Tax breaks for married couples are ruled out by Osborne sparking anger of Conservative MPs

  • Senior Treasury sources have revealed tax breaks for married couples will not feature in the Budget
  • Tory MPs have accused Osborne of ‘kow-towing to the Liberal Democrats’
  • Britain is one of few European countries that fails to recognise marriage in the tax system

Tim Shipman

Last updated at 11:58 PM on 12th February 2012

Angry reaction: George Osborne has infuriated Tory MPs by reportedly ruling out tax breaks for married couples in the Budget

Angry reaction: George Osborne has infuriated Tory MPs by reportedly ruling out tax breaks for married couples in the Budget

Middle-class families face a battering in next month’s Budget after the Chancellor ruled out major changes to his plans to slash child benefit payments to higher earners.

The Conservatives and Lib Dems will hold crunch talks this evening on a Budget that is expected to pave the way for tax raids on the better-off that will continue until 2015.
George Osborne is set to ignore Conservative calls to axe the 50p top rate of tax, and has angered Tory traditionalists by making clear he will not introduce tax breaks for married couples in his speech.

The expected assault on the middle classes has provoked claims from Tory MPs that ‘the Liberal Democrats are writing the Budget’.

The Conservatives’ coalition partners are also calling for pension tax relief to be slashed from 40p in the pound to 20p for those earning £100,000 or more – a move that could raise £3.7billion.

In addition, they are expected to demand new green taxes to help speed up the increase of the minimum tax threshold to £10,000.

The Chancellor already plans to strip more than £1,000 a year in child benefit payments from every family that has one earner paying the 40p higher rate of tax.

Traditional: Recognising marriage in the tax system has long been a demand of Conservative traditionalists

Traditional: Recognising marriage in the tax system has long been a demand of Conservative traditionalists


Next month’s Budget will continue to induce tax misery on the well-off for more years to come

George Osborne has decided that he can only make small concessions on plans to axe child benefit for parents who pay the higher tax, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

The Treasury is working on the assumption that the 50p top rate of income tax for those earning with an annual income of  more than £150,000 will stay in place until 2015.

Nick Clegg, deputy prime minster, has made it clear that he wants to speed up plans to raise the minimum threshold for paying income tax to £10,000. This move could cost £9 billion.

Mr Clegg must find a way to recuperate this loss and has assembled a team to look into way to raise tax, which is expected to focus on the rich.

The coalition have agreed to a hard hitting approach to the super-wealthy who avoid paying stamp duty, but it is believed this move will only raise £330-£500m per year.

The policy has been condemned for
discriminating against families with stay-at-home mums whose partners
earn more than £43,375, while households with a collective income of
£80,000 but no higher-rate taxpayers will not be affected.

The Daily Mail understands that the Chancellor could raise the threshold
above £43,375 to stop some households losing out, but senior Treasury
sources say he is struggling to make the changes seem fair to the
1.8million families due to be hit when the change is introduced in 2013.

Several Tories have admitted their frustration as it becomes clear that Conservative priorities may be ignored in the Budget.

A senior backbencher told the Mail that the Chancellor will come under
pressure to do more for businesses if he helps Liberal Democrats by
raising the threshold for the basic rate of income tax.

‘If the Liberal Democrats are going to get movement towards the £10,000
mark, we’re going to need supply-side reforms to help small business,’
they said.

‘My colleagues want to see labour market reforms to remove the burdens
on business, but we’ve also got to do something for them on tax.

Britain's Prime Minister David Cameron

Secretary of State for Work and Pensions The Rt Hon Iain Duncan Smith MP with his copy of Dickens in hand leaving Cabinet this morning

David Cameron has repeatedly spoken of his
support for recognising marriage in the tax system, as has Work and
Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith

that it will look like the Lib Dems are writing  the Budget.’
Stewart Jackson MP, who resigned as a ministerial aide in October, said
putting off the long-mooted marriage tax allowance represented a
‘failure of leadership’ by David Cameron.

‘Not to introduce this feels like kow-towing to the Liberal Democrats,’ he added.

‘Our supporters say they want this, and they put us where we are. We need to deliver what they want.’

A Treasury spokesman said: ‘This is all speculation. No decisions have yet been taken on the Budget.’


One pound in every five earned by Londoners is used to fund the rest of the country, a report has revealed.

The figures from the Centre for Economics and Business Research expose the widening North-South divide in the UK, where the prosperous South props up poorer parts of the country.

The biggest beneficiaries are Northern  Ireland, Wales and the North East, which receive more than a fifth of their income as subsidies from the taxpayer.

Douglas McWilliams, chief executive of the CEBR, said: ‘The City enjoys huge tax revenues which are then used to subsidise weaker economies in the rest of the UK.’

Scotland’s high public spending, which is £1,600 per person more than in England, is cancelled out by revenue from North Sea oil, meaning that it receives no net subsidy.

Meanwhile, a separate report warned  that job prospects are set to worsen in the coming months with more redundancies expected to push unemployment levels closer to the three million mark.

The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development claims that almost a third of private sector firms intend to make redundancies in the coming months. 

It found that job prospects were brighter in London and the South of England, while firms in the North were less optimistic.

Here’s what other readers have said. Why not add your thoughts,
or debate this issue live on our message boards.

The comments below have been moderated in advance.

Why should married couples get tax breaks they chose to get married – I didn’t choose to be a pensioner but there again I don’t get any tax breaks only heartaches.

Cameron you make us sick you hammer us for being married and yet you preach about the family and couples staying married, what incentive do you give? Well we remain married, struggling and sick of the society you seem fit to create and mismanage. You need to get out along with all the other people that do not belong and drain this country of it’s life. You are giving this country away.

You’ve now lost my vote and I suspect, many more. UKIP next for me.

We cannot go on like this Dave

I always thought the Tories were for family values, well if you take things away from a married family what is the point in joining together?

Another broken promise from the liar Cameron.
All his broken promises will be remembered at the next election. He must hold the record for the largest number of broken promises, second must be Nick Clegg. Add the two together and go have the biggest pair of promises breakers in history.

Could someone please remind me. WHO is the Prime minister of this god forsaken country??????????????

Not surprised at all, I don’t even believe that Call me Dave is actually called Dave, liars, cheats and thieves the whole lot of the Tory party, and CaMORON is the worst of the lot, cannot wait to get him, his useless government and the Limp Dums out of power, a brain dead amoeba could run the country better….

I thought the Conservatives had a lot more votes than the lib dems!?! The Lin dems had a very poor showing in the election, coming third. Why then are the lib dems calling the shots? Cameron must know that the libs dems will NEVER break up to coalitions as they would be soundly defeated in an election.
Is Cameron a total wimp or using the lib dems as an excuse for not keeping his promises?

Mike Price, Letcombe Regis, 11.46: Very, very well said. I couldn’t agree more. I now feel completely demoralised by this government. They keep, lying, lying, lying! Having been a Conservative voter for all of my voting life I no longer feel I can support or trust them. We have all been cheated on big time. We keep having money taken from us in all directions as pensioners my husband I are really struggling to make ends meet – we have to keep robbing Peter to pay Paul! The NHS is a disgrace! My daughter-in-law, a newly qualified doctor, had to work for 4 nights last week (13 hour shifts) in our local hopital was the only doctor on duty! Fortunately there weren’t too many patients brought in during the night but there was an emergency. It is so wrong for one junior doctor to have to cover an entire hospital single handed. I really think DC AL are completely ruining the NHS it is not safe in Conservative hands. I just wonder where this will all end. Election soon???????

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