NationofChange remains a vital, ad-free source of progressive news and activism, all thanks to donations from readers like you. Support our transparent, reader-funded journalism with your generous donation. The House Budget Committee, now under Republican control, is convening a critical hearing this Wednesday. The agenda? To scrutinize a proposal to form a fiscal commission focusing […]
Posts Tagged ‘veiled’
Defense minister visits IDF’s long-range attack HQ in veiled threat to Tehran
Defense Minister Benny Gantz visited the Israel Defense Forces unit tasked with conducting operations far beyond the country’s borders on Sunday, reviewing operational plans, his office said, in an apparent threat to Iran. Gantz, who created the Depths Corps in 2012 when he was chief of IDF staff, met with the unit’s commander, Maj. Gen. […]
Jail and execution: Madrid makes veiled threat to Catalan leader by raising predecessor’s fate
“History should not be repeated. Let’s hope that nothing is declared tomorrow because perhaps the one who declares it will end up like the one declared it 83 years ago,” spokesman for Spain’s ruling People’s Party (PP) Pablo Casado said on Monday. The statement came less than 24 hours ahead of Carles Puigdemont’s address to […]
Veiled Woman Assaults Shopkeeper for Selling Lingerie Near Headscarves
A saleswoman in a fashion boutique in Berlin was viciously assaulted by a niqab-wearing woman who objected to lingerie being displayed in the same window as Islamic headscarves. The incident occurred in the Berlin district of Neukölln, known for its high percentage of migrant residents. The niqab-wearing woman raised her objections, but after her demands to remove […]
Oxford Jazz concert-goer violently attacked after veiled threat from UK Jewish organisation
Gilad Atzmon writes: Drummer Will McClure, 73, who attended my concert on the evening of 6 August was subjected to an attack outside the concert by some anti Atzmon hooligans. He was injured in his eye and suffered from shock. A week ago, the Oxford Albion Beatnik Book Shop, which hosted my concert, received a […]
Civil Asset Forfeiture: Jeff Sessions Thinly Veiled Plot To Rob Us Blind
Confiscated cash on display as New York Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly speaks to reporters during a news conference at New York City Police Department. (AP/Mary Altaffer) “Laws are no longer made by a rational process of public discussion; they are made by a process of blackmail and intimidation, and they are executed in the same […]
The Thinly Veiled Trotskyite Neocon Globalism of the Le Pens
Christopher Jon Bjerknes Vladimir Putin and the Trotskyite Neocons created their “global war on terror” by means of the false flag terrorism they engaged in and the international coalitions they promoted to fight against it. Putin scapegoated the Chechens for FSB attacks and called for a global war on terror in 1999. Bush scapegoated Saudi […]
‘Good-looking mom’: Berlusconi ‘flatters’ French PM Macron with thinly-veiled jab at first lady
Speaking at a mayoral candidate’s event in Monza, Italy, on Monday, Berlusconi called Macron a “39-year-old lad, with good work experience under him and most of all with a good-looking mom who has carried him under her arm when he was still a child,” Italian media reported. The former PM did not explicitly mention the […]
Health benefits of Elderberry
The elderberry and flowers are used to make wines, cordials, marmalades, jelly, syrups and medicinals. This wonderful fruit grows in many regions of North America, Europe, Asia and North Africa. The most commonly used variety is the European elderberry (Sambucus nigra), as it offers the most health benefits and is also the only variety […]
Chicago police shoot, kill mother and 19-year-old son during domestic disturbance call
Two people were killed on Chicago’s West Side after a police-involved shooting early Saturday morning. Family members say 57-year-old Bettie Jones, of the 4700 block of W. Erie, was killed. The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office listed Jones’ age as 55. The man was identified as Quintonio Legrier, 19, also of the 4700 block […]
‘The future is going to be Chinese’
From: Matt Wappett said people are often surprised when a 6-foot-2 Caucasian male shows up to talk to them about Confucius. But, as shocking as that is to some, the co-director of the University of Idaho’s Confucius Institute said he has developed a strong connection with China from a lifetime […]