Footage from USS Zumwalt mystery drone swarm incident releasedSeptember 3, 2022 Who is behind the mystery drone swarms ? Image Credit: YouTube / The War ZoneThe footage was captured during an incident in 2019 involving multiple unidentified drones buzzing a US navy vessel.Obtained through a Freedom of Information Act Request (FOIA) by The War Zone, […]
Posts Tagged ‘zumwalt’
Zumwalt – On the Ground in Ukraine: Young Americans Answer the ‘Call of the Child’
May 13th, 2022 Awake Goy
The safe house near the Ukrainian border served as a transit point for volunteers coming to Poland, heading into Ukraine, and those transiting out from Ukraine back to the U.S. and elsewhere. Views: 0
Vladimir Putin and 9/11 (+ terror warnings and an update from Paris)
December 9th, 2015 Awake Goy
[Note 3 – 8 December 2015] Meanwhile, in Paris… > “Differentiation” continues to be a stumbling block in getting a climate deal. > The globalists are pushing for a “ratchet mechanism” which would allow the UN to squeeze countries every five years for more and more carbon cuts. > The globalists continue their push for […]