Ten Red Lines Washington’s Totalitarian Terrorist State Has Crossed

Saman Mohammadi
January 28, 2012
The government in Washington is a failed terrorist state. It can no longer manage American public opinion, its violations of international law are resented by many nations, and it has failed to psychologically dominate the world by unleashing terror at home and abroad.

To put it simply, nations are not afraid of America because it has military strength combined with political vision, rather, they are afraid because America’s leaders are insane and self-destructive. In other words, they are afraid of a failed terrorist state, not a global superpower.

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta likes to speak about “red lines.” An example he gives is Iran closing the Straits of Hormuz. That’s a red line in the eyes of the managers of Washington’s failed terrorist state.

In an alternative universe, one in which America was not the global bully, red lines in relation with foreign enemies would be reasonable and necessary. Red lines are needed in international relations. They establish boundaries and help antagonistic nations to keep the peace.

In history, aggressive nations led by despots and thugs have not recognized red lines, whether political or moral, artificial or natural. Nazi Germany crossed many red lines before it was finally pushed back and defeated. Israel has crossed one red line after another vis-à-vis the Palestinians and the Arabs.

Israel’s failed terrorist state crossed the ultimate red line along with Washington’s failed terrorist state on September 11, 2001. By murdering three thousand Americans in an act of cold blood, both terrorist states erased all red lines and proceeded to spread terror and tyranny across the Middle East and the West.

Below, I list ten red lines that Washington’s failed totalitarian terrorist state has crossed vis-à-vis the American people.

1. Killing three thousand American citizens on September 11, 2001 in one of the biggest acts of state terror and mass murder by any state in the history of mankind.

2. Assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Nobel Peace Prize winner Martin Luther King Jr by the shadow CIA, shadow FBI, and other tentacles of the illegitimate National Security State.

3. Political parties stealing elections and mainstream media outlets engaging in election fraud by using perception management techniques to dismiss the popularity of anti-Establishment candidates like Ron Paul.

4. Destruction of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights by the NWO traitors, who are full of hate and venom towards the American people and the human race.

5. Destruction of the U.S. economy by the private Federal Reserve System, multinational corporations, and government regulations designed by NWO traitors. The Federal Reserve’s financial crimes and cover-ups from 1913 to 2012 reveals a legacy of fraud, deception, and high treason.

6. The cover-up of Barack Obama’s CIA background by U.S. government authorities and the establishment media.

7. The CIA shipping in drugs from Latin America and Afghanistan into America, and creating in the process a drug economy, a parapolitical structure in Washington, a prison-industrial complex, and many other evils.

8. Making indefinite detention of American citizens legal in the 2012 NDAA Act without giving any justification or explanation other than pointing to the invented boogeyman “Al-Qaeda” as the impetus for the law.

9. Turning North America into a military battlefield and threatening to use brute force against dissidents and activists who have been branded as “domestic terrorists” and “anti-government extremists.”

10. Waging war against the rights, security, and happiness of the American people, as well as the people of many other nations, including Canada.

Washington’s failed totalitarian terrorist state has crossed many other red lines. It does not recognize basic human morality, human rights, or international law. As a result of its arrogance and decadence, it shares the fate of all naked emperors in the history of civilization, which is political death and collapse.

Saman Mohammadi is the writer and editor at The Excavator Blog


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