Cracks In Wall Of Capitalism: Zapatistas And Struggle To Decolonize Science Above Photo:Zapatista women taking notes at ConCiencias. Photo credit: David Meek Below images of Mexican revolutionary Emiliano Zapata, and a many-headed hydra consuming humanity, sit two groups. To the right, facing a stage, are approximately 200 delegates of the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN), […]
Posts Tagged ‘zapatistas’
Cracks In Wall Of Capitalism: Zapatistas And Struggle To Decolonize Science
March 2nd, 2018 Awake Goy
Duke University Wants To Arrest 9 Students To Cover Up A Hit-And-Run
April 6th, 2016 Awake Goy
Print Friendly Above Photo: credit to Darbi Griffith of Duke Chronicle Duke University administrators welcomed members of the Class of 2019 to campus in August. One hit-and-run, one cover-up, and a slew of other racial slurs and instances of discrimination later, they’re now surrounding a campus building with police and threatening to arrest some of these […]