Putin’s connections to organized crime, the NWO propagandists are going to say that the two had to play along with the corrupted powers-that-be in order to get into a strong enough position to start counteracting them. And in Erdogan’s case, they can do the same. They can say that he played along with the Western Satanist leaders and their ISIS plans until he got into a strong enough position to join forces with the Eurasianists in the Turkish military and purge Western influences from his country.
So if the globalists go with this rescripting of Erdogan, they will point to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the “Dajjal” and to Erdogan as the “Mahdi.” They’ll say…
“al-Baghdaid was a Satanic figure who attempted to build a demonic Caliphate and present himself as the Mahdi, but his forces were defeated in Dabiq by the forces of Erdogan, the True Mahdi.”
But if they stick with the original 2016 scripting for Erdogan, they will point to al-Baghdadi as the “decoy Dajjal,” to Erdogan as the “real Dajjal,” and to Soleimani as the “real Mahdi.” They’ll say…
“Erdogan recruited al-Baghdadi to play the role of the decoy Dajjal so he could defeat him at Dabiq and present himself as the Mahdi. But the True Mahdi (Soleimani) teamed up with Isa (Putin) to defeat his plans.”
Let’s see which way they go with it.
~ MORE 6 – 15 October 2019 ~
In my forecast from last December, I wrote about two Turkish moves that haven’t yet materialized…
- a violent Islamist intifada in Europe – If counter-provoked in Syria or in the Cyprus EEZ, Erdogan will call out the Islamist goons he’s stationed all over Europe (with the help of the Western royals and governments).
- a 3-million migrant invasion of Europe out of Turkey – Erdogan has already threatened to release the 3-4 million refugees in Turkey into Europe, so he’s just waiting for the script to provide the justification to do so (in Syria, off Cyprus, or with a Turkish financial collapse).
These moves will remain in play if the globalists are casting Erdogan as the still-active Dajjal and we’re on the War Path, but will both moves disappear if we’re on the Peace Path? Perhaps not. Even under the Peace Path, the globalists may have Erdogan stage the migrant invasion for two reasons…
Reason 1) It is the only thing that can motivate complacent Europeans to join the populist uprising and topple the “Satanist” governments of Western Europe (who will force the new migrants down their peoples’ throats). So the migrant invasion would go forward under the rationale that “it’s necessary in order to topple the current Western European Establishment, and it’s far less damaging than a military invasion.”
Reason 2) A second Muslim invasion that further overwhelms “Christian civilization” is something an antichrist would do, and in Phase 2 of the globalist prophecy fulfillment program, the globalist messiahs (including Putin and “Mahdi Erdogan”) will be portrayed as antichrists. See Ken’s Collected Writings on the Globalist Prophecy Fulfillment Deception for more information on that.
So if the EU decide to sanction Turkey at their end-of-the-week summit, it may be the trigger that sets off the new migrant invasion. And if a new migrant invasion is set off before the end of the month, the UK may veto its own Brexit deal/delay in order to cleanly exit the EU so they can avoid having migrants shoved down their throats. Alternatively, an Eastern European country like Poland or Hungary could veto the deal/delay in order to wreck the EU for the same reason.
Now let’s have a look at an article that came out today on Zero Hedge, a Putin-worshipping NWO propaganda site…
…It is one of a number of their recent articles that hint at the unfolding Syria situation being arranged by Russia. Here is an excerpt…
A stunning development in the key northern Syrian city of Manbij — the Pentagon has confirmed a planned handover to Russian military forces is underway amid a Turkish military assault on the region. This also hours after President Trump tweeted that Assad “wants naturally to protect the Kurds” and that the problem should be left to local powers…
The Newsweek report suggests, as we predicted, the blistering fast developments clearly are being driven by significant Russian deal-making among all parties, surprisingly including the US, apparently…
This will of course make it impossible for pro-Turkish forces to take the town, and it’s likely that Erdogan may have been privy to Russian plans from the start…
It’s remarkable that President Trump has apparently ordered the rapid handover to Russian and Syrian national forces, which is likely to bringer a quicker end to the now over eight-year long war than was expected.
Has “Erdogan the active Dajjal” been coaxed into a trap set by Putin, Assad, Soleimani, and Trump?
Or is “Erdogan the defeated Dajjal” or “Erdogan the Mahdi” continuing to play the “bad cop” only until all the participating forces reach their pre-arranged “checkmate” positions in northern Syria?
The Zero Hedge article would seem to suggest that it might be the latter, and we might be on the Peace Path, which is good. It would be a prudent move on the globalists’ part. And at the pace things are moving, we won’t have to wait long to find out.
~ MORE 7 – 16 October 2019 ~
So will northeastern Syria turn out to be a tinderbox or a killbox?
I came across some interesting reports over the last couple of days. One is a report that Turkish proxy forces are releasing ISIS fighters from northeast Syrian prison camps. Another is a report that American officials are griping about the Turkish proxy forces moving in front of Turkish Army forces…
…from Twitter
So here is what I make of these reports…
If we are on the War Path in Syria, Erdogan is using his expendable proxy forces as shock troops to reduce Turkish casualties in the invasion. And he’s having the proxy forces release ISIS fighters so they can join the proxies ahead of his betrayal of Putin and Trump. His next move would be to seize the American servicemen and nukes at Incirlik Air Base and encircle Russian positions in northern Syria. The seized and encircled assets would serve as hostages to keep Russia and the US from interfering in a broader invasion.
But if we are on the Peace Path, Erdogan is putting all the cutthroat jihadis gathered by Turkey’s defeated West-aligned “Deep State” ahead of Turkish Army forces so they’ll be caught in a giant killbox. And he’s having the proxy forces release ISIS fighters so they’ll be fair game for the massive airstrikes to come (it wouldn’t be sporting to drop bombs on ISIS members who are trapped in a prison). Once all participating forces are in position, the proxy forces and ISIS fighters will be surrounded by Turkish Army forces to the north, Russian and Syrian forces to the west, Kurdish forces to the east, and pulled-back American forces to the south. They’ll be completely boxed in, and they’ll then be “wiped off the face of the Earth” by joint Turkish-Syrian-Russian-American airstrikes. For there to be peace in Syria and the region, all the unruly jihadis have to die, including the Al Qaeda forces in Idlib (who may be attacked simultaneously or shortly thereafter).
At the rate things are moving, the globalists may intend to show us which path we’re on next Tuesday, the 22nd.
On a somewhat related note, the “Great Leader” Kim Jong Un supposedly rode a pale horse to the top of sacred Mount Paektu in advance of a major announcement. Will that announcement be the removal of American sanctions by President Trump? Will Trump make another “Deep State”-rattling peace move in North Korea? The pale horse also has Biblical connotations that could relate to something terrible that’s coming. So again, we’ll have to wait and see which path we’re on.
~ MORE 8 – 27 October 2019 ~
News has emerged that ISIS’ leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed by an American raid in one of Turkey’s terrorist zones, and that the raid was done without notifying Turkey. By doing this, Trump has denied Erdogan the opportunity to enhance his Mahdi credentials by killing al-Baghdadi at a chosen time.
Also, events in Syria have been following the Peace Path scenario I laid out with one key exception: they have not yet annihilated the two pockets of Turkish proxy terrorists in northern Syria. We must see that annihilation in order to verify we’re on the Peace Path; if it doesn’t happen, we may be looking at the War Path instead. Trump’s reported movement of a mechanized battalion to the southern end of the northeastern killbox may be preparation for the attack — the mechanized troops would chase down any terrorists that escape the airstrikes. But will Erdogan follow through with his end of the deal, or will he betray both Trump and Putin?
Boris’s Big Betrayal
(9 September 2019) – When pondering the Brexit outcome next month, it’s important to remember that the globalists want to install Nigel Farage as the UK’s NWO Prime Minister. They also want to blow up the Labour and Conservative parties — a feat they will accomplish by scripting betrayals of the public trust and releasing limited hangouts of highly compromising information on their leaders — then have Farage lead a nationalist, populist “New Conservative” party. That being said…
I suspect the next big betrayal of the public trust will be Boris Johnson ramming through a superficially modified version of Theresa May’s Brexit Plan next month.
When that time comes, it will be said that Theresa May’s resignation was a strategic gambit by the Conservative leadership to run out the Brexit clock and leave only two choices: the May Plan or No Deal. That’s why BoJo prorogued the Parliament and vowed he won’t ask for an extension. He will negotiate with the EU and come back with a minimally modified May Plan, claiming that he couldn’t get any more because Parliament took away his leverage with the delay bill. So when Parliament comes back from its break, they will face two choices: a No Deal Brexit in mere days, or the May Plan. They will choose the latter.
This “grand betrayal of the people” will strengthen Farage, but not enough for him to rise to the Prime Minister post. To do that, Parliament’s betrayal will have to cause great suffering for the British citizenry, and that’s where the details of the May Plan come in…
The legally-binding Withdrawal Agreement would establish a “transition or implementation period” to run after Brexit until the end of 2020, during which many existing arrangements would stay in place.
Although no longer an EU member, the UK would still have to conform to EU rules during this period. The transition can be extended “for up to one or two years”, with a decision taken by mutual consent before July 1, 2020.
> Critics of the deal argue that far from taking back control — a key pro-Brexit referendum slogan — the UK would be surrendering it to the EU. It would be outside the EU’s institutions with no formal say over rules it would have to follow.
> The advantage, however, it that this avoids a “cliff-edge” Brexit, giving people and businesses time to adapt to the UK outside the EU. It also allows more time to reach a final deal. – from euronews
So the suffering will come when the EU, which will still have control over the UK, goes super-tyrannical after the Next Lehman Moment. The seeming insanity of the EU’s actions during the Big Crisis will make every EU nation want to burn it down, and that’s exactly what will happen. And PM Farage will piss on its ashes (alongside a squatting President Le Pen).
On another note, watch Northern Syria. The endgame for Erdogan and his terror proxies is close at hand, and it looks like the globalists might script a relatively peaceful victory by Putin instead of a full-blown war. I’ll write more about it in the next update.
Boris Johnson: Brexit Traitor or British Vindex?
(19 October 2019) – In my September 9 entry titled Boris’s Big Betrayal, I laid out my suspicion that Boris Johnson has been scripted as a traitor to Brexit, and that he’ll either…
- push through a bad deal by October 31 that will leave the EU’s claws in the UK through the coming financial crisis, or
- “grudgingly accept” a Brexit delay in order to have a snap election in which he can steal Farage’s base to push the Conservative Party into an unassailable position in Parliament (then pass the bad deal).
But when one talks about Boris Johnson, there is one wildcard that must be accounted for, and it is this…
…from Foreign Policy
Cutting to the chase, there exists the possibility that Boris Johnson is actually scripted as a member of Team Putin, and that “he has been playing along with the UK Establishment’s anti-Putin stance until he could get in position to do what he’s about to do on Halloween: create chaos in the EU by taking the UK out without a deal.”
To properly cover this subject, I’ll need to write about…
- the wealthy Russian emigres who supposedly fled to the West because of Putin, but who are actually Putin’s agents of influence, and
- Vindex scripting and how it applies to Trump and (perhaps) Johnson, and how it will shape the post-crisis political landscape in the US and (perhaps) the UK.
I’ll get started on the emigres tomorrow. And as part of the section on Vindex scripting, I’ll cover why 2020’s winning presidential ticket might the first bipartisan ticket since Abraham Lincoln / Andrew Johnson: the Rand Paul / Tulsi Gabbard ticket.
(23 October 2019) – Now I know why I’ve had so much trouble motivating myself to write the BoJo article: it may be completely unnecessary. So far, they’re following my initial “Boris Johnson as Brexit Traitor” assessment to a T.
I said that BoJo would “push through a bad deal by October 31 that will leave the EU’s claws in the UK through the coming financial crisis, or ‘grudgingly accept’ a Brexit delay in order to have a snap election in which he can steal Farage’s base to push the Conservative Party into an unassailable position in Parliament (then pass the bad deal).” And this is what happened…
> Parliament passed BoJo’s bad deal, which Farage says “reduces the UK to the status of a colony of the EU.” But they didn’t approve the steps necessary to implement it by the October 31 deadline. As a result, the deal is stuck in limbo halfway completed, just like one of those obstinate turds that hang halfway out of one’s bunghole.
> BoJo’s people are saying he won’t rule out reluctantly accepting a delay of a few weeks in order to push the turd all the way through. I said he’d grudgingly accept a delay, so I apologize for not nailing the correct word.
> BoJo is also suggesting that if Parliament’s desired three-month delay is granted by the EU, he’ll push for a snap election. Conveniently, the EU’s Tusk is pushing for the three-month delay.
So by all appearances, BoJo is playing role of Brexit traitor and we’re looking at months of delay leading to an orderly Brexit. How surprising would it be to the financial markets, then, if the UK or an Eastern European government vetoes the three-month delay and triggers a standoff that results in a hard, no-deal Brexit on the 31st? And what if BoJo does something else unexpected that legally thwarts implementation of the delay? Those questions are why I cannot yet rule out the “BoJo as British Vindex” scenario, however unlikely it may look at the moment. If BoJo gets scripted as a Putin Pal, he’ll want the hard Brexit to come as unexpectedly as possible in order to inflict maximum damage on the EU.
That being the case, the rest of the BoJo article is another turd I’ll have to push all the way through. But first, we’ll look at yesterday’s Erdogan-Putin deal for northern Syria.
(27 October 2019) – In my 23 October update, I said this…
“If BoJo gets scripted as a Putin Pal, he’ll want the hard Brexit to come as unexpectedly as possible in order to inflict maximum damage on the EU.”
And lo and behold, on Friday the globalists (through Macron) set the stage for that to happen…
…from Bloomberg. Here is an excerpt…
French President Emmanuel Macron blocked the European Union’s attempt to delay Brexit for three months, raising the prospect the U.K. might not know whether it will get an extension until just hours before it is scheduled to be ejected on Oct. 31, even without a deal…
The diplomats have given themselves until Tuesday to make a decision. If they don’t, the EU could convene an emergency summit of EU leaders that would leave the U.K. hanging as time ticks down toward the country’s scheduled departure.
The exact day and time of Brexit is Thursday, October 31 at 11PM British time. So if the globalists opt to let it go forward, no decision will be reached on the Brexit delay before the emergency EU summit. And at the summit, we can expect either a UK veto (under a “BoJo as a Putin Pal” scripting) or an Eastern European veto (under a “Both the Labor and Conservative Parties Bungled Us into a No-Deal Brexit”) scenario.
Should the no-deal Brexit occur, we can look for a follow-on New Lehman Shock in the following days/weeks (possibly on 11/11). And given that there’s already news of rising unrest around the world [1,2], what kind of worldwide social convulsion can we expect if the global economy suffers a shock?
(28 October 2019) – Will BoJo Give Parliament an Ultimatum Tonight?
I woke up this morning to news that the EU has approved the Brexit extension, but there is a key detail that may yet throw a spanner in the works: BoJo must formally accept it before it can take effect…
The UK was due to leave the EU on Thursday, but Mr Johnson was required to request an extension after Parliament failed to agree a Brexit deal.
The prime minister had repeatedly said the UK would leave on 31 October deadline with or without a deal, but the law – known as the Benn Act – requires him to accept the EU’s extension offer…
Mr Tusk will now seek the UK’s formal agreement to the decision, before formalising the extension through a written procedure among the 27 other EU nations.
An EU official said they hoped for the process to be concluded by Tuesday or Wednesday. – from the BBC
Parliament’s Benn Act requires BoJo to accept an extension through January 31, but this requirement is of questionable constitutionality because it usurps authority vested in the executive — it is a case of Parliament dictating an executive decision, which turns the executive into a mere sock puppet of the legislative. BoJo has played along with the Benn Act so far (by sending an unsigned letter requesting the Brexit extension), but he can use the constitutional question to either delay acceptance or refuse the extension. So…
Should Jeremy Corbyn block today’s effort to schedule a snap election, we could see BoJo give Parliament an ultimatum: “You have two choices going forward: pass my Brexit deal NOW or agree to a snap election. Or else I won’t accept the Brexit extension.” According to the press, BoJo needs only three days of parliamentary activity to get his deal completely passed, and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday are three days.
This brinksmanship would lead to one of three things: 1) the bad deal’s passage, 2) an extension, election, and bad deal passage, or 3) a no-deal Brexit.
Now that we’ve looked at the basics of the situation as they stand today, let’s have an updated look at the globalists’ scripting options vis-a-vis BoJo…
If they opt to script BoJo as the “Brexit Betrayer,” there will not be a no-deal Brexit (at least not one initiated by him). He’ll force through his bad deal either this week or after the snap election. This will leave the UK under the boot of the EU during the Big Crisis, and the things they’ll force upon the people will drive them into the arms of Nigel Farage, the globalists’ controlled opposition leader and the UK’s NWO Prime Minister.
But if they opt to script BoJo as the “British Vindex (and Putin Pal),” there will be a no-deal Brexit. It will come either on Thursday or January 31st, depending on whether the globalists wish to trigger the Next Lehman Shock in November or early next year. Of course, by triggering the no-deal Brexit, BoJo will be reviled by at least half of the UK population, so he’ll face a political fall — it’s a sacrifice play for him. But when the UK people later see what No-Deal saved them from (by observing what the EU does to its member states during the Big Crisis), Hard Brexiteers like Farage will look like prescient geniuses. A rise in Farage’s political fortunes will be further aided by (deliberately released) shocking revelations about the UK and EU Establishments’ secret plans and what they did to stymie both Farage and Brexit.
It is also important to note that No-Deal can still occur on Thursday night even if “BoJo the Betrayer of Brexit” gets his snap election and accepts the extension. As the BBC article said, after the UK government accepts the extension, the EU must go through the process of “formalising the extension through a written procedure among the 27 other EU nations.” That’s where the unruly Viktor Orban and/or Jaroslaw Kaczynski can step up to scuttle the plans of the Brexit betrayers. The globalists will script this option IF they wish to cast BoJo as a betrayer AND they want to trigger the financial crisis sooner rather than later.
~ later ~
Well THAT was anticlimactic. BoJo folded like a wet noodle by accepting the extension without even pushing through his (supposedly) desired election date. This was a deliberate move that further delays the Brexit, though, so he currently remains on the “Brexit Betrayer” trajectory. Now we wait for the extension to clear the EU finalization process (which it probably will since the globalists seem to be pushing the delay button).
I’ll go into the details of what happened and what’s ahead in tomorrow’s update.
(29 October 2019) – Will Corbyn now take on the Vindex role?
Well the globalists wasted two good dramatic setups yesterday. On Monday morning, they backed out of the Friday setup that would have had the EU extension decision drag on through Wednesday. And Monday afternoon, they backed out of the BoJo ultimatum scenario before the vote on the snap election even occurred. The net result of these choices is that BoJo is left looking like a wet noodle, which means he has little prospect of attracting Farage’s No-Deal base in the upcoming election. So…
If they continue scripting BoJo on his Brexit Betrayer trajectory, he’ll continue to refuse an election alliance with Farage, and this will split the pro-Brexit vote. The No-Deal people will vote for Farage’s Brexit Party, and the Leave-with-a-Deal people will stick with BoJo. So if the Remainer parties form an election alliance, we could see Corbyn become the PM of a coalition government; otherwise, we could see another deadlocked parliament under BoJo.
Under a Labor-led coalition government, the Brits would have only two choices: remain in the EU or exit with a (bad) deal. Either way, the UK would be under the EU boot during the Big Crisis.
And under BoJo, we’d likely see another extension due to “exigent circumstances” (the Next Lehman Shock).
But there is a wildcard that must be considered. It’s name is Jeremy Corbyn…
…from the Independent (top) and Facebook (bottom)
If the Next Lehman Shock occurs before January 31 and the EU starts riding the UK hard, Corbyn himself may trigger a No-Deal Brexit. By doing so, he would be making the sacrifice play and taking on the role of Vindex to Farage’s Galba…
…from Twitter
(1 November 2019) – Behold Boris Johnson, the Betrayer of the Brexit…
…from the BBC. Here is an excerpt…
Boris Johnson has rejected the suggestion from Nigel Farage and Donald Trump that he should work with the Brexit Party during the election…
His comments come after the US president said Mr Farage and Mr Johnson would be “an unstoppable force”.
Downing Street sources say there are no circumstances in which the Tories would work with the Brexit Party.
This decision maintains Johnson on his “Brexit Betrayer” trajectory by splitting the Leave vote and putting the election on a Corbyn victory trajectory. And the fact that Johnson refused the advice of two of the NWO’s scripted heroes, Trump and Farage, further indicates that he is a scripted bad guy.
Since the snap election will occur at the same general time as Trump’s trial in the Senate, next month could bring us “the Triumph of the Leftists” and an accompanying economic downturn. I’ll write more about that later on.
(14 November 2019) – This weekend — specifically the 17th — will mark the anniversary of the Yellow Vest protests in France, and protest organizers are planning actions in multiple places in Paris and other areas. These demonstrations will provide a timely opportunity for the globalists to trigger the “Yellow Vest Massacre” they’ve been planning. Such a staged mass killing would be scripted to lead to the fall of Macron and a French presidential election as early as December.
