Terrain Theory is a Psyop
Wed 1:03 pm +01:00, 13 Dec 2023 10
posted by pete fairhurst 2
Page 9 here: http://mileswmathis.com/terrain.pdf
“This psyop is nefarious for another reason: many reading this paper will think I am defending
mainstream medicine here, which is of course the opposite of my intent. As usual, this Terrain psyop
creates a dialectic where the truth is on neither side. Some have said both germ theory and Terrain
theory are right, since germ theory admits the health of the host is very important. The terrain after all
is the IMMUNE SYSTEM. A stronger host will have a stronger immune system, which may be able to
fight off any germ with little sign or symptom. [Which is of course what made the Covid “science” so
perverse: it is based on vaccines, which were invented to confer immunity by calling up a response
from the host’s immune system. But in this current fiasco, we were told immune responses were
inadequate or inferior: we needed this new faux-vaccine, which they sold almost as some sort of
antibiotic or magic bullet, capable of wiping out a disease on its own. A vaccine that was better than an
immune response. Totally illogical, since a vaccine calls up an immune response. Or used to, when
vaccines were actually immunizations instead of deadly gene therapies.] But instead of being politic
and claiming both are right, I think it would be more accurate to say both are wrong. Terrain theory is
wrong because it was created to be wrong. It is the manufactured false opposition. But germ theory,
though roughly correct, has been captured by the capitalists and corrupted to sell fake vaccines.
Because germ theory is very young, being only about 150 years old in its current form, we would
expect it to be incomplete. But this fledging status isn’t its current greatest problem. The problem is
that medicine, like everything else, has been infiltrated and monetized out of all recognition of its
original form. So arguing about history or science is actually misdirection here. This isn’t a matter of
history or science, it is a matter or economics or ethics. We now know that Pfizer bought out a
majority of the world, including most American institutions: the medical profession, the universities,
the government, and the media. In doing that they ignored all standing science in all fields, just making
it up to suit themselves. As in art, everything previously known was thrown out the window and the
field was reinvented overnight by salesmen and promoters. So arguing about germ theory is bootless.
None of this mRNA stuff is even based on germ theory. It is based on making you sick and killing you
via jacking with your genes. Which is exactly why they have framed the argument as if it is about
germ theory. They want you out in the bushes arguing about germ theory, because that keeps you off
far larger questions, such as why we have drug companies running the country and buying out
regulatory agencies and governors and Presidents and courts and all the TV channels and the internet.
And such as why we are messing with our genes to start with. And such as whether we should just call
the US a fascist country, since the media is now a government front, censoring widely and wildly under
direct orders from the Feds. “
Source: http://mileswmathis.com/terrain.pdf
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