Teenager who lost his leg to cancer is bought a new prosthetic limb by Britain¿s biggest Euromillions winners who scooped £161million

  • Kieran Maxwell had his left leg amputated after getting rare and aggressive cancer Ewings Sarcoma
  • Last month while walking with his current prosthetic limb he fell while carrying the Olympic torch
  • Euromillionaires Colin and Chris Weir pay five-figure-sum for a new lightweight leg for the 13-year-old
  • ‘He’ll be able to walk, run and climb just like his friends,’ his emotional mum Nicola said today

Martin Robinson

07:07 EST, 31 July 2012


10:50 EST, 31 July 2012

A 13-year-old who lost a leg to cancer will get a new life-changing prosthetic limb from Britain’s biggest-ever lottery jackpot winners.

Heartrendingly Kieran Maxwell had to be helped from the ground after he fell carrying the Olympic torch last month in Bishop Auckland, County Durham, because of his current heavy artificial leg.

But now he will be able to ‘walk, run and climb just like his friends,’ his emotional mother Nicola said today, thanks to Euromillionaires Colin and Chris Weir.

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Brave: Kieran Maxwell carrying the Olympic Flame on the Torch Relay soon before he stumbled and fell because of his current prosthetic leg but hopefully those problems will soon be over for him

Despite undergoing gruelling chemotherapy the brave 13-year-old had his left leg amputated below the knee in March last year.

He was diagnosed with the rare and aggressive cancer called Ewings Sarcoma, which affects fewer than 30 children a year, in October 2010.

Since then Kieran has been determined to remain active but his current replacement limb is heavy and slows him down, so his parents Nicola and Alistair decided to try to raise the cash to buy him a lighter model from the US.

But Euromillions winners Colin and Chris Weir from Ayrshire – who scooped £161 million in a draw a year ago – heard about Kieran’s battle and stepped in with a five-figure donation to buy the new leg outright.

And Kieran is said to have ‘screamed with delight’ at the life-changing news and will have his leg within six weeks.

The unexpected donation came after the grandmother of Kieran’s school friend, who lives in the same village as the Weirs, contacted them to ask if they could help.

Happy: EuroMillions lottery winners Chris Weir and her husband Colin Weir say it is a privilege to spend a little of their £161m on Kieran

Hero: His mother and family are incredibly proud of the happy teenager who lost a leg to cancer but will now get a new limb

Mum Nicola Maxwell said: ‘Kieran is our hero and we have been touched by all the support and kindness we’ve received since he was diagnosed with cancer.

‘We thought it was going to take a long time to raise the money for a new prosthetic leg, but this donation from Chris and Colin means Kieran can get his new leg within six weeks. We can’t explain how much this means to us and Kieran.

‘He screamed when he heard the news because it means that not only will he be able to walk again like all his friends, he will be able to run and climb too.

‘We can’t thank the Weirs enough, because this will really change his life.

Heartbreaking: Kieran’s bravery was clear for all to see when he fell while holding the Olympic torch because of his current artificial limb. He got up and dusted himself off in yet another incredible show of strength

‘Kieran started yelling and dancing around when he heard. He couldn’t believe it. I am still pinching myself.

‘What they have done for Kieran will be a small drop in the ocean for them but for him it will change his life.

‘He can go back to being a normal boy. He can be himself. Words cannot describe what they have done.’

The Lottery winners paid tribute to his bravery and said it was privilege to help.

Mrs Weir said: ‘When we heard about Kieran and his family’s fantastic efforts to raise money for a new prosthetic leg, we had to help.

‘It is a privilege to support him and, with this new leg, we hope he will continue to be determined to remain active and live life to the full.’

Kieran’s parents will continue to fundraise, but will now hand over proceeds to the Toma Fund, which helps teenagers with cancer. 

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Aww how lovey 🙂

Nice to see such kindness being displayed. How much they won and how much they donate is irelevant. To Kieran’s family it is priceless.

Great gesture…very kind..

If money can buy you everything,then this lovely couple deserve the world! To share there luck like they have, i wish you every happiness x

Restores your faith in some folk. Heartwarming to see…

what a wonderful selfless gesture to make to a wonderful, inspirational young boy. big,big smiles all round even from my grumpy teenage kids :-))

There really are some lovely people in this world.

How kind and wonderful.xxx

I hope the people who have millions and live useless meaningless lives take a tip from this lovely couple, help people instead of wasting millions on the nonsense you think are important like cars and clothes.

Good news and hope they do more good deeds

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