Should the Massacre occur, it will “shock all of France, including many in the government,” and it may be scripted to lead to “a fed-up government whistleblower stepping forward to reveal the government-suppressed truth about the torching of Notre Dame Cathedral by Muslim migrants.” The dual shock of the Massacre and the Notre Dame revelation would be used to get the globalists’ controlled opposition leader in France, Marine Le Pen, elected as president. Don’t be surprised, though, if the election is “stolen” from her at first.
You may have also noticed that the headlines about Hong Kong are definitely trending towards a climax. So we may see the Chicom paramilitary crackdown in Hong Kong come on the same weekend as the Yellow Vest Massacre. Alternatively, they could do the Massacre this weekend and the Hong Kong crackdown on Friday the 22nd after the Chinese markets close.
(19 November 2019) – We got through the anniversary of the Yellow Vests okay, but the globalists have set up a new pre-Christmas opportunity for a massacre of demonstrators by the French government…
…from Reuters. Here is an excerpt…
Public anger is brewing over Macron’s plans to simplify the unwieldy and expensive pension system, which he says will make it fairer. Trade unions have called on railway workers, Paris public transport staff, truck drivers and civil servants to strike against the pensions overhaul on Dec. 5, and in some cases beyond, threatening chaos ahead of Christmas.
Students and “yellow vests” have sounded a clarion call to join forces with the unions.
So in the cases of both the US government shutdown and the French labor strikes, “chaos ahead of Christmas” seems to be what the globalists have in mind for us. This is to be expected, of course, as “the Satanic forces reach their apex before God intervenes in March.”
(19 November 2019) – Getting back to what I wrote on 11 November about the UK election, I suspect that the globalist political engineers will orchestrate an election outcome in which neither the Labor coalition nor the Conservatives will win a majority, but the Conservatives will win a plurality and the Brexit Party will win enough seats to play kingmaker. What happens after that is easy to predict…
The Conservative Party will either team with the Brexit Party or form a minority government (with the latter being more likely). BoJo will then try to ram through the Bad Deal Brexit, and this will force the Brexit Party to join the Labor coalition under the rationale that “it’s better to have a delay and second referendum than to be stuck as an unrepresented EU colony in Boris’ Bad Deal.”
I suspect there might be a big surprise in December or January, though, when a big event (like a banking system shock) causes the EU to get Medieval with its member nations. Under those circumstances, PM Corbyn — who is supposedly a closeted Eurosceptic Leaver — may artfully trigger a No Deal Brexit on January 31.
Watch for a major BoJo / Conservative Party scandal to break soon
(24 November 2019) – As of right now, Boris Johnson and the Conservatives are riding high in the UK election polls. So if the globalists are aiming to engineer an outcome in which the future Brexit Party MPs become a swing bloc, they’ll have to shave the Conservatives’ lead by floating a major BoJo / Conservative Party scandal between now and the election. Here’s where it might come from…
…from Business Insider. Here is a notable excerpt…
The committee also reportedly heard concerns about Alexander Lebedev, a former Russian spy who owns the Evening Standard and Independent newspapers.
Lebedev is not a Conservative Party donor, but his son, Evgeny, is a close friend of the prime minister and repeatedly hosted him for parties at his castle in Perugia, Italy, while Johnson was the mayor of London and the foreign secretary. Concerns were raised about Johnson’s decision to attend the events, where guests have said that “nothing is off the menu from the moment you are greeted to the moment you leave.”
Some have expressed fears that Johnson’s private life may make him a security risk because he could be blackmailed, The Sunday Times reported earlier this year.
“There’s the danger that people leak what they have over him or blackmail him with it,” a Cabinet minister in May’s government told The Sunday Times.
Sources who have seen the report told The Times they think it was suppressed because it highlights extensive connections between Conservative donors and Russia’s domestic-security agency.
So there are two ways the globalist election engineers can roll out a scandal from this…
1) Leak the suppressed report through a proxy (a “whistleblower” or a hacktivist front).
2) Leak compromising information on Johnson that ties him to sex with underage girls at the parties hosted by Evgeny Lebedev, the “Russian Epstein.”
This sort of scandal rollout will support an alt-media narrative of “the desperate Left coming after BoJo with ‘Russian Collusion’ and an Epstein just like they’re doing with Trump.”
(14 December 2019) – After Boris Johnson’s decisive victory in the UK election, it is notable to see the following themes emerge in the Israeli media…
…from The Times of Israel (top, bottom)
The idea that a failure for the “global far-left revolution” in the UK election is a “harbinger of what’s to come in the US” suggests that both Trump and Netanyahu will ultimately be victorious in their stands against the “Left” in the US and Israel (which is the long-scripted outcome of course). So if Trump and Netanyahu defeat “the color-of-law Deep State coups” against them by early March, what will the “global far-left revolutionaries” do? Will they go quietly, or will they abandon legal means and desperately embrace armed chaos?
To answer this question, you might ask yourself WWSD (What Would Satan Do?). Since the globalists are painting their global drama as a battle royale between “the Leftist forces of Satan” and “the Rightist forces of God,” there remains a good possibility that we’ll see a final flare-up of violence before “the Victory of the Right” is trumpeted to the masses — the alternative being that the “Left” are so outmaneuvered by Trump, Netanyahu, Putin & Co. that all their efforts fall to naught.
For the remainder of this month, my updates may be short while I prepare a detailed preview of the year ahead. The final big thing to watch for this year is an engineered financial crisis, but they appear to be putting that off until early next year. The champagne at year’s end will be sweet.
Will October 22, 2019 be a day that will live in infamy?
(17 October 2019) – On which should we focus, the “Pale Horse” or the “Smiling Cherub of Peace” astride it?…
In yesterday’s update, I mentioned the possibility that the globalists may be building to some crystallizing event on October 22 that will signal whether we’re on the Peace Path or War Path. And shortly after I finished that update, I read a message from a Japanese reader (which was sent hours before I wrote the update) that informed me what that event may be: the October 22 enthronement ceremony of Japanese Emperor Naruhito. Here are the notes about the ceremony the message offered (as written by the reader, with supporting links added by me)…
- many world leaders (royals, politicians) are confirmed to attend : Putin, Erdogan, Macron, prince Charles, MBS, Netanyahu (maybe),….
- It is called Japanese imperial transition.
- last time it happened 30 years ago (anniversary). It was in 1989-1990 the year of turning point in political history (Revolutions of 1989, de facto the end of the Cold War, start of World Wide Web,…)
- in Japan this year has started a new era. It’s called Reiwa (令和). The Chinese character 令 means orders, command or ancient laws. Personally I don’t know anyone who would like this particular kanji (Chinese character)
- Enthronement ritual pretty much resembles rebirth of the mythical Phoenix (Chinese Phoenix Fenghuang) and a symbol of imperial house. See Wikipedia Takamikura (Chrysanthemum Throne)
- the ceremony will be held on October 22 (of course). It is Tuesday (火曜日 in Japanese it basically means the day of fire).
So the ceremony is full of symbolism and historical precedents that can be related to the transition to the New World Order, particularly the rebirth of the phoenix on the day of fire during the Fall of Nations (another term used for the Revolutions of 1989). But what makes the ceremony most intriguing given current geopolitical circumstances is that leaders and delegates from over 190 nations will be there, including many that the US and Israeli “Deep States” want dead (according to the script). And the ceremony will happen about a week after Kim Jong Un rode a Pale Horse up Mount Paektu amidst talk of a “great operation to strike the world with wonder again and advance the Korean revolution a step forward.” Will that “great operation“ be a shock peace deal with Trump or a military operation that will strike the world with wonder?
Will Trump make a surprise trip to the enthronement ceremony? Will that surprise trip be related to a North Korean peace deal? Will the desperate “Deep States” of the US and Israel be scripted as seizing the opportunity to nuke the ceremony and blame it on North Korea? Or will the ceremony be a peaceful symbolic start to the end of the “Deep State” wars and the final fall of communism? We find out in 5 days.
~ later ~
After taking my son out to lunch, I came back to news that Pence and Erdogan had agreed to a 5-day ceasefire (according to the Americans) that isn’t a ceasefire (according to the Turks). Whatever the hell it is, I was struck by the fact that it is to last through October 22. Perhaps it is meant to provide both Erdogan and Trump with a lull in the Syria drama that will allow them to travel to Japan.
On a related note, Wikipedia offers an interesting take on the Pale Horse [with my addition in brackets]…
This fourth, pale horse, was the personification of Death with Hades following him jaws open receiving the victims slain by Death. Its commission was to kill upon the Roman Earth [the West] with all of the four judgements of God — with sword, famine, pestilence and wild beasts. The deadly pale and livid appearance displays a hue symptomatic of approaching empire dissolution.
So what mischief is planned for the 22nd?
(21 October 2019) – That question might be answered by looking at who Trump is meeting today…
So after meeting with Trump today, will Pence and the cabinet decide on an attempt to remove him under the 25th Amendment tomorrow on the 22nd? Or will the Tokyo attack happen tomorrow and Trump’s attempted removal occur when he balks at attacking North Korea in response?
The odds of a nuclear hit on Emperor Naruhito’s enthronement ceremony have diminished somewhat over the past few days. Trump is showing no signs of traveling there, and some key leaders who are supposedly on the “Deep State” hit list have cancelled their attendance: Erdogan, Netanyahu, and Muhammad bin Salman have all decided to stay home. But there remain three reasons that the globalists may still go forward with the hit…
1) There will still be delegations from pretty much every nation on the Earth attending, and their deaths in a nuclear fire would make the whole planet fighting mad.
2) Prince Charles will attend, and his supposed death in a nuclear fire would have the UK demanding that Trump take action against the perpetrators. Charles’s removal from the board would also open the path for Prince William to take the throne after the Queen steps down, and it would finally give a luxury bunker-dwelling Prince Charles all the time he needs to contemplate on how to become a tampon for Camilla. A royal must keep his promises.
3) The “Deep State”-aligned intelligence agencies would determine that North Korea conducted the attack (even though it was the CIA and Mossad who did it), so Trump would face a choice: launch a war against North Korea or be removed from office by either the 25th Amendment or impeachment. As for Pence, he would either seize the presidency under the 25th Amendment or resign the vice presidency in protest of “Trump’s weak policies that allowed our enemies to continue their pursuit of nuclear weapons and emboldened them to attack our allies Saudi Arabia and Japan.”
Should the Tokyo attack go forward, the nuke may be delivered within striking distance of the Imperial Palace by missile or by frogmen via Tokyo’s many waterways. There is also the risk of a conventional or WMD drone swarm attack on the ceremony.
And in the event a Cabinet Coup against Trump is attempted but fails, Pence would be out and Rand Paul would be Trump’s likely choice as his replacement. Pelosi might then accelerate the impeachment in order to remove Trump before Paul is confirmed as VP.
Halloween in Hong Kong
(30 October 2019) – As was noted in the 31 August update, this weekend will mark the 22nd week of the Hong Kong protests, so there is an enhanced probability that China may finally launch its crackdown. Halloween and Joker-related hijinks may add to the drama of the show. It could be that the globalists planned the pending Israeli false-flag and Chinese crackdown as a one-two punch to start the economic downturn. The planned third punch, the Brexit, is now off the table (assuming the EU completed the formal paperwork process, which I’ve not yet been able to confirm).
(31 October 2019) – There have been a number of bad financial headlines out of China today: Chinese Bank On Verge Of Collapse After Sudden Bank Run, Credit Crisis Unfolds In China As Steelmaker Default Sparks Contagion Fears, and Hong Kong Crashed Into First Recession Since 2009. A Halloween weekend government crackdown in Hong Kong would provide a timely distraction for the Chinese people, don’t you think?
(1 November 2019) – Here’s an interesting thing I ran across this morning…
…from the South China Morning Post
The fact that the Chicoms had a get-tough meeting on Hong Kong that ended right as we enter the 22nd weekend of the protests indicates that they likely intend(ed) to do the clampdown this Saturday. At the very least, they will start politically squeezing Hong Kong to build tension leading in to the next globalist target date.
(1 November 2019) – As we continue our runup to 11/11, another thing we need to watch is Japanese Emperor Naruhito’s enthronement parade. It was postponed from 10/22 to 11/10 due to local typhoon damage, and the BBC reports that he and his wife will be appearing in public in an open-top car just like his parents did…
Given the current geopolitical situation, this is reminiscent of another royal couple who appeared in public in an open-top car just prior to the outbreak of World War 1, Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie…
A “Deep State” hit on Naruhito blamed on the North Koreans would do nicely to set up high drama on 11/11. In addition to triggering a military confrontation, it would serve as a globalist gift to the Chinese for their help in setting up the NWO. Alternatively, a failed assassination attempt in which the assassin is arrested would serve nicely as narrative support for the “White Hats” psyop. When the Truth Tsunami hits, they could say that the assassination plot of the “Black Hats” was revealed to the Japanese security detail by the “White Hats.”
If Naruhito thinks the globalists wouldn’t sacrifice him to advance the Great Work, he might want to visit Franz Ferdinand’s grave to seek inspiration. The Kabbalist banksters run this show, not the beholden royals.
Oh… yeah… speaking of open-top cars and November, there was this too…
P.S. – The “White Hats” are the “patriotic, decent, Constitution-abiding folk in the Pentagon and intelligence agencies who are (supposedly) fighting the evil globalist ‘Black Hats’ in their organizations.” They are the kindly human equivalents of the Bigfoots and Yetis, and their brave efforts may be directed by our underwater ally.
The NWO Geopolitical Goals Behind a Naruhito Assassination Attempt
(7 November 2019) – With just a few days to go until a potential assassination attack against Japanese Emperor Naruhito this Sunday…
…and against the backdrop of (globalist-engineered) worsening relations between South Korea and Japan…
…RT is offering this headline this morning…
Seeing the RT story got the hamster wheels turning in my noggin, and now I see the broader picture on the assassination attempt: it is not only about starting a World War Three confrontation; it’s also about what comes after the confrontation’s climax. And now that the hamsters have completed their work, here’s the globalist plan step-by-step…
1) Conduct a successful or foiled assassination attempt on Naruhito.
2) Blame the attempt on North Korea in order to trigger a Japan-North Korea military confrontation.
3) Have the North Korean and South Korean governments unite their peoples against Japan, a commonly hated historical foe.
4) Reveal that “Deep State” elements of the US government were actually behind the Naruhito hit.
5) Have the South Korean and Japanese governments sever their defense bonds with America and kick US forces out of their countries (with the full support of their infuriated populations).
6) Have the Korean and Japanese governments lead their peoples into a new security arrangement with the soon coming reformed UN / NWO.
The entire geopolitical drama unfolding around us — including the US’ rogue military actions and out-of-control economic sanctions — is deliberately aimed at turning the world’s nations against American security leadership and the US dollar as the primary reserve currency (in order to make way for the reformed UN / NWO’s security leadership and its global reserve currency). The Naruhito assassination attempt would go a long way towards fulfilling that objective in the Pacific Rim. And the bonding experience it would offer North and South Korea would be the first step towards their reunification under the NWO.
~ MORE – 8 November 2019 ~
This is the car in which the Japanese imperial couple will ride in Sunday’s parade…
…from NHK
Given the current world situation, rolling slowly down public streets in such an open-top car is an act of unfathomable stupidity for any world figure, even if it’s done in relatively peaceful Japan. So Naruhito is either a tradition-bound naive, he’s in on the plan, or he’s being set up for the kill (like JFK was). Being a royal, I’d wager he’s almost certainly in on the plan, but one wonders if his globalist pals will actually kill him anyway. I doubt the Kabbalists have much respect for royals, and Naruhito’s gruesome death would greatly serve their interests.
Should the assassination attack go forward, these are the most likely methods to be employed…
1) a simple shooting – This is the traditional method used for open-top assassinations, and pumping a few bullets into the Emperor and his wife would provide historical symmetry with the World War 1-starting assassination of Archduke Ferdinand.
2) a drone or drone swarm attack – Foreshadowing for such an attack has already circulated in the Japanese media…
…from Kyodo News
3) a nuclear explosion – Using this method would ensure an “energetic” and total Japanese abandonment of defense ties with America once the US government gets fingered for the attack.
All this being said, the amount of exposure given to the Naruhito assassination option should now be adequate to deter action. So if they go for it anyway, it will be an indication of urgency and desperation on the part of the globalists.
False Flag Watch: Europe
(23 October 2019) – A reader contacted me about a false-flag warning in the alt-media that speaks of dozens of imminent jihadi attacks throughout Europe. Since such a scenario is plausible given yesterday’s Putin-Erdogan peace deal, I thought I’d share the scripting behind it (just in case)…
A series of jihadi attacks throughout European NATO countries would allow them to point the finger at Erdogan. And having been attacked by Turkey (supposedly), they could then make a formal NATO request for American military assistance in striking back. This would put Trump in a difficult position: if he denies their request, he’ll be at risk of a Cabinet Coup; if he grants their request, Turkey would move to seize the US nukes that are reportedly at Incirlik Air Base, and he’ll again face a Cabinet Coup under the pretext of “this erratic and unstable fool’s bumbling foreign policy has opened the door to nuclear war, and he needs to be removed immediately.”
The scripted objective of the EU false-flaggers would thus be twofold: 1) to stop Putin and Erdogan from implementing their peace plan in northern Syria and 2) to remove Trump as an obstacle to their plans.
False-Flag Watch: Persian Gulf
Issued: 6 December 2019
Nature of Attack: Strike on US Navy, specifically CVN 72’s battle group
Likely Mode of Attack: Submarine-launched cruise missile(s)
Theater: Middle East (Persian Gulf)
Duration of Watch: December 7 through December 11
Given that…
- tomorrow, December 7, is the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack
- there have been two mass shootings on US naval bases in the past few days, including at Pearl Harbor (these could be part of a false-flag backstory)
- Netanyahu met with former CIA director Pompeo yesterday, December 5th
- Netanyahu’s party, Likud, will meet on the possibility of replacing Netanyahu as party head on Sunday, December 8, and
- Wednesday, December 11, marks the final opportunity to form an Israeli government before a third election is triggered
…the timeframe of December 7-11 is a high risk period for the implementation of the long-planned Israeli false-flag attack against the US Navy (to be initially blamed on Iran).
Doing the attack during this timeframe allows the globalist scriptwriters to have the “Deep State bad guys” blame “good guy” Netanyahu for their false-flag, saying that he did it in order to avoid being replaced and thrown in jail. Within the grander drama, it is common practice for the “bad guys” to accuse the “good guys” of what the bad guys are actually doing.
As for my assessment on the likely mode of attack, it is based on recent preparatory propaganda releases…
…from RT (top) and The National Interest (bottom). Since Israel keeps a nuclear-armed submarine on station off Iran, it would be the one to actually conduct the attack.
The longstanding threats of “Iranian” rocket torpedoes, ballistic missiles (out of Iraq), stealth drones, and drone boats are also in play, as is a nuclear explosion to be tied to North Korea. A concurrent false-flag attack on Israel using ballistic missiles out of Iraq and/or cruise missiles out of Yemen is also a distinct possibility. By blowing up the USS Abraham Lincoln with a nuke and simultaneously launching a conventional missile attack on Israel, the false-flaggers could claim that the attacks were an Iranian effort at preemptive deterrence against the US and Israel: “We have nukes and the means to get them to Israel, so back off and end your sanctions.”
Thanks to my most annoying reader for shaking me out of my sleep to cover this. I hadn’t planned on returning from my sabbatical until I get my new laptop tomorrow.
~ MORE – 7 December 2019 ~
In case you’re wondering how the Pearl Harbor and Pensacola shootings could be used in the false-flag backstory, the narrative would be that the killings were part of “a Deep State leak-plugging operation.” It would be said that the individuals targeted in the shootings had received communications from Navy colleagues warning of the pending false-flag, and they were therefore terminated by an MK-Ultra plant (in Pearl Harbor) and a Saudi terror asset (in Pensacola).
Given that the “Deep State” will attempt to frame Netanyahu for the false-flag, the addition of a Saudi in the “leak-plugging” operation will allow them to target “good guy” Mohammad bin-Salman too. And acting as a “Deep State” sacrificial lamb, Pompeo may say that Trump was in on it as well. It would be said that Trump, MBS, and Netanyahu cooked up the false-flag so they could save Netanyahu and go after Iran, when (according to the globalist script) it was actually the “US-Saudi-Israeli Deep States” that did it in order to kill three birds with one stone: 1) take down the “good guys” standing in their way (Trump, MBS, and Netanyahu), 2) take down Iran, and 3) set in motion the “End Times War” so they can bring in their “false Jewish messiah.”
~ MORE – 10 December 2019 ~
Tomorrow, December 11, brings the final opportunity for the Israelis to form a government before a third election is scheduled, so it is a high threat day for the expected false-flag. Should it be triggered, we can expect Gantz to okay a unity government proposal recently proffered by Chabad’s political agents. It would allow Netanyahu to remain Prime Minister until March, then hand the post to Gantz so Netanyahu can face his court battle. Remember: March is the currently targeted month for the Big Climax, and both “good guy” Netanyahu and the “bad guy” Chabadniks are scripted to battle for control of Israel that month.
Our collective goal, then, is to push the globalists and their “good guy” & “bad guy” puppets out of March again. Tomorrow, I’ll start sharpening this blog for the battle ahead.
