Television news anchor laughs uncontrollably at swimming cat
Susan Bahorich |
By: Moses Gold
(Scroll down for video) A television news anchor laughed uncontrollably after watching a fat cat swimming in order to lose weight, according to video uploaded to the internet.
The news anchor reporting the news for television news station in Roanoke, Virginia, could not help herself but laugh when reporting about the cat who tried everything to lose weight. But come on, how could anyone not smile at this?
After about 10 seconds of reporting that featured a fat cat doing some strokes while dressed in swimming gear news anchor Susan Bahorich, was hit with a severe case of laughter.
Bahorich, plowed ahead with her report, but seemed to find the video too ridiculous. By the end of the 40-second segment she could barely string two words together.
While the laughing fit was unintended, it made it as a nice little live television clip.
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