Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 10, 2017
The fearless Norm Macdonald offended all the ladies on The View after calling Bill Clinton a killer. The tried… and failed to silence him and even threatened to never have him back on the show. The subject was completely taboo for Barbara Walters, who refused to even consider if Norm was right or not.
Norm MacDonald was a really funny guy.
He got railroaded out of the entertainment industry for not being a liberal.
The Jew Lauren Michaels fired him from Saturday Night Live for refusing to stop making fun of OJ Simpson during his murder situation, then he went on The View and called Bill Clinton out as a murderer. I’m not sure which specific murder he was referring to here, Bill has been accused of several.
Norm also used to make really funny gay jokes.
He was pretty much the funniest guy to come out of SNL, but his career was just buried with blacklisting because he refused to go along with the program.
He still has a podcast that’s pretty funny though.
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