(15 September 2019) – Tomorrow morning, I’ll show you how the globalists are scripting Trump and MBS as restraining their respective “Deep States” from an Iran attack and why the two might go along with the Deep State suggestion to move ground forces into Iraq (hint: the Deep State supposedly wants to put troops in Iraq in order to be within striking distance of Iran, but Trump and MBS want troops in Iraq in order to be within striking distance of Turkey).
~ MORE – 16 September 2019 ~
While doing my final checks before posting what I had written for this morning, I found out that the official attack narrative has changed: Pompeo is now saying that the Saudi oil facility attacks didn’t originate in Iraq as previously suggested. The reports I’ve seen on this narrative change have not specified the new claim on the attacks’ origins, but I suspect they’ll say that the strikes utilized Iranian cruise missiles that were programmed to take an indirect course to their targets over Iraqi territory.
To start untangling what’s going on here, let me show you why they initially suggested that Iranian forces in Iraq were the perpetrators of the attacks. I most recently wrote about the purpose behind such an assertion months before the attacks occurred…
(10 May 2019) – Be advised that any upcoming Middle East false-flag scenario may involve theater-wide attacks, which could include…
> Ballistic missiles fired out of Iraq, supposedly by the Iran-linked Popular Mobilization Forces, but actually by US special forces (there are 5,200 US troops in Iraq, including special forces). This will be done to create an excuse for US and Saudi Coalition ground forces to move into Iraq to supposedly hunt-down missiles (but to actually mass on the borders of Syria and Iran).
Whether the attack was a US/Saudi “Deep State” false-flag or an IRGC-assisted Iranian proxy strike (both “sides” are willing collaborators in the globalist stage play), claiming it was launched from Iraq would have allowed the US and Saudi “Deep States” to pressure Trump and Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) into sending large-scale ground forces into Iraq. The “Deep Staters” would have said the troops were needed to sweep the Iraqi countryside for drones and missiles that could be used in more attacks, but their actual aim in putting them there is to later conduct a ground invasion of Iran. Trump and MBS might have actually allowed them to do this, but for their own aims: they want to get large-scale ground forces into Iraq so they can confront Erdogan in northeastern Syria.
Now that the origin story has shifted from Iraq, it means the globalists are either abandoning the invasion of Iraq (and will make do with the US and Saudi coalition special forces already in northeast Syria for their confrontation with Erdogan), or they’re intending to request Iraqi government permission to bring in the forces under the guise of removing Iranian proxies from Iraq. They might say, “Iran violated Iraqi airspace in their attack on Saudi Arabia and have organized large proxy forces in the country; such transgressions against Iraqi sovereignty must be stopped.” Given Iraq’s previous experience with US invasions, it would be a tough sell, but the globalists could push it through if they really want it.
~ MORE 2 ~
If you take a moment to compare what’s happening now to what happened in September of last year, you’ll see that the globalists are following the same basic script. Last year at this time, Russia and Syria were preparing to invade Idlib to destroy Al Qaeda, and there was widespread speculation that Al Qaeda would stage a chemical false-flag that would allow the US to strike the Syrian military and stop the attack. Here is part of what I wrote about it at the time [from Notes from August and September (2018)]…
The Idlib Offensive & Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise
(14 September 2018) – The Idlib offensive looks to be on pause until sometime after Monday (Putin and Erdogan will be meeting on that day). And some things are happening in Syria that are opening the door for the “Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise” scenario to unfold.
(15 September 2018) – “Putin and Trump’s Big Surprise” is something I wrote about last April, and this is how the globalists would script its implementation in the coming days/weeks…
When the Idlib ground offensive begins and the “rebels” do their chemical false-flag propaganda release, the “Deep State Neocons” and the mainstream media will be screaming for Trump to launch massive air strikes on Syrian government forces. That’s when the Syrian/Russian hidden camera videos of the “rebels” faking the chemical attack will make the Eastern and alternative news. The Western media will respond with weak claims that the videos are “deepfakes,” but the public won’t buy it, and this will give Trump the political cover needed to spring the big surprise he supposedly planned with Putin during their summit meeting.
Instead of ordering strikes on the Syrian government target packages prepared for him by the Neocons, he’ll order strikes on Al-Qaeda positions in Idlib. And these strikes will be accompanied by a ground attack carried out by the Kurds in conjunction with Syrian, Russian, and Iranian forces. This move will leave Erdogan in a showdown with the United States, Russia, Syria, and Iran — a combination he cannot possibly defeat — and he will face two basic choices: 1) go to war against all four nations and lose, or 2) pretend to cooperate with the clearance operation while he withdraws his forces step-by-step.
Under this scenario, Trump (the “precursor messiah”), Putin (the “Jewish and Christian main messiah”), Soleimani (the “Muslim messiah”), and Assad will triumph over Erdogan (the “Dajjal” / Muslim antichrist). It will be a joint Christian-Muslim victory.
Of course, the globalists backed off last September, but this September we find ourselves right back in the same situation: Russia, Syria, and Iran are again poised to invade Idlib, and Trump has struck Al Qaeda there exactly as I predicted! Trump’s strike happened on August 31, after the Russians had arranged a ceasefire with Turkey and Al Qaeda. Under the seeming safety of that ceasefire, the Al Qaeda commanders felt comfortable gathering for a meeting, and they were promptly struck by the US (who were not party to the ceasefire). Publicly, Russia complained about the “indiscriminate” attack, but the NWO historians will narrate that the strike was actually an incident of Trump assisting Putin in his Syrian efforts.
[Note: The reason the globalists keep scheduling the Big NWO Transition Drama for September is so it will coincide with Jewish New Year. Also, September was the 7th month in the original Roman calendar (they’re into numerology).]
~ MORE 3 ~
The scripted reason for Trump deferring to MBS on who is to blame for the oil facility attack and what is to be done about it is to prevent the “Deep State” from running away with the narrative. Now the official narrative of what happened will be written by an enemy of the US/Saudi “Deep States,” MBS. The globalists established MBS in that role when they had the “Deep States” attempt to oust him using the Khashoggi Affair.
So according to the stage play, Trump is not being “Saudi Arabia’s bi*tch”; he is ensuring that what comes after the attack serves the interest of the “moshiachs” and their ally MBS. He is “making the ‘Deep State’ his bi*ch.”
~ MORE 4 ~
I’m left wondering if this imagery will turn out to be one of the dreaded “deep fakes” we keep hearing about…
Three U.S. officials said there was extremely compelling evidence showing the origination point of the [Saudi oil facility] strikes, and one official with direct knowledge described that evidence as imagery. – from NBC News
But the US intelligence complex would never manufacture evidence to start a war, would they? (Ken asked his readers facetiously)
Also, if Trump does not go along with the “bipartisan agreement” that Iran launched the attacks and instead accepts a different assessment provided by MBS, “the murderer of an American journalist (Khashoggi),” will Trump’s cabinet attempt to remove him using the 25th Amendment? Such an attempt is something I warned about for this month.
~ MORE 5 ~
Imagine you are an Israeli voter going to the polls tomorrow. Now that war with Iran is seemingly just an inch away, which candidate do you want as your Prime Minister: the one who has vowed to invade Gaza if he’s elected (Gantz) or the one who has been criticized for showing restraint and keeping Israel out of war (Netanyahu)? Do you really want your government going through a big transition in the midst of this crisis? By staging the attack in Saudi Arabia instead of Israel, the globalists have removed any suspicion that Netanyahu might have arranged it to boost his election chances.
Another thing to watch is whether or not the Palestinians launch rocket attacks during the election. They would provide nice cover for an explosion that “kills” Netanyahu (arranged by the Israeli “Deep State,” according to the script).
~ MORE 6 – 17 September 2019 ~
Yet another “benefit” of the Saudi oil facility attack is that it has seemingly ended the possibility of Trump and Rouhani meeting at the UN General Assembly. According to the script, this is an outcome desired by the US, Saudi, and Israeli “Deep States” (whom the NWO historians will ultimately blame for the attack). In the meantime, look for the IRGC and Qasem Soleimani to be blamed by US intelligence and the mainstream media. The think tanks will say, “The IRGC did it to create tension that would stop Rouhani from meeting Trump in New York.”
~ MORE 7 ~
Look at what the Wall Street Journal is saying about the Saudi oil facility attack…
As Saudi officials review information coming in from the U.S., Kuwait and their own investigators, they are focusing on southern Iran, near Iraq, as the likely launchpad, the people said.
“Everything points to them,” said a Saudi official who wasn’t authorized to speak to the media, referring to Iran. “The debris, the intel and the points of impact.”
Let’s start with the debris: there are two ways a false-flagger can introduce Iranian missile debris into a post-attack investigation…
1) Use Iranian missiles captured during the long war in Yemen to conduct the attack, or
2) Use pieces of such captured missiles or debris gathered from the many previous Yemeni missile attacks on Saudi Arabia and the UAE in the investigation (you take the boxes of debris and photos from the strike site and deliver different boxes of debris and photos to the investigation site).
The precision of the strikes suggests they went with option 2…
It is highly doubtful that Iranian weapons could hit with such extraordinary accuracy; either pre-placed explosives or US/Israeli weapons were used. As for the directional orientation of the points of impact, that can be easily manipulated with pre-placed explosives or cruise missiles/drones (you can launch the missiles from Kuwait or naval assets near Kuwait, or simply program them to fly up to Kuwait and take a sharp southeast turn towards the oil facilities). And when it comes to the intel, deep-faking US satellite imagery is a piece of cake — even your average internet jagoff can do that.
If you combine together all of this easily-accomplished fakery, it adds up to a pretty compelling case for the public (as long as nobody thinks too hard).
~ MORE 8 – 18 September 2019 ~
The more I look into the Saudi oil facility attack, the more it looks like it was designed to be the globalists’ segue into playing the 9/11 Truth Card. To see why, ask yourself a few simple questions…
Why was there no air defense response by the Saudis (despite the fact that US and Saudi Coalition AWACS blanket the entire Persian Gulf with 24/7 radar coverage)?
What proof do we have that any drones or missiles actually hit the oil facility (besides a few boxes of drone and missile parts that could’ve been picked off the ground anywhere in Yemen or Saudi Arabia prior to the attack)? The more I look at the evidence, the more it points to pre-placed explosives being used.
Where is the video from the oil facility’s security cameras showing flying objects striking the tanks? A facility of that size is certain to have a large network of CCTV cameras for use in security, safety monitoring, and disaster management, so where is the footage?
That last question brings to mind the lack of Pentagon footage after the 9/11 attacks, which is why I have a sneaking suspicion that that’s where they’re going with this. The theme of the propaganda exercise will be something to this effect…
“The Deep State used 9/11 to start the War on Terror, and they likewise intended to use the oil facility strike to start World War 3. It took the revelation of the truth about 9/11 to stop them.”
I will expand and enhance this update ASAP…
~ MORE 9 – 19 September 2019 ~
I wasn’t able to enhance the latest update yesterday due to technical difficulties. I’ll try again tomorrow.
Since Trump balked at striking Iran over the oil facility false-flag, a new “whistleblower scandal” has hit the news. This is intended to portray the “Deep State” pressuring Trump into an Iran strike. So keep an eye out for a similar move by Saudi Arabia’s “Deep State” against Mohammed bin Salman (to make him conclude that the attack was launched from Iran). Mike Pompeo’s visit to Saudi Arabia may have been the prelude to it.
Until I get back on track tomorrow, you might want to read Throwing the Game: Why the globalists are exposing their own false-flags. It explains why the oil facility attack and its narrative were handled in such a ham-handed manner (it was meant to fall apart).
~ MORE 10 – 20 September 2019 ~
Let’s take a deeper look this morning at the questions I posed in the MORE 8 update…
Question 1 – Why was there no air defense response by the Saudis (despite the fact that US and Saudi Coalition AWACS blanket the entire Persian Gulf with 24/7 radar coverage)?
The idea that 20+ missiles/drones simply “slipped under the radar” is absurd when you consider the fact that the US, Saudis and other Gulf States maintain a constant watch over the entire Persian Gulf area using AWACS (airborne early warning planes with radar that reaches all the way down to the ground). They have maintained such 24/7 blanket coverage during times of tension since way back in 1987…
…from the Los Angeles Times. Here is an excerpt…
The United States and Saudi Arabia are nearing an agreement to extend the radar surveillance of Saudi AWACS planes to the entire Persian Gulf to help U.S. forces protect shipping there, State Department officials said Friday…
The Air Force-operated U.S. planes have been patrolling airspace over major Saudi oil fields in the northern gulf area since 1980.
Given that this is “a time of unprecedented tension” in the Persian Gulf with oil tankers being bombed and hijacked, we can be quite certain that such blanket coverage was in effect the night of the oil facility attack.
Also, Saudi Arabia’s AWACS completed a major upgrade two years ago…
…from the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base website. Here is an excerpt…
The International Airborne Battle Management Command and Control Division here has completed a significant radar upgrade for the Royal Saudi Air Force…
“The RSIP upgrade brings the Royal Saudi Air Force fleet to a modern baseline, with multiple radar modes enabling increased operational flexibility with the U.S. and coalition partners,” said Christopher Tanglaw, program manager.
Following successful flight testing, the fifth and final aircraft modification was completed and delivered to the RSAF on Dec. 21. A formal delivery ceremony took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, earlier in December.
Tanglaw said that this is the most significant radar upgrade to the RSAF AWACS fleet. It enhances the operational capability of the radar against the growing threats posed by smaller targets and electronic countermeasures.
All Saudi and US AWACS have had the RSIP upgrade, so all were capable of seeing any cruise missiles/drones that were trying to “slip in under the radar.” And you can be sure that 20+ unidentified radar contacts moving from Iran towards Saudi Arabia would have gotten their full attention. Yet there was no air defense response. This could be for one of two reasons: either the air defenses were deliberately stood down or there were no targets to track (because pre-positioned explosives were used in the attack).
Does the idea of air defenses being stood down remind you of any other prominent attack, like 9/11 perhaps?
ALERT (21 September 2019) – Be on the lookout for some kind of attack on Iranian soil on September 22 or 23, supposedly conducted by a US-Israel-Saudi coalition military or intelligence agency, a US-Israel-Saudi-supported terrorist group, or an “unknown party.” This would be the prelude to another, larger war-starting false-flag attributed to Iran: either the UN attack, a successful and deadly missile attack on the Israeli homeland, or something equally spectacular.
When the globalist scriptwriters had Iran come out today and say that “any country that attacks Iran will become the main battlefield,” they were having the Iranians serve the “Deep State” a meatball right down the middle. This threat has set the stage for the “Deep State” to attack Iran, conduct a spectacular false-flag on a coalition country’s homeland, then frame it as an “Iranian counterattack, done just as they threatened to do.”
~ MORE 11 – 21 September 2019 ~
Taking a break from the Saudi oil facility attack for a moment, it should be noted that the script for the potential strike on the UN has been modified, moving the most likely strike date to either Monday, September 23 or Tuesday, September 24. Iran (specifically Soleimani) would still be initially blamed, and Israel would still be blamed later on. But under the script modification, the “Deep State” would attempt to finger Netanyahu as the man who ordered it.
They would say that Netanyahu did it to prevent Gantz from being tapped as the next PM by Israeli President Rivlin on Wednesday, September 25: “Netanyahu was so desperate to avoid losing power and being jailed that he was willing to set the whole world on fire to prevent it, even sacrificing his ally Trump.” And since both Trump and Pence will be at the UN on Monday (and possibly Tuesday too, if Pence stays for Trump’s speech), we would end up with President Nancy Pelosi.
What’s one of the best ways to get all the world’s nations so enraged that they’ll band together to destroy Israel (“in the prophesied End Times battle”)? – Script Israel blowing up the UN to start the Iran War, then ensure the whole world finds out about it.
There are specific elements of preparatory propaganda that alerted me to this, so I may expand and enhance this update to show them to you. (But you know how that goes…)
~ MORE 11 enhancement – 22 September 2019 ~
The first tingling I felt about the script change was when Netanyahu canceled his trip to the UN General Assembly ceremony. I thought to myself, “Won’t that look suspicious if the UN gets blown up and he’s not there.” But it was when I ran across this Times of Israel report that the tingling turned into a full spidey-sense orgspasm…
…Here is an excerpt…
…the prime minister suggested launching an “extraordinary” and “far-reaching” military response against Palestinian terrorist groups in the enclave, according to the Haaretz newspaper…
But the defense officials objected to such a move and warned it could spiral into war, Channel 13 news reported on Monday night.
The network quoted a security source involved in the deliberations, who said it seemed Netanyahu was guided by political considerations.
“Something happened to him,” the source, who was said to have worked with Netanyahu for years, was reported as saying. “In the past, he never played with [Israel’s] security for political ends.”
So the article suggests that “something happened to [Netanyahu]” that made him willing to set Gaza and Israel on fire just to do better in the election. And the hanging implication of that is “if he was willing to go that far just to do better in the election, there may be no limit to how far he’ll go when his office and freedom are about to be taken away.”
This report is part of a broader press (and Chabad) effort to paint Netanyahu as a desperate, flailing man with a crazy wife…
…from Haaretz (top) and Google (bottom)
So in one hand, you have this supposedly crazed Netanyahu who was willing to go to war in Gaza just to get more votes on election day (or to postpone the election). And in the other hand, you have this…
…from The Times of Israel. Here is an excerpt…
President Reuven Rivlin will begin consultations with the newly-elected Knesset factions on Sunday, his office announced Thursday.
Israel’s president has the power to appoint one of the 120 MKs elected on Tuesday as the next prime minister of Israel. The designated lawmaker must then cobble together a coalition that wins the support of a majority of Knesset members.
Tuesday’s election ended in an apparent deadlock, with Benny Gantz’s Blue and White emerging as the larger party, at 33 seats, and incumbent premier Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud winning 31.
By Israeli parliamentary tradition, that would grant Blue and White leader Benny Gantz the first stab at forming a coalition.
So when the final election results are presented to Rivlin on Wednesday, September 25, he may choose Gantz as the new Prime Minister. That being said, would a “crazed” Netanyahu be willing to stage a false-flag to start the Iran War in order to prevent that from happening? Chabad and the liberal press want you to believe so (according to the globalist script).
(22 September 2019) – If nothing blows up between now and Wednesday, could Avigdor Lieberman be Rivlin’s shock pick for Prime Minister? The move would be justified by the argument that he’s the only one who can form a coalition and prevent another election, and it would put Israel back on track for Chabad’s End Times War. I’ll go into the details of it tomorrow (9/23), so I can be more thorough in my coverage.
P.S. – Here’s another reason Rivlin might choose Chabad-connected Lieberman (and is unlikely to choose newly “Chabad-shunned” Netanyahu): Rivlin is connected to Chabad!…
Israel is screwed.
(23 September 2019) – CNN sets up Iran for the UN attack & Rivlin’s rationale for choosing Avigdor Lieberman
Well, the starter false-flag on Iranian soil may no longer be necessary now that the “Deep State’s” CNN has resurrected the possibility of a Trump-Rouhani meeting…
…from Twitter (top) and Zero Hedge (bottom)
According to the background narrative in the UN attack script, the “hardliners” in the Iranian regime (Khamenei and Soleimani) are supposedly dead set against negotiating with Trump, while the “moderates” (Rouhani and Zarif) are open to making peace. So by saying that Rouhani might meet Trump at the UN (whether it’s true or not), CNN has set up the rationale for blaming Iran and Soleimani for the attack…
“Alarmed that Rouhani and Zarif might go behind their backs to strike an interim peace deal with Trump at the UN, Khamenei and Soleimani seized the opportunity to rid themselves of their enemies and deter further aggression against Iran by showing the world in dramatic fashion that they already possess nuclear weapons.”
Getting back to Rivlin’s possible selection of Avigdor Lieberman as the new Israeli PM, here is the rationale he would use…
> Right now, the newly-elected Knesset is deadlocked between the 54-seat Gantz Bloc and the 55-seat Netanyahu Bloc. Eight of the remaining seats are controlled by Avigdor Lieberman, who has ruled out joining with either bloc to form a government. This is supposedly due to strong policy disagreements with both blocs.
> If Rivlin appoints Netanyahu or Gantz, the opposing bloc will do everything possible to stop the formation of a government. And being in the power position, neither Netanyahu nor Gantz would be particularly motivated to grant serious concessions to Lieberman; they’d instead (futilely) try to find other ways to get to 61 seats.
> If Rivlin instead appoints Lieberman, Lieberman would be strongly motivated to get off the sidelines and form a government. And he’d have three ways to do it…
- By getting a “bidding war” going between the two blocs to see which would offer acceptable concessions, then merging with that bloc.
- By using the fear both blocs will feel about being shut out of the new government to force both to make concessions and join in a unity government.
- By recruiting 53 or more Knesset members to join his bloc. He might start by offering Chabad’s Naftali Bennett or Ayelet Shaked the defense minister post to peel him/her away from Netanyahu’s bloc, then the floodgates would open on both sides.
If Rivlin and Chabad fear the heat this move would generate, their safe play is to tap Gantz and have him offer the defense minister post to a Chabadnik to break the deadlock.
