Privately-shot video footage has emerged of thousands of nonwhite invaders swarming through the city center of Budapest chanting the Islamic war cry “Allahu Akbar” and shouting “F**k You” at Hungarian police. The events, completely blacked out by the controlled media, reveal clearly the nature of the nonwhite invasion of Europe currently underway, and the […]
Posts Tagged ‘video footage’
SOTT FOCUS: SOTT Earth Changes Summary – August 2015: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs
Comment: Please note that due to planetary/climate chaos increasing month by month, we are now inundated with video footage and must therefore be selective about which events to include. Going forwards, please consider these video summaries mere snapshots of the global picture. Considering that these ‘localized’ events, multiplied many times over, are occurring simultaneously all […]
Yeah, Apparently Russian Troops are Definitely in Syria
Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer September 3, 2015 From Syrian television. These are new vehicles, which would require Russian personnel to operate. It appears that this happening is confirmed. The Telegraph: Russian troops are fighting alongside pro-Assad forces in Syria, state television in Damascus and several reports have claimed. The video footage claimed to show troops and […]
Video Footage: Syrian Arab Army Fighting ISIS at the Ancient Palmyra Quarries
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