I once was proud of my profession. I spent over 40 years as a clinician, educator, and researcher and for most of that time thought I was engaged in a noble calling. But all that has changed in the last 3 years. Medicine is lost in The Wilderness. There were warning signals, to be sure. […]
Posts Tagged ‘wilderness’
My Husband Died Suddenly in the Wilderness
One early morning on our family vacation, my husband, Rob, left our campsite for a long hike in the backcountry of Mount Rainier National Park. He and his hiking partner set out on the trail excited and energized for the path ahead. Both loved hiking and knew how to do it well. Being in the […]
After a Long Period in the Wilderness Things Are Looking Up for Iran
The recent Iranian presidential election saw the Conservative Ebrahim Raisi elected to power, albeit from a small turnout of Iranian voters of less than 50% of the eligible electorate. Raisi is more conservative than his predecessor Hassan Rouhani, but there is unlikely to be significant changes to Iranian government policy, both foreign and domestic. There […]
Brazil’s Lula in a wilderness of mirrors
March 17, 2021 Still in the legal woods and not daring to project as a revolutionary leader, Lula should nonetheless never be underestimated By Pepe Escobar with permission and first posted at Asia Times A surprising Supreme Court decision that, while not definitive, restores Lula’s political rights has hit Brazil like a semiotic bomb and plunged […]
The Consequences Of Chase & Scatter In The Wilderness
On the night of March 6, 2015, José Cesario Aguilar Esparza and his two nephews were crossing through the US–Mexico borderlands in the desert southeast of Ajo, Arizona when US Border Patrol agents detected their group and began chasing them. During the chase the three men became separated; Border Patrol agents arrested two of them, […]
Former Facebook exec takes off to the wilderness, convinced that robots will take half of humanity’s jobs
A former Facebook executive has quit his job and now lives as a recluse in the wilderness – because he is convinced that machines will take over the world. Antonio Garcia Martinez worked as a project manager for the social media giant in Silicon Valley but became terrified by the relentless march of technology. […]
Mystery ‘Feral’ Man Spotted Walking Naked In the Wilderness – Who Is He?
Many sightings of the man has been reported over the past couple of months. He has drawn attention even from local media. A ‘feral looking’ man has been seen wandering around in nothing but his birthday suit in the hills of Pembrokeshire in Wales. A man by the name Nick Pentecost was in awe and […]
A voice of sanity in the wilderness of the Zio-hystaria over Trump’s efforts to avoid WWIII
Commentary by Dr. Patrick Slattery —While I had the foresight (and luck) to a Trump victory a year before the fact, I never imagined how difficult these Jews would make it for Trump to govern. But what is even more surprising is the way the sheeple-goys have latched on to the Zio-media’s pro-war rationale for […]
Sea lions, beluga whales and Tasmanian Devils suffering from rare cancers likely caused by industrial pollutants, say researchers
(NaturalNews) Although advancements in science are made nearly every day, there is still a lot of mystery surrounding the exact mechanisms of cancer. Now, certain animals that are highly susceptible to cancer are being looked at to help learn more about this baffling and devastating illness. Take, for example, California’s sea lions. Sea […]
62 People Now Own As Much Wealth As Half Of The World’s Population
New research by the charity Oxfam shows the world has grown $67 trillion dollars richer in just 15 years – but that wealth is becoming increasingly concentrated. In 2010, Oxfam calculated that the world had become so unequal that the 388 richest people together owned as much as the poorest 50% of the planet’s population. […]
El Nino covers arid Atacama desert in flowers
Flowers bloom at the Huasco region on the Atacama desert, some 600 km north of Santiago, on November 27, 2015 Here’s a softer side to the disruptive weather phenomenon known as El Nino: an enormous blanket of colorful flowers has carpeted Chile’s Atacama desert, the most arid in the world. The cyclical warming of the […]