(1:55 PM/9:55 PM Texas/Israel Time) – Netanyahu and Gantz have just entered a meeting with Rivlin. If they continue butting heads through Wednesday, it will open the door for Lieberman to get the nod. Remember: Rivlin and Lieberman’s scripted motivation is to secure the Gaza invasion for Chabad, so the eventual outcome will advance that aim.
The Prognosis for Trump and Netanyahu
(24 September 2019) – Today’s sudden return of impeachment is actually a good thing, since it might indicate that the globalists have ruled out a UN strike. But keep an eye out for an attempt at a 25th Amendment removal during the next several days. The script may have Vice President Pence and the cabinet decide that “an impeachment coupled with Trump’s inaction in responding to Iran’s attack on Saudi Arabia means that the President should be removed now for the good of the country.” “Saving the markets from crashing during an impeachment by restoring stability” may be another reason stated.
Trump and Netanyahu’s fates are tied together. If Netanyahu falls by October, it’s likely Trump will too. And if Netanyahu gets a few weeks more political life, Trump will likely get the same.
~ MORE ~
In Israel, President Rivlin has pressed the one-week delay button on choosing the next prime minister. He’ll now make the decision on Wednesday, October 2, the day after the Jewish New Year observance. Given this new development, these are the two routes the globalists could take from here…
Route 1) The Jewish New Year Climax: They would attempt to remove Trump via the 25th Amendment over the next several days and attempt to remove Netanyahu by tapping Gantz or Lieberman on October 2. So the Jewish New Year of 5780 would kick off with either “The Fall of the Precursor Moshiachs” or “The Triumph of the Precursor Moshiachs” (if they counterattack with mass arrests of their respective “Deep States”).
Route 2) The 11/11 Climax: They would proceed with the impeachment of Trump, which would take several weeks and carry Trump into November. And they would give Netanyahu the first crack at forming a government, which would keep him in place into November too…
Once a candidate is chosen by the president, that individual has 28 days to present a coalition to the new Knesset and win a vote of confidence. The president is allowed to extend that period by up to 14 days. – from The Times of Israel
“The Fall or Triumph of the Moshiachs” would then coincide with Brexit, with November 11 being a particularly significant day. The globalists have put a lot of energy into building up the number “11/11″ in the awareness of those who have explored the New Age Rabbit Hole part of the alt-media. This could be the year they cash in on that investment.
~ MORE – 25 September 2019 ~
France’s Macron is talking like a Trump-Rouhani meeting might actually materialize, and if it does, it may be the event that triggers the UN attack or the 25th Amendment coup against Trump (with the latter looking more likely than the former). Have a look at what Vice President Pence said after the Aramco attack…
…from The Washington Examiner. Here is an excerpt…
Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-South Carolina, said Pence told lawmakers “the goal is to restore deterrence” that was lost when Iran viewed the President Trump’s restrained response to a recent drone shooting as “weakness.”
Iran shot down a U.S. surveillance drone in June over the Strait of Hormuz. Trump called off a military attack planned in response.
According to the script, if Trump makes peace overtures with Rouhani at the UN, Pence will see it as “another perilous display of weakness that endangers the security of the United States and its allies.” This will be his motivation and excuse to lead the “Cabinet Coup” against Trump, with the impeachment and its threat to the economy providing cover for him to do so.
~ MORE ~
Well, well, well… first we hear that Rouhani has finally ruled out a meeting with Trump (thus reducing the likelihood of an immediate Cabinet Coup)…
…from Reuters
…then we later hear that Israeli President Rivlin has suddenly reversed yesterday’s decision and tapped Netanyahu to form the government (thus eliminating Netanyahu’s potential fall on October 2)…
…from Zero Hedge
It would appear that the globalists have been forced right out of September and onto Route 2. So to commemorate this momentous day, I hereby declare Wednesday, September 25, a “psychotic day of insane celebration for regular jagoffs.” Let… the Moscato… floooow!…
And upon our retreating mutant globalist foes, release… the kitties!…
(26 September 2019) – The globalists brought the UK Parliament back from prorogation for the purpose of scheduling a pre-Brexit snap election. According to the script, Johnson is seeking the election and acting like Farage (while simultaneously avoiding an election pact with him) so he can harvest Brexiteer outrage to lock in a solidly Conservative (and Establishment) government prior to the Brexit betrayal he has planned. I’ll write more on this as the election approaches.
Later, we might have a look at some Kabbalist prophecies to which a reader alerted me. Since the prophecies hit the press before the globalist retreat yesterday, they may already be moot. But we’ll look at them just to be sure we don’t get caught by surprise during Rosh Hashanah.
(27 September 2019) – Once we hit October, we’ll be looking at two tracks ahead of us…
One track leads to increasing October turbulence and a November crisis climax that includes the UK stumbling and bumbling into a no-deal Brexit, Trump and Netanyahu falling or triumphing in their supposed battle with their “Deep States,” and Putin stepping up to save the world’s bacon.
The other track leads to a globalist punt to 2020 that includes the UK getting a Brexit delay and snap election, Trump surviving impeachment, and Netanyahu forming a fragile government or facing another election.
We’ll take a closer look at all this — and how the Kabbalists’ bullsh*t prophecies fit in — over the weekend.
Temple Mount Alert
(29 September 2019) – Keep an eye on this situation: Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa for Jewish New Year celebration. A “Jewish invasion of the Temple Mount” during either Rosh Hashanah or Sukkot may be used to set in motion the destruction of the mosque there.
The most likely scenario is that the “Jewish invasion” will prompt “outraged ISIS jihadis” (who are run by the “Israeli Deep State”) to occupy Al-Aqsa Mosque and blow it up to start the “End Times” holy war. Watch for the Chabad-aligned Yamina element of Netanyahu’s political bloc to pressure Netanyahu into allowing-in the Jewish visitors whose presence will start the conflagration.
The globalists attempted something similar during the Tisha B’Av holiday back in August. You can read about it in The 2019 Archive (in The September Preview & August Updates section). Also, should the fighting start, look for Putin to be the one who arranges the ceasefire and releases the intel that will allow Netanyahu to roll up the Israeli “Deep State” (which will also lead to Trump rolling up the American “Deep State” as well).
~ MORE ~
In last night’s (now deleted) drunken note, I mentioned that the globalists had tipped their hand on what they have planned for a November climax. This is one of the cards I saw…
…from Breaking Israel News. Here is an excerpt…
In the course of an interview last week in Ukraine, Ze’ev Kam, a reporter for Kan News, asked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the “elementary rights of the Jews to pray at the Temple Mount, their holiest site.” Netanyahu’s answer, which was published in “Sheva”, was, “Don’t worry, it will happen, and before the arrival of the Messiah”…
As per Israeli law which legislates freedom and equality of religion, Jewish prayer is legally mandated but the Israeli police, tasked with maintaining order, are permitted to use their judgment in how to implement this law. As Minister of Internal Security, Gilad Erdan is tasked with overseeing this task. He was put to the test two weeks ago when the Jewish holy day of Tisha B’Av coincided with the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha. The Muslim religious authorities closed all of the mosques in Jerusalem except for the silver-domed Al Aqsa on the Temple Mount, calling for the Palestinians to prevent the Jews from visiting the site. The police delayed Jewish entrance to the site until after the Muslim times of prayer but the Palestinians stayed at the site en masse and rioted. Rather than back down and bar the Jews from entering, the Israeli police valiantly protected the Jews and the Jewish right to visit the site. Thanks to their efforts, a record 1,729 Jews commemorated the destruction of the Jewish Temples precisely where they once stood.
In response to the Arab threat of violence, Erdan responded by asserting that religious freedom is necessary on the Temple Mount…
“We completely condemn Israel’s violations of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque,” Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi wrote on Twitter. “The occupation [Israeli] authorities’ absurd actions and attempts to change the status quo in occupied Jerusalem will only lead to the conflict being exacerbated and the situation blowing up, threatening international peace and security. We call on the international community to assume its responsibilities and pressure Israel to stop its violations.”
It should be noted that no Jews approached the Al-Aqsa Mosque but Arab rhetoric has changed the term in recent years to include all of the Temple Mount.
As you can see, the article foreshadows the conflict to come: Jews entering the Temple Mount on Jewish holy days and Palestinians responding with violence. It also offers a timing clue: “before the Messiah comes.” And if the globalists intend to bring the Messiah (Putin) onto the scene in October/November, October offers plenty of holy days to get the conflict going…
…from CalendarLabs
Since a mid-to-late October conflict would work best with a messianic appearance by 11/11, and since Sukkot traditionally involved a pilgrimage to the Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount, I was anticipating that they’d aim for the October 13 – 22 extended observance (in red) that begins with Sukkot and ends with Simchat Torah. It’s possible, though, that they might want a tie-in with the Jewish New Year, in which case they’d aim for the extended observance (in yellow) that has already begun with Rosh Hashanah and ends with Yom Kippur. If they go for the earlier window, we might see an extended standoff between the Israeli authorities and the “ISIS jihadis” who occupy Al-Aqsa Mosque. The standoff would end with the jihadis blowing up the Mosque in an effort to spark Armageddon.
~ MORE – 30 September 2019 ~
First, have a look at this…
Yom Kippur is “the tenth day of [the] seventh month”(Tishrei) and is regarded as the “Sabbath of Sabbaths”. Rosh Hashanah (referred to in the Torah as Yom Teruah) is the first day of that month according to the Hebrew calendar. On this day forgiveness of sins is also asked of God.
Yom Kippur completes the annual period known in Judaism as the High Holy Days or Yamim Nora’im (“Days of Awe”) that commences with Rosh Hashanah…
According to Jewish tradition, God inscribes each person’s fate for the coming year into a book, the Book of Life, on Rosh Hashanah, and waits until Yom Kippur to “seal” the verdict. During the Days of Awe, a Jew tries to amend their behavior and seek forgiveness for wrongs done against God (bein adam leMakom) and against other human beings (bein adam lechavero). The evening and day of Yom Kippur are set aside for public and private petitions and confessions of guilt (Vidui). At the end of Yom Kippur, one hopes that they have been forgiven by God…
Erev Yom Kippur (lit. “eve [of] day [of] atonement”) is the day preceding Yom Kippur, corresponding to the ninth day of the Hebrew month of Tishrei. This day is commemorated with additional morning prayers, asking others for forgiveness, giving charity, performing the kapparot ritual, an extended afternoon prayer service, and two festive meals. – from Wikipedia
With that in mind, have a look at this…
Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Sunday informed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s legal team that he had agreed to their request that a pre-indictment hearing in three graft cases against the premier be spread out over two weeks, instead of being held over two days this week…
Under the new arrangement, only arguments regarding Case 4000, the most serious of the corruption cases against Netanyahu, entailing suspicion of bribery offenses among others, will be held on Wednesday and Thursday.
Hearings for Case 1000 and Case 2000 will be held the following Sunday and Monday, with proceedings coming to an end by Yom Kippur eve, on Tuesday. – from The Times of Israel
As you can see, they have arranged for Netanyahu’s pre-indictment hearing to follow the “Days of Awe” template. It begins the day after Rosh Hashanah and ends on Erev Yom Kippur. So as early as Yom Kippur, Netanyahu could find out if he has been “forgiven by God.” Since he is the Kabbalist-chosen Moshiach ben Yosef, what are the odds he won’t be?
The man who will make the decision on whether or not to indict Netanyahu is Avichai Mandelblit. Mandelblit is a Kabbalist who studied under the famous Kabbalist Rabbi Baruch Ashlag, who collaborated with Chabad Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson, so he is definitely in on the globalist plan. But the Kabbalists went to the trouble of positioning him as a man “who rules against Chabad when fairness and the law demand it,” which makes him the perfect conspirator to absolve Netanyahu of his supposed crimes by not indicting him.
The press are saying that Mandelblit will make his ruling by early November, just in time for the crisis climax the globalists are preparing. Don’t be shocked, though, if he decides to postpone or kill the indictments immediately after the hearing. Whether he decides immediately or in November, Netanyahu can stay politically alive by arguing that he still has a realistic chance at forming a government if Mandelblit declines to indict him. According to the press, “Gantz has not ruled out an alliance with Likud in but said he would not do so with Netanyahu facing indictment,” so if an indictment doesn’t materialize, Gantz would be obligated by his own words to form a government with Netanyahu.
Let’s move on now to the Kabbalist prophecies I mentioned in the September 26 update. Here is one of them…
On the eve of the year 5780 (the upcoming Hebrew year), the year of corrections, there will not be a government in Israel for an extended period and the various camps will be quarrel much without a decision on either side, and then, on Rosh Hashana (the Jewish new year) itself, they will fight in heaven, the holy side against the side of evil, and G-d and His entourage will decide between them. And this is all I can say, and from here I swore not to reveal more secrets and hidden things.”
The Kabbalists can fulfill this “prophecy” — which is merely a statement of their plans they pulled out of their asses and called a prophecy — by following the “Days of Awe” template they’ve set out for Netanyahu. The decision to choose Netanyahu made by “G-d and His entourage” [the Jewish God is very “Hollywood,” isn’t he?] on Rosh Hashanah will “play out in the physical world when Avichai Mandelblit tables the indictments and hands Netanyahu his kingdom.”
Here’s the other “prophecy” that was hidden in a secret place [again, the Kabbalists’ asses] until the proper time…
“There will come on the day that two ministers win the government in the land of Israel. Both their names will be Benjamin and neither of them will succeed in establishing their government or kingship.
“On that day, know and understand that the King Messiah already stands at the doorway and on the Sabbath afterwards he will come and be revealed.”
This “prophecy” may refer to Netanyahu emerging as the PM on Yom Kippur, which is considered by Jews to be the “Sabbath of Sabbaths.” But the words “King Messiah” could also refer to Vladimir Putin, the “Moshiach ben David.” And under what conditions could Vladimir Putin emerge as the savior of Israel in the next several days? – By arranging an Israel-saving ceasefire between the Muslims and the Jews after Al-Aqsa Mosque is destroyed during the “Days of Awe.” So this “prophecy” may point to a lightning-fast emergence of the “Moshiach ben David” on Yom Kippur. Let’s watch for that just in case.
(30 September 2019) – According to the future historians of the NWO, what’s going on in Saudi Arabia and Yemen right now is the final showdown between the “Saudi Deep State” and the NWO “good guy” Mohammad bin Salman (MBS). They will say…
“The Yemen War was foisted upon MBS by the US and Saudi Deep States while Barack Obama was still President (March 2015). But after Trump took over in January of 2017, MBS discontinued Saudi support for the Syrian opposition (August 2017), led a major purge of the Saudi Deep State (November 2017), and began sabotaging the Deep State’s war in Yemen.”
(3 October 2019) – My mother wants me to take her shopping today, so I’m taking an impromptu day off. Till tomorrow, have a look at this Zero Hedge article: Saudi Elites Question MbS’ Ability To Lead World’s Largest Oil Exporter After Aramco Attack. It relates to the supposed battle between Mohammad bin Salman and the Saudi Deep State that I talked about on September 30th (and long before). The “good guy outsider / NWO hero” (MbS, Trump, Netanyahu, Xi, Putin, Modi, et al) versus the “evil Deep States” propaganda theme is pervasive in the NWO transition narrative.
Also note the attempted assassination of the Imam Mahdi that supposedly happened last month. So far, that makes four members of the NWO pantheon of heroes (Trump, Netanyahu, MbS, and Soleimani) who were targeted for political falls or death last month. It makes me wonder if news will surface (or has already) about similar things happening to Modi, Xi, and Putin.
Will it be said that the 7-year Tribulation period
began in March 2013 and ended in March 2020?
(2 October 2019) – I just realized something this morning: this coming March (of 2020) will mark 3.5 years since September 2016. That makes one 42-month prophecy cycle since the month the “Satanic West” attempted to bait Putin into the “End Times Battle” in Dabiq, Putin’s presidential car was smashed in a rumored assassination attempt, and Trump had his first presidential debate with Hillary Clinton. This means the globalist prophecy propagandists can plausibly claim that “September 2016 was the month Putin deftly avoided a catastrophic US-Turkey-Russia confrontation in Dabiq and took the peaceful route to victory by relying on his fellow moshiach Donald Trump to take down the Western cabal from within.”
Now if you look back 3.5 years (one prophecy cycle) from September of 2016, you arrive back at March of 2013. This was the month that Pope Francis began his reign over the Roman Catholic Church and President Obama visited Israel and stood in Christ’s birthplace. So the prophecy propagandists can point to that as “the birth of the antichrists’ 7-year reign — the start of the 7 year Tribulation period.”
So if the globalists are going this route, it will be said that…
- the 7-year Tribulation period began in March of 2013,
- the second half of the Tribulation period, known as the “Great Tribulation,” began in September of 2016, and
- the Tribulation period ended with Putin’s victory over the “Satanic West” in March of 2020
So will Netanyahu and Trump politically fall this year so Putin can have a final battle with the “Grey Champion,” Mike Pence? Or will they politically survive to mass-arrest their “Deep States” before the final victory?
Next, we’ll look into some details of the March plan and I’ll also show you their fallback. Since their fallback would be quite unpleasant for all of us, I want to pick apart both plans well in advance. They’ll have to think of something new that’s less of a pain in the a*s.
~ MORE – 5 October 2019 ~
If the globalists blow past November and attempt Putin’s saving of Israel and unveiling as Moshiach in March of next year, there’s a pretty good chance they’ll do it on Shushan Purim, March 11…
Purim is a Jewish holiday that “commemorates the story of the deliverance of the Jews and the defeat of Haman,” a vizier of the Achaemenid Empire who had plotted to annihilate them. And Shushan Purim is the variant of the holiday that is practiced in Jerusalem. It therefore works beautifully as the day to stage Putin’s deliverance of the Jews, because…
- The Achaemenid (Persian) Empire was founded by Cyrus the Great, history’s only non-Jewish Jewish messiah and the man of whom Trump is supposedly a reincarnation (according to numerous hints dropped by the prophecy propagandists). The Empire encompassed all of the land that surrounds present-day Israel, and included modern-day Iran, Egypt and Turkey.
- According to the Hebrew Bible, “Haman was a descendant of Agag, the king of the Amalekites.” This has given rise to speculation (which can be utilized by the prophecy propagandists) that “Agag = Gog” and “Haman represents the ancient spiritual struggle between Amalek and Israel.”
- Also according to the Hebrew Bible, “Amalek was the son of Eliphaz (himself the son of Esau, ancestor of the Edomites).” In prophecy propaganda, the enemies of Israel and the Jewish people are collectively termed “Edom,” and “in the rabbinic texts, Edom is often equated with Rome.”
So a March deliverance would be the result of the three Jewish messiahs working together to stop the modern-day equivalent of Haman’s plot. Those three being…
- Trump, the “Moshiach ben Cyrus” and head of Edom (who has returned to help save the Jews from his descendants),
- Netanyahu, the Moshiach ben Yosef and head of Israel, and
- Putin, the Moshiach ben David and (soon-to-be) head of the entire world.
This scripting is why the prophecy propagandists are saying the following about Trump…
Rabbi Berger quoted Rabbi Bahya ben Asher ibn Halawa, a 13th-century Spanish Biblical commentator also known as “Rabbeinu Behaye.” The medieval scholar wrote that “the first and second Temples were built by the descendants of King David, but in the future, the Third Temple will be built by descendants of Edom.” Rabbi Berger emphasized that these sources state explicitly that the Third Temple will be built by the descendants of Rome, i.e. Christianity.
“Rabbeinu Behaye explained this is a tikkun (reparation),” Rabbi Berger said. “Rome destroyed the Second Temple so Rome’s descendants, the Christians, are going to amend this by taking part in bringing the Third Temple.”
“Like Cyrus, Trump’s connection to the Messiah is that he will play a role in one of the major functions of the Messiah. He will pave the way for building the Third Temple. Trump will not personally merit building the Temple,” he continued. “Like Cyrus, he will pave the way for men who will begin the construction, and when the time is right, the Third Temple will descend from heaven.”
“No leader in history has recognized Jerusalem as the capital of the Jews and Israel,” he pointed out. “He has already created a great tikkun (reparation) for the Christians through his unprecedented relationship with Jerusalem. Trump is the representative of Edom that will perform that final historic reparation for his entire nation by building the Temple.” – from Breaking Israel News
As I’ve previously mentioned, Trump’s part in rebuilding the Temple will be the introduction of his entirely unacceptable Middle East peace plan, which will help trigger a Muslim-Jewish conflict that will destroy Al-Aqsa Mosque before being stopped by Putin. This is how Trump will “pave the way” for the Third Temple (by paving over Al-Aqsa). As for the part that says “the Third Temple will descend from heaven,” they could be referring to the fake aliens who will make the scene during the first 3.5 years of the NWO. They might set down a “heavenly temple” atop the one built by men…
It’ll really impress the rubes. Later, we’ll look at who’s the real modern-day Haman, Soleimani or Erdogan.
The 25th Amendment Coup is Back in Play
(5 October 2019) – Given what’s happening with Kim Jong Un firing missiles and Erdogan preparing to invade Kurdish land, be on the lookout for a cabinet coup against Trump and/or a military coup against Erdogan.
~ MORE – 6 October 2019 ~
The Democrats and the MSM are lumping-in Pence with the impeachment process, which means some kind of double-removal scenario might be in play. It would lead to President Nancy Pelosi and Vice President Hillary Clinton, with Clinton taking over shortly thereafter. Unless the moshiachs triumph soon, that is.
