Teenage mother was ‘stabbed to death and thrown into a canal after bringing shame on her family’

Paul Sims

Last updated at 8:16 AM on 22nd December 2011

A vulnerable teenager was stabbed and thrown into a canal to die after she brought ‘shame’ on an Asian family, a court heard yesterday.

Laura Wilson, 17, who was groomed for sex by a string of British Pakistani men, was repeatedly knifed by 18-year-old Ashtiaq Asghar.

He then pushed her into the water, using the point of the knife to force her head below the surface as she fought to stay alive.

Laura Wilson had a brief fling with near neighbour Hussain, 22, and gave birth to their daughter in June last year but he refused to accept the child was his, the court was told

Laura Wilson had a brief fling with near neighbour Ishaq Hussain, 22, and gave birth to their daughter in June last year but he refused to accept the child was his, the court was told

Asghar was furious after the young mother revealed details of their sexual relationship to his Muslim family and was on ‘a mission to kill’, the court was told.

He exchanged a series of texts with married friend and mentor Ishaq Hussain, 22, who had also had an affair with Laura, and who the judge described as a man who regarded white girls as  ‘sexual targets, not human beings’.

In one message, sent a day before he killed Miss Wilson, Asghar wrote: ‘I’m gonna send that kuffar (non-Muslim) bitch straight to Hell.’

Ashtiaq Asghar admitted murdering the 17-year-old after making a dramatic plea-change mid-way through trial

Ashtiaq Asghar admitted murdering the 17-year-old after making a dramatic plea-change mid-way through trial

In another he wrote: ‘I need to do a mission.’ He talked of buying a pistol and ‘making some beans on toast’, a reference to spilling blood used in Four Lions, a satirical film about suicide bombers.

Last night, Asghar was told he must serve a minimum of 17-and-a-half years after he pleaded guilty to murder and was jailed for life. Mr Hussain was acquitted of murder by joint enterprise after a retrial.

Sentencing Asghar, Lord Justice Davis told him: ‘I take the view you came under the influence of Mr Hussain who is something of a mentor to you.

‘He seems to have regarded girls, white girls, simply as sexual targets. He does not treat them as human beings at all. You got into that mindset yourself.

‘You no doubt once had feelings for Laura but treated her with contempt in the latter stages.’

The judge added: ‘I am sure there was a plan between you and Mr Hussain and that was a plan initiated by you.

‘You talked about getting out your hit list. Mr Hussain then encouraged you in it. I am quite sure he was lying when he said there was no plan.’

After killing Miss Wilson he went to a snooker hall ‘without a care in the world’ and tried to hide the evidence.

Miss Wilson was a troubled teenager who was first identified as being at  risk of sexual exploitation by British Pakistani men when she was 12.

She had developed several links with Asian men in her home town of Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

In 2007, when she was 13, she and her
family appeared on The Jeremy Kyle Show. During the programme – about
out-of-control children – her sister warned her that ‘your attitude is
going to get you in big danger’.

Workers at a child sexual
exploitation project later sent a report to social services, but no
action was taken to remove her from what became a  continuing spiral of
sexual abuse.

By the time she was 16, she had embarked on an affair with
Mr Hussain, who was then 20 and already married.

The teenager's body was found in this canal in Rotherham, Yorkshire

The teenager’s body was found in this canal in Rotherham, Yorkshire

She gave birth to a daughter in June last year, but Mr Hussain refused to accept that the child was his.

Four months later, and just days before she was murdered on October 12, she ‘shamed’ Asghar and Mr Hussain by informing their families of her relationship with both men.

She told Asghar’s mother she loved her son and ‘wanted to have babies’ by him. But Mrs Asghar was furious and attempted to hit Miss Wilson with a shoe, branding her ‘a dirty white bitch’ who should ‘keep your legs closed’, the trial was told.

Nicholas Campbell QC, prosecuting, said that in subsequent text messages Asghar mounted ‘a mission to kill Laura Wilson’.

Asghar and Mr Hussain had decided that Miss Wilson was ‘a loose cannon and they had to get rid of her’, Sheffield Crown Court was told.

Asghar then lured her to a late-night meeting by the Sheffield and Keadby Canal near her home and stabbed her several times. One wound was seven inches deep.

Rotherham Safeguarding Children Board, which co-ordinates agency work, undertook a serious case review after Miss Wilson’s murder but its findings have not been published.

Earlier this year, the issue of vulnerable white girls being targeted by Asian men for sex prompted Jack Straw, the former home secretary, to claim some British Pakistani men regard white girls as ‘easy meat’.

He spoke out after two Asian men who raped girls in Derby were given indefinite jail terms.

‘We need to get the Pakistani community to think much more clearly about why this is going on and to be more open about the problems that are leading to a number of Pakistani heritage men thinking it is OK to target white girls in this way,’ he said.

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How can you shame vermin?
As he so blatantly is ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Bring back the rope NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The punishment needs to fit the crime. No more namby pamby sentences. You take a life, You forefit your own. Simple.

When is life going to mean life – Britain has gone to the dogs !!

A lot of people seem to be confusing the difference between the actual sentence and the minimum tariff. The sentence was for life and quite rightly so for such a dreadful crime.
The seventeen a half years, is the minimum tariff ie: the amount of time he will have to spend in prison, before he will be able to apply for parole, which in no sense of the word means he will be released after this time.

And exactly what action did this child’s parents take to protect their daughter?
– Miss Jones, London, UK, 22/12/2011 01:46
i take it you don’t have children of your own then??I’m sure they tired to warn her of the errors of her ways,probably grounded her,told her to stay away etc as any parent would.There’s only so much a parent can do though isn’t there.There’s going to be some point where they have to take their eyes off her.What are they supposed to do?Tie her up and never let her leave the house?!

bring back the rope

If the government listened to the majority of people in this country the death sentence for murder would come back and not before time, so come on lets have a vote on it.

He should have been locked up forever and the key thrown away.

I object to my taxes being spent on keeping him in prison for a few years (9 at a push) He will still be young enough to re-offend upon his release…. Willingly will I pay for a short rope.

What the hell is happening in England? Will someone please tell me how it ever got to this?
– Jes, Perth, Western Australia, 22/12/2011 01:00 A DECADE OF LABOUR!

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