Quantum Physics shows that everything in our universe is energy. The particles that form everything are not standing still but are vibrating. This energy in motion vibrates at a certain frequency, which depends on the levels of its energies. In relation, our bodies have their own sonic signatures. Higher signatures mean higher vibration, while lower signatures […]
Posts Tagged ‘vibrate’
5 Easiest Ways To Instantly Raise Your Energy Signature and Vibrate Higher
April 29th, 2018 Awake Goy
Save This & Read It When You Are In A Bad Mood
December 26th, 2015 Awake Goy
For those times when you are feeling down and out because someone bailed on you and you think it’s because they don’t value spending time with you. Or, maybe you got fired from a job or were broken up with and you are doubting your own ability and self as a person. Maybe you got […]