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Well it looks like the coups are on hold again…
…from Zero Hedge
And with this push of the delay button, another event (their meeting) gets added to an already hazardous November.
~ MORE – 7 October 2019 ~
Wow, the cabinet coup against Trump has been enabled again…
…from The New York Times
This “sudden and damaging policy shift” and “betrayal of longstanding American allies” will be fresh ammunition for Pence to use in a 25th Amendment takedown. As a quote from the article puts it…
“This looks to be another reckless decision made without deliberation or consultation following a call with a foreign leader,” Mr. McGurk said after hearing of Mr. Trump’s decision on Sunday. “The White House statement bears no relation to facts on the ground. If implemented, it will significantly increase risk to our personnel, as well as hasten ISIS’s resurgence.”
Should Pence move on Trump, it would open the door for the Democrats to later impeach Pence over Ukraine.
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They’re starting the weekly news cycle by pulling out all the stops…
…from the Drudge Report
So as we approach Erev Yom Kippur…
- “Our foreign policy is in shambles due to Trump’s erratic nature.”
- “Trump is facing both impeachment and financial inquiries that could provide endless scandalous headlines all the way till the 2020 elections, endangering the entire Republican Party.”
- “We’re on the precipice of a financial crisis and the markets need reassurance and a steady hand.”
Sounds like a pretty compelling argument for a 25th Amendment removal attempt, doesn’t it?
To provide more details on how a 25th Amendment removal attempt would work, here is a repost of my 7 August update…
~ MORE – 7 August 2019 ~
Let’s have a look at some CNN preparatory propaganda from last year (an excerpt is below the graphic)…
>>> The 25th Amendment is back in the news so this bears repeating. Again. The type of event in which you could imagine President Donald Trump’s Cabinet and his vice president engaging in a political mutiny against him and removing him from power using the 25th Amendment would require something like a presidential coma or a disagreement of such epic proportions as to threaten the fabric of the country or its very existence…
In order to remove Trump using the 25th Amendment, a majority of the Cabinet he personally selected, working with his own vice president, would have to agree he was no longer able to be President and publicly make that declaration, in writing, and send it up to Congress. That’s the first thing…
The Cabinet’s Brutus knife in his back is not all it would take! Trump would then have the ability to publicly disagree, in writing. Wouldn’t that be something. And if his Cabinet reasserted, within four days, “their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” Congress would have to assemble within two days and two-thirds of both the House and Senate would have to vote to remove the President within 21 days… Republican lawmakers would have to turn on their own President. <<<
With all the escalating crises that could come to a head by the end of this month, it would be easy to script Congress blaming Trump and his “erratic and irrational decision making” for “bringing America to the brink of civil war, World War 3 and economic collapse.” The prevailing situation would constitute — as the CNN article puts it — a “political apocalypse… of such epic proportions as to threaten the fabric of the country [and] its very existence.”
(10 September 2019) – With the Israeli election just over a week away, you may have seen the press reports of Sheldon and Miriam Adelson publicly trashing the Netanyahus (thus hurting Benjamin’s election chances)…
…from Google
Sheldon Adelson is one of the oligarchs who fund the Chabad-Lubavitch cult, and his supposed break with Netanyahu is meant to portray the wrath of the Chabaniks against Netanyahu’s supposed restraint of their effort to spark the “End Times” War “that will bring the ‘redemption’ of Israel.” This “falling out” between the two families is a farce, of course, because the Kabbalists who run Chabad have selected Netanyahu to play the role of the Moshiach ben Yosef (the precursor messiah to the Jews’ main messiah). But due to growing public awareness of Chabad’s agenda, unsavory nature, and relationship to Trump, Netanyahu, and Putin, they are trying to salvage their messiahs’ reputations by portraying them as going against Chabad and its plans for war.
(11-12 September 2019) – The scripted reason for a serious false-flag between today and September 23 has been established with Netanyahu’s newly announced plan to annex part of the West Bank and Trump’s firing of Sheldon Adelson’s war hawk John Bolton. The NWO narrative will say that “the Mossad/Chabad false-flag attack was triggered by Netanyahu and Trump’s obstruction of their war plan, and it used ‘Muslim anger over the annexation’ as the pretext to blame it on the Muslims.” More details will follow later this morning…
~ MORE ~
Let’s recall some key events that have happened in the last few days:
On September 8: The mainstream media widely report Sheldon and Miriam Adelson’s trashing of the Netanyahus, which won’t help Benjamin Netanyahu’s election chances next week.
On September 10: Trump fires John Bolton, Adelson’s chief war hawk in Trump’s national security team.
On September 10: Netanyahu announces a plan to annex territories in the West Bank “in coordination with the United States.” He also announces that the long-awaited Trump Peace Plan will be presented a few days after election (the election is on the 17th, so the Peace Plan will be revealed during the September 11-23 danger period).
With these events set before us, let me share why they’re happening in a series of points…
Point 1
In the religious part of the globalists’ NWO transition script, Trump and Netanyahu are playing the roles of the “precursor” Jewish messiahs, “Cyrus the Great” and “Moshiach ben Yosef.” These precursors are scripted to prepare the way for the main Jewish messiah, “Moshiach ben David” (played by Vladimir Putin), to save the world from war and establish peace under a “new and just world order.”
To help Putin accomplish this, Trump and Netanyahu are playing “bad cops” to Putin’s “good cop.” They will announce a peace plan that is absurdly weighted in Israel’s favor, fully knowing that the Palestinians will never accept it. This will accomplish two things:
- It will get the Palestinians fighting mad, and the globalists will use that anger to orchestrate a conflict that will result in the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque, thus opening the way for the construction of the Third Temple.
- It will provide an opening for Putin to ride in on a white horse and save both Israel and the Palestinians from mutual destruction. In doing this, he will present a “balanced” peace plan that will establish a viable Palestinian state, place Jerusalem’s holy sites under the supervision of the reformed United Nations, and split the rest of Jerusalem into a Palestinian capital and an Israeli capital.
Point 2
The globalist scriptwriters are attempting to portray a conflict between…
the hardcore Zionists & the evil Chabad-Lubavitchers on one side
the “true” precursor messiahs, Trump & Netanyahu, on the other side.
According to the script, the Zionists and Chabadniks are attempting to start a catastrophic Middle East war so they can present a false Moshiach ben David to the world. And in one of the globalists’ most ridiculous casting choices yet, they have identified Jared Kushner as the false messiah Chabad is attempting to install. I mean, just look at the little dork…
…He has the same “commanding presence” as the average Thai ladyboy.
Anyway, the “true” messiahs are supposedly attempting to foil the evil war plans of Chabad/Mossad, the Zionists, and the “Moshiach ben Pantywaist,” which is why the “bad guys” are attempting to either cow or take down Netanyahu.
Given that Chabad/Mossad have been instrumental in putting Putin, Netanyahu, and Trump into power and have been grooming the three to play their messiah roles, you may be wondering why the globalists are trying to portray a conflict. Here’s the reason…
Back before the 2016 presidential election, I wrote about why Trump would win, specifically citing his connection to Chabad-Lubavitch. And after the election, I continued writing on how Chabad connected him and Putin, and I felt like a lone voice in the wilderness. Neither the mainstream media nor the mainstream alt-media would touch the glaringly obvious connections with a ten foot pole (even though the mainstream media were going to extraordinary lengths to establish some kind of connection between Trump and Putin). It appeared that there was a coverage embargo on the subject of which only a few honest independent bloggers were unaware. That dramatically changed in April of 2017 when Politico finally broached the subject and the controlled alt-media sites started a massive campaign against Chabad.
I suspect that the globalists finally ended the coverage embargo because they didn’t want the independent bloggers writing the narrative on the Chabad connections. Had they not intervened, the public would have come to the obvious conclusion: that the Kabbalist oligarchs, criminals, and spooks who run Chabad were grooming Putin and Trump to be fake moshiachs. So they decided to sacrifice their Chabad front in an effort to save their moshiachs using a three-step process facilitated by their controlled alt-media complex…
Step 1) They outed Chabad as the nefarious group that they are.
Step 2) They promoted Jared Kushner as the moshiach that Chabad is trying to install (watch this video in its entirety if you haven’t already done so; it’s a slick disinfo piece that establishes Kushner in his role).
Step 3) They had their alt-media sites give ambiguous, schizophrenic coverage of Trump and Putin’s connections to Chabad, with some articles claiming that “Trump and Putin are puppets of Chabad” and others claiming that “no, they’re real rebels against the system.” This was designed to arrest their readers / listeners / viewers in a state of suspended judgment on the matter.
Using this three-step process, the globalists have set the stage for Trump and Putin to defeat Chabad and Kushner at a critical point in the upcoming Big Crisis. This will make it look they are “the real moshiachs who triumphed over Chabad’s fake moshiach.” At that time, the controlled alt-media’s conflicted portrayal of Trump and Putin (“Are they real heroes or are they deceiving villains?”) will emphatically crystallize into “they’re heroes!” They will then explain-away Trump and Putin’s intimate connections to Chabad as “part of their ‘holy deep cover mission’ to infiltrate the evil power structure and bring it down from within.”
Point 3
In light of the things I talked about in the previous two points, let’s have a look at the significance of Trump’s firing of John Bolton through the lens of a propaganda piece on Mondoweiss. I will convert the article to the NWO narrative by adding [my comments in brackets]…
…You can translate the title of the article to “For Once, Chabad Needs Donald Trump More Than Trump Needs Chabad.”
Today in an unprecedented show of autonomy, Donald Trump fired the firebreathing national security adviser John Bolton. Bolton was gifted to the Trump administration in 2018 by Sheldon Adelson, [the Chabad oligarch and] Trump’s biggest donor, and Trump duly ended the Iran deal once Bolton came aboard [in accordance with the wishes of Chabad and the hardcore Zionists].
Now Trump has fired Bolton, thereby signalling that he is open to renegotiating the Iran deal. And Trump’s Defense Department has all but criticized Israel for its drone war in Iraq and Syria that is threatening Americans and American proxies.
Trump is showing more independence of the rightwing Israel lobby than he has his entire administration. After three years of doing everything for Israel that the rightwing lobby wanted, from Jerusalem to the Golan to UNRWA.
The simple explanation for Trump’s conduct is
that he at last has the upper hand in his relationship with Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson. [that he has switched from “infiltrate and bide your time” mode to “sabotage the Chabad/Zionist War” mode.]Benjamin Netanyahu desperately needs Trump to deliver on a huge deliverable, greenlighting the annexation of the Jewish settlements and the Jordan Valley, a historic achievement of Zionists in completely colonizing the land of Palestine – “forever,” as Netanyahu promised today in his own
desperate[clever] announcement of his intentions [to steal votes away from Chabad’s Troika (Lieberman, Bennett, and Shaked) so he can form a government without their interference]. In that speech, Netanyahu pleaded with Israeli voters to vote for him not Benny Gantz, because Netanyahu would be able to “recruit” Donald Trump in this plan in the weeks to come, in conjunction with Trump’s deal of the century, yet to be announced.No one else can deal with Trump as I can, Netanyahu said. No one else can “recruit” Trump [because only I, Netanyahu, am Trump’s fellow moshiach].
Netanyahu’s Hail Mary should be seen for what it looks like:
a sincere moment of Flop Sweat.[the moment he and Trump made their move to neutralize Chabad’s influence in the next Israeli government]. Now he really needs Donald Trump to come through. We have a historic opportunity here, Netanyahu said, to go forward on annexation. i.e., to [pretend to] kill the idea of a Palestinian state, “forever” [so Putin, the Moshiach ben David, can heroically resurrect it and finally bring peace to both the Israelis and Palestinians.]Does that opportunity really exist? Trump knows that Netanyahu’s future rides on his next gesture. The rightwing annexationist program rides on Trump’s signals in the next few days [which will be fully supportive of his fellow moshiach].
Sheldon Adelson’s[Chabad’s] differences with Netanyahu,Sheldon Adelson’s[Chabad’s] own agenda, of ending the idea of a Palestinian state, and establishing Jewish sovereignty throughout the ancient biblical land of Israel, is on the line here.If Gantz and Yair Lapid and Blue/White get into the prime minister’s office, they are not likely to proceed with annexation. Blue/White need to satisfy their center-left base, much of which still believes in a Palestinian state. Netanyahu has been running away from any idea of a Palestinian state (Just yesterday Likud leaped to object when [Chabad’s] Naftali Bennett said that some in Likud support a Palestinian state).
All eyes are on Trump. After doing anything for Adelson’s $170 million over the last three years, after being Sheldon Adelson’s “perfect little puppet” as Trump warned us Marco Rubio would be — Trump is finally free [to stop playing along with Chabad and start destroying their plans]. For a few weeks anyway, the hammer is in his hand. All those Adelson millions are ancient history, and 2020 might as well be the next century.
Who is king [of Israel] now? Adelson is the humble petitioner.
All Netanyahu’s marbles are on the line, his freedom too. And Donald Trump has warmed to the haggling by cutting off Adelson’s proxy: John Bolton.
The deal is likely to be just what was predicted last month. Netanyahu will win on West Bank annexation [because he and Trump must prepare the chessboard for the Moshiach ben David’s checkmate of the evil ones’ plans]. Donald Trump will do his part, signing off on apartheid forever, telling Palestinians they are subhuman. Telling Israelis that he and Netanyahu are peers. Netanyahu’s only hope to hold on to the premiereship.
Trump will deliver for Netanyahu, but he will [pretend to] extract a price. He will gain autonomy to deal with Iran; Netanyahu will [pretend to] lose on Iran [because he was giving war against Iran only lip service and limited action in order to play along with the evil ones until the Moshiach ben David could spring his trap].
Point 4
The globalists’ current promotion of Jared Kushner as the fake moshiach that Chabad is trying to install means that Kushner has now taken over the role of the “decoy Antichrist” formerly held by Obama. And just as they did with Obama when they gave him the Nobel Peace Prize, they have positioned Kushner as a “man of peace” by giving him the lead in creating Trump’s Middle East peace plan. It is a widespread expectation among propagandized Christians that “the Antichrist will enter the world stage masquerading as a ‘man of peace’ who temporarily brings an end to war.”
Here is an article heading from one of the globalists’ key prophecy propaganda sites, Tom Horn’s SkyWatch TV, which hints at Kushner being the Antichrist…
…Within prophecy propaganda circles, the Bible verse above Kushner’s head is widely associated with the Antichrist. And note that Kushner’s image is placed between the Palestinian and Israeli flags, showing him in his “peacemaker” role. Also note the book and its reference to the Third Temple, where the Antichrist will one day “stand in the Holy Place.”
That being said, here is the current plan for the prophecy fulfillment show…
The globalists will make it appear that Kushner is the Antichrist playing the peacemaker so he can rebuild the Third Temple and sit upon its throne. But Putin will defeat Kushner, bring “real peace,” and head a “just” New World Order under the “reformed” UN. And at some point, either at the beginning or the midpoint of his 7-year reign, Putin will claim to be Christ and sit on the throne of rebuilt Third Temple. Three and a half years after that, the (globalist-selected) real Christ will come to remove Putin from his chair.
So when I say that Mr. 666 Park Avenue, Kushner, is the “decoy Antichrist,” I mean that he is the evil-looking guy who will pretend to be the Antichrist so the “real Antichrist,” Putin, can take him down and pretend to be Jesus. When Putin does so, almost the entire controlled alt-media will proclaim him as our savior, with one notable exception: the “Christian Watchmen” (Tom Horn, Steve Quayle, et al). Their job is to notice that Putin’s peace deal divides Jerusalem — “something only the Antichrist would do” — so they will be the ones who sound the alarm over “The Great Deception” and identify Putin as the “real Antichrist.”
On a somewhat related note, during a recent infoscan of major New Age propaganda sites, I came across a February article titled They’re Putting the Chemtrails on Super Steroids. I don’t know if they’re just blowing smoke with the article, but increased chemtrail activity is something that would likely precede a big UFO show. It would increase the density of particles in the atmosphere that can serve as a “projection screen” for volumetric projections (a type of 3D holography that will be used for projecting massive UFOs in the sky using lasers). So do keep an eye on chemtrail activity.
You can read more about the UFO show in The UFO/ET Con (a page I recommend all readers save and read).
(13 September 2019) – It’s Friday the 13th, and Netanyahu has set the stage for the false-flag attack that will start the battle that destroys Al-Aqsa. There is even a possibility that the false-flag could be the “assassination” of Netanyahu himself. Allow me to explain why…
I came across an interesting bit of news on Zero Hedge this morning…
…Here is an excerpt…
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears ready to risk launching a major Middle East war rather than see his chances of re-election to a record fifth term dwindle.
Desperately trying to shore up more votes ahead of Tuesday’s election by trying to “out-hawk” his opponents in the center-right Blue and White Party, he said Thursday Israel will probably launch a full-scale war on Gaza “before the elections”.
In his comments, which came just after returning from Sochi, Russia where he met with President Vladimir Putin, Netanyahu asserted, “An operation in Gaza could happen at any moment, including four days before the elections.” He immediately followed with the dubious assertion, “The date of the elections does not factor [into a decision to go to war].”
Take note that Netanyahu, the Moshiach ben Yosef, said this “just after returning from Sochi, Russia where he met with President Vladimir Putin,” the Moshiach ben David. If the globalists pull the trigger this month, the NWO historians will say that this meeting between the two “was a final strategy session before carrying out the final steps of their plan to save the world” (from the Chabadniks and the radical Zionists).
Within the context of the phony battle between Netanyahu and Chabad, this is what the globalist scripting has now set up: by saying that he might start the Gaza War before the election, Netanyahu has opened the door for Chabad/Mossad to force him to follow through on his words by conducting the war-starting false-flag attack. And amongst the many forms the attack could take, there is one form Chabad/Mossad could choose that would kill two birds with one stone: the death of Netanyahu (supposedly) at the hands of the Palestinians…
…(from Google) Such an attack would give them the war they want AND get Netanyahu out of their way once and for all.
But as I’ve explained over the past few days (and long before that), the battle between Netanyahu and Chabad is mere theater being staged for damage control. In reality, the globalists and their Chabad front have been preparing Netanyahu to take the Moshiach ben Yosef role for at least a year. And here is their official script for that character (straight from…
The prophet Ezekiel (chapters 38-39) describes a climactic battle that will be instigated by Gog and/of Magog, and will be waged against Israel and G d. The defeat of Gog and Magog will precipitate the Messianic Redemption…
According to tradition, the central personality in this war is Moshiach ben Yosef – Moshiach of the tribe of Joseph. Jewish tradition speaks of two redeemers, each one called Moshiach. Both are involved in ushering in the Messianic Era. They are Moshiach ben David and Moshiach ben Yosef. (The unqualified term “Moshiach,” however, belongs exclusively to Moshiach ben David, the ultimate redeemer.)
Moshiach ben Yosef will be killed in the war against Gog and Magog. Again, it is unclear whether the death will be in physical battle, or as a result of the spiritual battles which he will wage against the forces of evil. Either way, the prophet Zechariah (12:10) describes the national mourning that will follow his death.
Apparently, though, the death of Moshiach ben Yosef is not inevitable. The master-kabbalist Rabbi Isaac Luria, known as the Arizal, said that when saying in the Amidah the words, “speedily establish the throne of Your servant David,” one should beseech G d that Moshiach ben Yosef should not die in the course of his struggles.
As you can see, Netanyahu’s assassination either before or during the “climactic battle” would fit the script perfectly. Having said all this, though, I am not saying that his assassination is the definite form the false-flag will take. Even Chabad’s own script leaves the door open for Netanyahu to survive. I’m just covering a particularly shocking contingency — one that could happen as soon as today.
So when will the false-flag attack happen? Today on Friday the 13th? This weekend? Before the election? On the night of a Netanyahu victory? After a Netanyahu victory and the unveiling of Trump’s peace plan a few days later? We’ll just have to wait and see.
(14 September 2019) – Here is a prime example of Putin playing the “good cop” to Netanyahu’s “bad cop”…
…from Zero Hedge
Note the body language in the included photo from the Arab newspaper…
…Putin is leaning back in his chair, with “manspread” legs and steepled power arms, while Netanyahu is plaintively leaning forward with his arms down. Both the story and the photo are meant to show the Arabs Putin’s power over the seemingly unrestrainable Zionists. And Putin’s purported ban on Israeli airstrikes over two Arab states establishes Putin as a “hero of the Arab cause” and gives Netanyahu an excuse to call off the dogs.
And was this meant to be the war-starting false-flag attack?…
…from Zero Hedge
It is reminiscent of the false-flag against the tankers in UAE waters that was meant to allow the UAE to get the shooting started. But Saudi Arabia is led by an NWO leader, MBS, so I wouldn’t expect him to bite. Let’s see how it plays out.
(13 September 2019) – Another globalist contingency I’ve been tracking in recent years is the destruction of the current UN Complex in New York by a massive explosion, likely nuclear. And it now appears that there will be a very tempting target there in a couple of weeks…
After the eclipse of Bolton, the White House’s tone towards Iran seems to be changing. No longer does Trump talk about “regime change” in Tehran, and repeats the fact that he is open to a possible meeting between Trump and Iranian president Hassan Rohani at the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, which holds its yearly meeting in New York from 17-30 September. – from rfi
By setting up this meeting, the globalists have the option to script Chabad/Mossad taking down both Trump and Rouhani at the same time. And if Netanyahu shows up there too, it will be an even better target. All the more so if Putin also comes. It would kick off the “Great Tribulation.” I’ll cover it in full detail over the next few days.
