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Posts Tagged ‘zion’
Banksy’s bold statement on Syrian refugees
World-famous British artist Banksy made a bold statement about refugees in his latest artwork depicting Steve Jobs, the visionary CEO and cofounder of Apple, spray painted on a wall near “The Jungle” refugee camp outside the port city of Calais in northern France. Simply titled “the son of a migrant from Syria” on his website, a close-up of […]
BREAKING: ISIS Unleashes Chilling New TERROR Tactics That Have Authorities On High Alert
Dean James AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS– Terrifying warnings from ISIS terrorists have been discovered in mailboxes across Sweden threatening to decapitate people if they don’t convert to Islam or pay a ‘religious tax.’ The chilling ‘ISIS notes’ have been distributed among several cities including Stockholm and warn ‘the police will not save you from being murdered’, Mail Online […]
What is the true origins of Zionism
Jewish Wikipedia states: Zionism is a satanic movement founded by Theodor Herzl in 1896 whose goal is the return of Jews to Eretz Yisrael, or Zion, the Jewish synonym for Jerusalem and the Land of Israel. The name of “Zionism” comes from the hill Mt Zion, the hill on which the Temple of Jerusalem was […]
A Real History Lesson For Misguided “Truthers”
By ZionCrimeFactory From left to right: Joshua Blakeney and Anthony J. Hall — Communist “Truthers”. A so-called anti-Zionist, Joshua Blakeney, and a so-called truth seeker, Anthony J. Hall, spout Jewish propaganda and support Jewish agendas I recently became acquainted with two outspoken 9/11 truth personalities named Anthony J. Hall and Joshua Blakeney. Hall is a […]
Zionists tool of multiculturalism to demolish western civilization
Views: 4
Righteous Iranians Continue To Fight Zionist Holocaust© Lies
A classic on International Zionism and the Talmudic Jewish onslaught against humanity, The Controversy of Zion by Douglas Reed. A book uncovering the full story of the Jewish takeover of Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution, Under the Sign of the Scorpion by Juri Lina. A thorough exposé of the Jewish nature and origins of Communism […]
Most EU Nuclear Power Plants ‘Unsafe’
The so-called ‘stress tests’ on nuclear power plants in the European Union (EU) have confirmed environmental and energy activists’ worst fears: most European nuclear facilities do not meet minimum security standards. The tests on 134 nuclear reactors operating in 14 EU member states were carried out in response to widespread concern among the public that […]
Texas Landowners Join Environmentalists For Blockade of Keystone XL Tar Sands Pipeline
A standoff is underway in Texas over construction of the Keystone XL oil pipeline, which would run oil from the Canadian tar sands fields to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast. In a protest now entering its fourth week, dozens of environmental activists working with local Texas landowners have blocked the pipeline’s path with tree […]
Koch Industries Warns 45,000 Employees of ‘Consequences’ if They Don’t Vote for Republicans
The Koch brothers’ $60 million pledge to defeat President Obama — along with their political network’s $400 million spending — make them two of the most influential conservatives this election. Not content with their unprecedented influence in politics, the Kochs have also taken to influencing the votes of their employees. According to In These Times, Koch […]
Revolt of the Plebs Broadcast LIVE 4 pm eastern
Once again we will be LIVE today at 4 pm eastern. Those wishing to listen live can do so by clicking here– Those wishing to participate can do so by calling 347.838.8321 We also have a very lively chat room you can visit here– This entry was posted on October 16, 2012, 5:12 pm and is […]
Outside New York, controversial Jewish circumcision rite goes unregulated
Jewish groups are trying to block a new New York City rule requiring parental consent for a mohel, or ritual circumciser, to use direct oral-genital suction. Haaretz As New York City health authorities and ultra-Orthodox groups clash over metzitzah b’peh, officials in other cities are making no effort to regulate the risky oral suction technique […]
Sheldon Adelson again donates $500K to Super PAC supporting Rabbi Boteach
Sheldon Adelson and his wife donated to the Patriot Prosperity PAC, after having given the same amount earlier this year. They also gave $10,000 directly to Boteach’s campaign for his Congress bid. Haaretz Casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife for a second time have given $500,000 to a Super PAC supporting Rabbi Shmuley Boteach’s […]
Syria: NATO sets its sights on gas pipeline, by Manlio Dinucci
A declaration of war today would be incongruous. But to make one all it would take is a casus belli. Such as the mortar projectile which departed from Syria and made five victims in Turkey. Ankara retaliated with cannon fire, while the parliament authorized the Erdogan government to launch military operations in Syria. A blank […]
The reality of the East stronger than the colonialists, by Pierre Khalaf
By Ghaleb Kandil The reality of the East stronger than the colonialists The Iraq invasion and occupation war was among the most costly wars for the American empire, as its economic and financial losses were estimated at trillions of dollars, and resulted in the death, wounding and displacement of millions of Iraqis and the fall […]
When Everything You Know Is Not True: Miko Peled Debunking Jewish Myths
Miko Peled is a peace activist who dares to say in public what others still choose to deny. He has credibility, so when he debunks myths that Jews around the world hold with blind loyalty, people listen. Miko was born in Jerusalem in 1961 into a well known Zionist family. His grandfather, Dr. Avraham Katsnelson […]
Removing the Shackles Update Oct 15th: No news here, Keep moving.
As I’m still running on silent mode, there aren’t many details I can give you right now, but that will be changing very soon. Very Very soon. I will say this, regardless of what it looks like in the mainstream media and even most of the alternative media, there is a LOT going on. A […]
Carl Boudreau’s November Sign-by-Sign Astrology Forecast
Something to do when there’s no news… Astrology Forecast for November 2012 FOR EVERYONE ~ High stakes, delicate maneuvers. Soon, we must all make some difficult choices and real risks in order to achieve an important goal. But things have changed. We can now negotiate where the answer used to be “take it or leave […]
Welcome New Readers and Kudos to the Dutch!
Sedona, Arizona Oct 12, 2012 A great number of new readers are following my little blog and I want to humbly welcome you all and congratulate you for your desire to learn as much as possible about the truth of our situation at this most exciting time in Humanity’s history. Drake advised that our brothers […]
Ziggurat structure found on Mars by Italian Researcher
The well-known Italian Mars-researcher Matteo Ianneo has discovered a new geometric structure on Mars, a Ziggurat. Ziggurats were massive structures built in the ancient Mesopotamian valley and western Iranian plateau, having the form of a terraced step pyramid of successively receding stories or levels. Matteo Ianneo has a great portfolio of discoveries which includes human […]