Posts Tagged ‘view’

Here’s how secret voice commands in YouTube videos could hijack your smartphone

Kitten videos are harmless, right? Except when they take over your phone. Researchers have found something new to worry about on the internet. It turns out that a muffled voice hidden in an innocuous YouTube video could issue commands to a nearby smartphone without you even knowing it. The researchers describe the threat […]

‘I was wrong in my presumption that Israel desired peace’ –Chas Freeman

The following is an excerpt from Ambassador Chas W. Freeman’s new book America’s Continuing Misadventures in the Middle East. You can listen to his recent podcast on the book with Helena Cobban here.  To be disillusioned, one must first have illusions. Few things have been as disillusioning to partisans of the consolidation of a secure homeland for […]

Turkey PM denies apology to Russia over downed jet

     Prime Minister Binali Yildirim says Turkey has only expressed regrets to Russia over a downed jet in Syria, denying reports of an apology. Yidirim also reversed an earlier offer of compensation to Russia for shooting down one of Moscow’s military jets in November, Turkish media reported on Tuesday. “Compensating Russia is not on the […]

Report Shows DEA Deliberately Blocked Beneficial Science to Perpetuate War on Cannabis

By Claire Bernish 26th June 2016 Though it probably comes as no surprise, a new report confirms the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) systematically thwarted research into both cannabis and MDMA for medicinal use and potential rescheduling. Additionally, the Drug Policy Alliance and Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) found in their report, the federal government […]

Microsoft is KIND Enough to Offer Tracking Software For Your Weed

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group   Microsoft has joined the cannabis train, becoming the first tech giant to venture in the marijuana business with their collaboration with KIND Financial . Speaking about the merger, David Dinenberg, chief executive officer and financial founder of KIND, said: “No one […]

2-Month oil products exports from Hormuzgan ports up 113%

  TEHRAN, June 15 (Shana) – Iran exported 16.7 million tons of oil and non-oil products through transit terminals in the ports of Hormuzgan Province, south of the country, during the first 2 months of the current Iranian calendar year which began on March 20, with oil products’ exports rising 113% year-on-year. Director General of […]

Michio Kaku: ‘This Has To Be An Alien Super Structure!’

Well respected Top Theoretical Physicist Michio Ksku believes that the recent announcement about a potential Alien Super structure being found next to a star “1,500 light years away” could actually be “the biggest story in the past five-hundred years!” He also believes that has to be proof of an advanced Alien civilisation. We recently posted […]

443 stranded Palestinians cross Rafah border

TCP :  A total of 443 Palestinian passengers, including 10 patients, have crossed the Egypt-Gaza border since it re-opened Wednesday to accommodate stranded people on both sides, Youm7 reported  an Egyptian official at the crossing Thursday. (archives) The passengers were stranded in Egyptian Airports waiting for the crossing to open. After the border was re-opened […]

443 stranded Palestinians cross Rafah border

TCP :  A total of 443 Palestinian passengers, including 10 patients, have crossed the Egypt-Gaza border since it re-opened Wednesday to accommodate stranded people on both sides, Youm7 reported  an Egyptian official at the crossing Thursday. (archives) The passengers were stranded in Egyptian Airports waiting for the crossing to open. After the border was re-opened […]

443 stranded Palestinians cross Rafah border

TCP :  A total of 443 Palestinian passengers, including 10 patients, have crossed the Egypt-Gaza border since it re-opened Wednesday to accommodate stranded people on both sides, Youm7 reported  an Egyptian official at the crossing Thursday. (archives) The passengers were stranded in Egyptian Airports waiting for the crossing to open. After the border was re-opened […]

2 journalists jailed in Egypt as world celebrates Press Freedom Day

TCP : On Monday, two journalists were ordered into pre-trial detention for 15 days over a slew of accusations that include attempting to overthrow the regime and disrupt the constitution. Journalists protesting against the storming of the Journalists Syndicate (May 2) Photo by Kareem, Abdul Kareem/Youm7 Amr Badr and Mahmoud el-Sakka, who deny the accusations, […]


Ziad Fadel ALEPPO:  From the very beginning of this conflict in March 2011, the West and its Arabian monkey puppets like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE, aimed to take over a major Syrian city in order to establish a competing power in the country which could challenge the writ of the Damascus central authority.  […]

The legacy of the Lesbian Feminist Seder for the Palestine solidarity movement

What does the Palestinian freedom movement have to do with Passover? The Passover holiday and its accompanying rituals compel participants to recount the story of Exodus, using symbolic foods, singing and reciting prayers, asking scripted and unscripted questions, and telling stories—all of which signify the ancient legend, performed in such a way that the epic […]

Exploding meteor fireball brightens night sky in Albacete, Spain

     This bright exploding meteor turned the night sky into day for a fraction of a second on 31 March 2016. The fireball was filmed over Spain at 2:36am UTC (4:36am local time). The event was produced by the impact of a cometary fragment with the atmosphere at a velocity of about 90.000 km/h. The […]

An Open Letter to the Massachusetts State House… #BDS

An Open Letter to the Massachusetts State House… #BDS From the Massachusetts Freedom to Boycott Coalition “Non violence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding…It is a sword that heals.” – Martin Luther King, Jr., ‘Why We Can’t Wait,’ 1963 The Massachusetts Freedom to Boycott […]

Tourism potential discussed

A 22-strong Iranian delegation traveled to Trabzon in Turkey earlier this week to discuss the tourism potential of Iran’s Ardebil and Zanjan provinces as well as investment opportunities in the Aras and Maku free zones (located in East Azarbaijan and West Azarbaijan respectively). The delegation comprised cultural heritage and tourism officials of the aforementioned provinces […]

Christie Endorsed Trump, But Here What EVERYONE Missed… Look Close

Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey has officially endorsed Donald J. Trump which has lead many to speculate on the possibility of a Trump/Christie ticket. At Friday’s news conference announcing the endorsement, which was peppered with demeaning insults of Mr. Rubio by the two men, Mr. Christie repeatedly attacked Mr. Rubio, calling his behavior at […]

Ukrainian radicals trash offices of Russian banks on anniversary of Maidan protests

The angry mob accused the Russian banks of “financial occupation of Ukraine,” throwing rocks and other foreign objects at the buildings and shattering their windows. The police prevented the radicals from setting the Sberbank office doors on fire, but the attackers managed to get inside the Alfa-Bank office. They trashed the furniture and glass partition […]

Who benefits? TTIP could block Governments from cracking down on tax avoidance, study warns

     A controversial new trade deal between the EU and the United States could make it more difficult to fight tax avoidance, a new report has warned. TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is expected to include provisions to allow multinational corporations to effectively “sue” governments for taking actions that might damage their business. […]

White House declines to say whether it’s behind Facebook gun ban

     The White House on Monday refused to say whether Facebook’s recent decision to ban users from facilitating the sale of guns, parts and ammunition was the result of pressure from the Obama administration. “We welcome this step,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said on Monday, just days after Facebook’s Friday announcement. “We talked about […]

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