~ MORE ~
If the UN gets blown up by a nuke this month, it would most likely be initially blamed on Qasem Soleimani and a bomb built with the help of North Korea. The Atlantic Council (among others) are portraying a rift between Soleimani and Rouhani…
…They have said that Soleimani’s political faction seeks “to undermine the Rouhani government and prevent a return to negotiations with the US,” so killing Rouhani as he attempts to restart negotiations with Trump at the UN would supposedly be right up his alley.
Looking at such an attack through the lens the “Chabad/Mossad versus the Moshiachs” subplot, Chabad/Mossad could kill multiple birds with one nuclear stone…
- They could eliminate Trump, the “Moshiach ben Cyrus.”
- They could eliminate Netanyahu, the Moshiach ben Yosef, who’ll almost certainly show up.
- They could eliminate Putin, the Moshiach ben David, if he shows up too.
- They could eliminate Rouhani, making the Iranians hot for the “End Times War.”
- They could eliminate the UN, who have been ganging up on Israel.
- They could eliminate Erdogan, a foe of Israel and the (globalist-selected) Dajjal who is pretending to be the Mahdi.
- They could eliminate Soleimani, the (globalist-selected) Imam Mahdi, by blaming and then assassinating him.
- And they could eliminate North Korea, who have been supplying nuclear help to Israel’s enemies…
…from Tablet
So which option will the globalists choose this month, “The Triumph of the Moshiachs” (through mass arrests) or “The Dawn of the Great Tribulation”? My advice to them is “punt, bi*ches, your sh*t is blown.”
(15 September 2019) – Well, well, well… if it isn’t a preparatory propaganda piece for the potential nuclear strike on the UN General Assembly this month…
…from Thomson Reuters Foundation News
The piece helps establish the backstory outlining “Qasem Soleimani’s motivation to kill Rouhani and Trump.” According to the globalist script, the US and Israeli “Deep States” will use this backstory to blame Iran for the UN attack (which the Deep States themselves will carry out).
~ MORE ~
Just brainstorming: If serious combat kicks off somewhere in the Middle East before the end of the UN General Assembly, there are two ways the globalists can script a pause in the fighting: 1) by playing the UFO card (using either Putin’s “ETs” or Trump’s “Secret Space Force”) or 2) by having Putin call all parties and arrange a ceasefire to talk things over at the UN. Since Putin is closely allied with Soleimani and Khamenei, Iran and all its proxies would respect his call. So would Netanyahu, Trump, and Mohammad bin Salman. Either of the two approaches would gather all the leaders together in New York for either a mass assassination or a coordinated takedown of their respective “Deep States.”
(10 September 2019) – Before we have a look at what’s currently going on in Northern Syria, I think it prudent to pull forward some previous writings to give context to what I’ll show you. So here are some things I posted earlier this year (from The 2019 Archive)…
(from 21 March 2019) – …a Zero Hedge article titled CIA Is Conspiring With ISIS, Turning Syrian Refugee Camps Into ISIS Hotbeds … contained a passage that caught my eye…
>>> An interesting observation is that the media of the country [Turkey], which in the previous years of war, used to conspire with ISIS allowing its foreign recruits to enter Syria and buying smuggled oil from the terrorists, has now become one of the most active exposers of the alleged US ties with ISIS elements. <<<
This change in Turkey’s portrayal of ISIS happened after Erdogan did his big U-turn towards Russia, and I’ve previously noted that the change in policy meant that Erdogan will be scripted as either being cornered and defeated by Putin and Soleimani or being switched to a different character in the End Times drama. So seeing the passage in the Zero Hedge article got me looking around for more narrative support propaganda. This is what I found…
…from Ahval. Here is an excerpt…
>>> Turkish politics demonstrates the immense influence of Eurasianist deep-state elements which control the Turkish military while temporarily tolerating and supporting President Recep Tayyip Erdogan…
These deep-state elements are using the power of Erdogan to convince Islamist-conservative grassroots groups in Turkish politics of the necessity of the current political course…
…Erdogan and his inner circle had to “abandon the successful negotiation process with Kurdish separatists for a political solution to the problem and give up their pro-Western foreign policy orientation, including its democratisation side effects,”…
This lead to a criminalising of all former allies of Erdogan, including liberals, Kurds and Gulenists.
“The anti-Western faction in the Turkish military maximized its power and dismissed large numbers of military personnel of all ranks – almost 50 percent of all generals and admirals of Turkish forces and about 18,000 high, middle and low-ranking officers – after the 2016 coup attempt. Currently, the reactivated deep-state military personnel are in key positions in the Turkish armed forces,”…
Erdogan and his inner circle do not reflect the real power constellation in Turkey.
In looking for answers to questions such as “can Erdogan alone control the powerful Turkish military? Why did Erdogan terminate the “Solution Process” with the Kurds? It was his greatest project and the biggest risk of his entire political career. Why did he change course in Syria and in Turkey’s general foreign policy orientation? Why did he decide to develop a strategic partnership with Russia? Why did he purge so many soldiers in the Turkish military and bureaucracy?’’ one is forced to consider Erdogan’s new deep-state partners… <<<
So as you can see, the Ahval article suggests that Erdogan was politically outmaneuvered and is essentially a captive president to the now pro-Russian Turkish military. In other words, the article hints at how the “Dajjal” (Erdogan) was defeated by the “Moshiach” (Putin) and “Mahdi” (Soleimani). The NWO narrative of how it all went down will probably sound something like this…
As the defeat of Damascus grew close, the Mahdi reached out to the Moshiach to intervene with the power of the air. The Moshiach did this. And while he was stopping and reversing the Satanist victory in Syria, he was also reaching out to friendly elements in the Turkish military in order to topple the Dajjal’s kingdom from within.
On June 27, 2016, the Dajjal was defeated by a secret military coup, choosing to surrender and cooperate rather than be toppled. The Turkish military then simulated a public coup 20 days later, after which the Dajjal followed the orders he was given to arrest the Satanic West-leaning elements of the Turkish government and military, thus helping facilitate the victory of the Moshiach and Mahdi.
This, then, is the globalist story of how the “Dajjal” was peacefully defeated. But there is another variation of the story that would narrate Erdogan as the “Mahdi.” I’ll write about it later.
(from 1 April 2019) – Erdogan’s party suffered losses in Turkey’s biggest cities, pointing to a weakening political position that may become untenable when/if the Turkish economy crashes. It’s also notable that Binali Yildirim, who had some prophecy scripting support as a possible replacement for Erdogan in either the Dajjal or Mahdi role, resigned his national political position in February to focus on his failed bid to become the mayor of Istanbul. This increases the likelihood that Erdogan will be scripted as the “defeated Dajjal.”
According to the globalist scripting introduced by a recent Ahval article, the “Eurasianist” (pro-Putin) Turkish military has seized control of Turkey and is using Erdogan for their own purposes…
“These [Eurasianist] deep-state elements are using the power of Erdogan to convince Islamist-conservative grassroots groups in Turkish politics of the necessity of the current political course [away from Western integration and towards Eurasian integration]…”
So if Erdogan’s position becomes untenable and he is no longer of use to them, they’ll assassinate him or order him to resign. This will lead to a new Turkish presidential election 45 days later, and these are the two possible outcomes of that:
- The candidate of Erdogan’s party (the AKP) will win and the military will use him as a puppet to control the Islamists just like they did with Erdogan.
- An opposition candidate will win, thus signaling the downfall of Islamist extremism in Turkey.
The control and defeat of the “radical Islamists” without a huge Muslim-Christian war is key to the globalists’ “Peace Path” to the New World Order. Under the “War Path,” though, Erdogan will stay in power to provide Islamist support to the Eurasianist military in making war against the West.
(from 3 April 2019) – Back on 21 March, I wrote about Erdogan being set up to play the defeated “Dajjal” in the globalists’ prophecy fulfillment stage play. But I also wrote…
“…there is another variation of the story that would narrate Erdogan as the ‘Mahdi’; I’ll write about it later.”
Now that it’s later, I thought I’d cover the subject quickly so it doesn’t come as a surprise if they attempt it.
In order to explain-away Trump and Putin’s connections to organized crime, the NWO propagandists are going to say that the two had to play along with the corrupted powers-that-be in order to get into a strong enough position to start counteracting them. And in Erdogan’s case, they can do the same. They can say that he played along with the Western Satanist leaders and their ISIS plans until he got into a strong enough position to join forces with the Eurasianists in the Turkish military and purge Western influences from his country.
So if the globalists go with this rescripting of Erdogan, they will point to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as the “Dajjal” and to Erdogan as the “Mahdi.” They’ll say…
“al-Baghdaid was a Satanic figure who attempted to build a demonic Caliphate and present himself as the Mahdi, but his forces were defeated in Dabiq by the forces of Erdogan, the True Mahdi.”
But if they stick with the original 2016 scripting for Erdogan, they will point to al-Baghdadi as the “decoy Dajjal,” to Erdogan as the “real Dajjal,” and to Soleimani as the “real Mahdi.” They’ll say…
“Erdogan recruited al-Baghdadi to play the role of the decoy Dajjal so he could defeat him at Dabiq and present himself as the Mahdi. But the True Mahdi (Soleimani) teamed up with Isa (Putin) to defeat his plans.”
Let’s see which way they go with it.
Now that you have this bit of background info, I’ll be adding the new material over the next 24-48 hours. If you need further background information to understand what I mean with terms like “Mahdi” and “Dajjal,” read Ken’s Collected Writings on the Globalist Prophecy Fulfillment Deception.
After we’ve had our look at Northern Syria, I’ll start covering the upcoming Israeli election. Till then, keep your eye on Avigdor Lieberman, Naftali Bennett, and Ayelet Shaked. According to the globalist script, those three Chabad-connected political leaders are being positioned to play kingmaker after the vote, and they will crown the leader who promises the “End Times” War Chabad is seeking. Related propaganda suggests that if they can’t get the assurances they want, they may end up choosing no one, and that would lead to another failure to form a government and another election (this would be a globalist delaying tactic).
Also, we are entering the dangerous part of this month tomorrow (the September 11 – 23 time window for mischief). So far, September looks and feels like a bust, but we mustn’t count our chickens before they hatch.
(12 September 2019) – Until I can get back to finishing The Endgame for Erdogan and ISIS, keep an eye out for the potentially imminent removal of Erdogan by “assassination” or military coup. This event will likely accompany Putin and Soleimani’s final assault on the Al Qaeda forces in Idlib. Also look for the caretaker Turkish government to reveal Erdogan’s hand in both supporting ISIS/Al Qaeda and conducting the terror attacks in Turkey that were attributed to the Kurds. This will give them room to cut a deal with Putin, Assad, Rouhani, Trump, and the Kurds to guarantee the security of Turkey’s border and the repatriation of Syrian refugees in return for the withdrawal of Turkish forces from Syria.
Here are all the recent updates relating to what is/was planned for September and its run-up. They are in chronological order (except for the latest update which is placed above)…
(1 August 2019) – Sometime over the next few days, I’ll post a preview for what is shaping up to be a dramatic September. The topics covered will include:
- the setup for the EU migrant invasion and the War with Turkey,
- the setup for the Hong Kong & Taiwan invasions and the War with China, and
- the globalists’ fallback plans for 2020, including the possible election of a “dark horse” presidential candidate (Democrat Michelle Obama or Independent Tulsi Gabbard).
~ MORE ~
Just in case the Chinese act sooner than I can write my preview, here is the China-US provocation spiral that is scripted to take down the global financial system in September…
- China invades Hong Kong “to restore order.”
- With a military response out of the question, Trump responds with “shock and awe” tariffs and financial sanctions intended to make the Chinese back off.
- The Chinese defiantly continue the Hong Kong operation and double-down by mobilizing invasion forces across from Taiwan. Meanwhile, their economy and banking system start a hard crash.
- To divert public anger away from the crashing economy and the Communist Party, Xi whips up a patriotic frenzy and launches a Taiwan invasion.
- Treaty-bound to defend Taiwan, Trump intervenes with either conventional military forces or the Secret Space Program, depending on the scripting.
- At some point during Steps 2-5, the global financial system collapses.
~ MORE – 4 August 2019 ~
So this weekend’s two mass shootings come after Friday’s news that a majority of House Democrats are now calling for an official impeachment inquiry and Republican and Independent support for impeachment has surged. And some in Congress are now calling for August’s recess to be cancelled to address gun control. Reconvening Congress this month will open the door for impeachment to get off the ground and climax in September. Convenient timing for a double massacre, isn’t it?
On another front, we need to keep an eye out for the threatened American naval blockade of Venezuela. The globalist script will have China seize the opportunity to begin a blockade of Taiwan in response. I’ll write more on this later.
~ MORE – 6 August 2019 ~
It is notable that in this year’s preparatory propaganda for a Taiwan invasion, an air blockade (no-fly zone) component has been mentioned…
In an interview with Stars and Stripes on Jan. 28, [retired Japanese Air Self-Defense Force Lt. Gen. Kunio Orita] said that China will first declare a no-fly zone around Taiwan and threaten to shoot down any aircraft that approaches the island country. He said that the PLA would then pick a fight with Taiwan’s navy and air force, both over land and in the Taiwan Strait.
After subduing Taiwan’s substantially smaller navy and air force, Orita says China would then set up a naval blockade around Taiwan proper. He says that the blockade would remain in force until Taiwan’s leader’s capitulate and agree to install a puppet government that follows Beijing’s marching orders. – from Taiwan News
The air blockade component is notable because a US naval blockade of Venezuela will likely include an aerial blockade as well. They will say it is necessary in order to…
Of course, to enforce a no-fly zone over Venezuela would require an aircraft carrier off its coast, which is where the USS Truman comes in…
…from the Navy Times. Here is an excerpt…
The COMPTUEX will be an “intensive, month-long exercise designed to fully integrate units,” said Truman Carrier Strike Group spokesman Lt. Cmdr. Jason S. Fisher, in a prepared statement released as the flattop left port.
“Ships, squadrons and staffs will be tested across every core warfare area within their mission sets through a variety of simulated and live events, including air warfare, strait transits, and responses to surface and subsurface contacts and electronic attacks,” he added.
As with previous COMPTUEX drills, Fisher said that the strike group will face training scenarios designed to “further build competencies to face whatever a carrier strike group could see on its next deployment.”
So the month-long drill started about a month ago off the US east coast. This means the Truman could soon be on its way to Venezuela (if it isn’t already en route). In light of this, let’s look at something Trump said about the possible blockade of Venezuela…
On Thursday, when asked by a reporter whether he was considering such a measure given involvement by China and Iran in Venezuela, Trump said: “Yes, I am.” He gave no details.
On Friday, a senior U.S. official said Trump’s word on the issue should be taken “very seriously” but that the administration did not want to give away “the element of surprise.” – from Reuters
The “element of surprise” the Reuters article mentions is a sudden air, land and sea blockade that completely seals off Venezuela, with neighboring Colombia, Brazil and Guyana providing the land blockade component. The rationale behind the action will be that Maduro’s government will collapse if isolated from the aid he receives from Cuba, Iran, China and Russia. And this is where last month’s $2.2 billion arms deal with Taiwan comes in. China will use the same rationale America uses for Venezuela in launching their blockade of Taiwan: “We must stop America’s arming and support of hostile governments in our sphere of influence.”
Another element to consider is that Russia and China will almost certainly test the blockade with aircraft and ships. Should the US Navy fire on them, it could be used as the pretext for the “Communist Red Dawn” attacks on the US.
Speaking of aerial blockades, it should also be noted that Venezuela (through allies like Hezbollah) supposedly has the ability to create a de facto no-fly zone over the United States (for commercial aircraft at least)…
Although a lack of transparency makes precise accounting nearly impossible, in recent years Venezuela’s government has purchased Russia’s state-of-the-art S-300 anti-aircraft missiles; imported hundreds of thousands of Kalashnikov rifles and ammunition; and acquired 5,000 Igla-S MANPADS (man-portable air defense systems)…
The security of these weapons is increasingly in doubt. With Maduro’s control still unsteady, it is easy to see a future in which corrupt narcogenerals seek to sell off significant portions of their armories for a quick profit before fleeing a collapsing government… The Venezuelan military is highly corrupt, has long-standing ties to regional guerrilla and criminal groups that prop up Maduro, and already plays an active role in trafficking drugs and weapons through Venezuelan territory…
…the proliferation of MANPADS poses a considerable threat to civil aviation (and even military aircraft and unmanned drones). In addition to being portable, concealable, and easily pilfered, they are difficult to detect. From a position atop a building, an Igla-S MANPADS, the particular model Venezuela’s military possesses, could take down a civilian airliner flying below 20,000 feet and up to four miles away. – from Foreign Policy
So if the US declares a no-fly zone over Venezuela, we could see civilian airliners shot down here in the US, thus leading to a full ground stop of commercial aviation. The narrative will say that the MANPADS were smuggled into the US for Hezbollah by a Sinaloa Cartel eager to exact their vengeance for El Chapo’s life imprisonment last month.
Also, let’s not forget the suggestion in the press that Russian nuclear missiles may already be stationed in Venezuela. The establishment of the mere possibility of this opens the door for a “Deep State” false-flag nuclear attack on the US, which could be scripted to take Trump off the board and/or begin a domestic lockdown.
Switching back to the impeachment push for a bit, we need to watch for an Article 25 play against Trump citing “his disastrous and erratic decisions,” such as the launching of the new China tariffs that has set in motion the unfolding crises. I’ll write more on this soon.
~ MORE – 7 August 2019 ~
Let’s have a look at some CNN preparatory propaganda from last year (an excerpt is below the graphic)…
The 25th Amendment is back in the news so this bears repeating. Again. The type of event in which you could imagine President Donald Trump’s Cabinet and his vice president engaging in a political mutiny against him and removing him from power using the 25th Amendment would require something like a presidential coma or a disagreement of such epic proportions as to threaten the fabric of the country or its very existence…
In order to remove Trump using the 25th Amendment, a majority of the Cabinet he personally selected, working with his own vice president, would have to agree he was no longer able to be President and publicly make that declaration, in writing, and send it up to Congress. That’s the first thing…
The Cabinet’s Brutus knife in his back is not all it would take! Trump would then have the ability to publicly disagree, in writing. Wouldn’t that be something. And if his Cabinet reasserted, within four days, “their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office,” Congress would have to assemble within two days and two-thirds of both the House and Senate would have to vote to remove the President within 21 days… Republican lawmakers would have to turn on their own President.
With all the escalating crises that could come to a head by the end of this month, it would be easy to script Congress blaming Trump and his “erratic and irrational decision making” for “bringing America to the brink of civil war, World War 3 and economic collapse.” The prevailing situation would constitute — as the CNN article puts it — a “political apocalypse… of such epic proportions as to threaten the fabric of the country [and] its very existence.”
It’s no wonder, then, that we’re seeing news like this…
…from CNBC
If the domestic and world situation seemingly starts to fall apart by the end of August, the 25th Amendment coup could be launched and completed within a month (by the end of September), just in time for Jewish New Year.
In case we’re able to back them off, though, I thought I’d better go ahead and give you a preview of their strategy for putting Tulsi Gabbard into the presidency next year…
- They’re promoting the Anti-Establishment antics of presidential candidate John McAfee in the controlled alt-media in order to divert “alt-right” support away from Trump.
- They’re having Trump go against his mainstream and “alt-right” base by agreeing to new gun control measures.
- They’re having the mainstream media and the Democratic Party Establishment sabotage Gabbard so she can leave the Party and run as an Independent.
- They’ll put up a weak, vulnerable Democratic nominee who will appeal only to the Leftists.
- All this will leave Tulsi Gabbard as the only acceptable candidate for the Democratic, Republican and Independent mainstream voters, and she’ll win a plurality or majority of the vote in enough states to take the presidency.
I’ll write about it in more detail later.
ALERT – The Tisha B’Av Gaza Invasion
(8 August 2019) – A reader has pointed out that 8/11 is also Tisha B’Av this year. Tisha B’Av is considered the “saddest day in the Jewish calendar” and commemorates various catastrophes in Jewish history. So the fact that it falls on the 11th of this risky month means that there’s an enhanced probability of a big, negative event this Saturday/Sunday. It will most likely be something that the globalist narrative will trace back to the radical Zionists — something that will help start an international backlash (and eventual military attack) against Israel.
I’ll start pondering all the event possibilities over the next 48 hours, but one stands out right away: an invasion of Gaza…
…from Google News
Netanyahu faces an election next month, and the globalist scriptwriters have made arrangements to ensure that he will need the support of a Chabad-connected Israeli politician, Naftali Bennett, to form a governing coalition…
…from The Jerusalem Post
According to the most recent version of the globalist script, Netanyahu has been restraining the “evil Chabadniks” from starting their End-Times War…
…from Mondoweiss
But the necessity of earning Bennett’s support paired with a Palestinian provocation could mean that Netanyahu might be “forced to do a Gaza invasion — thinking that if he manages it carefully, he can keep it from spinning out of control.” Of course, the script will ensure that it does spin out of control.
