The clashes took place late Friday, in Kunar Province’s Marawara district.
Afghan officials say eight Taliban members and five Afghan forces working with US forces have been killed in the clashes.
Tensions have intensified after the recent desecration of the Holy Qur’an and the massacre of 16 unarmed civilians by US forces earlier this month.
On March 11, a group of US soldiers went from house to house in three villages in Kandahar’s Panjwaii district and gunned down Afghan civilians inside their homes, killing at least 16 people — mostly women and children — and injuring several others.
The Taliban have also claimed responsibility for several attacks on the Bagram US
Airbase, claiming to have killed US soldiers.
The US-led invasion of Afghanistan was launched in 2001 under the pretext of removing the Taliban from power; however, insecurity has been growing across the country, despite the presence of tens of thousands of US-led forces there.
The increasing number of troop casualties in Afghanistan has caused widespread anger in the United States and other NATO member states, undermining public support for the US-led war.
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