Taxes Are Legal Theft

property tax

As the global economy slides into the Greater Depression, the blueprint for raising taxes will be dusted off in every state. The
blueprint for raising taxes in the modern era was first established in
1913 when the federal government instituted permanent income taxes. ~ Map

Prior to 1913, income taxes were viewed as wartime emergency measures to
raise money for the immensely costly prosecution of war.


Here’s the blueprint for raising taxes:

1. Declare the tax is an emergency measure.

2. Start the tax out at a low rate to minimize resistance.

3. Levy the tax only on the wealthy to play the “it’s only fair” card.

During some late-night session when the public isn’t looking, make the
tax permanent by burying the provision deep inside some popular and/or
complicated legislation.

5. Raise the tax rate in response to deficits, i.e. “we need more money.”

6. Gradually expand the base by reducing the qualification level from “wealthy” to “well-off” and eventually to everyone.

7. Gradually reduce deductions and exemptions to pittances.

8. Auction off exemptions for the super-wealthy via campaign contributions.


of property taxes, it is impossible in most places to save up and build
your own big house and live off your own land – you still have to find a
way to get those stupid little pieces of paper.

Taxes should be ultra super low. And there should be a law that it
cannot be raised by more than, say, 1% a year. Because without that, you
cannot plan ahead.

Here is a Tax Foundation chart of property taxes paid by county. The darker the blue, the higher the property taxes:


is time for everyone to realize that much of what we need has now been
built, and technology and robots have taken most of the old jobs. People
are wasting the planets resources driving to jobs that don’t contribute
to life support. It’s time to create a brand new financial system

  • Everyone is granted sufficient “pieces of paper” to guarantee basic survival.

  • Extra
    finances are given to people to do new projects, such as cleaning up
    the oceans, removing pollution, growing organic food and developing such
    things as free energy, the mind and space travel.

From Hand Over Our Loot, No. 2, by Len Clampett:

“There are four things that must be available for paid work to take place:

The work to be done.

The materials to do the work.

The labor to do the work.

The money to pay for the work to be done.

any of those four things are missing, no paid work can take place. It
is a naturally self-regulating system. If there is work to be done, and
the material is available and the labour willing, all we have to do is
create the money. Quite simple.”

money exists for the above to happen. It’s just that in the pasts
trillions have been given to the bankers and their cronies, not to the
people of earth who created the wealth in the first place.


Reposted June 19, 2015 –






Source Article from

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