If they intend to do this Gaza invasion for Tisha B’Av, look for a Palestinian provocation (or a Mossad false-flag to that effect) over the next 72 hours. It should also be noted that Tisha B’Av coincides with the Muslim Eid al-Adha (“Festival of the Sacrifice”) this year, so there could be something about this co-occurrence that makes its way into the provocation/invasion narrative — something like “Palestinian fathers sacrificing their sons to attack Israel because they couldn’t afford sheep.” Eid al-Adha “honours the willingness of Ibrahim (Abraham) to sacrifice his son as an act of obedience to God’s command. But, before Abraham could sacrifice his son, God provided a lamb to sacrifice instead. In commemoration of this intervention, an animal is sacrificed…“ (if an animal is available, that is).
(9 August 2019) – The war-starting provocation/false-flag may already be in motion. The Israelis are mirroring the events that led to the 2014 Gaza War…
…from The Washington Post (top) and The Times of Israel (bottom)
I actually read about the stabbing yesterday, but I didn’t realize its significance until I ran across the WaPo article this morning. As for the victim of the stabbing, the LA Times is reporting this…
The body of the soldier was found in the same region as the kidnapping and killing of three Israeli teenagers by Palestinian militants in the summer of 2014, an incident that helped precipitate a war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.
What a coincidence, eh? I hope I caught this one in time.
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Should the globalists decide to follow through despite being exposed, the next shoe to drop will be the killing of one or more Palestinian teens at the hands of Israeli civilians or the IDF. Hamas will then loose rockets from the Gaza Strip and the IDF will invade.
It’s also worth noting that the Israeli stabbing victim was 18 years-old, and the name of the HBO docudrama about the previous Gaza Strip lead-up is “Our Boys.” So the theme of fathers and sons — the tie-in to Eid al-Adha — is already part of the narrative.
Beyond the stabbing, there is a potential conflict brewing on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem…
…from The Times of Israel
The globalists intend to raze Al-Aqsa Mosque to make way for the Third Temple. Should they opt to move quickly on this, a Palestinian/Jew confrontation on the Temple Mount during Eid al-Adha/Tisha B’Av could set in motion the chain of events that leads to Al-Aqsa’s imminent destruction.
While we’re on the subject of the Third Temple, it should be noted that the prophecy propagandists are claiming the “Sandhedin is currently working to create an Organization of 70 Nations based in Jerusalem to replace the United Nations.” So they may have changed their approach on how they’ll start the NWO.
(10 August 2019) – The globalist scriptwriters are definitely having the Israelis provoke both the Palestinians and Iranians into committing violence so Israel’s war plans can be triggered. And I’ve seen indications that the Shin Bet are being set up to take the fall for something. Whether it’s the stabbing or the actions that follow it, I don’t know yet. They may be doing this setup so Netanyahu can publicly uncover the plot and stop it. More details on this later…
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As expected, the IDF have killed 4 “angry youths” in Gaza…
…from DW
Will this be enough to unleash Hamas rockets this weekend, or will it require more killings and an incursion into Al Aqsa by Israeli settlers?
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It looks like we’ll have to wait till Sunday morning (Jerusalem time) to find out if the Holy War is starting this weekend…
…from The Jerusalem Post. Here is an excerpt…
Jerusalem police will decide on whether to allow Jews to ascend to the Temple Mount on Tisha Be’av Sunday after assessing the security situation in the morning…
The Temple Mount is usually closed to non-Muslim visitors during Muslim holidays, and according to Israeli media sources, it is also scheduled to be closed on Sunday.
However, some Jewish organizations have been appealing to the Israeli authorities to allow Jewish visitors on the site during Tisha Be’ Av. One of them, the Students for the Temple Mount, sent a letter to Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan.
Earlier this year, when the Israeli police decided that Jews would be allowed to enter the Temple Mount for Jerusalem Day, in spite of the holiday falling in the last days of Ramadan, violent riots broke out.
It’s important to note that the Temple Mount-invading Jewish group named in the article is one of those focused on building the Third Temple…
…from Breaking Israel News
That being said, it’s not hard to imagine their scripted purpose in barging onto the Temple Mount tomorrow: they want to pick a fight. And they want that fight to escalate into a conflagration that will bring the destruction of Al Aqsa, the building of the Third Temple, and the arrival of the Moshiach. So if the “police” opt to let them in, we will likely see a shocking confrontation erupt — one that will bring deaths and/or acts of desecration against Al Aqsa Mosque.
So how will tomorrow’s Tisha B’Av turn into another historic Jewish tragedy (by triggering a later multinational invasion of Israel)?…
- Will Jews on the Temple Mount in the morning lead to Hamas rockets midday and an Israeli Gaza invasion by evening?
- Will Temple Mount riots somehow lead to the destruction of Al Aqsa Mosque tomorrow?
- Or will the Jewish Temple Mount invasion and its outrages be the start of a chain of events that climaxes next month?
Let’s hope the answer is “none of the above” because the “police” say no in the morning.
(Note to readers – 10 August 2019) – Yes, I’m aware of Jeffrey Epstein’s death, but that isn’t the thing to watch this weekend. I’ll cover it once the Gaza invasion opportunity has passed uneventfully.
Also, if the Israelis allow Third Temple-obsessed Jews on the Temple Mount on Sunday, be on the lookout for a possible bomb explosion there. The Shin Bet may try to claim that it was smuggled in by “Gaza-directed terror cells,” but it will eventually be attributed to the Shin Bet themselves. If they go ahead and pull the trigger tomorrow, I’ll do an in-depth article on why I say this. Till then, you can get an idea by having a look at this article and the following excerpt from this article (both are from Haaretz)…
A few hours after the report on the scandal in Isawiyah, a joint press release was issued by the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet security service about the discovery of other weapons – this time, it is to be hoped, more authentically. Hamas members from the Gaza Strip instructed terror cells of the organization in Hebron to trigger an explosive device in Jerusalem. Two members of the cell were arrested with a three-kilo operational explosive device in their possession. The investigation also found what was described as a terror lab with additional materials for preparing devices. This is the kind of story that flies right past the ear of the average Israeli media consumer, especially at a time when there is so much political twisting and turning, but under different circumstances it might have completely changed the way this summer plays out and made a far greater impression than even yesterday’s murder in Gush Etzion.
(11 August 2019) – At the start of Sunday morning on the Temple Mount, the police barred the Jews from entering and Netanyahu was blamed for it. But hours later, to appease the right-wingers, they did allow the Jews in, although “it should be noted that the visits today consisted of entering the holy compound and immediately being ushered by police officers towards another gate to exit it.”
A bit of violence erupted in the morning and there were some standard condemnations of the Israelis by Muslim leaders, but nothing too serious happened, and it looks like this Tisha B’Av will pass relatively uneventfully. Sweet. In about 5 or 6 hours (when the 11th ends in Israel), I’ll move the alert down the page.
Now we return our attention to Hong Kong and Turkey.
By the way, another indication that they had big plans for today was this little bit of prophetic BS they circulated in the week before Tisha B’Av…
…from RT
In another bit of “coincidental timing,” the premiere of the HBO docudrama about the 2014 Gaza invasion, “Our Boys,” was/is scheduled for tomorrow…
…from HBO
It was also quite notable that the Shin Bet found and arrested the stabbing suspects right as we entered the weekend. That was rather quick (and convenient for the plot). It’s almost like they already knew where the suspects were;-)
As you can see, they had quite an extensive setup for today. Too fu*king bad. I’ll keep an eye out just in case they try to take the broken pieces of this op and make something out of it later.
(12 August 2019) – While I was focused on the prospect of a Tisha B’Av invasion of Gaza, Jeffrey Epstein “died” and Turkey reached a deal with the US that de-escalated the situation in northeast Syria. This signals the globalists pushing the delay button on their plans for those operations — possibly for just a month and possibly for much longer.
After they press the resume button, we can look forward to a release of the jailhouse video of what really happened to Epstein and some occurrence that provides Erdogan with the excuse to unleash on the Kurds.
Meanwhile, it looks like Hong Kong will pop soon (between 8/13 and 8/22 would be my guesstimate). Should they press the delay button on that, the demonstrations will die down due to either more aggressive policing or the resignation of Carrie Lam. A de-escalation in Hong Kong would likely mean that the economic collapse will be pushed back as well.
(18 August 2019) – As I’ve explained in past entries, the most likely scripting for the NWO transition will portray Trump, Xi, and Putin as “the misunderstood good guys who were running with the bad guys only so they could infiltrate their Cabal, rise to power, and defeat them at a key moment.” In light of this, I encourage you to read the following articles [top, bottom] from The Epoch Times…
Take note of how they depict a long-running battle between Xi Jinping and the “Chinese deep state” and how they portray Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong as playing the role of the Chinese Clintons to Xi’s Chinese Trump (it’s the exact same script in both places). In my next entry, I’ll take you on a guided tour of the articles, and we’ll have a look at The Epoch Times to see how their propaganda fits into the deception narrative. We’ll also have a look at some of the New Age and alt-media disinfo sites and see why some of them are bashing Trump while others are still dispensing the pro-Trump Kool-Aid.
By the way, the wording of the title of the second article suggests that Xi will deliver the Chinese people from Communist Party bondage during the NWO transition. It wouldn’t be hard to get them to worship him after that, would it? Look for Kim to do the same in North Korea too. The transition into the NWO will leave communism in ashes.
Putin’s world rule may start as soon as next month
(20 August 2019) – On a hunch, I decided to check which nation will have the Presidency of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) next month. What I found came as no surprise…
Currently, Putin isn’t scheduled to show up at the big 74th UN General Assembly event next month, but it’s not hard to imagine that certain international developments might arise between now and then that will compel his attendance. And if he does indeed show up, look for him to sit as President of the UNSC (with the other UNSC national leaders, such as Trump and Xi, sitting in as well) and to give a seminal speech during the General Debate (the theme of which this year is “galvanizing multilateral efforts for poverty eradication, quality education, climate action and inclusion”). Don’t be surprised if Putin’s speech falls on this day…
Why would he speak on that particular day, you ask? Because it falls on Jewish New Year, which goes from the evening of September 29 to the nightfall of October 1. And Putin’s “enthronement” as President of the UNSC would begin his 7-year tenure as world leader. Should this occur, he will take his formal throne as world leader (and “Antichrist”) at the Third Temple in Jerusalem during March of 2023 (probably on the 11th, 15th or 22nd), and the globalist-selected “real Jesus Christ” will dethrone him in September of 2026 (probably on the 11th, since Jewish New Year of 2026 starts that evening).
I’ll cover the alternative “Trump as Antichrist” scripting later.
Since I’m so overwhelmed by the volume of information I need to convey (and by common housework — my dishwasher isn’t working), I’ll have to resort to doing micro-updates to get it all out. Check back frequently each day this week, starting Wednesday. Next, I’ll show you how Trump and the “Space Force” may set the stage for Putin, and then I’ll talk about Xi and the fall of the Chinese Communist Party as promised.
~ MORE – 21 August 2019 ~
To go from where we are now to Vladimir Putin kicking off the NWO reform of the United Nations in just 5 short weeks would require the eruption of a “perfect storm” global crisis and the launch of an “unprecedented international effort” to address it. So I find it to be no coincidence, then, that all the elements necessary for such a crisis and response are already in motion for a September culmination.
Here are the elements of the “perfect storm” (war and economic collapse) global crisis…
And here are the elements of the “unprecedented international effort” to address it…
- The US Congress is slated to approve America’s Space Force next month. This would provide the framework for Trump bringing the Secret Space Program out of the dark and into the normal military command structure. And that, in turn, would allow Trump to utilize the Space Force to stop the wars and offer groundbreaking new technologies to begin the next phase of global economic development.
- Russia is slated for the Presidency of the UN Security Council next month. This will allow Putin to use the UNSC as a platform to bring in the BRICS-fronted NWO financial system (led by and backed by the Chinese and their gold) and to begin the reform process of the UN.
So if the globalists pull the trigger on this, we’ll see the world situation go to sh*t by mid-September (watch Friday the 13th). And about two weeks later, we’ll see…
- Trump step up to provide global security and a new technological revolution,
- Xi step up to provide the foundation for a new global financial system, and
- Putin step up to lead the 3.5 year process of reforming the current New York-based UN into the Jerusalem-based New UN / NWO.
All this being said, let’s take a second look at a bit of prophecy propaganda we came across earlier this month…
…from Breaking Israel News. Here is a notable section…
Building of the Third Temple will be initiated by the 70 Nations
Rabbi Hillel Weiss, the spokesman for the Sanhedrin, noted that Trump’s role in building the Third Temple was essential to so many of the issues that concern people around the world.
“Trump can lead the nations of the world to global peace through building the Temple, the source of peace,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “This will offset the disgraceful United Nations resolutions that are the root cause of increasing evil in the world.”
The Sanhedrin is currently working to create an Organization of 70 Nations based in Jerusalem to replace the United Nations.
“The Jews will do the actual building of the Third Temple but in order for the Third Temple to be a House of Prayer for all nations, the nations must have a part in its creation,” Rabbi Weiss explained. “The troubles that are facing the world today are issues that can only be addressed by a higher level of international discourse and cooperation. The effort to erase national identities and national borders is diametrically opposed to this and it is this ‘new world order’ that Trump is really fighting. The solution is the Third Temple as a House of Prayer for all nations and the Organization of 70 Nations, both of which require nations to express their unique identities.”
Rabbi Weiss emphasized that the concept of international cooperation is based in the universal covenant that God made with Noah which established the 70 nations and requires the participation of all the nations.
This section raises an obvious question…
Under what circumstances could the widely ridiculed and much maligned President Donald Trump “lead the nations of the world to global peace through building the Temple”?
It would pretty much require Trump to play the Space Force card, wouldn’t it? Only if the world erupted in war and Trump suddenly stopped it using the overwhelming power of the Secret Space Program would all the nations of the world suddenly respect him. And only if he were offering new technologies that could lift all the nations out of economic ruin would they do exactly what he wants, like reforming and relocating the UN.
(23 August 2019) – Be on the lookout for the killing or massacre of one or more Yellow Vesters we’ve been expecting to take place during the G7 Summit in France. With rumors of a post-Brexit UK snap election swirling about, the Yellow Vest incident can be used to trigger the fall of Macron and a snap election in France, thus setting the stage for all 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council to be pro-Putin people.
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Since we are so near to entering the active transition period to the New World Order, the standard risk of a false-flag assassination of the G7 leaders also applies. Should they go that route, we’ll see the attempted rise of the “evil Western-version NWO” before the scripted “heroes” reappear to “save” us and lead us into the real NWO.
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In case you are a new reader, here is what I wrote about the planned Yellow Vest massacre back in March (excerpted from The 2019 Archive)…
The Pending Geopolitical Shift Takes Shape
(25 March 2019) – There has been a massive idea-planting operation taking place on NWO propaganda sites over the last few days. Here are a couple of articles narrating an imminent — and possibly disorderly — regime change in the UK…
…from Zero Hedge (top, bottom)And here are some others hinting at a planned provocation for an imminent regime change in France…
…from Zero Hedge (top, middle) and the Investment Watch Blog (bottom)As you can see, they are pretty clearly signaling an imminent massacre of Yellow Vests by the French military, which would result in a massive shock to the French public. And it is significant that the Investment Watch Blog article resurrects the ghost of the Algerian War given that it brought about the fall of the French Fourth Republic…
>>> The trigger for the collapse of the Fourth Republic was the Algiers crisis of 1958…the Algerian War became not just a separatist movement but had elements of a civil war…
Further complications came when a section of the French Army rebelled and openly backed the Algerie Francaise movement to defeat separation. Revolts and riots broke out in 1958 against the French government in Algiers, but there were no adequate and competent political initiatives by the French government in support of military efforts to end the rebellion owing to party politics…
This prompted General Jacques Massu to create a French settlers’ committee to demand the formation of a new national government under General Charles de Gaulle, who was a national hero and had advocated a strong military policy, nationalism and the retention of French control over Algeria. – from Wikipedia <<<
So will the inadequacies of France’s Fifth Republic bring about a failure to resolve the Yellow Vest rebellion and result in a shocking massacre of “innocent” French citizens (perhaps in conjunction with infuriatingly unchecked Islamist violence)? Will such developments prompt the French “patriot Deep State” to topple Macron and the Fifth Republic and demand a new government under a France-First nationalist leader — a leader like Marine Le Pen perhaps?
Remember that the ultimate globalist goal in orchestrating these government transitions in France and the UK is to install Putin-friendly leaders. So if non-Putin-friendly transitional leaders are the first to be put in place, it means they’re opting for a “Great Tribulation” before the Putin-friendly leaders are put in. You can scroll down to “Watch for snap elections in France and the UK next year (2019): Le Pen and Corbyn will win” for a more detailed explanation of all this.
(23 August 2019) – It should be noted that a reader contacted me a while back and mentioned a prediction of a tsunami striking Biarritz, France (here is a link the reader shared: The Saturn Cube of Biarritz represents a “tsunami project of Kabbalah”). Given that the G7 venue, the Hotel Du Palais, is right on the waterfront and the globalist propaganda corps have narrated that Russia possesses a “nuclear tsunami apocalypse torpedo,” I think it a prudent precaution to mention it now. Under the globalist script, the “Deep State” would use such an event as a pretext to go to war with Russia, and it would eventually be narrated that it was the “Deep State” and/or Israel that actually set off the nuke.
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As if I didn’t already have enough stuff to track, the Israelis are setting the stage to run their “cruise missiles out of Yemen” operation to get the Iran war started…
…from RT. It will go something like this…
- The IDF strike the Houthis.
- The Houthis fire back at Israel with Iranian-made Soumar cruise missiles OR Saudi and US special forces in Yemen fire Israeli-modified Kh-55 cruise missiles at Israel as a false-flag “Houthi attack.”
- The Israelis claim that the Iranians were behind the cruise missile attacks and were using the Houthis as proxies to attack the Israeli homeland.
- The Israelis “retaliate” by striking the Iranian homeland, thus kicking off the war.
Read The false-flag “Houthi” cruise missile attack section in The Compendium for more information on this long-planned operation.
(25 August 2019) – Macron is trying to help the Iranians get a waiver to sell their oil on the same weekend that Israel is striking Iranian-linked targets in Syria, Iraq and Lebanon. The timing is perfect for an Israeli false-flag to stop Macron’s initiative.
(26 August 2019) – Now that elements of the Iraqi government are demanding the US leave their country (on account of the Israeli airstrikes there), it’s time to remind ourselves of the “ballistic missiles out of Iraq” false-flag option and what would follow it. The following is excerpted from The 2019 Archive…
(10 May 2019) – Be advised that any upcoming Middle East false-flag scenario may involve theater-wide attacks, which could include…
> Ballistic and cruise missiles fired out of Yemen, supposedly by the Iran-linked Houthis, but actually by US and Saudi special forces. Expect the American B-52 bombers and Combined Air Operations Center at Al Udeid Air Base to be targeted from Yemen. This will be done to create an excuse to blame Iran even though no missiles will be fired from their territory. You can read more about this in “The false-flag ‘Houthi’ cruise missile attack” section [of the Compendium].
> Ballistic missiles fired out of Iraq, supposedly by the Iran-linked Popular Mobilization Forces, but actually by US special forces (there are 5,200 US troops in Iraq, including special forces). This will be done to create an excuse for US and Saudi Coalition ground forces to move into Iraq to supposedly hunt-down missiles (but to actually mass on the borders of Syria and Iran).
> Ballistic missiles fired out of Lebanon, supposedly by Iran-linked Hezbollah, but actually by Israeli special forces (the IDF have used tunnels to smuggle missiles into firing positions in Lebanon). This will be done to create an excuse for massive Israeli airstrikes and ground incursions into Lebanon and Syria. You can read more about the IDF tunnels in the “Israel’s Tunnels into Lebanon & Their Planned Missile Attack on Europe” section [of The 2019 Archive].
The Israeli Election, Chabad-Lubavitch and the Gaza Invasion
(27 August 2019) – Another way the globalist scriptwriters can paint the ongoing Israeli airstrikes (in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, and perhaps soon Yemen) is that they are Netanyahu’s pre-election attempt to look tough and proactive against Israel’s enemies without having to launch an invasion of Gaza. So with the Israeli election just three weeks away, we should take note of some recent developments:
Early this month, Netanyahu’s rival Benny Gantz vowed an invasion of Gaza…
…from Haaretz. Here is a brief excerpt…
Benny Gantz, leader of the Kahol Lavan party, vowed on Tuesday that if he becomes prime minister he would move to “pound Gaza,” send ground troops into the enclave, and kill Hamas’ leadership in the event of another round of fighting.
According to the current globalist scripting, this is exactly what the “End Times War”-obsessed Chabad-Lubavitch cult and their lapdog Avigdor Lieberman have been seeking. It’s no wonder, then, that Lieberman cut a deal with Gantz two weeks later…
…from Asharq Al-Awsat. Here is an excerpt…
“Lapid and Gantz signed with Lieberman, it is in fact a new thing,” Netanyahu wrote on his Facebook page, mocking the situation.
