Posts Tagged ‘yeshua’

When Yeshua (Jesus) Called Em SHEEP, That Was Not A Term of Endearment!

Zionist (Evangelical) “Christians” just can not wait to vote for Trump. He supports the evil of Israel the Zionist Zombie Virus “christians” are indoctrinated from birth to worship as a god. You “christians do know what Jesus said to do with a pedophile don’t you? Not damn well vote for one and have sexual orgasms […]

What is Really Behind Changing Jesus’ Name to Yeshua

English-speaking devotees in the Hebrew Roots movement eschew the name of Jesus. They replace the name of Jesus with Yahoosha, Yehoshua, Yahshua, Yeshu, and many other variations. One variant for Jesus’ name used by many Hebrew Roots movement adherents is Yeshua. They have been taught that, as a Jew, Jesus’ actual name in Hebrew should […]

Defending the name of JESUS against the Yeshua crowd

Defending the name of JESUS against the Yeshua crowd Views: 10

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