Likud slammed the two parties for the deal they struck. “Lieberman signed a surplus vote agreement with Lapid and Gantz after declaring openly that he would support them should they gain the premiership,” a statement by the party said.
“Whoever wants Netanyahu to head the next government should vote only for the Likud,” the statement added.
Lieberman described the agreement as a mere technical measure, not an alliance or coalition between the two political groups.
However, Israeli media said the agreement was ultimately aimed at recommending Gantz as prime minister, after Lieberman demanded that Netanyahu form a government that would include his party, Likud and Blue and White.
So the globalists are scripting that Chabad/Mossad will deliver the election to whomever will give them their war. And this opens up the following scripting options…
> They can go for the immediate war under Netanyahu by staging a serious false-flag attack on the Israeli homeland — an attack supposedly conducted by Iran in response to Netanyahu’s airstrikes.
> They can go for a delayed war under Netanyahu by forcing him to form a coalition with Lieberman that will keep Chabad at his throat demanding action.
> They can go for an immediate war under Gantz by staging a Palestinian provocation right after he takes office.
> They can go for a delayed war under Gantz by having him renege on his invasion promises and take a leftist approach to security policy that will weaken Israel’s position and ultimately invite an invasion by their enemies.
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Beyond these options for starting the war are the options for the war itself: the “Shake ‘n Bake” option (SBO) and the “Great Tribulation” option (GTO). Under the SBO, the war would escalate to the brink of a nuclear exchange in just a couple of weeks and a fake “divine intervention” would be staged; under the GTO, things will grind out over the next 3.5 years till March of 2023. Of these two options, the best for all of us is Option 3, the “nothing much happens in September” option. Let’s all do whatever we can to exercise that option.
(28 August 2019) – Over the next few days, I’ll be gearing up to do overwatch on September. But the very first thing we’ll need to watch is this weekend. Should the Chicoms opt to invade Hong Kong, the smart play would be to do it on a weekend when the markets are closed, and doing it this weekend (August 31/September 1) would be a helluva way for the globalists to start the month. Invasions, Lehman Moments, and political falls [Netanyahu (election) & Trump (25th Amendment)] will be September’s doorways into hell. Let’s guard the doors.
(29 August 2019) – In advance of posting the September overwatch kickoff, I’ve placed this month’s updates in chronological order. They will go in The 2019 Archive once the new entry is ready. On another note, the globalists are backing off of a number of their setups; I’ll cover it in the kickoff.
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Looking ahead given current conditions, I see two opportunities for the globalists to trigger the Next Lehman Moment, and they both relate to Brexit…
Opportunity 1: Use a September Chinese crackdown on Hong Kong as an excuse to trigger it. Once it happens, both the EU and UK could agree to delay the Brexit “so as to not create any more disruption and uncertainty while we’re dealing with this crisis.”
Opportunity 2: Use the October 31 No Deal Brexit as the excuse to trigger it. They could time it to precede the snap election and coincide with November 11 (11/11), and they could call it “Mondaygeddon.” Since the Next Lehman Moment would put the Chinese Communist Party in a vulnerable position vis-a-vis their population, the Chicoms could use it to start the Hong Kong crackdown and the Taiwan invasion buildup in order to distract the Chinese people with war.
(30 August 2019) – Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the People’s Republic of China in Tiananmen Square on October 1, 1949, so this October 1 will mark the Communist Government’s 70th anniversary (as Zero Hedge have been so keen to point out in their Hong Kong coverage). How appropriate is it, then, that the Communist Party’s rule over China may begin to fall apart by October 1 over their attempted takedown of Hong Kong’s “Second Tiananmen” Protests. The globalists have a real penchant for historical poetry.
If the globalists pull the trigger on a violent communist crackdown in Hong Kong during the next month, it is important to note that the NWO narrative will most likely say that Xi Jinping did not order it. It will be said that it was actually ordered by the “Chinese Deep State” — the Shanghai Faction of the Communist Party — in their attempt to create a political and economic crisis to force out Xi. And Xi will instead “use the crisis as an opportunity to take down the ‘Chinese Deep State’ and end Communist Party rule.”
The globalists have been grooming Xi to be a messianic figure, just like they’ve done with Trump and Putin. And when the time comes that you start seeing “UFOs” in the sky, it will be claimed that Xi is actually the Buddhist Lord Maitreya who came to Earth with the other incarnations of the godhead (Putin, Modi, et al) to save humanity from a nuclear war planned by the Dark/Satanic forces. I doubt the globalists have given up on this absurdist scripting.
So when the American “Deep State-controlled” mainstream media start to pillory Xi for being a brutal dictator, visit The Epoch Times to get the NWO slant on things. The mainstream media have attacked The Epoch Times since my August 18 update in order to build them up as a credible alternative news source. Here is a copy of the August 18 update (so you don’t have to scroll down to read it)…
(from 18 August 2019) – As I’ve explained in past entries, the most likely scripting for the NWO transition will portray Trump, Xi, and Putin as “the misunderstood good guys who were running with the bad guys only so they could infiltrate their Cabal, rise to power, and defeat them at a key moment.” In light of this, I encourage you to read the following articles [top, bottom] from The Epoch Times…
Take note of how they depict a long-running battle between Xi Jinping and the “Chinese deep state” and how they portray Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong as playing the role of the Chinese Clintons to Xi’s Chinese Trump (it’s the exact same script in both places). In my next entry, I’ll take you on a guided tour of the articles, and we’ll have a look at The Epoch Times to see how their propaganda fits into the deception narrative. We’ll also have a look at some of the New Age and alt-media disinfo sites and see why some of them are bashing Trump while others are still dispensing the pro-Trump Kool-Aid.
By the way, the wording of the title of the second article suggests that Xi will deliver the Chinese people from Communist Party bondage during the NWO transition. It wouldn’t be hard to get them to worship him after that, would it? Look for Kim to do the same in North Korea too. The transition into the NWO will leave communism in ashes.
~ MORE ~
Given the way their September setups are shaping up, the globalists appear to be scripting an attempt by the combined “Deep States” to take down “the messiahs”: Netanyahu via election, Trump via the 25th Amendment, and Xi via blowback from the Hong Kong crackdown. Don’t be surprised, then, if there are also attempts at political takedowns or assassinations of Putin, Modi, and Soleimani or Erdogan in the coming month.
It also appears that the scripting will have some or all of “the messiahs” survive and begin a “mass arrests”-style takedown of their respective “Deep States.” And on September 30, Putin could give a UN speech that says, “It’s time to move beyond the failed liberal world order into a new multilateral world order that respects national sovereignty.” Xi might also give a Tiananmen speech on October 1 that says, “It’s time for China to move beyond failed communism and embrace multiparty democracy.”
Let’s see if a little preemptive exposure can stop all that (and turn the globalists’ balls an even darker shade of blue). 😉
(31 August 2019) – So…
- the Chicoms moved armored vehicles and troops into Hong Kong in the wee hours of Thursday morning, then
- they arrested the protest leaders Friday morning to ensure the protesters would be enraged and violent on Saturday, so
- will they now deploy the armored vehicles and troops in the wee hours of Sunday morning?
In case they don’t do it this weekend (which is the 13th weekend of protests) or even this month, it turns out that the 22nd weekend of protests will fall on November 2, just two days after Brexit and nine days before 11/11. That will be the likely fallback timing if September is a no-go.
(6 September 2019) – It appears that we’ve entered the time of Schrodinger’s Brexit — we simply won’t know if Brexit is alive or dead until its state is measured on Halloween. But Parliament’s passage of this week’s Brexit delay bill has set up some useful options for the globalists…
- It has established a legal mechanism to delay the Brexit if the Next Lehman Moment occurs before October 31.
- It has set up the possibility of a surprise Brexit on October 31, which could serve as a trigger for a European Lehman Moment in November (“the markets had priced-in a Brexit delay; now there’s chaos and uncertainty”).
- It has established the possibility of delaying the NWO transition till next year.
But the Brexit is an issue best left till next month. This month, it is important to keep our eyes on the prize: preventing the possibility of Putin giving his speech (“The Bretton Woods World Order is dead; it’s time for a New World Order” speech) in front of the United Nations at the end of September. If we can do that, it will definitely delay the globalists’ plans by at least six months if not a year.
In order for Putin to give his speech and take his place as the de facto leader of the NWO, a global crisis must arise this month, and a massive shock to the markets is the best candidate. Here are some of the ways the globalists might trigger it:
- By scripting a Chinese crackdown on Hong Kong this weekend, leading to immediate Western sanctions and a September 11 or Friday the 13th market shock.
- By scripting a large, successful missile attack on the Israeli homeland or the sinking of a US carrier on September 11 or Friday the 13th (just days before the September 17th Israeli election), thus setting off a chain of events that will lead to the closure of the Strait of Hormuz and a market shock.
- By scripting a Chinese crackdown on Hong Kong during the weekend of September 21-22, leading to a market shock on September 23rd (the Fall Equinox).
A big event like the ones listed would bring all the world’s leaders to the UN General Assembly’s General Debate, which goes from September 24 to September 30. And at that time, two things could happen:
1) Putin can give his speech, thus beginning his 7-year reign as world leader. He would begin as the de facto leader while the UN reforms itself, then become the de jure leader once the reform is complete.
2) The UN complex can be destroyed, (supposedly) killing all the leaders inside. This would mark the beginning of the “Great Tribulation,” when Pence, Medvedev, and Li Keqiang would attempt to erect the “evil Western version” NWO until the “messiahs” reappear to stop them and save the day. This destruction of the UN would be promoted as a fulfillment of the “Babylon the Great” biblical prophecy: the one in which “the city of seven hills” is destroyed while “all the world’s kings are gathered there” (Staten Island, a borough of NYC, has seven hills).
(10 June 2019) – I’ve written on this before, but I wish to restate it with clarity…
Since the controlled alt-media disinfo guys have been unsuccessful in selling Putin, Xi, and the other BRICS leaders as world-saving good guys, their new strategy is to bash Putin, Xi, and Chabad-Lubavitch and claim that they’re trying to conquer America through communism. The propagandists are doing this so people will be shocked when Putin and Xi actually “save” America and lead us into a multilateral New World Order that runs on free enterprise and Austrian Economics (which is what the globalists have been planning all along). The narrative will be: “We got Putin and Xi all wrong. They weren’t commie bad guys; they were actually good guys who were just playing along with the bad guys until they could get into their leading positions and orchestrate the right conditions to beat them.”
In keeping with this strategy, here are some future developments to watch for (in the order they’ll appear)…
1) In the process of defeating the “Deep State,” Xi may end up saving America from a fire sale cyberattack and Putin will save us from nuclear war and from hunger stemming from this year’s “farmageddon.”
2) When the globalists cue the fake ETs (their impending “arrival” is why you’re seeing so many UFO articles in the news), we’ll be told that Putin and Xi (and others) are actually Avatars (“incarnations of the godhead who came to save us from annihilation at the hands of the evil ones”). Read The UFO/ET Con for more on this.
3) When the Third Temple is completed in Jerusalem, Putin and Xi’s multilateral NWO paradise will start turning ugly, and we’ll be told that the Avatars are actually evil antichrists.
4) Three and a half years after the “Temple Incident,” the globalists will cue their “Real Jesus” to save us from the antichrists in the Battle of Armageddon. This will begin the post-democratic “Millennial Kingdom” in which the globalists hope to rule over us from behind a figurehead “Christ.”
That being said, here is an excerpt from Ken’s Collected Writings on the Globalist Prophecy Fulfillment Deception that outlines the overall plan driving these future developments…
So why have the globalists scripted their Avatar characters to be nationalists, you ask? They’re doing it so when the Avatars’ New World Order turns ugly and leads to disaster, people will see nationalism as one of the causes for it going so wrong. This will leave the sheeple with a deep distaste for nationalism (and a great receptivity to globalism).
Putting it another way, the NWO will be presented as a “national sovereignty-respecting democratic institution established by nationalistic leaders,” and it will look great at first but become a nightmare later on. And once the nightmare is over, the globalists want people saying…
“We’re tired of the sovereignty of fallible men; we want the sovereignty of our infallible God.”
“We’re too foolish and wicked to rule ourselves through democracy; we want to live under a wise and benevolent leader.”
“We’re tired of being divided into different nations that war against each other; we want to be united.”
And with those sentiments planted into the shell-shocked minds of the human race, the globalists will unite them under “the wise and benevolent leadership of the savior who defeated the New World Order, Jesus Christ” — a globalist-created, genetically-engineered leader who will be the front man for the Kabbalists’ behind-the-scenes rule.
Getting back to the Avatars, another thing we can see about them is that they’re mere men, and all of them have damaged reputations on account of their past activities. So the globalists are going to have to do something really big to refresh their public image and raise them from the status of mere humans to religious icons. That’s where sequestered technology and Hollywood magic come into play.
We can expect the globalists to do one or two of the following things for each Avatar…
- stage an assassination attempt in which he appears to be gravely wounded, then portray a “miraculous healing ”
- stage an assassination in which he appears to be killed, then portray him being “resurrected from the dead”
- stage the spectacular arrival of (fake) aliens who will bamboozle the public with bullsh*t and proclaim / “prove” that each Avatar is the real deal
In looking at that final “fake ET arrival” element of the plan, we see why one of the men who helped develop the NWO implementation plan, Laurance Rockefeller, was also the man who funded the start of the UFO disclosure movement. He was laying the groundwork for the mind-blowing arrival of fake aliens at the time of the transition to the NWO.
All this being said, by the time the coming war crisis builds to the point that a full-on nuclear war is imminent, you may see faked woundings/assassinations and healings/resurrections of one or all of the “Avatars.” Then you may also see our “space brothers” appear in the sky to stop the nuclear holocaust and point to the Avatars as incarnations of the godhead. Their narrative will go something like this…
“When the Dark Forces developed and used the first nuclear weapons in 1945, it became clear that they would use them to slaughter most of humanity and irretrievably subjugate the survivors before the End of the Age. So the Avatars incarnated into human form in order to discreetly intervene. They infiltrated the Dark’s power structure and rose to leadership within the major nuclear nations to prevent a nuclear holocaust.
Sensing the imminent defeat of their plans, the Dark Forces struck back by assassinating the Avatars and starting World War 3. And as they pushed the world to the very brink of nuclear destruction, the godhead had to intervene more dramatically by resurrecting the Avatars and sending in cosmic reinforcements before the scheduled End of the Age.”
After the Dark Forces and their “unipolar” New World Order are defeated and the Avatars are revealed, the Avatars will erect the “multipolar” NWO and begin uniting the world’s religions in a “Religious UN” based in Jerusalem.
~ MORE – 11 June 2019 ~
Now that you’re familiar with the globalist strategy for herding the sheep into the Millennial Kingdom, it’s time to introduce you to its narrative. In the A Three-Paragraph Crash Course Before We Get Started section a little further down this page, I talk about the mainstream narrative and the alt-media/NWO narrative. But when the globalists cue the exposure of the Avatars as antichrists, you’ll start hearing the millennial narrative, which will bash the NWO and the Avatars and fool people into accepting the “Real Jesus” and his Millennial Kingdom.
This morning, a reader sent me a link to an article that offers a little sneak peek of the millennial narrative. It is from Leo Lyin’ Zagami (a.k.a. “The Greasy One”)…
The article starts out by establishing a connection between the Jesuits and Russia. And in doing so, The Greasy One seems to borrow a few words from this book description I found online…
…from Saint Joseph’s University Press
Here’s a brief section from the book description…
From its founding in 1540, the Society of Jesus has been one of the most important religious orders in the Catholic Church. However, it almost vanished from the pages of history when Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits worldwide on July 21, 1773, with the brief Dominus ac Redemptor. Catherine the Great of Russia saved the Society almost singlehandedly. She protected the 201 Jesuits she had acquired in 1772 with the First Partition of Poland and insisted that they continue their apostolic work as Jesuits.
And here’s a brief section from The Greasy One’s essay…
We know that from its founding in 1540, the Society of Jesus has been one of the most important religious orders in the Catholic Church. Many may not know, however, that it almost vanished from the history books when Pope Clement XIV suppressed the Jesuits worldwide on July 21, 1773, with the brief Dominus ac Redemptor. At that point, Catherine the Great of Russia saved the Society almost single-handedly. She protected the 201 Jesuits she had acquired in 1772 with the First Partition of Poland and insisted that they continue their apostolic work as the Company of Jesus.
Do you see how Greasy skillfully wove some new words into the section to make it his? Now that’s great wordsmithing! Setting aside the skillful writing, though, the Jesuit-Russian connection is nonetheless notable because it helps explain why the globalists chose a Russian, Vladimir Putin, to play the main Antichrist character in the prophecy fulfillment play. It’s also notable that Chabad-Lubavitch, the messianically-obsessed Kabbalist “Jewish” cult, originated in the Russian Empire three years after Catherine the Great “acquired” the Jesuits. And the cult later moved to Poland, from which the “Russian” Jesuits came.
You can read more about the Jesuits in How the Kabbalist Jews took over the Roman Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order.
Now let’s continue on to the meat of Greasy’s “James Bond meets the X-Files” narrative. Here are some excerpts from his article along with my comments…
…between Russia and the Vatican there is an old ultra-secret alliance that make deals with extra-dimensional entities…
…a new dangerous supranational non-governmental structure directly controlled by Vladimir Putin and the Vatican who are in favor of a Communist Jesuit New World Order. Illuminati Piergiorgio Bassi, a close friend of John Podesta, who is also involved in the organization with Hillary Clinton is the Italian spokesman of this powerful international organization…
So these sections tie Putin to the Vatican Jesuits and Hillary Clinton, and they suggest he’s trying to bring in a communist NWO. They also suggest that Putin has risen to the top leadership of the dark power structure. These are precisely the things I talked about in yesterday’s part of this entry. After the Big Crisis passes and a non-communist NWO launches, it will be said that the Avatar Putin was actually “working undercover” amongst the dark ones to infiltrate their power structure and trip them up at the finish line.
~ MORE – 15 June 2019 ~
Here’s the next excerpt…
Russian Military experts have always claimed to know how to contact UFOs and Professor Savin once admitted to a journalist that in the late 1980s a group of researchers from the Expert Management Unit of General Staff actually made contact with representatives of another civilization.
Back in 1989, the New York Times even reported that residents of the Russian city of Voronezh insisted that lanky, three-eyed extraterrestrial creatures had indeed landed in a local park and that a seemingly fantastic report about the event carried by the official press agency Tass was absolutely true.
The ETs’ supposed visitation and contact with the Russian government in the late ’80s, specifically in 1989, is notable because in the very next year, 1990, the KGB moved Vladimir Putin from East Germany to Leningrad to begin his political career and rapid ascent to the presidency. Will the NWO narrative someday tie Putin’s meteoric rise to something the “ETs” told the Russians? You can read about this part of Putin’s life in Vladimir Putin: The mobster who would be the globalist Messiah.
Here’s another excerpt…
There is, in fact, a transversal and unsuspecting body of Illuminati members of the ruling class that has been enlisted by Russian Military Intelligence operatives all over the world for a secret mission directed by what seems to many as the Legion of Satan…
In this section, a means by which Putin can foil the plans of “the Legion of Satan” is established: engaging the “transversal and unsuspecting body of Illuminati members.” By suggesting that many Illuminati are “unsuspecting” of the true agenda towards which they’re working, Greasy is implying that they might withdraw support or even rebel against the plan if they knew what was really going on. This opens the door for Putin to reach out to them at a critical moment to reveal the true agenda and show them how they can help stop it.
Finally, we arrive at the notable end of the essay…
The Pope will receive Russian President Vladimir Putin in an audience in the Vatican on July 4 2019, Independence Day, to send a cryptic message to the United States and Donald J. Trump who refuse to join the demonic New World Order. It will be the third meeting between the two leaders. The Vatican Illuminati elite is working with the extra-dimensional demons of Satan’s Legion summoned by Russia. This will enable them to fully surround us with a reality of lies and illusions and unveil the identity of the Antichrist upon mankind.
In this final paragraph, it is suggested that the “ETs” are “extra-dimensional demons of Satan’s Legion summoned by Russia.” SO…
- if the KGB/FSB gangsters who run Russia summoned the “ET demons,” and
- Vladimir Putin is the boss of those gangsters, and
- Vladimir Putin is the only Russian with the international stature and geopolitical credentials to lead the “reformed” UN/NWO,
– It would have to be Putin, right?
More to come…
(11 June 2019) – While I was preparing dinner tonight, I started to think about what the globalist script would look like if they decided to replace Putin with Trump as the main Antichrist character. In such a rescripting, America would prevail in the coming conflict due to the advanced technology of the U.S. Space Force (America’s rumored “Secret Space Program” that comes out of the shadows to save the day).
Under the flipped script…
- Trump would be the one who saves Israel and is proclaimed the Jewish Messiah (Moshiach ben David).
- Trump would be the one who reforms the UN and launches the “sovereignty-respecting, Austrian-economics-based” NWO.
- The “ETs” supposedly associated with the Secret Space Program would be the ones who come out as “our benevolent space brothers.”
- Trump would be the one who sits on the throne of the Third Temple and is recognized as the “real Antichrist.”
- Trump would be the one defeated by the “real Christ.”
I’ll write more about this “Globalist Plan B” soon.
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